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Has This Prepubertal Girl Been Sexually Abused?

Molly Curtin Berkoff; Adam J. Zolotor; Kathi L. Makoroff; et al.

JAMA. 2008;300(23):2779-2792 (doi:10.1001/jama.2008.827)
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Has This Prepubertal Girl Been

Sexually Abused?
Molly Curtin Berkoff, MD, MPH Context The legal and social sequelae of interpreting genital findings as indicative
Adam J. Zolotor, MD, MPH of sexual abuse are significant. While the absence of genital trauma does not rule out
sexual abuse, the physical examination can identify genital findings compatible with
Kathi L. Makoroff, MD
sexual abuse.
Jonathan D. Thackeray, MD
Objectives To determine the diagnostic utility of the genital examination in prepu-
Robert A. Shapiro, MD bertal girls for identifying nonacute sexual abuse.
Desmond K. Runyan, MD, DrPH Data Sources Published articles (1966-October 2008) that appeared in the MEDLINE
database and were indexed under the search terms of child abuse, sexual or child abuse
CLINICAL SCENARIOS and either physical examination; genitalia; female, diagnosis; or sensitivity and speci-
Case 1 ficity; and bibliographies of retrieved articles and textbooks.
A 6-year-old girl is brought to the Study Selection Three of the authors independently reviewed titles of articles ob-
emergency department by her tained from MEDLINE and selected articles for full-text review.
mother. The mother states her child Data Extraction Two authors independently abstracted data to calculate sensitiv-
said a male babysitter “touched her” ity, specificity, and likelihood ratios for the diagnosis of nonacute genital trauma caused
in the genital area. The mother by sexual abuse in prepubertal girls.
reported the case to the police and Results Data were not pooled due to study heterogeneity. The presence of vaginal
was advised to bring the child to the discharge (positive likelihood ratio, 2.7; 95% confidence interval, 1.2-6.0) indicates
emergency department for a medical an increased likelihood of sexual abuse. In the posterior hymen, hymenal transec-
tions, deep notches, and perforations prompt concerns for genital trauma from sexual
examination. No behavioral problems
abuse, but the sensitivity is unknown. Without a history of genital trauma from sexual
were reported. The emergency depart- abuse, the majority of prepubertal girls will not have a hymenal transection (specific-
ment nurse asked the child why she ity close to 100%).
thought her mother brought her to
Conclusions Vaginal discharge as well as posterior hymenal transections, deep notches,
the hospital, and the child reported and perforations raise the suspicion for sexual abuse in a prepubertal girl, but the find-
because of “what happened” with the ings do not independently confirm the diagnosis. Given the broad 95% confidence
babysitter. No further details were intervals around the likelihood ratios for the presence of findings along with the low
obtained. On physical examination or unknown sensitivity of all physical examination findings evaluated, the physical ex-
she is sexual maturity rating 1. You amination cannot independently confirm or exclude nonacute sexual abuse as the cause
note mild erythema of the inner of genital trauma in prepubertal girls.
aspect of the labia minora. The hymen JAMA. 2008;300(23):2779-2792
is well visualized and appears normal.
There is no bleeding, discharge, or Case 2
Author Affiliations: Division of General Pediatrics (Drs
Berkoff and Runyan) and Department of Family Medi-
lesions seen around the genitalia or An 18-month-old girl is brought to her cine (Dr Zolotor), University of North Carolina, Chapel
anus. There are no other concerning pediatrician’s office. Her family has Hill; Center for Safe and Healthy Children, Cincinnati
Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
examination findings. Is the lack of noted blood in her diaper 1 week prior (Drs Makoroff and Shapiro); and Center for Child and
findings reassuring? to the appointment. There is no his- Family Advocacy, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Co-
lumbus, Ohio (Dr Thackeray).
tory of trauma and no known explana- Corresponding Author: Molly Curtin Berkoff, MD,
tion for the bleeding. On physical ex- MPH, Division of General Pediatrics, University of North
See also 2796. Carolina, 231 MacNider, CB #7225, Chapel Hill, NC
amination the child is crying but is 27599 (
CME available online at easily calmed by her mother after the The Rational Clinical Examination Section Editors: David examination. The only significant find- L. Simel, MD, MHS, Durham Veterans Affairs Medical
and questions on p 2807. Center and Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
ing is a separation or interruption (pos- NC; Drummond Rennie, MD, Deputy Editor, JAMA.

©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, December 17, 2008—Vol 300, No. 23 2779

