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Passage 1

Globalization is the process by which economies, cultures, and populations around the world
become more integrated and interdependent. It is driven by advances in technology, transportation
and communication, which have facilitated the flow of people, goods and ideas across national

Globalization has both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, it has led to economic
growth, the spread of new ideas and technologies, and increased cultural exchange. In many parts of
the world, it has also helped reduce poverty and raise living standards.

But globalization has also had negative consequences. This has led to job losses in some sectors, as
companies move production to countries with lower labour costs. It has also contributed to income
inequality and environmental degradation, as companies prioritize profits over sustainability.


1. What is globalization and what are the driving forces behind it?

2. What are some positive aspects of globalization?

3. What are some negative consequences of globalization?

Passage 2

Both alligators and crocodiles are members of the reptilian order Crocodylia. But the families they
belong to, Alligatoridae and Crocodylidae respectively, differ. Often, when people use the word
―crocodile‖ what they really mean is ―crocodilian.‖ This term encompasses not just the common
alligators and crocodiles you might already know, but also the lesser-known Gavialidae family that
contains the lone gavial, or gharial. All told, there are 23 species of crocodilians.

As a group, crocodilians are pretty impressive animals: Their lineage goes back 240 million years,
meaning they‘ve outlived the dinosaurs by a good 65 million years. Ideally suited for life in water
and on land, members of the order can swim up to 20 mph (32 kph) and run up to 11 mph (17.6
kph). They‘re most at home in the water and can hold their breath for up to an hour. Eyes situated
atop their heads enable them to keep a lookout for prey, while their powerful tails swiftly propel
them through the water.

Crocodiles and alligators are top-notch hunters and will eat just about anything they can get their
teeth on, from fish and turtles to monkeys and buffalo. With teeth specialized just for spearing,
neither family even bothers to chew its food - they swallow large chunks or the entire animal whole.
As if that weren‘t scary enough, crocodilians have incredibly powerful senses to detect their prey.
Their eyesight above water is top-notch, and thanks to vertical pupils that can open up extra wide to
let in additional light, they also have keen night vision. And even though you can‘t see their ears,
don‘t be fooled — these small slits are sensitive enough to hear offspring calling from inside their
eggs Even their sense of smell is highly developed due to special organs in their snouts.


1) Complete the following sentences.

a. Alligatoridae, Crocodylia, and Gavialidae are subgroups of the main


b. The …………………….died 65 million years ago.

2) Describe the eating habits of crocodiles.

3) How sharp are the tears of crocodiles?

4) Find words in the passage that mean

a. To drive or push something forward b. The science of classification

c. Descent from the ancestors d. Outstanding

Passage 3

May in Ayemenem is a hot, brooding month. The days are long and humid. The river shrinks and
black crows gorge on bright mangoes in still, dust-green trees. Red bananas ripen. Jackfruits burst.
Dissolute bluebottles hum vacuously in the fruity air.

Then they stun themselves against clear windowpanes and die, fatly baffled in the sun. The nights
are clear but suffused with sloth and sullen expectations.

But by early June the southwest monsoon breaks and there are three months of wind and water with
short spells of sharp, glittering sunshine that thrilled children snatch to play with.

The countryside turns an immodest green. Boundaries blur as tapioca fences take root and bloom.
Brick walls turn moss-green. Pepper vines snake up electric poles. Wild creepers burst through
laterite banks and spilt across the flooded roads. Boats ply in the bazaars. And small fish appear in
the puddles that fill the PWD potholes on the highways. It was raining when Rahel came back to

Slanting silver ropes slammed into loose earth, ploughing it up like gunfire. The old house on the
hill wore its steep, gabled roof pulled over its ears like a low hat. The walls, streaked with moss, had
grown soft and bulged a little with dampness that seeped up from the ground. The wild, overgrown
garden was full of the whisper and scurry of small lives.
In the undergrowth, a rat snake rubbed itself against a glistening stone. Hopeful yellow bullfrogs
cruised the scummy pond for mates. A drenched mongoose flashed across the leaf-strewn driveway.
The house itself looked empty. The doors and windows were locked. The front verandah bare.

But the sky blue Plymouth with chrome tail fins was still parked outside, and inside, Baby
Kochamma was still alive. She was Rahel‘s baby grandaunt, her grandfather‘s younger sister. Her
name was really Navomi, Navomi Ipe, but everybody called her Baby. She became Baby
Kochamma when she was old enough to be an aunt. Rahel hadn‘t come to see her, though.

