Effective Laminate Thickness For The Design of Laminated Glass

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Effective Laminate Thickness for the Design of

Laminated Glass
Dr. Ignatius Calderone,* Mr. Phillip S. Davies,** Dr. Stephen J. Bennison,** Professor Huang Xiaokun*** and Mr. Liu Gang***
* Calderone and Associates Pty Ltd, Australia
** E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co Inc., Wilmington, DE USA
*** China Academy of Building Research (CABR), Beijing China

calculating the thickness of a monolithic beam with eq
1=Laminated Glass 2=Ionoplast 3=PVB 4=Effective Thickness 5=AS 1288 6=Design
laminated beam. This thickness then can be used in place
equations for deformation of beams and simplified finite
calculating the thickness of a monolithic beam with eq
Abstract temperature on the polymer calculating
constitutive the glass
describe the shearof laminate
properties, a monolithic
coupling between
geometry beam
and twowith eq
laminated beam. This thickness then can be used in place
In the design of laminated glass to laminated
properties. The upshot of shear
this body beam.
coupling the This
depends scale then
in the
primarily oncanthebe
problem. Theused in place
interlayer shea
of work is the capability to equations
model for deformation of beamsΓand
shear transfer coefficient, simplified
, which is a finite
laminate for deformation
geometry and of beams and simplified finiteT
meet various structural loads, engineers equations
accurately the structural behaviour of describe
shearlength scale
the transfer
in the
of shear
stressestwo glass
which describe ofthe
a measure theshear coupling
transfer between two glass
shear thestresses across
generally make simplifying assumptions
laminated glass using modern shearfinite depends
across the primarily
interlayer, on by: interlayer she
or make reference to procedures
element methods. However, shear
the coupling depends primarily on the interlayer she
given in various standards. The current laminate geometry and the length scale in the problem.
glass design industry often laminate geometry and the1length scale in the problem.
Australian standard, AS1288, which
approach of using simplified
takes the
which is a measure of the
calculation Γ=
is a measure of the transfer
1+ 9.transfer
of shear stresses across
6 2s v2 of shear stresses
EI h (1) across
was published in 2006, allows the total
methods for engineering laminated Ghs a
glass thickness to be used for short-
term load duration but for medium
glass due to the slow adoption of finite
element technology. These simplified With:
Γ = 1
1EI h
12+ 9.6 EI s2s h2vv2
or long-term load durations it gives

