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Q1. Pointing to a lady in the photograph, Monika said, “Her son’s father is the son-in-law of my mother.”
How is Monika related to the lady?  
(a) Aunt 
(b) Sister 
(c) Mother 
(d) Cousin 
 Q2. Anil introduces Akash as the son of the only brother of his father’s wife. How is Akash related to Anil?  
(a) Cousin 
(b) Son 
(c) Uncle 
(d) Son-in-law 
Q3. Shikha told Aarushi, “The girl I met, yesterday at the beach was youngest daughter of the brother-in-law
of my friend’s mother.” How is the girl related to Shikha’s friend? 
(a) Cousin 
(b) Daughter 
(c) Niece 
(d) Friend 
Q4. Pointing to a man on the stage, Natasha said, “He is the brother of the daughter of the wife of my
husband.” How is the man on the stage related to Natasha?  
(a) Son 
(b) Husband 
(c) Cousin 
(d) Nephew 
Q5. Pointing to a man in a photograph, Aarohi said, “His mother’s only daughter is my mother.” How is
Aarohi related to that man?  
(a) Nephew 
(b) Sister 
(c) Wife 
(d) Niece 
Q6. Pointing to a girl in the photograph, Umesh said, “Her mother’s brother is the only son of my mother’s
father.” How is the girl’s mother related to Umesh?   
(a) Mother 
(b) Sister 
(c) Aunt 
(d) Grandmother 
Q7. X introduces Y saying “He is the husband of the granddaughter of the father of my father”. How is Y
related to X?  
(a) Brother 
(b) Son 
(c) Brother-in-law 
(d) Nephew 
Q8. Pointing to a woman, Manish said, “She is the daughter of the only child of my grandmother.” How is the
woman related to Manish?  
(a) Sister 
(b) Niece 
(c) Cousin 
(d) Data inadequate 
Q9. Pointing to a person, a man said to a woman, “His mother is the only daughter of your father.” How was
the woman related to the person? 
(a) Aunt 
(b) Mother 
(c) Wife 
(d) Daughter 
Q10. K and L are brothers. M and N are sisters. K’s son is N’s brother. How is L related to M? 
(a) Father 
(b) Brother 
(c) Grandfather 
(d) Uncle 

Directions (11-13): Read the following information and answer the questions given below: 
‘6’ is the son of  ‘5’. ‘4’, ‘5’’s sister, has a son ‘3’ and a daughter ‘2’. ‘1’ is the maternal uncle of ‘3’. 
Q11. How is ‘6’ related to ‘3’? 
(a) Cousin 
(b) Nephew 
(c) Uncle 
(d) Brother 
Q12. How is ‘2’ related of ‘1’?  
(a) Sister 
(b) Daughter 
(c) Niece 
(d) Wife 
Q13. How many nephews does ‘1’ have?  
(a) Nil 
(b) One 
(c) Two 
(d) Three 
Q14. Q is the brother of R; P is the sister of Q; T is the brother of S; S is the daughter of R. How is Q related
to T? 
(a) Uncle
(b) Father
(c) Brother-in-law
(d) Nephew 
Q15. Z; the son-in-law of K, is the brother-in-law of G who is the brother of E.E is the daughter of K. How is
G related to K?  
(a) Brother 
(b) Son 
(c) Father 
(d) Data inadequate 

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