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throughout childhood was 11/1000 after the abuse; the hymen and sur-
Box 1. Suggested Behavioral (1.1%). Within the year prior to the sur- rounding tissues heal rapidly, often
Questions19 vey, the same frequency (1.1%) of chil- leaving no signs of healed trauma.9-12 Fi-
Does your child have difficulty with dren had been touched in a sexual way nally, penetration may have occurred
the following symptoms? or had been made to touch an adult or without causing physical injury.
an older child. These results were simi- The legal and social sequelae of in-
Headaches lar to those obtained in a Gallup poll of terpreting a physical examination find-
Stomachaches child discipline and thus serve as an ing as indicative or suggestive of sexual
Sleeping (falling asleep, staying anchor for estimating the pretest prob- abuse are significant. Children with find-
asleep, nightmares) ability (1%) that a child has been sexu- ings indicating sexual abuse may be re-
Appetite ally abused.3 However, it is important to moved from their family, the suspected
School performance note that some surveys of adult women abuser may be incarcerated, and/or the
Anger or aggression
indicate a history of sexual abuse children may be stigmatized by their
approaching 25%.4 family and community. Therefore, it is
Sexualized behaviors (this can in-
The evaluation of children for sex- extremely important that the examiner
clude masturbating frequently, act-
ing out sexually with their peers,
ual abuse involves a careful and time- correctly identify abnormalities on the
touching other people’s genitalia, consuming assessment. Each case physical examination and relay the in-
showing their own genitalia) requires a thorough history with par- terpretation of these findings as well as
Unusual fears
ticular attention to recent behavioral their significance to the appropriate au-
problems and a complete physical exami- thorities (department of social services
Depression (such as crying easily)
nation. Families may present with con- or child protection services, law enforce-
Unusual behaviors cerns that need immediate evaluation or ment, and clinicians).
Changes in bowel or bladder habits concerns for sexual abuse may arise dur- Correctly interpreting the signifi-
ing an examination for a seemingly unre- cance of a normal examination in the
lated issue. However, for complicated presence of a history of sexual abuse also
cases it may be useful to identify the local is important. A completely normal ex-
sible transection) of the posterior hy- or regional child abuse specialist; in 2009, amination does not exclude abuse and
men that appears to extend to the base the first child abuse pediatrics specialty is the most frequent examination find-
of the hymen. The source of the bleed- examination is to be administered by the ing in children who have been sexually
ing is not apparent. What is the chance American Board of Pediatrics. abused.7,8,13,14 Sexually abused children
that this is a normal finding? Among children who recently have with an unremarkable physical exami-
been sexually abused (ⱕ72 hours) and nation may be left to suffer ongoing
WHY PERFORM A PHYSICAL have had forensic evidence collected, abuse or judged to be lying if the nor-
EXAMINATION FOR SEXUAL up to 25% may have evidence of acute mal examination is incorrectly inter-
ABUSE ACUTELY? anogenital injury.5 A referral for an im- preted as having ruled out sexual abuse.
In 2005, more than 80 000 children in mediate examination should be made The misinterpretation of examination
the United States were sexually abused when (1) there is the possibility of acute findings may have significant conse-
and their cases were confirmed (sub- trauma, (2) the child needs an evalua- quences for the child’s mental health, re-
stantiated) by child protective services.1 tion for a symptom or illness, (3) emer- lationships with family and friends, and
This number likely underestimates the gency prophylaxis against infection is protection against ongoing abuse.
problem because it includes only inci- indicated, or (4) forensic evidence must Recent publications describe the nec-
dents of sexual abuse brought to the be collected, typically within 72 hours essary components of a sexual abuse
attention of a mandated reporter, those of an acute event of sexual abuse.6 evaluation in children and recommend
determined to have enough evidence for When looking at the prevalence of an approach to interpreting physical
substantiation, and because most states significant physical findings in non- findings in suspected child sexual
only include abuse by caregivers. A popu- acute examinations, case-series re- abuse.6,15,16 These guidelines suggest
lation survey of North Carolina and South ports note that 95% of children with a there are few nonacute physical exami-
Carolina mothers suggests that official history of sexual abuse will have unre- nation findings that support a disclo-
statistics may grossly underestimate the markable physical examinations.7,8 For sure of child sexual abuse. However, the
true incidence. 2 In this computer- some children, sexual abuse may not diagnostic utility of these nonacute find-
assisted, anonymous, telephone survey have involved complete penetration; for ings is not well described. We con-
of 1435 mothers, while no mother example, it may have only involved fon- ducted a systematic review of the litera-
reported her child had been forced to dling or genital-genital contact. Fur- ture on the diagnostic utility of nonacute
have sex with an adult or older child in thermore, many children do not dis- physical examination findings for iden-
the previous year, the prevalence close a history of sexual abuse until long tifying sexual abuse in prepubertal girls.
2780 JAMA, December 17, 2008—Vol 300, No. 23 (Reprinted) ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Our review focused solely on genital and/or assault. The focus should be a the interview of young children are de-
findings; it did not include anal or oral brief assessment with good documen- tailed in experts’ recommendations.18
findings or review the precision and ac- tation, which should include quotes of The caregiver should be asked to de-
curacy of history or laboratory tests what was said. scribe the context of the child’s disclo-
(such as tests for sexually transmitted For examiners not skilled with the in- sure, including if the disclosure was
infections [STIs] or seminal fluid). terviewing of young children, a limited spontaneous or was facilitated by the
set of questions should be used includ- caregiver. As with any medical history,
Taking a History ing open-ended questions (such as “Tell a complete history and review of sys-
A clinician may have concerns from the me more” or “I understand someone is tems should be included. The history
clinical history that a child has been worried about you, can you tell me about should include questions focusing on any
sexually abused. Clinicians who care for that”). The examiner should avoid the new behavioral symptoms and any new
children must have a strategy for ap- use of yes or no questions.6,17 Extended medical symptoms of the child, includ-
proaching both the patient and adults interviews of children younger than 3 ing questions about genitourinary and
accompanying the child. When obtain- years are not likely to be useful. Care gastrointestinal tract symptoms. Sug-
ing a history for possible child sexual should be made to avoid multiple inter- gested behavioral questions are listed in
abuse, the clinician should attempt to views by different medical personnel. BOX 1. These questions are not meant
interview the caregiver and the child Consideration should be made to refer to be used as a general screening for
separately. This is especially impor- a child for an interview by a profes- child sexual abuse. Instead, they are
tant if the caregiver reports the child has sional experienced in the evaluation of questions that may assist with formu-
made a disclosure of sexual abuse child sexual abuse. Further specifics of lating a review of systems when con-

Figure 1. Positions and Techniques for Examination of Genitalia in Prepubertal Girls

A Supine frog-leg or butterfly position B Knee-chest position

Labial separation

Labial traction

Two examination positions commonly used are the supine frog-leg or butterfly position and the knee-chest position. When findings are abnormal or concerning in the
supine position, the examination should be repeated in the knee-chest position to provide additional certainty or clarification. The knee-chest position provides greater
visibility of genital structures because gravity may unfold the hymenal tissue. The positions in which findings are observed should be recorded. A, In supine position, the
child is examined supine on the examination table or alternatively, sitting on the lap of a trusted adult. Labial separation (performed first) helps the examiner get an
initial view of the genital structures. Labial traction permits a complete view of the genital structures. B, To view the genital structures in the knee-chest position, the
examiner holds the buttocks apart by pressing laterally and upward.

©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, December 17, 2008—Vol 300, No. 23 2781

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cerns of child sexual abuse have been ist to assess children’s sexualized behav- tion obtained from the caregiver inter-
raised. It is important to try to estab- iors, language skills, and unusual behav- view (including an exploration of be-
lish a history of onset for any positive iors.20 These specific screenings may be havioral problems), child interview, and
responses because they may help for- helpful to support a diagnosis of sexual the physical examination of the child.6,20
mulate a differential diagnosis. A posi- abuse. While not typically recom-
tive response should be explored to ob- mended for use in the general patient Performing a Physical Examination
tain details of symptoms and associated population, they are tools that can be A complete physical examination is en-
findings. used by an examiner specifically trained couraged for many reasons. Sexual abuse
At present there are no screening tools in interviewing children. In the clinical may involve oral penetration or trauma
for making a diagnosis of child sexual setting of child sexual abuse diagnosis, in addition to genital and anal contact.
abuse. However, specific screenings ex- the screenings augment the informa- Because a child who is sexually abused

Figure 2. Female Prepubertal Genital Anatomy

A Normal prepubertal female genitalia B Normal anatomical variations in hymenal openings

Crescentic Annular

Labia majora

Urethral opening
Labia minora

Hymenal membrane
Hymenal opening

Fossa navicularis
(vestibular fossa)

Posterior fourchette
(frenulum of labia)


Posterior hymenal rim

C Comparison between clinical appearance of normal prepubertal and pubertal hymenal membranes
Prepubertal Pubertal


Hymenal Hymenal
membrane membrane

A, Inset, The region defined as the posterior hymenal rim, between 4 and 8 o’clock, is shaded blue. B, There is a range of normal anatomical variations in hymenal
openings. Crescentic and annular are 2 of the most common shapes. C, The photographs illustrate the range of normal prepubertal hymenal membranes. In most
children, the hymen becomes thicker and more redundant during puberty.

