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9 Steady-state error and error constants 75

Consider the block diagram of Figure 3.16 with the transfer functions
Kp 1
GðsÞ 5 ; Gd ðsÞ 5 ; CðzÞ 5 Kc
s11 s
Find the steady-state response of the system to an impulse disturbance of strength A.
We first evaluate
Kp A 1 1
GðsÞGd ðsÞDðsÞ 5 5 Kp A 2
sðs 1 1Þ s s11

The z-transform of the corresponding impulse response sequence is

z z
ðGGd DÞðzÞ 5 Kp A 2
z 2 1 z 2 e2T

Using (3.21), we obtain the transfer function

1 2 e2T
GZAS ðzÞ 5 Kp
z 2 e2T
From (3.39), we obtain the sampled output
z z
Kp A 2
z 2 1 z 2 e2T
YðzÞ 5  
1 2 e2T
1 1 Kc Kp 2T
To obtain the steady-state response, we use the final value theorem

yðNÞ 5 ðz21ÞYðzÞz51
Kp A
1 1 Kc Kp

Thus, as with analog systems, increasing the controller gain reduces the error due to the
disturbance. Equivalently, an analog amplifier before the point of disturbance injection
can increase the gain and reduce the output due to the disturbance and is less likely
to saturate the DAC. Note that it is simpler to apply the final value theorem without simpli-
fication because terms not involving (z 2 1) drop out.

3.9 Steady-state error and error constants

In this section, we consider the unity feedback block diagram shown in
Figure 3.14 subject to standard inputs and determine the associated tracking
error in each case. The standard inputs considered are the sampled step, the
sampled ramp, and the sampled parabolic. As with analog systems, an error
constant is associated with each input, and a type number can be defined for any
76 CHAPTER 3 Modeling of Digital Control Systems

system from which the nature of the error constant can be inferred. All results are
obtained by direct application of the final value theorem.
From Figure 3.14, the tracking error is given by
EðzÞ 5
1 1 GZAS ðzÞCðzÞ
1 1 LðzÞ

where L(z) denotes the loop gain of the system.

Applying the final value theorem yields the steady-state error

eðNÞ 5 ð1 2 z21 ÞEðzÞz51

ðz21ÞRðzÞ  (3.41)
zð11LðzÞÞ z51

The limit exists if all (z 2 1) terms in the denominator cancel. This depends on
the reference input as well as on the loop gain.
To examine the effect of the loop gain on the limit, rewrite it in the form
LðzÞ 5 ; n$0 (3.42)
ðz21Þn DðzÞ
where N(z) and D(z) are numerator and denominator polynomials, respectively,
with no unity roots. The following definition plays an important role in determin-
ing the steady-state error of unity feedback systems.


The type number of the system is the number of unity poles in the system z-transfer

The loop gain of (3.42) has n poles at unity and is therefore type n. These
poles play the same role as poles at the origin for an s-domain transfer function
in determining the steady-state response of the system. Note that s-domain poles
at zero play the same role as z-domain poles at e0.
Substituting from (3.42) in the error expression (3.41) gives

ðz21Þn11 DðzÞRðzÞ 
eðNÞ 5
zðNðzÞ1ðz21Þn DðzÞÞ z51
ðz21Þn11 Dð1ÞRðzÞ 
Nð1Þ1ðz21Þn Dð1Þ  z51

Next, we examine the effect of the reference input on the steady-state error.
3.9 Steady-state error and error constants 77

3.9.1 Sampled step input

The z-transform of a sampled unit step input is
RðzÞ 5
Substituting in (3.41) gives the steady-state error

eðNÞ 5 (3.44)
11LðzÞ z51
The steady-state error can also be written as
eðNÞ 5 (3.45)
1 1 Kp
where Kp is the position error constant given by
Kp 5 Lð1Þ (3.46)
Examining (3.42) shows that Kp is finite for type 0 systems and infinite for
systems of type 1 or higher. Therefore, the steady-state error for a sampled unit
step input is
< 1
; n50
eðNÞ 5 1 1 Lð1Þ (3.47)
0; n$1

3.9.2 Sampled ramp input

The z-transform of a sampled unit ramp input is
RðzÞ 5
Substituting in (3.41) gives the steady-state error

eðNÞ 5 
½z21½11LðzÞ z51

where Kv is the velocity error constant. The velocity error constant is thus given by

Kv 5 ðz21ÞLðzÞ (3.49)
T z51
78 CHAPTER 3 Modeling of Digital Control Systems

From (3.49), the velocity error constant is zero for type 0 systems, finite
for type 1 systems, and infinite for type 2 or higher systems. The corresponding
steady-state error is
>N; n50

eðNÞ 5 ðz21ÞLðzÞ ; n 5 1 (3.50)
: z51
0 n$2

Similarly, it can be shown that for a sampled parabolic input, an acceleration

error constant given by

Ka 5 2 ðz21Þ LðzÞ
T z51

can be defined, and the associated steady-state error is

> N; n#1
< T2
eðNÞ 5  ; n52 (3.52)
> ðz21Þ2 LðzÞz51
0; n$3

Find the steady-state position error for the digital position control system with unity feedback
and with the transfer functions

Kðz 1 aÞ Kc ðz 2 bÞ
GZAS ðzÞ 5 ; CðzÞ 5 ; 0 , a; b; c , 1
ðz 2 1Þðz 2 bÞ z2c

1. For a sampled unit step input

2. For a sampled unit ramp input
The loop gain of the system is given by

KKc ðz 1 aÞ
LðzÞ 5 CðzÞGZAS ðzÞ 5
ðz 2 1Þðz 2 cÞ

The system is type 1. Therefore, it has zero steady-state error for a sampled step input and
a finite steady-state error for a sampled ramp input given by

T T 12c
eðNÞ 5  5
ðz21ÞLðzÞz51 KKc 1 1 a

Clearly, the steady-state error is reduced by increasing the controller gain and is also
affected by the choice of controller pole and zero.

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