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General Insurance (Conduct, Discipline &Appeal) Rules 1975

Definition of Family: - Self, Spouse, wholly dependent Children, Blood relations of the employee and spouse wholly dependent on the employee. Expectations from employees: (i) Absolute integrity, devotion to duty, not doing anything unbecoming and observing of rules & regulations as also instructions of superiors. (ii) Ensure integrity and devotion to duty of subordinates. (iii) Act with best judgment and in conformity with instructions of superiors. MISCONDUCT: - Theft, fraud or dishonesty within premises, taking or giving bribe or illegal gratifications, unaccounted and disproportionate assets, misrepresentation regarding personal information, acting prejudicial to interest of Company, insubordination or disobedience, unauthorized absence, habitual late or irregular attendance, Neglect or slow down of work, damage to Companys property, interference or tempering of safety devices in office premises, drunkenness or riotous or indecent behavior in office premises, gambling within premises, unauthorized money collection in office, sleeping while on duty, criminal act, absence from place of work, smoking if prohibited, unauthorized purchases and sales of property, machineries and stores etc., action subversive of discipline or good behavior, abetment or attempt at abetment of an act which amounts to misconduct are the instances of misconduct and the list is not exhaustive. What is prohibited under the rules without seeking approval of the Competent Authority: (i) Outside employment. (ii) Part-time work. (iii) Communication directly or indirectly of official document or information to any employee(s) or any person(s) while in service or even after exit from Company.

(iv) Giving evidence before any committee, authority or person and even if permitted shall not criticize Companys/Govts policies. This rule however is not applicable for evidence before enquiries authorized by Company/Govt/ Courts. (v) Participation in politics and standing for elections. No permission for the same can be granted. Even family members are to avoid such act. Voting in an election can however be done without giving any indication as regards the manner of voting. (vi) Participation in demonstrations

(vii) 1. Editing or Managing of any Newspaper or other periodical publication. 2. Participation in Radio / TV Broadcast or contribution of articles to newspaper / periodicals NOTE (a) Permission for imparting insurance education and retention of honorarium can however be granted. (b) Where Radio / TV broadcast or contribution of articles is permitted, 1/3 rd of honorarium or fee received in a year in excess of Rs. 500/will be deposited with the Company. (viii) Acceptance of Gifts from any person other than a near relative or a personal friend having no official dealing with the employee. (ix) Private Trading like insurance agency (including by family members) business, profession, Bank, Coop. Society, Company etc. (x) Speculation in Stocks and Shares etc. (xi) Lending or borrowing of money for commercial purpose and with person having official dealings. (xii) Non- submission of Property Return. (xiii) Absence from Station. (xiv) Canvassing non-official or outside influence

1. Circumstances when an Employee can be Suspended:-

(i) (ii) (iii)

Where disciplinary proceeding is contemplated or is pending Criminal offence Detained in Police custody for period exceeding 48 hours

2. Payment of Subsistence amount during Suspension (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 50 % of Gross monthly emoluments. For period exceeding 6 months it may be 75% at discretion of Competent Authority on merits. Or it may be reduced to 25% if prolongment of period is attributable to the suspended employee. No Subsistence allowance if arrested by Police on Criminal charge and no bail is granted. No LTS but continuation of coverage under Domiciliary and Group Mediclaim Policy/ GSLI subject to recovery of appropriate premium.

3. Treatment of Period of Suspension:-

If honourably acquitted, full pay and allowances with treatment of days as spent on duty and otherwise such percentage as decided by the Competent Authority in which case the period of absence may be debited to Leave Account or not counted as Service but will not constitute break in service. PENALTIES Minor Penalties:(a) (b) (c) (d) Censure Withholding of one or more increments for a specified period Recovery of whole or part of pecuniary loss caused to the Company Reduction to lower stage in the time scale for a period not exceeding three years without cumulative effect.

Major Penalties:(i) (ii) Reduction to a lower post or Scale Withholding of increment(s) permanently

(iii) (iv)

Compulsory retirement, Removal from service which shall not be disqualification for future employment Dismissal

HOWEVER Withholding of increment due to unsatisfactory work record, stagnation in the scale, non-promotion, reversion to lower grade during probation or during officiating, termination during probation as per terms of appointment shall not constitute a penalty. NOTE :- Major Penalty can be imposed only after an inquiry is held and definite charges are framed and communicated to the Charged employee. Due opportunity shall be given to Charged employee to defend the charges. Participants in Enquiry Proceedings:(a) Enquiry Officer as appointed by the Disciplinary Authority. (b) Charge sheeted Employee who shall be treated on duty for the period he spends in participating in the inquiry and also of the period of journey. They are eligible for TA/DHA also as per rules. (c) Presenting Officer appointed by Disciplinary Authority , who presents the Companys case before the inquiry officer. (d) Defence Assistant who defends the charged employees case before the inquiry officer. He is also eligible for TA/DHA etc. However an employee cannot be appointed as defence Assistant from outside the Regional office area and an employee is not permitted to act as defense assistant in more than 2 cases. (e) Prosecution and defence witnesses who are also allowed TA/DHA facility. Note: 1. No. Local conveyance is payable to charged employee /defence assistant. 2. The schedule of the enquiry is required to be conveyed to CVO also in respect of matters/allegations having vigilance angle, which are mainly in financial irregularities matters. 3. The enquiry proceedings against on employee conducted under CDA rules are quasi-judicial in nature. The designated disciplinary/Appellate/ Memorial Authorities should therefore ensure attributes of judicial orders in their decisions. 4. Enquiry report is submitted to the Disciplinary Authority for final decision. After passing of the order the charged employee has an option to prefer an appeal against the order of the Disciplinary Authority to the higher Authorities ( i.e. Appellate / Memorial Authorities ).

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