2782 JAMA, December 17, 2008—Vol 300, No. 23 (Reprinted) ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Figure 3. Hymenal Membrane Characteristics


Horizontal diameter of hymenal opening Clock-face diagram


9 3
Width of hymenal tissue from edge of the hymen
to the muscular portion of the vaginal introitus at 6
3, 6, and 9 o’clock.

Clinical signs Definition

Notch Indentation on the edge of the hymenal

membrane. A notch may be angular Deep notch
(v-shaped) or curved (u-shaped).

Superficial Notch extending <50% of width of hymen

Deep Notch extending >50% of width of hymen

notch Deep
notch Photo obtained in knee-chest position

Transection A tear (separation or interruption)

through the entire width of the hymenal
membrane extending to or through its
attachment to the vaginal wall

Transection Transection

Perforationa A hole or opening in the hymenal membrane

that is separate from the hymenal opening


When considering the possibility of sexual abuse during an examination, the examiner should document pertinent positive and negative findings. In addition to the
clinical signs depicted in the figure, other possible findings include prominent hymenal vessels, bumps, tags, longitudinal intravaginal ridge, external ridge, periurethral
bands, or vestibular bands.
aPerforation is a finding reported from Berenson et al.28 Perforation of the hymen is not a finding commonly discussed in the literature.

©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, December 17, 2008—Vol 300, No. 23 2783

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Many studies have demonstrated poor

Figure 4. Study Selection Process
correlation in genital examination inter-
1525 Articles identified in
pretation between experienced and in-
MEDLINE searches experienced examiners.25,26 Inexperi-
enced examiners should have abnormal
1121 Excluded (no original data on
evaluation of physical examination
findings confirmed by an experienced ex-
findings in prepubertal girls) aminer. When possible, all genital find-
ings should be photodocumented. Be-
404 Potentially eligible 98 Articles identified in alternative search fore photodocumenting, the examiner
92 Reference lists of included articles must be mindful of the specific allega-
6 Textbook references tions because child pornography is a
form of child sexual abuse, which some
children may have been experienced. Ex-
502 Full-text articles and book
chapters reviewed aminers performing photodocumenta-
tion for evidentiary purposes might need
430 Excluded (did not meet inclusion criteria) to obtain consent from caregivers and as-
sent from children.
72 Met inclusion criteria
Testing for STIs
61 Excluded The US Centers for Disease Control and
44 Reference standard not used or
physical finding used in reference Prevention has guidelines for STI test-
9 Unable to determine examination
ing in cases of suspected sexual abuse,
methods or definition of findings which include when to test for human
6 Unable to separate by pubertal status
2 Study only available in abstract form
immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and
C, and syphilis. 27 In addition, the
11 Studies included in analysis
American Academy of Pediatrics has
recommendations for when to test pre-
pubertal children for STIs.6 When con-
also may experience other forms of used in the prepubertal female genital sidering the diagnosis of sexual abuse,
trauma such as physical abuse and ne- examination. The examiner should in- if vaginal discharge is present the evalu-
glect, a complete physical examination spect the genitalia (FIGURE 2) for any ation should include tests for Neisse-
may reveal bite marks, burns, bruises, signs of lesions, discharge, trauma (such ria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachoma-
or patterned injuries. Studies have sug- as bruising), or scarring. The child’s tis, and Trichomonas vaginalis from the
gested that children who experience sexual maturity rating also should be vagina and not the cervix because vagi-
maltreatment may have unmet medical noted.23 To examine the hymen, the ex- nal samples are adequate for STI test-
needs such as untreated dental caries,21 aminer separates the labia majora by ap- ing in prepubertal girls.6 Infection in
which will be recognized only after a plying traction. By gently grasping the prepubertal girls causes vaginitis, not
complete physical examination. A com- labia bilaterally between the thumb cervicitis. Specimens therefore are ob-
plete physical examination also helps to and forefinger and then pulling gently tained from the vaginal vault or just
deemphasize the genital examination, outward and downward, the hymenal proximal to the hymen. Avoiding di-
which may be an awkward examina- tissue and vaginal opening should be rect contact with the hymenal tissue is
tion for the child. Finally, a genital ex- completely visualized without causing important because this is an area very
amination may be viewed by some chil- discomfort. If findings appear concern- sensitive to touch in most prepubertal
dren as therapeutic.22 ing or abnormal, the examination should girls. Confirmatory testing is almost al-
be repeated in the knee-chest position ways indicated to exclude false-
Examination Positions (Figure 1B) to provide additional cer- positive test results. Current studies are
There are 2 examination positions com- tainty to the findings noted in the stan- evaluating the characteristics of nucleic
monly used in child sexual abuse. The dard, supine position. The knee-chest amplification tests in prepubertal girls,
first position is referred to as the su- position permits far greater visibility of but cultures are considered the cur-
pine, frog-leg or butterfly position the vagina because gravity may unfold rent criterion standard. Presumptive
(FIGURE 1A). hymenaltissuetoclarifyconcerningfind- treatment for gonorrhea and chla-
In this position, the child is asked to ings from the supine view.24 The child mydia is not recommended for the pre-
bend her knees and place the bottoms kneels in a prone position on the exami- pubertal patient due to the low inci-
of her feet together while abducting her nation table and places her head and dence in these patients, the low risk of
legs. Neither a speculum nor stirrups are chest onto the examination table.6 ascending infection, and the frequent
2784 JAMA, December 17, 2008—Vol 300, No. 23 (Reprinted) ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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need for confirmatory testing. Human (added beginning in 1987). These main
immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis Medical Subject Headings were com- Box 2. Criteria for
B prophylaxis, when indicated, are both bined with the following terms: sensi- Determining Quality Score
exceptions to this recommendation. tivity and specificity; genitalia, female; Level 1
The presence of an STI does not al- physical examination; and diagnosis.
Independent, blind comparison of
ways mean a child was sexually abused. Both searches were limited to articles physical examination findings with
For some STIs, the clinician must care- published in the English language and a reference standard among a large
fully evaluate whether the child could containing human participants. To- number of consecutive patients
have obtained these infections from a gether, the searches produced a total of Level 2
nonsexual mechanism such as acqui- 1525 articles (FIGURE 4).
Independent, blind comparison of
sition at the time of birth or autoinocu- Three of the authors (M.C.B., K.L.M.,
physical examination findings with
lation.6 Referral to or consultation with J.D.T.) reviewed the titles and avail- a reference standard among a small
a child abuse specialist is highly rec- able abstracts for the 1525 articles, se- number of consecutive patients
ommended if an STI is diagnosed. A dis- lecting for further review the articles that
Level 3
cussion of the interpretation of STIs is appeared to address the evaluation of
beyond the scope of this article. prepubertal girls for signs of sexual abuse Independent, blind comparison of
physical examination findings with
and/or hymenal trauma. Articles were se-
Documentation a reference standard among non-
lected for full-text review if they in- consecutive patients
of the Genital Examination cluded prepubertal girls (defined as ⱕ10
Level 4
A complete description of findings years if pubertal status not mentioned)
should be noted, including the child’s and contained original research. When Nonindependent comparison of
position during the examination and there was disagreement between the re- the physical examination find-
ings with a reference standard
whether labial traction was used. Docu- viewers, the article was pulled for full-
among nonconsecutive patients
mentation should include a notation of text review. Full-text review was per-
the sexual maturity rating. Additional formed by 2 of the authors (M.C.B.,
items to document include the pres- A.J.Z.). Reference sections of all 404 ar-
ence of erythema, lesions, abrasions, ticles selected for full-text review were teria needed to clearly outline reasons
bruising, lacerations, scarring, or dis- scanned for materials not available on for how the authors excluded the pos-
charge with reference to the anatomic PubMed and those not included in the sibility of sexual abuse. Eleven studies
location of each finding (Figure 2). Cur- original search. An additional 98 ar- met all criteria and were included in this
rent convention uses a clock-face anal- ticles and book chapters were identi- review. Information regarding quality
ogy to indicate locations of the hy- fied from the reference sections of the score is included in BOX 2. A sum-
men; 12 o’clock describes the area of original articles. Thus, 502 articles and mary of these articles is presented in
the hymen closest to the urethra. The book chapters were considered. TABLE 1 and TABLE 2.
examiner should describe and docu- To be included in this analysis, ar-
ment the hymenal characteristics and ticles had to (1) contain data permit- Statistical Analysis
whether the hymenal edges contain ir- ting calculation of test characteristics Data were abstracted from the articles
regularities such as notches, bumps, or by pubertal status and/or age, (2) pro- and entered into 2⫻2 tables to calcu-
complete transections (FIGURE 3). Sig- vide sufficient data for statistical analy- late the point estimates and 95% confi-
nificant findings and their location sis, (3) use a well described or repro- dence intervals (CIs) for the likelihood
should be recorded. The examiner also ducible examination technique, and (4) ratios (LRs). When studies reported only
should record pertinent negatives. If include a reference standard to deter- the specificity, the 95% CIs for the speci-
photos of the examination are ob- mine whether a child had been sexu- ficity are shown with 0.5 added to the nu-
tained, this should be documented. ally abused. Acceptable reference stan- merator and denominator when the
dards included information about the specificity is 100% (rounded down to
METHODS child’s court disposition, perpetrator provide larger, more conservative 95%
Search Strategy confession, substantiation by the de- CIs). Test characteristics of all physical
Articles in the MEDLINE database were partment of social services or child pro- findings that would be easily recog-
identified using the PubMed search en- tection services, or diagnosis by a nized by a clinician who is not consid-
gine from 1966-October 2008. The community or hospital-based child pro- ered a specialist in child sexual abuse ex-
Cochrane database did not contain rel- tection team when physical findings aminations are presented. Results were
evant articles. There were 2 searches were not used to determine level of sus- not mathematically pooled due to the
using different main Medical Subject picion of sexual abuse. When articles varying methods and definitions used by
Headings of child abuse (used from were limited to only children without each article. Instead, a range is reported
1966-1987) and child abuse, sexual a history of sexual abuse, inclusion cri- where a summary value is warranted.
©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, December 17, 2008—Vol 300, No. 23 2785

