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1. Discuss TWO (2) arguments made by the authors on the limitations of
examinations in measuring meaningful learning. (6 marks)

First and foremost, the argument set - up by writers on the limits of tests in
evaluating meaningful learning is that exams just require students to recall the main
ideas or points that pertain to the subject rather than using such knowledge in their
real experiences. In other words, the students are unable to participate in meaningful
learning since they simply believe that they need to retain all of that information in
order to write it down on the exam and receive an exceptional grade. As you can see,
using deep techniques after a pandemic has greater value since students are able to put
their knowledge to work in the real world and make connections between it and their

The author's second point is to minimize summative evaluation and enhance

formative evaluation. According to research, students often receive eight times as
many summative assessments as formative ones in their courses. Summative
assessments are activities that affect students' marks, whereas formative assessments
are tasks that concentrate on assisting students in learning by having them practise
important skills and taking use of feedback. Therefore, more formative assessment is
required so that learning may be more purposeful. Formative evaluation may help
students develop their talents, which makes it more beneficial in the future when they
want to start a profession and less stressful for them now.
2. If examinations were irrelevant, educational institutions would have
abandoned examinations a long time ago, with or without pandemic. Evaluate
ONE (1) significant value/benefit of examinations to educators that makes the
assessment worth keeping. (4 marks)

For my opinion, exams are very important for educators because through exams
educators can evaluate and identify the level of a student whether they have
mastered it well or not satisfactorily. Therefore, through the exam can also see the
effort of a student to study more diligently to get a good grade and can be proud of
themselves because the effort they put in is worth what they do. This exam can
make it easier for an educator to assess the level of achievement of each of their
students and be able to give feedback on the achievement to their students.

3. Analyze TWO (2) assessment tasks/strategies proposed by the authors as

alternatives to examinations. Do you agree that these tasks/strategies are
effective replacement to examinations? Support your answer with TWO (2)
justifications. (10 marks)

The first assessment suggested by the author as an alternative to exams is

formative assessment. Quoting a quote written by Naomi Winstone and David Boud
which is "By reducing the number of summative assessments, we can instead focus
on meaningful learning and formative feedback", I agree with the authors to reduce
the use of summative assessments in assessing student performance by focusing
more on formative assessment. This is because formative assessment can be
considered as a review to monitor and evaluate student progress during their
learning. The word "current" is important, because this type of assessment provides
feedback to teachers to help them improve student learning outcomes in real time.
With formative assessment, teachers have constant opportunities to change and
adapt their teaching. In addition, students will be more enthusiastic while sharing
knowledge and opinions with each other to solve the given questions. Instead of
students worrying about the marks they will get, formative assessment will make
them learn in a fun way but still achieve the learning objectives and understand
better. This can also increase their motivation.
Next the alternate evaluation proposed by the author as an alternative to the
test is authentic assessment. Grounded on the composition, authentic assessment is a
task that represents what a graduate might do in the real life situation. In my
opinion, I explosively agree that these tasks are effective. This is because, through
this assessment, students will be well prepared when entering the world of work. In
other words, this assessment can sharpen students' talents and skills, so they will not
be clumsy and formerly know what to do when entering the world of work.
Authentic assessment has no right or incorrect responses. The focus is on illustrating
how the student can apply the material learned in the course to situations and
surrounds from the real world. In addition, as we know, the future is veritably
demanding, so excellent test results alone aren't enough, scholars also need to have
talent and skills in the field that they want to pursue. Knowledge and skills need to
be balanced in the future. For example that we can take is doing presentation.
Presentation is the common system of authentic assessment. Through presentations,
students can talk over their work and exchange ideas about how they want to present
content that's applicable to the presence of classmates and preceptors. This can
laterally make scholars' confidence and communication chops. In addition, scholars
will be more careful and thorough in chancing information before presenting it in.

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