Neither niece nor baby grandaunt laboured under any illusions on that account. Rahel had come to
see her brother, Estha. They were two-egg twins. ―Dizygotic‘ doctors called them. Born from
separate but simultaneously fertilized eggs. Estha Esthappen-was the older by 18 minutes.


1. What happens to the river in May in Ayemenem?

2. What happens when the southwest monsoon breaks in early June?

3. What happens to the countryside when it rains in Ayemenem?

4. Who is Baby Kochamma?

5. Who did Rahel come to see in Ayemenem?

Passage 4

Education is an essential part of our life. It not only helps us acquire knowledge and skills but also
helps in building our character and values. Education plays an important role in our personal and
professional development and is an investment in our future.

Education is an essential part of our life. It not only helps us acquire knowledge and skills but also
helps in building our character and values. Education plays an important role in our personal and
professional development and is an investment in our future.

Education has many benefits. It helps us understand the world around us and think critically and
creatively. It also gives us the skills we need to succeed in the workforce and contribute to our
communities Education can open up new opportunities and give us a sense of accomplishment and

Additionally, education helps promote equality and social mobility. It gives individuals the tools
and knowledge they need to rise out of poverty and achieve their full potential. Education is also a
key factor in reducing discrimination and promoting understanding and tolerance between different
cultures and groups.

In short, education is an important part of our lives and has the power to transform individuals and
1. What is the importance of education in our lives?

2. Write some benefits of education.

3. How does education promote equality and social mobility?

4. How can education change individuals and communities?

Passages 5

About a hundred years ago, whenever an operation was performed, the patient would cry out in
agony because he felt the surgeon cut his flesh. But now serious operations are performed without
pain, and thousands of lives are saved. James Simpson was the first to discover and use the pain-
killing power of chloroform. James was born into a poor family. So in his childhood, he not only
helped his father on holidays but also helped the village doctor.

But he was horrified by the dire suffering of the people who came to the hospital for treatment. He
now made it his life‘s mission to find new inventions that would prevent so much pain. Simpson did
many experiments and finally discovered chloroform. Now the patient is not afraid of the operation.

Questions and Answers

(a) Who discovered the pain-killing power of chloroform?

(b) What was James Simpson‘s childhood like?

(c) What motivated James Simpson to find new inventions to prevent the pain?

(d) What did James Simpson finally discover?

(e) How did the discovery of chloroform impact surgery?

Dialogue Writing

Complete the following Dialogues

1. Megha calls up Rajat to make a plan for New years. Complete the dialogue between Megha and
Rajat by filling in the gaps.
Megha : (i) ………………….. this New year?

Rajat: I don‘t have any plans.

Megha: How do you like the idea (ii) …………………. the Sapna‘s party?

Rajat: That sounds fantastic, But I (iii) ………………….my parent‘s permission.

Megha: I‘ll come to your house this evening and request your parents to allow you to join me to go
to a party.
Rajat: Ok. Megha : (iv) …………………….. in the evening? Rajat: Yes. They will be at home.
Rohit: Then I‘ll surely come.
Active and passive voice worksheet

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate passive or active verb form.

