Urban Landholding Registration Proclamation.818-2014

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'(.t'7 '1".••1- -111'(: !'if; Hh,,}y'A',f .i..i.{,'~1: ;;,q"h{',(U"P' ('T·II~.l1 20" yeo, No 25
h~.11 '\Wl rla'I:'}' Hi -/,'J !(JI',l; 'u'" ,'..1)1/-11 -hu'I""";)', 9"'),(: n.'} 1I1f1'I!~:" IJal'" ADDISAI:3AI3A 21" February. 2014
..,(l>"l CONTENTS
M':iI> 4o'l'C lif!l:/f1f,1 'I,ll" ProclamAtion No. 81812014
fh'I''''1 ""lo')' ,[',1';)' Y"'WI'I M' ~ .. ,.,,.. l~,lfgli l fl"ban t.ll.ndholdin£ Ittgislrllltion Proclamation ..... P.~t 726~

M'~ "''1'1: gn;>l/riU PROCI.MIATION No. 81812014

ilIIht"'l "".!,,). ,IW;I= ,.111'1 fOl"! lIfg " PRQCJ :\rH,)TIQN TO rROYlnE t' PS

OId·f·A·Y &.,U,~'f 'l1"IIt-il.Y'f WHEREAS, it is desired to realize, the rights of

tTiI~,h ,M 00""1.'»')' Id4>~' ~('i,) f·tr.W/tJ>" Ethiopians 10 immovable property they build on Ihc land
It -n. Oout..), ~Y. ~"'I.l)O")· '1:"'1, ·Hld· as provided under Article 40(7) of the Constitution of
N1~·M ..)· f'l~n.·h')· 1.<; Ooulo')· foom4>?" the Pederal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. and their
Oll·n;Ffm·') ntH,fIO:¥- ',·''1flt·fJ! lTIlf:/'''' )dlt.t\'l. right to use land in urba ns;
If'l' Ooo-f'i 'l: 1

fh'/''''/ nolo')' )'.1':" 00001l'/il M,./t·~ WHEREAS, registration of urban land has
h.I>~''''I. M·/·"'I"'1"i anO!'! OO~""·)b1.....), become a fundament al in stituti onal requis ite to generate
~"'I.t.MOl· 1,7A"J(/"'l' ~"'I,/,A 'hl:"'I'f nov'/.·)·
reli able information for the country' s economy which
will. be utilized for the req uired service, especially, to
Ono(}')'1 0'1"1\'1'.9" f/LH· y./':J' ""'0')' 'I'M,';
give security for the p('Issession right of citizens, and -,-... '"
h'M.!'7'S~' fh·/"I"'T'·) 1,.to~''''I..r'f' "'Iuot-'f'; •
the r.e by accelerate economic, social and envi ronmental
h',qO.J''f tI"'I')' "'14,01'1 1,lItAt Onoln, J development o f cit ies;
hoolo')· h~' h"'l!':)'~~4>1t ')iI/.'l' ;>1: WHEREAS, it has become necessary to
'~YY.~ fO~. 1~tJ>') hCIlC IInD'~'/II' qt\,I'.l';I·tJ> minimi ze disputes arised related to land and
0,),'7 1,'7'1'0 rt.t·tJ>·) 1111')' nom'/'?" immova ble property, establish tran sparent and
f"'lJ'M"I\(JI' "1M',.).>; ·/'tn."'/:''')· j'/\/l')' ac~:ou lltnb lc worhillg system and making governmenl
I0Il'/''''1°1'1 fin fl,fl.·C PCI')' nollc" ')' I,'; services effi cient and enable Ihe possessor to enjoy lilt.:
0",,')'711')' f"'l,lIm' 1,'/A'111" I")'· \"I'~IIIIl' property he develops in accol1h.lIlce wi th law;
h')':'(},I' O~Y:t'1 1,ltt.~7, OnoU')·,
hnol.,)· )',I':J' .'C: '/'
Y>'1f',.)· ,1'~'I:tJ>') WHEREAS, it has become necessary to put in
ool1f''T'' htlM!"')" I.'; :) ~6. If·,'·'1 ~ooou1l7'11 place legal framew ork which is up-to-dale, efficient.
f"'l.J'h'ftl <D'I- ;).,/:, .,an' 11'111,1' A(I)'tJ>'l' ;>C compatible with market transaction th at facilit<ltc
f-I"'1"!oo f;h'1'~M'~: fl"'ltJ>a,,), Yuol,')" ; reg istration of rights, restrictions and responsibililies
relating to land and immovable property and to enhance
f"'l)':H~"'iI 'HId' ~)'I '/O!' fld,';''''I, /~C'l'l'
the contribu tion of land and immovable property to the
'7')q;J' ),M"') 1oII'/''/')(' 1I"'I<'IY.'7' h').'UW' developm ent of free market economic system and to
"'I'g'tJ>?" foot,·)· ql\j?I':J· Ooot,,)· ~K. ~t./ror ce rti fy land and imm ovable property right to the
Y"'IY:H~NI 'HId, lIoP6.')· Y.I';I'G'· arll'j' possessor, who devel ops on Ihe land, and 10 ensure hi s
,/,11,)'<; "'I /. ;>'/ Ai ), '1'1.'0' l <D' .,., Y: l '7 0"'1116. "',.. possession securil Y;
t'U ,.:J'P. '1P'{l'I'C VIIIJl/.;J·'p' unClf9':}"' WHEREAS, it has become necessary 10
flf)")-') f )'.1';1' 9"'/1'/'1') ' OY.I':)·A(I)·tJ>'l' '/.lL impl ement legal cadastre principles such as registration
fqIlY.";)·') y.WI;J· mr'l'l-l" 1'.1.'.1':)' 9"'/1'1"') of possession, getting th e consent of the possessor
11,),1111 '7A~' ""Y:l'7 1.<; !',I';)·tJ>')'o' durin g transaction , making registration of possession
qM',I';!'",,') 00011.1' ~)'.T ""III"h /».. ~y. open to public, clearly iden ti fy ing th e possession and
the possessor through unique identificalion codes:
""'I'tI 0"'1116.1\'1' i
NOW, TH EREFORE, in acco rdance with
O/': )'I"A',' t ..Y•• · ~'P. -'!.'I"h.·fl,Y'f
Article 55(2)(a) of the Constitution of the Federal
tTl1l\.h ,),'/ ""')"111')' 1,'/'1' 0 ~(i (~)(I)) ano'/.')·
Dem ocratic Republi c of Ethiopia, it is hereby
f"'l,h'/'I\(I> ;J·aJ·;il.tI::
.'proclaimed,as foll ows:

