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Page 95

1, Why is diffusion insufficient to meet the

requirements of multicellular organisms like
Ans. In multicellular organisms, only the cells of skin are
in direct contact with the environment. Diffusion is
a very slow process and it will take
very long time
to reach all the cells
of the body part. Diflusion is
insufficient to meet oxygen requirement.
w What criteria do we use to decide whether
something is alive?

Ans. If something shows following characteristics then

it is a requirement a living being:
(i) It can move on its own.

(i) It needs food to get energy and nutrients.

(ii) It respires.
(iv) It responds to changes that take place in its
() It exhibits growth and development.
(vi) It removes its metabolic wastes.
3/ What are outside raw materials used for by an
Ans. All organisms take in oxygen,water and fod as
raw material from the outside. As plants make their
Own food by the process of photosynthesis and they
need carbon dioxide and water as raw material f o
What processes would you consider essential for
maintaining life?
, Nutrition, respiration, transportation, cxeretio.

Sensitivity are some processes that are essential lor

maintaining life.
Page 101
What are the differences between autotrophic
nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition?
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Page No.
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2. Where do plants get ench of the raw materials
required for photosynthesis?
Ans. Raw material for
Carbon dioxide Atmosphere
Water Ground water
Solar energy Sun
3. What is the role of the acid in our stomach?
Ans. The acid found in our stomach is hydrochloric acid.
Ithelps to kill harmful germs which may have come
along with food. Stomach acid activates the enzyme
pepsin for digestion of protein.
4 4. What is the funetion of digestive enzymes?
Ans. Thefunction of digestive enzyme is to speed up the
process of breaking up of complex molecules into
simpler and absorbable molecules sothat it
is easier
for the bodyto absorb food.
5. How is the small intestine designed to absorb
digested food?
Small stestine hels th ahsouh the dlgasted foodintno
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