1. My sister ……………. a baby girl yesterday.

a) delivered b) was delivered c) has delivered

2. The girl ………………….. by Caesarian section.

a) delivered b) was delivered c) had delivered

3. I ………………….. over the documents to him.

a) have been handed b) have handed c) am handed

4. Rohan ………………… to the party.

a) wasn‘t invited b) hasn‘t invited c) wasn‘t been invited

5. He …………………… in the supernatural.

a) has always interested b) was always interesting c) has always been interested

6. They ……………. him because he was always late for work.

a) sacked b) had been sacked c) have sacked

7. He ………………… me of stealing his flowers.

a) accused b) was accused c) has been accused

8. She ………………… to repeat the whole story.

a) made b) was made c) has made

9. The monument …………………….

a) is decorating b) is being decorated c) has decorated

10. She ………………… for the test since last month.

a) has prepared b) has been preparing c) is preparing


தலலப்பு : 1. கீ ழடி அகழாய்வில் கிலைத்த ப ாருட்கள் ற்றிய

பெய்திகலளப் ைங்களுைன் விளக்குக.
தலலப்பு: 2. ப ண் கல்வி முன்னேற்றத்திற்கு உலழத்தவர்கள் ற்றிய
பெய்திகலள ைங்களுைன் விளக்குக.
* பகாடுக்கப் ட்டுள்ள இரண்டு தலலப்புகளிலும் ஒப் லைப்புகலள தயார்
பெய்தல் னவண்டும்.
*ஒப் லைப் ாேது த்து க்கங்களுக்கு மிகாமல் இருக்க னவண்டும்.
*ஒப் லைப் ின் இைப் க்கத்தில் ைங்களும் வலப் க்கத்தில் விளக்கக்
குறிப்புகளும் இைம் ப றுதல் னவண்டும்
* ஒப் லைப் ாேது எழுத்துப் ிலழகள் இன்றி அழகாக, பதளிவாேதாக
அலமதல் னவண்டும்
*னகாலை விடுமுலற முடிந்து ள்ளிக்கு வரும் முதல் நாளில்
ஒப் லைப்புகலள ெமர்ப் ிக்கப் ை னவண்டும்.


Assignment - Lekhan

1. Anuched Lekhan - 5

2. Pathra Lekhan -5

3. Samvad Lekhan - 5

4. Chitra Lekhan -5


1. Explain each of the following in form where p and q are integers, where q 0

(i) 0.6757575…. (ii) 0.3222…. (iii) 0.123123123….

(iv) 0.003523232…. (v) 4.32 (vi) 2.317317317…….
2. Find two irrational numbers and rational numbers between 0.5 and 0.55
3. Rationalise the denominator:
√ √ √ √ √
(i) (ii) (iii)
√ √ √ √
4. Simplify: (i) 3√ - √ +√ (ii) √ +√ (iii) (√ + 2) (√ – 2) (iv) (√ + √ (6 + √
5. Give an example of each of the two irrational numbers, whose
(i) difference is a rational number (v) difference is an irrational number
(ii) difference is an irrational number (vi) product is an irrational number
(iii) sum is a rational numbers (vii) quotient is a rational number
(iv) sum is an irrational number (viii) quotient is an irrational number
6. Without actual division decide which of following rational numbers have terminating decimal

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

7. Examine whether the following numbers are rational or irrational

8. Find two irrational number between and

9. Simplify :



1. Before doing the work, ensure that you meet a farmer either your relatives or from your
surrounding and ask them about fertilizers, its uses and its outcomes , also try to find out the
applications of chemistry in the field of agriculture. [Attach the photo of the farmer whom you
met in his field]
i. Define fertilizers.

ii. What is the role of fertilizers in the crop productivity?

iii. What are the essential nutrients that are necessary for the crops to grow?


2. Before doing this work, do seek help from your elders, seniors or relatives in the field of
and try to figure out the applications of chemistry in the field of medicine.
i. Why do we use medicines?

ii. What is analgesic medication?

iii. Name some of the common medicines and its uses.


3. With the help of the text book answer the following questions:

i. Study what diffusion is and try to explain how diffusion changes with change in temperature.
explain the diffusion of gases, liquids and solids with your day to day examples.
ii. Study and list out the first 18 elements of the periodic table without changing their order and its