,n~ 'I',;J 'l ..'"J(.-l' .'"JIL"1 ;t .. ...,.<#!

Unit Price Negarit Gazeta
"1\' ~7i.~Y;i;·~ /. ...f!,(..A, ~:}(. .1- -. :JtI,nl ·11'1'r: ?)(; \'!I'! :,}. Hi .,.') (n. :~ 'i-.?" Federal Ncgaril Gal,t' llt: No. 25 2\,<0 Febru ary 20 14 .. .... page 71(;('

h'fA h')1: PMU ONE

Ii. h"L"e eM I. Short Title
f.1l l,q'~ "l'h·'·"'1 oo,{.·)· .1'.1 1;1' ?"l'lrJ This Procl amation may be cited as the "U rban
~,'I':<': 4''T'C ?;J:' i;~Ni'iJ" "" 01'1'" 1'1 .1111'1'1 Landholding Registration Proclanlati on No.
I. -l-e'l"'& 2. Definitions
I' :1'1'1' ~,lrJ'O t\" -)-0'9" \''''1. NI (I){D. Unless the contexl otherwise requires. in this
IIAlf~ nfl·,"rC OIl.U ~,'P:(>": m.fl'l':· Proclamation:
iii "h-I-"'I" "'11'1.). "'111.:1 ;<1 /1,.). II "urban center" means any locality having a
l"hl:*uoO')' mJ!.9" OU'? I"Alln mun icipal adm inislralion or designaled as
an urban cent er by lega lly authorized body;
0'/"{1I1I{D' ~\IIA h'/''''I ' H1I'I" \"/-(ll'uo
M:t. ~0J0:
!I.I "l'h'I''''I uo,{.·)·" "'11'1.). n"'l·g:{D·9"
21 " urban land" means land located within the
hAA I'h·/·',,/ I'MH·P,'y.C 01(\') lJ,..'I'T' ad mini strati ve bo un dary of an urban cente r
\""I:I'~ uo':'·)' '1m·: of an y region;
i:I "1'(70,{.')' .I.',II;J'" "'JI'I')' 1'1'1:11 I"t·)·
31 " landhold ing" means a use righl on an urban
1l"~. (/lJt·n;/· U"J uo(\I. ·)· nl'l:1I r·'·.fll
land acquired in accordance with Ihe land
(Il,('.9" nl'l.1' U"J ODU'l.';' h(ll·h·
lease law or an old urban land possession
r·"'·IIIl(ll· 1'11'1''''1 ',rJC I'uo,:,')' .I.'.,I;r recognized by the lease law; "
",('. I"r'''~ 1"/'(1):1''''1.',.). OD'fl'}' ~0J0:
!il "11","'1 M·'·P,'y.C" "'11'1.). nu"J 41 "urban administration" means an organ
1""*:1.'(70 {D,(',9" ~,"JrJ11 rJl'I{D' ~,IIA establ ished by law or delegated by
/1'1-1'1111 (D·hA<; 1'11,""'1 hlH·,I:J'.C appropriale body 10 exercise the powers and
P't\"D 1; "'U/lie \J{-"1,.f'h'ior'} ),',(.\ '1(1)-01 fun cti ons of urban administration;
(;1 "U;1'P. IIP,fl'/'C" "'11'1.) . I'IhJ' vnp,. 51 "legal cadastre" means an updated
U;1'P. (D(\') 1'1" ' 1'11'1'1.). ,f.'. II ;I- i I' ,f.'.I';I· landh olding information system con l ain in!,!
,. (7O·n·)· i hAM h'i ~~"6 . 'I·)· a record of the ri ghts, restr ict ions and
/ --- .
I''''I.Y(70 1'1 h')' uoO! I' .I'll' 1',('./1 ;I'{D••) responsibilities on a defined legal boundary
IIC;I- ~\Ill?"C' 1'.1' 11 (D~';I''P. 1'(70':")' for each land hold ings demarealed as parcel
,('.1 1;1' ool.}j IUC'}')' ~0J0: on map;
'N "OI"A;I-'P. 11.1'.. .1',/1;1-') "'I1.;11'T''' 61 "syslematic landholding adjud icalion"
"'11'1.). ni,·).\'.· 1',('.11;1' "'Il..:ll""t IJ06.C means a process of ascertaining existing
ol·fl'T' n"'l:I1' f .II;I' 9')'. ".I.'. l"lnl.·) rights on landholdi ngs within a defined
oo·n·)· Ouo'y.P,OJ· 1''''11.,:)1'1' 11.".. ~(D.: landholding adjudication neighborhood;
:i,1 ''/If,A(;; ~,t\(;; 11.1'.. J'.I';V) "'JI. :J7'T''' 71 "sporadic landholding adjudication" means
"'I(\-)' o"'),\'.' l'Y.I';I· "'I1.;11 600t u'6.C a process of ascertaining periodically
existin g holding right in a landholding
(D'fl'T' "'.V.?" 111'1" I",nl.') I' ,('"I;r
adjudi cation neighborhood based on
0011')' 1'I"'I1.7J'T' nrJl'I,('.I';I· 'T' N
sequenti al order of the submission of the
00(\1.')' 1''''I.·'·1nc 1',('.11;1' U01\')'
request by the holder;
"'11.;11'1' 11,1'.. ~(J~:
1;1 "!,llln.Y 'Ii')i'\';'" "'11'\.,. ni,·},\'.· h"''''1 81 " block partilion" means a plan block drawn
up in linc whh roads and line features
11'1'-1-".' I'M·'·P,.V.C hell') I"C
according to the standard prepared for block
I'''~:I'>; (/ot..-)- II";' I'IlllfU' '(j')i'\';'
partition and cont a ining o ne or more
O" 'IIA': .1'.0: uofld· iTo·)1}'."'» ""i holdings within the lower administrative
uoflu"/'.'P. '/'10';/' $1')" ') ,,'11')'1'1 · unit of an urban center;
't"'l.~.Y.(I: OOl·flfn· ~, -) .Y: (Jlf.Y" h~t'}.V:
O"f. I'ln· f.I';I· 9')"') I' .I'll 1''1'''')
IT](l.,I' 'IllI':
iii "'t'j,/,:{j ant.••)· AI~ rloM' 1>.\'.'" "'11'1.). 91 "unique parcel identi fr cation code" 1llcans
M,'),\'.' 11-,·°,/ OJ·fl'!, 1''''1.11 ~(nI\ the unique code or number by which a
f,II_~' n'fFt"'i'rI' 1""I.I'I.l'.n·)· I'uo'{.-)· parcel located in an urban center is uniquely
.1.'.1 1;1' uol'll I\.~: {Dg.?" 'I:'T'C 'IO~: identifi ed;