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RESULTS Diagnostic Value of Physical eter of the hymenal opening of greater

Eleven articles met the inclusion crite- Examination Findings than 6.5 mm in the knee-chest posi-
ria. Only 2 of these articles included pre- Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and tion (LR, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.3-3.2) are the
pubertal girls with and without a his- negative LRs derived from the 2 ar- findings with the highest positive LRs
tory of sexual abuse,28,29 allowing us to ticles that included both populations of for sexual abuse. Diagnostic character-
calculate LRs. None of these articles in- prepubertal girls are included in istics of vaginal discharge were lim-
cluded information allowing for the in- T ABLE 3. The signs of vaginal dis- ited to the presence or absence of the
terpretation of physical examination charge or the diameter of the hymenal finding. Diagnostic characteristics of the
findings acutely (ⱕ72 hours of the opening were the only findings where diameter of the hymenal opening in-
event). The remaining 9 articles only in- the 95% CIs for both the positive and cluded children examined in supine and
cluded prepubertal girls without a his- negative LRs excluded 1.0. knee-chest position with traction. De-
tory of sexual abuse, permitting estima- The presence of vaginal discharge spite the higher positive LR for vagi-
tion only of the specificity of the findings. (LR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.2-6.0) or a diam- nal discharge, it is present in only 11%
of prepubertal children with a history
of sexual abuse. A diameter of the hy-
menal opening greater than 6.5 mm in
Table 1. Accuracy Studies a the knee-chest position was present in
Study No. of No. Age 29% of prepubertal girls with a his-
Source Quality b Participants Abused Range, y Reference Standard
tory of sexual abuse. The absence of
Berenson et al,28 3 386 189 3-8 Child protection team;
2002 History of sexual abuse either of these findings has an LR that
was based on a clinic is statistically less than 1.0, but the point
interview including
administration of a
estimate is so close to 1.0 that it lacks
nonvalidated 8-item scale diagnostic utility.
(Digital/Penile Vulvar Transections in the posterior hymen
Penetration Rating Scale);
scale did not include are consistent with genital trauma from
physical examination sexual abuse with a positive LR of 3.1,
findings as a measure
but the presence of transections has a
Berenson et al,29 3 392 192 3-8 Child protection team;
2000 History of sexual abuse large CI so that the diagnostic impact is
was based on a clinic uncertain (95% CI, 0.13-76). The wide
interview including
administration of a 95% CI is a reflection of the small num-
nonvalidated 8-item scale ber of children included in the study. The
(Digital/Penile Vulvar
Penetration Rating Scale);
absence of a transection has little im-
scale did not include pact on the likelihood that a child
physical examination has been abused (negative LR, 0.99; 95%
findings as a measure
a Children specifically evaluated to determine physical examination findings related to a history of child sexual abuse. CI, 0.98-1.0) (Table 3). While this LR
b See Box 2 for explanation of study quality. data comes from only 1 study, 4 studies

Table 2. Studies of Prepubertal Girls to Establish Normal Physical Examination Findings a

