Peperiksaan Bahasa Inggeris KSSR Kertas 1 Tahun 2

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Section A

Read the words.

Write 1 for parts of the body ; and

2 for animals in the circles provided.

Then group the words in the tables below.


[ / 8marks]
A. Fill in the missing letters.

[ / 10marks]
B. Rearrange words to form sentences. Write.

1. flowers Roses beautiful are


2. A rose thorns has sharp


3. rose A stalk has long a


4. smell rose sweet A has a


[ / 4marks]
C. Write these sentences. Use capital letters, question marks (?) or full
stop (.) correctly.

1. harry hippo is a big animal


2. harry hippo lives in the river


3. harry hippo has a lot of friends


4. do you know where to find harry hippo


[ / 4marks]
D. Match.

give clothes donate money

sell old newspapers collect donations

visit the sick put up posters

[ / 6marks]
E. Put a () or a ().

1. I must uses less water. ( )

I must use less water. ( )

2. You should wash the vegetables in a basin of water. ( )

You should washes the vegetables in a basin of water. ( )

3. I must not waste water. ( )

I must not wastes water. ( )

4. We should mops the floor with rainwater. ( )

We should mop the floor with rainwater. ( )

5. You should water the plants with a watering can. ( )

You should waters the plants with a watering can. ( )

6. I must collect rainwater. ( )

I must collects rainwater. ( )

7. You must turns off the tap while brushing your teeth. ( )

You must turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. ( )

[ / 14marks]
F. Read. Answer the questions.
Plastic bags are very dangerous for sea animals. When plastic bags
float in the sea, many sea animals think the plastic bags are jellyfish.
The animals eat the bags. Then they get sick and die. Thousands of
turtles, dolphins, whales and penguins die because of this.
Some sea animals do not eat plastic bags. However, they get stuck
in the plastic bags. They cannot swim properly. They cannot look for
food and so they die. Some sea animals cannot breathe because they
are caught in plastic bags.
So we cannot throw plastic bags on the beach or in the sea. Use
cloth bags to carry things. Use food containers.

1. What is dangerous for sea animals?

A. Paper bags B. Plastic bags

2. What do the sea animals think plastic bags look like?

A. Whales B. Jellyfish

3. What do the sea animals do to the plastic bags?

A. They eat the plastic bags.
B. They play with the plastic bags.

4. What does the author ask us to do?

A. Use paper bags B. Use cloth bags

[ / 4marks]

-End Of Questions-

All the Best !

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