" "';;
------_ ..._ --_... - --

II "I)lI\,,.C "'!(I)-....~ IIC;J-" "'1/1')' O~,')~: I 01 "cadastre index map" means maps of block
h' /. 0'1 II"'I.Ii'l.Y: I' .e. ,I;:/.
"'It. :J1 6bl partitions prepared for landholding
adjudication to be conducted in an wrban
9"1/11] Nil;.>;'>; l'''lO.J' O')i'i<j'P:Y'
oJ,l'.9" I' y," ;r "'It.;.> 1"'t 9" 111 I] f'I &. C center or maps of a landholding
tIC;)' pl U'~(I)- I'IIC;I' fl9" M"l'' l' adjudication neighborhood with serial name,
Y.lJl J'i\a). ·/·Il;)·;)·Y. fIJ''''1 ),r, "''l'C and number according to the map naming
standard; .
'jiPfaJ· \,°'/.11':>:0.: 'IC;t- pi· <;''1'aJ''
Xiii "."t·o 00'(") " ~1fI')' mM· Ilr.\'.·c ),r, I 1/ "parcel" means an area of land its boundary
Il IIC;r '1Y, O"IAb ,,·ny.f· 1'001114'9" extent is clearly defined and demarcated on
0011')' 1'·,·t.;.>1mll·)· Af. 1'00llJ' fl.f: the ground and drawn upon a map with
YII(I)- )m'l I'oot.·)· f.,I;). ~(J}o: rights having a unique parcel identification
XIJ.I "1'00'(")' f.";J- "'I t.;'>1 6Lt 4'm'j" 121 "landholding adjudication section" means a
"'1M, Oh'/'°'i '''~''h' ""·/·-':5'.C landholding adjudication area at a lower
)'CIl') (l)-fl'l' IJ~")~: 0. .I'AOllm· level of a urban administration comprising
."t-7i oot.·)· YII..)- (f<j' hM"fI-l- not more than five adjudicati on
!"Ollm' 1'.e.,I;). "'It.;'>1""t u·t.c'~·· neighborhood wit h not more than one
O'l'9"d' 1''''I.f:'I' l'4'm'j Af. fl.\'.' thousand parcels, recognized by the urban
·"f'I'l'·f··)· Oh-l-"'I Ml·"-':,r.<. ),(I)-~'; administration and to which a unique
111 , f f .,I;)· "'It.;'>1 6Lt ,,111l0. ~(J}o: section code is assigned;
Xr.1 "1'00'('·)· .e.II;r "'It.:n 6Lt IJ·&.C" 131 "landh olding adjudication neighborhood"
"'III')' flA;r'C i'f.ll;r "'It.;'>1'1' means a landholding adjudication area
'}'''IIlt- 1''''I.h'j(J)·}O·)· O",}"j) Oooflh'; having clearly identified boundary on the
OIIC;!' "or. I''''I.;J-(J)~ ooufluut·'C ground and on line map and containing
',C;r Olin: ·,.h;l·;J·Y. 1!'1'C h'i consecutive number and identification name
DUll! fI!"'L YII(I)- I'J,'./I:r "'It..:J76l>~ in which systematic adjudication activity is
carried out;
,,',1l0. '10)0:
Xiii "I' .e.fI;r 001]·)· °7t..'116l>L f'lC·/·r,:h,·)·" 141 "holding ri ght certificate" means a