Laminated Glass / Process / Design

design approaches are often inaccurate, I s = h1h1s+;29+.6hGh Gh 2h s2 as2;1
relationships for load sharing factors sa
for the glass components. However,
although usually conservatively
With:so. Such I s = h1hs2;2 + h2hs2;1 (2)
overly-conservative approaches 2 2
these methods may not give correct I = hhhh2 + h h 2
results and the Australian standard
in much over-design of laminated glass hI s = hh1hshs ;12 + h22hss;;11
along with an associated, unnecessary hss;1;s1 = h1 s+s1;h2 (3)
alternatively allows a full non-linear
cost penalty. Accordingly, there is an h11 + h22
analysis, modelling the glass-interlayer hh
industry need to develop calculation hs;1 = hssh11
sheets behaviour, to be undertaken. h = hh h+
Since such an analysis is not readily
methods that capture accurately the hhss;;s22;1== hh11ss+ h
available to all designers, a Working
mechanical response of laminated glass hh11 ++ hh222 (4)
while being relatively straightforward
Group was formed in Australia in order hh
to determine if a procedure using the
to implement in standards and existing
h hs= ;2 0 =.5(hhssh22+ h ) + h
calculation methodologies. In this hhs
ss ; 2= =
0 .h (+
5 h1 h+ h2 ) + hvv (5)
effective thickness of the laminated
contribution we examine the so-called h11 +1h22 2
glass could be adopted for the design Where:
“effective-thickness” method for Where:
of laminated glass. This paper presents
the design of laminated glass. This hhhhν s = 0=.5Interlayer ( h1 + h2 )=thickness + hInterlayer thickness
ν s = 0.5( h1 + h2 ) + hv
the results of the investigation carried h = Glass ply 1 minimum thic
method has been proposedWhere:for several h1 1 = Glass ply 1 minimum thickness
out by the authors for the purpose Where: h = Glass ply 2 minimum thic
developing standards in Europe, USA, hh2 ν
2 = Glass ply 2=minimum thickness
of assisting the Working Group in Interlayer thickness
China and Australia. We will present Ehν
E = Glass == Glass
Young’s InterlayerYoung’s
modulus thickness
adopting revised design procedures h = Glass ply 1 minimum thi
for use in the Australian Standard.
evidence that the method has the ah11 GPa) == Length
Glass ply scale 1 minimum
capability of being used in structural h 2 = Glass ply 2 minimum thi
The investigation includes a review of G
a h2 = Length scale == Interlayer
(shortest plybending
2 minimum
shear thi
calculations for the performance of E = Glass Young’s modulus
data from test programs in which the E direction) = Glass Young’s modulus
laminated glass and captures many of a = Length scale (shortest b
laminate effective thickness has been
the important variables thatThe G
shear transfer
influence a coefficient, = Interlayer Γ ,shear=varies
Length from
modulus scale to(shortest
0shear 1.0. b
measured directly and compared to G = Interlayer modulu
performance. G = Interlayer shear modulus
simplified calculation methods based
For calculations The shear transfer
of laminate deflection, coefficient, theΓlaminate
, varies effective
on the effective thickness approach. The shear transfer
from coefficient,
0 to 1.0. Γ , varies from 0 to 1.0.
Additionally, finite element methods
Effective Thickness Concept The shear transferFor coefficient,
calculations of laminate
Γ , varies from 0 to 1.0.
are compared to an effective thickness The concept of the “effective”
For thickness hof 3 h 3 laminate
h23 + 12 ΓI
calculationsdeflection, w = 1 +deflection,
of laminate the effective
For gained
ef ;laminate sthe laminate effectiv
approach to calculating laminated glass of laminated glass has recently hef; w,deflection,
is given by: the laminate effectiv
structural behaviour. traction in the design community and
For calculations hofef ;wthe
is based on analysis of composite h133 + h233 + 12
= 33maximum glass
ΓI bending(6)stress, th
Introduction sandwich structures originally developed h
(one for each glass ply) are1 given
ef ; w = h + h2 +by: 12 ΓI ss
by Wölfel [5]. The analysis proposes For calculations of the maximum glass
The structural behaviour of laminated For calculations of thestress, maximum glass bending stress, t
analytic equations that provide
glass is a complex topic and many For acalculationsbending
of the maximum 3
the laminate
hefgiven glasseffective
bending stress, t
(one for each glass
method of calculating the thickness thicknesses
h ply)
= are(one ;wfor each by: glass ply) are
factors influence the response (one
of a monolithic beam with equivalentfor each glass 1;ef ;σ ply) are given by:
of a laminated plate or beam to given by: h1 + 2 Γhs ;2
bending properties to a laminated
an imposed load. Despite this
beam. This thickness then can be h3
complexity, much progress has been h1;ef ;σ = hefef3 ;;ww
used in place of the actual thickness h1;ef ;σ = h1 + h 32 Γhs ;2 (7)
made in understanding laminated
in analytic equations for deformation h2;ef ;σ = h1 +ef2;wΓhs ;2
glass in the last decade [1-3]. This
of beams and simplified finite element h2 + 2 Γhs ;1
progress is primarily attributable to
analysis. The analytic equations hef33 ;w
advances in mechanics and associated
describe the shear coupling between h = h ef ;w
The h22;;efef ;;σσ = hneeds
calculation normally only to be performed (8) for
computational tools [4] and the 2 + 2 Γhs ;1
two glass plies through the interlayer. h + 2
different types of glass in the laminate that have different
2 Γh s ;1
development of appropriate interlayer
The shear coupling depends primarily
property information that accurately interlayer
G, property that influences the laminate deformatio
The calculation
on the interlayer shear stiffness, normally needs only to be performed for
capture the effects of load duration and The calculation
shear modulus isnormally
a measure needs of only to be performed
the plastic interlayer’sforsh
different types of glass in the laminate that have different
shear types of glass
resistances, in theeffectively
the more laminate that haveglass
the two different
GLASS PERFORMANCE DAYS 2009 | www.gpd.fi interlayer property that influences the laminate deformatio
under property
loading. The that influences
effective laminatethe thickness
laminate deformatio
shear modulus is a measure of the plastic interlayer’s s
shear modulus(Γis →a 1)
and of the plastic layered
interlayer’s s(
resistances, the moreapproaches
effectively the
the two glass limitpli
shear resistances,
interlayers (Γ → 0). the
Note more
that effectively
the polymer the
need pli
under loading. The effective laminate thickness approach
The calculation normally needs only to
be performed for the thickest ply, unless
there are different types of glass in the
laminate that have different allowable
stresses. The primary interlayer
property that influences the laminate
deformation is the shear modulus, G.
The shear modulus is a measure of the
plastic interlayer’s shear resistance. The
greater the shear resistances, the more
effectively the two glass plies couple and
resist deformation under loading. The
effective laminate thickness approaches
the total laminate thickness for stiff
interlayers (Γ → 1) and approaches the
layered limit (IGU approximation) for
compliant interlayers (Γ → 0). Note that Figure 1 Figure 2
the polymer does not need to achieve
Maximum principal glass stress in a nominal 5 Effective thickness for a nominal 5 mm glass /
the glass modulus value to impart mm glass / 0.76 mm DuPont™ SentryGlas® / 5 0.76 mm DuPont™ SentryGlas® / 5 mm glass
efficient structural coupling. mm glass laminate under four point bending for laminate under four point bending for a range
Strictly, the analysis only applies a range of temperatures of temperatures.
to pure bending of beams and it is
important to identify the correct length is graphed in Figure 2. Note that SentryGlas® Shear
scale to use in a design calculation the effective thickness is essentially Temperature, T (oC) Modulus, G – 1 minute
load duration (MPa)
(usually the shortest dimension 10 mm for this ionoplast laminate at
along a bending direction). Despite temperatures of 50 ºC and below. 10 225
these restrictions, the approach is a Above 50 ºC, some reduction in 20 195
great simplification to the analysis of effective thickness is seen as the 24 173
laminated glass and when properly interlayer begins to soften. 30 110
used, can provide efficient design The proposed methodology has good 40 30.7
Laminated Glass / Process / Design