Study No. of Age
Source Quality b Participants Range Inclusion Criteria
Berenson and Grady,30 2002 4 93 3-9 y Separate parent and child interviews; parent interview included
administration of structured questionnaire, Child Sexual Behavior
Heger et al,31 2002 4 147 Prepubertal Separate parent and child interviews
Myhre et al,32 2003 4 195 5-6 y Parent interview and physical examination findings
Berenson,33 1995 4 134 Newborn-3 y Parent interview and medical record review
Berenson,34 1993 4 62 Newborn-1 y Parent interview and medical record review
Berenson et al,35 1992 4 202 Newborn-7 y Parent interview and medical record review
Gardner,36 1992 4 79 3 mo-11 y Parent history by clinician
Berenson et al,37 1991 4 468 Newborn None; examinations conducted prior to discharge examination after delivery
McCann et al,38 1990 4 93 Newborn-10 y Parent history by clinician including administration of a structured interview to
determine sexual abuse (possible physical, behavioral, or emotional
symptoms); review of physical examination findings by physicians
experienced in child sexual abuse examinations; and high incidence of
other examination findings not used to determine normality
a Studies that included only girls without a history of sexual abuse permitted for calculation of specificity of physical examination findings.
b See Box 2 for explanation of study quality.

2786 JAMA, December 17, 2008—Vol 300, No. 23 (Reprinted) ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Table 3. Accuracy of Signs for Genital Trauma Resulting From Sexual Abuse a
LR (95% CI)

Sensitivity, % b Specificity, % c Positive Negative

Signs From Berenson et al29
Ecchymosis 1 100 3.1 (0.13-76) 0.99 (0.98-1.0)
Laceration 1 100 3.1 (0.13-76) 0.99 (0.98-1.0)
Vaginal discharge d 11 96 2.7 (1.2-6.0) 0.93 (0.88-0.98)
Labial adhesion 13 93 1.8 (0.95-3.3) 0.94 (0.88-1.0)
Erythema 41 63 1.1 (0.87-1.4) 0.93 (0.8-1.1)
Linea vestibularis 7 93 1.0 (0.5-2.2) 1.0 (0.95-1.1)
Perineal depression 1 98 1.0 (0.26-4.1) 1.0 (0.97-1.03)
Friability 1 96 0.15 (0.02-1.2) 1.03 (1.0-1.06)
Prominent vessels in hymen 8 94 1.2 (0.59-2.5) 0.99 (0.93-1.0)
Superior/anterior hymen
Tags 3 98 1.7 (0.42-7.2) 0.99 (0.96-1.0)
Superficial notch 3 98 1.3 (0.35-4.8) 0.99 (0.97-1.0)
Bumps 28 76 1.2 (0.84-1.6) 0.95 (0.84-1.1)
Longitudinal intravaginal ridge 79 27 1.1 (0.96-1.2) 0.79 (0.55-1.1)
Deep notch 1 100 1.0 (0.02-52) 1.0 (0.99-1.01)
External ridge 1 100 1.0 (0.02-52) 1.0 (0.99-1.01)
Periurethral bands 94 5 0.99 (0.94-1.0) 1.1 (0.51-2.5)
Vestibular bands 26 73 0.95 (0.68-1.3) 1.0 (0.91-1.1)
Inferior/posterior hymen
Deep notch 1 100 5.2 (0.25-108) 0.99 (0.97-1.0)
Perforation 1 100 3.1 (0.13-76) 0.99 (0.98-1.0)
Transection 1 100 3.1 (0.13-76) 0.99 (0.98-1.0)
Superficial notch 4 98 1.8 (0.54-6.1) 0.98 (0.95-1.0)
External ridge 8 92 0.98 (0.50-1.9) 1.0 (0.95-1.1)
Bumps 31 66 0.92 (0.69-1.2) 1.0 (0.91-1.2)
Longitudinal intravaginal ridge 63 26 0.85 (0.74-0.97) 1.5 (1.1-2.0)
Tags 1 98 0.42 (0.08-2.1) 1.0 (0.99-1.02)
Signs From Berenson et al28
Difference in hymenal tissue width at 3 and 9 o’clock
Supine position during examination, mm asymmetry
ⱖ1.5 7 94 1.35 (0.59-3.11) 0.98 (0.92-1.04)
ⱖ0.5 54 50 1.1 (0.88-1.3) 0.91 (0.73-1.1)
ⱖ1.0 19 81 1.0 (0.65-1.6) 1.0 (0.90-1.1)
Knee-chest position during examination, mm asymmetry
ⱖ1.5 7 97 2.5 (0.77-8.4) 0.95 (0.9-1.0)
ⱖ0.5 54 51 1.1 (0.86-1.4) 0.9 (0.69-1.2)
ⱖ1.0 17 90 1.7 (0.92-3.2) 0.92 (0.83-1.0)
Horizontal hymenal diameter ⬎6.5 mm
Supine position during examination 32 73 1.2 (0.85-1.6) 0.93 (0.81-1.1)
Knee-chest position during examination d 29 86 2.0 (1.3-3.2) 0.83 (0.74-0.93)
Amount of hymenal tissue ⬍1.0 mm
Supine position during examination
6 o’clock 1 100 3.2 (0.13-78) 0.99 (0.98-1.0)
3 o’clock 1 99 2.2 (0.20-24) 0.99 (0.97-1.0)
9 o’clock 1 99 0.5 (0.05-5.5) 1.0 (0.99-1.1)
Knee-chest position during examination
6 o’clock 2 100 7.4 (0.39-143) 0.98 (0.96-1.0)
3 o’clock 1 99 1.1 (0.16-7.6) 1.0 (0.97-1.01)
9 o’clock 3 100 11 (0.55-201) 0.97 (0.94-1.0)
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LR, likelihood ratio.
a Values were rounded to the nearest whole number percentage.
b Sensitivity values less than 1% were rounded to 1%.
c Specificity values greater than 99% were rounded to 100%.
d The 95% CIs for both the positive and negative LRs do not include 1.0.