"'1M· Oov1/ ;'>0.(1)- .,. '.1:9" 1''''1.11'1' document of title issued by the registering
ituoto·)· ·hn:l'O'f. ~ .). 1'O'f.U"~"P.' I' Y.II;I· institulion confirming holding right that
001]·)··) l''''I.!t.;J''l'l' f'I~.\'.' ~aJ': emanate from land use;
Xf;1 ''fII)lil·,.C ~f<'l' "'III')' "'I'g'(J)'9" 151 "cadastral survey" means a method o f
I'OD.{.·)· J!.Il;)' Olf'l') Ah,-1- Oouilh . measuring landholding boundary on the
IIf. 00011')' 09".\':C ~'f<'l oo''It! field using land surveying instrum ent or
(,"'IIt"S~·)· (J)M" OG:-r·"'}t·"'L-l-t 11.1'.. through photogrammetric means;
"'Ih'j(J)'} )(1)-: 161 "surveyor with special permit" means a
X'j,1 "Af. &.:1'~: ("""m aJ ' 4' y7i" "'If'I')' surveyor entrusted by the authorized body
Oh·/·"'I ',fI·"'<;~.C o)ofl'\' flAt'n '1110>' of an urban administration with the
hl,Ct I",M·/ ·(; ~\'t'\ ),·) .... .I'h'ilf)··) responsibility to carry out cadastral
~"6. ~.). 1"/'f'lmaJ' oj> .1'7i ',Ol·: surveying;
171 "cadastral surveyor" means a person who is
XXI "I'II-':M'C .,..r7i" "'III')' I'II-':MC
registered and issued a license as a
.p1'<'I )'·M.J'h~·(I)-·) 0'/'/1.'1:<':0)' fou·.!'
surveying professional by the appropriate
9" ",.j y.t. )l 000 ' t. -l- il A"1') I] II (/l.
organ according to the professional
(,'ICt 1"/'oull?O'i 6.:I·.\'.· \,·/'1'11110>' compelency s tandards issued for this
f~l'<'I IlIIuo, Y ~O)·:
X'1;1 "9"1/11l" "'III')' 1'0'0'('.)· f.,';t- ou1\')': 181 "registrati on" means the process by which a
h"M )''i ~",vd' OU;J'C II-':fI·/·C landholding righl. restnctlOn, and
0'01/1-1\ 1''''/.00l/1·no·)· 'I.,r.r ~O)·, respon sibility is registered in the legal
cadastre register;
Xiii "h-/'\l1 YIlO" hl'JA" "'1M, 1'tI.. ,r.t-A 191 "appropriate body" means the Federal
fh·,."'1 UTI':")' y,'I;). 9"1/?Wi out.)l Urban Real Property Registration and
",:P:·UI. (J)y.9" OhAA ,r.t. Jl 1""'.1::1:0'0 In fo nn ation Agency or an organ established
(J)f.9" 1"/'III'on I'h'/''''! ont.·)· f.,I;/. or designated at regional level to supervise
9"ll1ll'j dOt.? "'>1/,')0. ./.*o'n··, urban land holdi ng registration alld
l''''IA'nlIl1C "IIA )0)0: I in fo rm ation regi stering in stituti ons;
tt Xlt~,~~;r; t.,.f../..A. '1:16·1- .?Jl.fT' '*'1'r. WI;
X« "" ~O.~ '.9"
f 11'I:')' Federal Negarit Gazette No. 25 21 '" February 2014 . . .. page 7268