solutions with minimal computation. capability for measuring the effective 50 11.3
Key to the use of this approach is the thickness of laminated glass under a 60 3.64
availability of comprehensive interlayer specified deformation state and allows 70 1.88
modulus data and knowledge of the study of the role of load duration and 80 0.83
temperature/load duration conditions temperature in laminate behaviour.
for the loading actions. More extensive results from these Table 1
studies will be presented elsewhere. SentryGlas® shear moduli for a range of tem-
Experimental Measurements of perature (1 minute load duration).
Laminate Effective Thickness Comparisons of Effective Thickness
Predictions with Experimental
Here we propose a method to
experimentally determine the effective
thickness of a laminated glass ply We now use the effective thickness
under well-defined loading and methodology described above to
support conditions. These tests have calculate the effective thickness of
been carried using a four-point bend the laminates used in the bending
methodology based on the proposed experiments. Firstly, accurate
ISO 1288-3 standard. The method measurements of the glass and
comprises of three steps: 1) measure interlayer thickness are needed. The
the maximum glass stress (or deflection) measured laminate construction used in
for a range of applied loads (at a the test was: 4.63 mm annealed glass /
specified loading rate and temperature); 0.76 mm DuPont™ SentryGlas® Plus /
2) Fit a straight line to the stress-load 4.63 mm annealed glass (total laminate Figure 3
characteristic using a linear least squares thickness = 10.02 mm). The length Cantilevered Laminated Glass Balustrade
method and determine the slope, Φ, of scale chosen for calculation purposes
the fitted line; 3) Extract the effective was set at 1 m, the support rolls
thickness, heff,σ using: span in the four point bend test. The Analysis with the Effective
remaining piece of information needed Thickness: Cantilevered Laminated
3( Ls − Lb ) for calculations is the interlayer shear Glass Balustrade
heff ,s = (9) modulus for the various temperatures We now examine the use of the
2 BΦ at the appropriate time scale (1 minute effective thickness approach for
Where: Ls = support dimension in this case). Table 1 shows the shear calculating glass stress and laminate
(1,000 mm) Lb = loading dimension modulus properties of the Ionoplast deflection of a cantilevered laminated
(200 mm), and B = specimen width (360 interlayer (DuPont™ SentryGlas®). glass balustrade.
mm). Figure 3 Cantilevered
The effective laminate thickness FigureLaminated
3 shows theGlass Balustrade
example of
Figure 1 plots the maximum principal for stress behaviour calculated using interest. The standard analytical
glass stress (measured with strain equations 7 and 8 and is plotted
Figurein3 showsformulae
the example
can be usedof interest. The standard analytic
to determine
gages) as a function of applied load for Figure 2. As can be seen, the predicted
determine the maximum glass stress, σσmax
the maximum glass stress, < and
max < and laminate deflectio
nominal 5 mm annealed glass / 0.76 effective thickness behaviour is in laminate deflection, δmax:
mm Ionoplast interlayer (DuPont™ close agreement with the measured
SentryGlas® Plus) / 5 mm annealed behaviour. We have also carried out 6 Pa
glass. Note tests have been run for similar experiments using PVB laminates σ max = 2 (10)
h1,ef ;σ
temperature spanning 25 ºC to 80 ºC. and have found the calculation method
The laminate effective thickness as to be accurate in describing the effective 4 Pa 3
a function of temperature extracted thickness of laminates in the four point δ max = 3 (11)
Ehef ;w
using the procedure described above bend test.
For the example of:
2 GLASS PERFORMANCE DAYS 2009 | www.gpd.fi
• P = 0.75 kN/m
• a=1m
• hglass = 6 mm (use 5.8 mm ISO minimum)
For the example of: Maximum Glass Stress, σmax (MPa) Maximum Laminate Deflection, δmax (mm)
• P = 0.75 kN/m Finite Elements Effective Thickness Finite Elements Effective Thickness
• a = 1 m 27.8 26.6 18.5 19.8
• hglass = 6 mm (use 5.8 mm ISO
minimum) Table 2
• hinterlayer = 1.52 mm Computed glass stress and laminate deflection for a cantilevered laminated glass balustrade. Effec-
• Ginterlayer = 59.9 MPa (SentryGlas®: 60 tive thickness predictions and finite element predictions are compared.
mins at 30 °C)
• Eglass = 70 GPa