©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, December 17, 2008—Vol 300, No. 23 2787

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including only prepubertal girls with-

Table 4. Vulvar Findings in Nonabused Population
out a history of genital trauma from
Finding No. of Participants Specificity, % (95% CI) a
sexual abuse report the specificity of tran-
Heger et al,31 2002 147 51 (43-59) sections based on their location within
McCann et al,38 1990 91 44 (34-54) the hymen.
Labial adhesion Deep notches of the posterior hymen
Myhre et al,32 2003 195 92 (89-96) are consistent with genital trauma from
Heger et al,31 2002 147 84 (78-90) sexual abuse (positive LR of 5.2). Simi-
McCann et al,38 1990 90 61 (51-71) lar to transections, the small number of
Linea vestibularis children in the study explains the wide
Myhre et al,32 2003 133 98 (95-100)
95% CIs, making the diagnostic impact
Heger et al,31 2002 147 81 (75-87)
uncertain (95% CI, 0.25-108). Addition-
Posterior fourchette
Increased vascularity ally, the absence of a deep notch in the
Gardner,36 1992 79 85 (77-93) posterior hymen has little impact on the
Ragged likelihood that a child has been abused
Myhre et al,32 2003 195 97 (95-99)
(negative LR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.97-1.0).
Gardner,36 1992 79 82 (74-91)
Perforations of the posterior hymen
McCann et al,38 1990 88 8 (95-100)
are associated with genital trauma from
Urethral dilation
Gardner,36 1992 79 72 (62-82) sexual abuse (positive LR, 3.1; 95% CI,
McCann et al,38 1990 85 85 (77-92) 0.13-76). Like transections and deep
Vaginal discharge notches, the diagnostic impact of this
Myhre et al,32 2003 195 98 (97-100) finding is unclear and the absence of this
Gardner,36 1992 79 95 (90-100) finding has limited utility in determin-
McCann et al,38 1990 76 97 (94-100) ing whether a child has been abused
Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.
a Frequency of findings in these studies that only involved nonabused children is equal to 1 minus specificity. (negative LR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.98-1.0).
Table 5. Hymenal Findings in Nonabused Population abusedpopulation.Vulvarfindingsarere-
Finding No. of Participants Specificity, % (95% CI or Range) a ported in Table 4. An infrequent finding
Asymmetric hymen in nonabused population is vaginal dis-
Gardner,36 1992 79 91 (85-97) charge (ⱖ95% specificity in all studies);
Bumps or mounds in other words, among girls who have not
Myhre et al,32 2003 175 77 (70-83)
experienced sexual abuse, less than 5%
Berenson and Grady,30 2002 b 93 23-47 (37-58); (13-32); (20-43)
have vaginal discharge.
Heger et al,31 2002 147 66 (58-74)
Berenson,34 1993 57 95 (89-100)
Table 5 presents the specificity of hy-
Berenson et al,35 1992 202 93 (89-96) menal findings in the nonabused popu-
Gardner,36 1992 79 89 (82-96) lation. Possibly because of the exam-
McCann et al,38 1990 80 66 (67-86) iner’s subjective interpretation, there is
Erythema wide variation in the specificity of chil-
Myhre et al,32 2003 194 99 (98-100) dren with findings such as bumps, tags,
Heger et al,31 2002 147 51 (43-59) and notches.
External ridge Table 6 and Table 7 summarize hy-
Myhre et al,32 2003 175 98 (96-100)
Berenson and Grady,30 2002 b 93 97-100 (93-100); (96-100); (98-100) menal findings in the anterior or supe-
Berenson et al,28 2002 468 13 (10-16) rior and posterior or inferior locations.
Berenson,33 1995 134 96 (92-99) It is difficult to comment on the speci-
Berenson,34 1993 57 86 (77-95) ficity of these findings in the different lo-
Berenson et al,35 1992 201 85 (80-90) cations because few of the studies per-
Large hymenal opening mitted abstraction of data in this format.
Myhre et al,32 2003 195 82 (76-87) For example, only 1 study permitted cal-
Heger et al,31 2002 147 69 (62-77)
culation of the specificity of posterior and
Gardner,36 1992 79 89 (82-96)
inferior superficial and deep notches.
Longitudinal intravaginal ridge
Berenson and Grady,30 2002 b 93 8-14 (7-21); (3-17); (1-15) Four studies permitted for the calcula-
Heger et al,31 2002 147 6 (2-10) tion of specificity of transections; the
Berenson,33 1995 134 40 (35-44) specificity was 99% to 100%. Only 1 non-
(continued) abused prepubertal girl among all 4 study
2788 JAMA, December 17, 2008—Vol 300, No. 23 (Reprinted) ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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populations was noted to have a tran-

Table 5. Hymenal Findings in Nonabused Population (continued)
section at 3 o’clock. There were no tran-
Finding No. of Participants Specificity, % (95% CI or Range) a
sections noted in the posterior hymen be-
Longitudinal intravaginal ridge
tween 4 and 8 o’clock. Berenson,34 1993 57 47 (34-60)
Berenson et al,35 1992 201 75 (69-81)
Limitations Berenson,37 1991 468 44 (40-49)
This study has several significant limi- McCann et al,38 1990 51 10 (2-18)
tations. First, most of the findings are Notches
Berenson and Grady,30 2002 b 93 89-93 (88-99); (85-97); (81-97)
uncommon in the nonacute popula-
Heger et al,31 2002 c 147 27-82 (20-34); (75-88)
tion. Second, the test characteristics re- Berenson,33 1995 134 91 (86-96)
ported can only be applied to prepuber- Berenson,34 1993 57 77 (66-88)
tal girls with a nonacute history of sexual Berenson et al,35 1992 202 92 (88-96)
abuse. Third, many studies were ex- Gardner,36 1992 79 97 (94-100)
cluded either because they lacked an ac- Berenson,37 1991 468 72 (68-76)
ceptable reference standard or because McCann et al,38 1990 76 93 (91-100)
they combined findings of prepubertal Periurethral bands
Berenson and Grady,30 2002 b 93 1-2 (0.1-1); (0.01-1); (0-5)
and postpubertal girls; therefore, the cal-
McCann et al,38 1990 89 49 (39-60)
culation of test characteristics was either
Prominent vessels
not possible or was based on few par- Myhre et al,32 2003 194 82 (76-87)
ticipants. Test characteristics were based Heger et al,31 2002 147 63 (55-70)
on the results of only 2 studies. Fourth, Gardner,36 1992 79 63 (53-74)
most eligible studies in this review in- McCann et al,38 1990 68 69 (58-80)
cluded only prepubertal girls who were Tags
Myhre et al,32 2003 175 100 (99-100)
not sexually abused so that the sensi-
Heger et al,31 2002 147 97 (94-100)
tivity of findings was not determined.
Berenson and Grady,30 2002 b 93 87-90 (80-94); (83-97); (83-98)
Fifth, the lack of standard definitions Berenson,33 1995 134 93 (88-97)
made it impossible to combine findings. Berenson,34 1993 57 89 (82-97)
The large ranges in specificity for Berenson et al,35 1992 201 97 (95-99)
some findings may have resulted from Gardner,36 1992 79 98 (95-100)
the lack of standard definitions and ex- Berenson,37 1991 468 87 (84-90)
amination techniques. For example, the McCann et al,38 1990 82 76 (66-85)
specificity of hymenal notches ranged Thickened hymen
Heger et al,31 2002 147 54 (46-62)
from 27% to 100%. Studies included de-
McCann et al,38 1990 80 46 (35-57)
fined ventral or anterior notches as either
Vestibular bands
12 o’clock in annular hymens31 or as a Berenson and Grady,30 2002 b 93 36-54 (44-65); (26-47); (33-58)
disruption of the hymenal membrane Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.
a Some studies had repeat examinations so ranges are shown.
at 11 or 1 o’clock in crescent-shaped b Study includes repeat examinations on the same children at different age.
hymens.38 Different examination tech- c Study includes discussion of anterior and posterior notches.