1. A particle is moving in a circle of diameter 5m. Calculate the distance covered and the
displacement. When it completes 3 revolution?
2. A body thrown vertically upward reaches a maximum height 'h'. It then returns to ground.
Calculate the distance travelled and the displacement.
3. A body travels a distance of 15m from A to B and then moves a distance of 20m at right angles
to AB. Calculate the total distance travelled and the displacement.
4. In a long distance race, the athletics were expected to take four rounds of the track such that the
line of finish was same as the line of start. Suppose the length of the track was 200m.
a. What is the total distance to be covered by the athletics?
b. What is the displacement of the athletics when they touch the finish line?
c. Is the motion of the athletics uniform or not uniform?
d. Is the displacement of an athletic and the distance coveted by him at the end of the race equal?
5. Amit is moving in his car with velocity of 45km/hr. How much distance will he cover (a) In 1
minute and (b) In 1 second.
6. An electric train is moving with a velocity of 120km/hr. How much distance will it move in
7. The length of minutes hand of a clock is 5 cm. Calculate it's speed.
8. A particle is moving up an inclined plane. It's velocity changes from 15m/s to 10m/s in two
seconds. What is it's acceleration?
9. Define scalar snd vector quantity and give 10 examples for each.
10. Case study question:
Distance and displacement are two quantities that seem to mean the same but are different with
different meanings and definitions. Distance is the measure of " How much distance an object has
covered during it's motion". While displacement refers to the measure of " How far the object
actually from initial place". Using this data answer following questions.
i) Which of the following relation is always true when object moves in straight line
(a) distance is always equal to displacement
(b) distance is always greater than (or) equal to displacement
(c) distance is always lesser than (or) equal to displacement
(d) none of the above
ii) Kapil travels 20km to North but then come back to South for 40km to pick up a friend. What is
kapils total distance?
(a) 60km (b) 80km (c) 20km (d) none of the above
iii) Rahul travels 2pkm to East but then come back to West for 10 km. Find displacement.
(a) 30km (b) 20km (c) 10km (d) None of the above
iv) Define distance and displacement of particle.
v) Write difference between distance and displacement.
1. Which part of the cell is called the brain of the cell
2. Which structure do the Cork sales resemble as observed by Robert Hooke?
3. Who observe the cell for the first time and when?
4. Define cell what does it mean in Latin?
5. Name the largest cell of the human body.
6. Name two unicellular animals.
7. Name the nucleic acid present in the cell
8. What is the full form of RNA and DNA?
9. What are chromosomes made of?
10. What is the chemical composition of cell wall in plants and fungi respectively?
11. What is a nucleoid?
12. What is the role of smooth endoplasmic reticulum in the liver cells of vertebrate animals?
13. Name the processes by which carbon dioxide and water move into and out of the cell.
14. When you living plant cell losses water through osmosis there is contraction of the contents of
the cell away from the cell wall what is the phenomenon called?
15. Name the cell organelle responsible for intracellular transport.
16. Give differences between plant cell and animal cell with well labelled diagram


1. (I) Answer in one word

1. In which book Rousseau mention the idea of one person one vote?

2. Who wrote the spirit of law?

3. Who was the king of France when revolution began?

4. What form of government was in practice in France 1789?

5. When did the French revolution break?

6. Who represented the third estate?

7. Where was the National Assembly busy?

8. Who was Mirabeau?

9. Who were denied entry to the assembly?

10. What rumour spread in countryside from village to village?

II. Collect the picture of

Louis XVI

Marie Antoinette

The Tennis Court

2. (I) Timeline

1. 1774

2. 5th may 1789

3. 14th July 1789

4. 20th June 1789

5. 4th August 1789

6. 26th August 1789

7. 1791

8. 21st September 1792

II. Collect the pictures of Political symbols of French revolution and define the term. Paste the
picture in A4 Sheet
3. Keywords
1. Livre 2. Clergy 3. Tithe 4. Taille 5. Subsistence Crisis
6. Anonymous 7. Chateau 8. Manor 9. Convent 10. Treason


India size and location

1. Answer the following questions : (Write in A4 sheet)

1. Which country is considered one of ancient civilizations in the world?

2. In what way, India got remarkable progress?

3. Where, India is located in the world?

4. Mention the latitudes and longitudes of India's extent?

5. Which one divides India into two equal parts?

6. Which are the two island groups belong to our country?

7. In 2004, during the Tsunami which area got submerged under the sea water?

8. How many kilometers the landmass of India?

9. Mention the total geographical area of India?

10. What is the position of India?

11. How many kilometers of India's coastline?

12. Mention the boundaries of North, South, East and West of India.

13. How many hours, the time lag of India between Gujarat to Arunachal pradesh?

14. The Standard Meridian time of India passes through ____________________.

15. Which routes connect the countries of Europe into West and the countries of East Asia provide a
strategic central location to India?
16. For the Trading purpose, when was Suez Canal opened?

17. Which is the first largest country in the world?

18. What is the Seventh largest country in the world?

19. How many kilometers is extended from Kashmir to Kanyakumari?

20. How many kilometers is extended from Gujarat to Arunachal pradesh?

2. Topic : Natural Vegetation

Activity: To make use of the colourful chart to create an album about the topic of ‗Different

types of vegetation found in India‘.

3. Activity:

Using A4 sheet to write the elaborate content about the ‘National Population Policy – 2000’.

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