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April 14, 2023

Barangay 171, Malibay Pasay City

Good day!

We are students of Mapúa University who are currently taking the subject Science,
Technology, and Society which discusses how technology can be a help. Science,
Technology, and Society is a subject where we learn how various effects of technologies
affect our life in different aspects. With this, it made us concerned about how would we
be able to help our barangay in just a simple way. We are delighted to have some
recommendations for your establishment, and the whole barangay. Our group member

The COVID-19 has brought challenges in our life. Governments, healthcare

professionals, and citizens worldwide have been fighting the COVID-19 to slow the
spread of the virus and for us to be protected as well. There have been significant
efforts and initiatives to combat the pandemic, there remain gaps and opportunities for
improvement in enforcing minimum health standards.
There are challenges on facing the virus such as lack of accessibility to healthcare and
surveys to see who are the people that are currently experiencing the symptoms of
COVID-19 on some barangays and because of this, our team is planning to implement
a Daily Health Check in our barangay.

In the process, we have come up with one minor solution to lessen the spread of
Covid-19. It is to implement a Daily Health Check. In this matter, every citizen who goes
out and in the barangay would be monitored individually. The barangay will be making a
form, the form can be made through google forms so that every people can access it
easily. Once made, the forms will be spread inside the barangay and each member
aged 7(seven) and above will be taught of how and when to answer the forms. With the
previous mode of learning we have, which is the online class, it would be easier for
children to answer the forms independently since they have an experience with
technology, such as gadgets. After being answered, some selective barangay officials
will manually accumulate those data and store it in a drive (might be an online drive or
hard drive) and save it. The saved data can be used to find the specific person/persons
if ever needed. With this solution, we would be able to effortlessly detect the main
person who can be the primary source of the spread of the virus inside the community.

With the Daily Health Check, we can detect those people who are already experiencing
the symptoms of the virus and by this we can prevent the spread of the virus as early as
possible. Individuals will be prompted to monitor their health status daily and report any
symptoms or exposure to the virus. The Daily Health Check can also increase
awareness and education around the virus and its prevention measures. By prompting
individuals to monitor their health status and report any symptoms or exposure, they are
encouraged to be more mindful of their actions and behaviors, which can help prevent
the spread of the virus. The benefits of the Daily Health Check proposal can have a
significant impact on public health from micro to macro levels. By reducing transmission
rates, increasing awareness and education, and early detection, we can work towards
mitigating the effects of the pandemic and protecting public health.

In conclusion, it is recommended that a daily health checklist system be implemented in

the Barangay as a proactive measure to keep the community safe from COVID-19. This
system involves regularly monitoring symptoms and potential exposure, which allows
individuals to take appropriate actions to prevent the spread of the virus. Moreover, this
initiative fosters a sense of accountability and responsibility among the community
members to contribute towards ensuring everyone's safety. While it may require some
effort and adjustments in daily routines, the potential benefits of implementing such a
system are immeasurable in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and safeguarding the
health of the community. Hence, implementing a daily health checklist system can serve
as an effective tool in combatting the ongoing pandemic. To implement this proposed
project the Barangay officials can take several measures. Firstly, they can launch a
community-wide campaign to raise awareness about the importance of regular health
monitoring and the benefits of the proposed system. They can also provide necessary
resources such as health equipment and informational materials to facilitate the
system's implementation. Additionally, they can work in coordination with healthcare
professionals to train community leaders and volunteers to monitor and implement the
system effectively. The Barangay can help ensure the successful implementation of the
daily health checklist system, thereby safeguarding the community's health from the
threat of COVID-19.

Please feel free to contact us if you require any further details or information:


Paredes, Ralp Daniel P.

Angga, Raizen P.

Dela Vega, John Cielle B,

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