niques may be responsible for some of

the variation. For example, if an exam- Table 6. Superior and Anterior Hymenal Findings in Nonabused Population
iner did not use labial traction he/she Finding No. of Participants Specificity, % (95% CI)
may not be able to visualize the entire Bumps
hymen and therefore may not be able to Berenson et al,35 1992 202 93 (89-96)
accurately determine if there is a notch Longitudinal intravaginal ridge
Berenson,33 1995 134 93 (88-97)
or bump. Additionally, if a child is only Berenson et al,35 1992 202 98 (95-100)
examined in the supine and not the Ventral or anterior notch
knee-chest position, the findings may be Heger et al,31 2002 147 27 (20-34)
missed or mischaracterized. For ex- Berenson,33 1995 134 96 (92-99)
Berenson et al,35 1992 201 94 (90-97)
ample, an examiner may be convinced
Berenson et al,37 1991 a 468 76-99 (72-81); (99-100)
they are seeing a notch of the posterior
McCann et al,38 1990 82 99 (96-100)
hymen in a child in the supine position Tags
while the examination in the knee- Berenson,33 1995 134 97 (94-100)
chest position demonstrates that the Berenson et al,35 1992 202 99 (97-100)
finding is more consistent with an un- Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.
a This study includes repeat examinations on the same children at different age so ranges are shown.
interrupted portion of the hymen.
©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, December 17, 2008—Vol 300, No. 23 2789

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prepubertal girls without a history of

Table 7. Inferior and Posterior Hymenal Findings in Nonabused Population
genital trauma from sexual abuse in-
Finding No. of Participants Specificity, % (95% CI)
cluded in this systematic review. There-
Berenson et al,35 1992 202 96 (93-99) fore, one can conclude that the poste-
Longitudinal intravaginal ridge rior hymenal findings of transections,
Berenson,33 1995 134 80 (73-87) deep notches, and perforations are ex-
Berenson et al,35 1992 202 92 (88-96) tremely infrequent findings among chil-
Notch dren without a history of genital trauma
Heger et al,31 2002 147 82 (75-88)
from sexual abuse or other means.
Berenson,33 1995 134 100 (99-100)
Current guidelines suggest deep
Berenson et al,35 1992 202 100 (99-100)
notches are supportive of a disclosure
Berenson et al,37 1991 a 468 98-99 (99-100)
of sexual abuse. Without a disclosure
Deep notch
Myhre et al,32 2003 175 100 (99-100) of sexual abuse, interpretation of deep
Superficial notch notches is considered an indetermi-
Myhre et al,32 2003 175 100 (98-100) nate finding that may require further
Transection evaluation.15,16 While deep notches of
Myhre et al,32 2003 175 100 (99-100)
the posterior hymen were not found in
Berenson and Grady,30 2002 93 100 (99-100)
prepubertal girls without a history of
Heger et al,31 2002 147 100 (99-100)
Berenson et al,35 1992 202 99 (99-100)
sexual abuse, the finding also is un-
Width (narrowed hymen)
common among sexually abused chil-
Heger et al,31 2002 147 78 (71-84) dren (positive LR, 5.2; 95% CI, 0.25-
Berenson et al,35 1992 134 96 (93-99) 108). Similarly, while some authors list
Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.
a This study includes repeat examinations on the same children at different age so ranges are shown.
hymenal transections as indicating pen-
etrating trauma to the hymen, the find-
ing also has a wide 95% CI (positive LR,
Take-Home Message We caution that the findings for the 3.1; 95% CI, 0.13-76).15,16 However, be-
This study focused on the test charac- diameter of the hymenal opening may cause the prevalence of posterior hy-
teristics of nonacute genital findings in lack precision and therefore are not menal findings (between 4 and 8
prepubertal girls to assist in the diag- clinically useful. The ability to ad- o’clock) such as transections, deep
nosis of sexual abuse. Findings are lim- equately measure the diameter of the notches, and perforations are near zero
ited to 2 case-control studies that in- hymenal opening is limited by a child’s in nonabused prepubertal girls, the
cluded both sexually abused and ability to relax. It also is limited by the presence of these examination find-
nonabused girls. Nine other studies in- examiner’s technique and tools. The di- ings suggests genital trauma from sexual
cluded in the review only included non- ameter of the hymenal opening may be abuse. In the absence of known geni-
abused prepubertal girls. The diagnos- measured from photographs or by using tal trauma from accidental means, the
tic utility of the presence or absence of tools such as a tape measure or by a grid possibility for sexual abuse must be
genital findings on the probability of on the viewfinder of a colposcope. The strongly considered. In a prepubertal
genital trauma or maltreatment re- diameter of the hymenal opening var- girl with a posterior hymenal finding
quires an understanding of the pretest ies with a patient’s weight, age, amount of a transection (between 4 and 8
probability. While population surveys of traction applied, and by the amount o’clock), a deep notch (between 4 and
suggest a starting pretest probability of of hymenal tissue present. Measuring 8 o’clock), or a perforation, a report to
1%, this estimate applies only to the the diameter of the hymenal opening child protective services should be
population of children at large. Once is not easily replicated and therefore this strongly considered. At a minimum, an
a family member expresses concern for finding is not useful for helping to de- examination by a child abuse special-
maltreatment, the probability of mal- termine whether a prepubertal girl has ist should occur to confirm these find-
treatment likely increases much higher been sexually abused. ings and to help provide a careful in-
than the general population. No popu- A transection of the posterior hy- terpretation regarding the likelihood of
lation data exist to estimate the prob- men between 4 and 8 o’clock in pre- sexual abuse.
ability once a parent expresses suspi- pubertal girls suggests genital penetrat- While identifying trauma and infec-
cion of maltreatment. Physicians who ing trauma; however, the presence of tious diseases is extremely important
evaluate at-risk children must assess the this finding is not confirmatory of and may require specific treatment, it
probability of maltreatment and must sexual abuse. Posterior hymenal find- also is important to reassure a child and
perform an objective physical exami- ings including transections between 4 her family that she is healthy and that
nation unbiased by their pretest and 8 o’clock, deep notches, and per- her genital examination is normal. A cli-
probability. forations were not seen in studies of nician’s assurance of a genital exami-
2790 JAMA, December 17, 2008—Vol 300, No. 23 (Reprinted) ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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nation without evidence of trauma, and Research in this area continues to be SCENARIO RESOLUTION
hence normal findings helps begin a challenging and likely accounts for why Case 1
process of healing. only 2 studies met criteria to provide data The finding of erythema on the labia
This review should not be inter- regarding diagnostic accuracy. Recruit- minora is a nonspecific finding (posi-
preted to mean that the physical ex- ment of nonsexually abused children for tive LR of 1.1) and therefore does not
amination of a prepubertal girl with a thorough genital examinations is diffi- assist with determining whether the
suspicion of sexual abuse has limited cult. The definition of a criterion stan- child has been sexually abused or the
value. This review did not focus on the dard for child sexual abuse is lacking type of sexual contact the child has
test characteristics of acute findings nor given the context of providing a medi- experienced. The fact that the child
the usefulness of testing for STIs when cal diagnosis that requires a forensic in- has an unremarkable examination of
indicated. terpretation, and the veracity of infor- the hymen also does not assist with
Previous research has stated that the mation provided to the physician in determining if the child has been
majority of girls who provide a history arriving at a diagnosis. The department sexually abused or with determining
of sexual abuse will have a normal or of social services or child protection ser- if the child has experienced some
unremarkable examination.39 There- vices and court decisions of abuse can form of penetration (negative LR of
fore, the fact that a child has an unre- by influenced by the interpretation of most findings approximates to 1.0).
markable genital examination should physical examination findings. Addi- The objective findings do not support
not dispute a child’s allegations and a tionally, it can be difficult to determine or refute the mother’s suspicion.
careful investigation by child protec- the type of abuse a child has experi- Because the patient is a verbal child,
tive services and/or law enforcement enced, whether it is fondling or hy- a formal interview should be con-
should continue. menal penetration. However, despite ducted with the child in a controlled
In summary, results of this review these limitations it is important to try to atmosphere by a trained expert or a
suggest the accuracy of most genital further the field with larger studies with report made to the appropriate
findings used in isolation to predict a strict reference standard and defini- authorities. In many areas, specialized
nonacute sexual abuse among prepu- tions; these studies should include both centers exist that assist in comprehen-
bertal girls is poor. In addition, this re- sexually abused and nonsexually abused sive evaluations for suspected sexual
view suggests that the presence of vagi- girls. They also should include stan- abuse cases. The physician should be
nal discharge in a prepubertal girl dardized definitions of findings, stan- reminded that his/her role is to help
should raise the suspicion of sexual dardized examination techniques of chil- with coordinating follow-up services
abuse. Other findings that support a dren in the supine position as well as for many of these cases and to stress
suspicion of sexual abuse in a prepu- knee-chest position when possible, and the importance of a comprehensive
bertal girl include deep notches and a description of the type of abuse expe- interview of the child by a skilled
transections in the posterior hymen be- rienced. This review illustrates that more examiner that focuses on the concern
tween 4 and 8 o’clock as well as a per- data are needed to determine the test for sexual abuse.
foration of the hymen. It is important characteristics of physical examination
to note that a perforation of the hy- findings in prepubertal girls with a sus- Case 2
men is not a finding commonly dis- picion of sexual abuse. It is difficult to determine a history
cussed in the literature and is not part of sexual abuse in a child before
of what is typically used to assist in the Reporting Concerns to the he/she is verbal. Hymenal injury,
interpretation of physical examina- Appropriate Agency especially a transection (positive LR
tion findings for children suspected of All physicians in the United States are for transection of 3.1), without any
being sexually abused.16 required by state law to report sus- other known history of trauma sup-
Transections, deep notches, and per- pected cases of child sexual abuse.6 To ports a suspicion of sexual abuse. An
forations of the hymen as described determine the level of suspicion a phy- evaluation for sexual abuse should be
above raise the suspicion of sexual sician should use the history, physical completed and an immediate referral
abuse and therefore should trigger a examination, and laboratory evalua- to the appropriate agency should be
thoughtful investigation by the appro- tion together. In general, when there is made.
priate agency (social services and/or law a history of possible sexual abuse be-
enforcement) for the possibility of cause a child has made a concerning Author Contributions: Dr Berkoff had full access to
all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for
sexual abuse. The rarity of these find- statement, if there is a concerning find- the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data
ings in the studies included limits the ing, or if there is a presence of an STI analysis.
Study concept and design: Berkoff, Makoroff,
ability of transections, deep notches, that is suggestive of sexual transmis- Thackeray, Shapiro, Runyan.
and perforations to be used alone in the sion, a report should be made to the ap- Acquisition of data: Berkoff, Zolotor, Makoroff,
diagnosis of sexual abuse among pre- propriate agency according to local Analysis and interpretation of data: Berkoff, Zolotor,
pubertal girls. guidelines. Makoroff, Shapiro, Runyan.