The effective thickness values computed
• Laminate Effective thickness
(deflection), heff; w = 12.94 mm
• Laminate Effective thickness (stress),
h1;ef;σ = 13.02 mm

Inserting these effective thickness

values into equations 10 and 11, gives
the stress and deflection values. These
values are presented in Table 2.
As can be seen from Table 2, the
values predicted using the effective
thickness approach with known analytic
formulae compare well with those
derived from the finite element method.

We have demonstrated that the

Laminated Glass / Process / Design

effective thickness method is a useful
approach to calculating glass stress
and deflection of laminated glass.
The approach provides a simplified
methodology for design work and
adequately incorporates the major
variables that influence the behaviour
of laminated glass. The methodology is
currently being reviewed by standards
bodies globally.

[1] Bennison, S.J., Jagota, A. & Smith, C.A., (1999)
“Fracture of Glass/Polyvinyl Butyral (Butacite®)
Laminates in Biaxial Failure,” J. Am. Ceram.
Soc., 82[7] 1761-70
[2] Bennison, S.J., Smith, C.A., Van Duser, A. and
Jagota, A., (2001) “Structural Performance
of Laminated Safety Glass Made with “Stiff”
Interlayers”, proceedings of the seventh
international conference on architectural and
automotive glass Glass Processing Days 2001,
Tampere (Finland), published by Tamglass Ltd.
Oy, Vehmaistenkatu 5, Tampere.
[3] Van Duser, A., Jagota, A., Bennison, S.J. (1999)
“Analysis of Glass/Polyvinyl Butyral (Butacite)
Laminates Subjected to Uniform Pressure”
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,
125[4] 435-42
[4] ABAQUS version 6.8, (2009) Simulia,
Pawtucket, R.I. 02860 USA.
[5] Wölfel, E., (1987) Nachgiebiger Verbund
Eine Näherungslösung und deren
Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. In: Stahlbau
6/1987 pp. 173-180

GLASS PERFORMANCE DAYS 2009 | www.gpd.fi 3

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