©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, December 17, 2008—Vol 300, No. 23 2791

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Drafting of the manuscript: Berkoff, Zolotor. 9. McCann J, Voris J, Simon M. Genital injuries re- 24. McCann J, Voris J, Simon M, Wells R. Compari-
Critical revision of the manuscript for important in- sulting from sexual abuse: a longitudinal study. son of genital examination techniques in prepubertal
tellectual content: Berkoff, Zolotor, Makoroff, Pediatrics. 1992;89(2):307-317. girls. Pediatrics. 1990;85(2):182-187.
Thackeray, Shapiro, Runyan. 10. McCann J, Voris J. Perianal injuries resulting from 25. Makoroff KL, Brauley JL, Brandner AM, Myers
Statistical analysis: Berkoff, Zolotor. sexual abuse: a longitudinal study. Pediatrics. 1993; PA, Shapiro RA. Genital examinations for alleged sexual
Administrative, technical, or material support: 91(2):390-397. abuse of prepubertal girls: findings by pediatric emer-
Makoroff, Thackeray, Shapiro, Runyan. 11. McCann J, Miyamoto S, Boyle C, Rogers K. Heal- gency medicine physicians compared with child abuse
Study supervision: Runyan. ing of hymenal injuries in prepubertal and adolescent trained physicians. Child Abuse Negl. 2002;26
Financial Disclosures: None reported. girls: a descriptive study. Pediatrics. 2007;119(5): (12):1235-1242.
Funding/Support: Dr Berkoff was supported in part e1094-e1106. 26. Sinal SH, Lawless MR, Rainey DY, et al. Clinician
by the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Pro- 12. McCann J, Miyamoto S, Boyle C, Rogers K. Heal- agreement on physical findings in child sexual abuse
gram. ing of nonhymenal genital injuries in prepubertal and cases. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1997;151(5):
Role of the Sponsor: The funding source had no role adolescent girls: a descriptive study. Pediatrics. 2007; 497-501.
in the design and conduct of the study; collection, man- 120(5):1000-1011. 27. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexu-
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