'!II "lI o 'lt'ln. " _*9""' "'Iti-i- OhM-)"- 201 "regi sterin g institution" means all organ
1100:(; Olf'l ~,Y.I.:'\:P:')· 1"/"**00 establis hed or designated by a region at
OW.?" f'I"I'lfnu ~,"1(H' /'I/'1OJ' ntl/:I appropriate level to undertake registration of
urban land and immovable property
'/"l1It I'W', rh·/"O? oot.·)· .I'.1l ;1-'i
information and is accountable to the
1'D?1.':HtaHl 'HId, ool.:tl ?"111f1
appropriate body;
l'o'l.f1,'/)': ./.*?" ~OJ':
'filii "l'f./';1- ~,I.;J ;J6f:'
D?fI')' 211 "adjudication officer" means a person
O{]A:1"'P. 1'1.'.11:1" D?t.;J1'l' '1oY.r appointed by the government to verify
Of./';I· D?1.:J1"'~ '~mC; OJ'{]'l' I' f.Jl:1" landholding right during systematic
'lflonll·h·)· ~..PU' t.;J "1 'l' {\ou,>o/{]-}, adjudication in an adjudication section and
1',";100 hc,' ntl.rJ' <l'mc,' I' f.t!:1" in charge of organizing landholding
ont.it'} O)"t.H· \'D?,n.l.· J!: 1l0J0 information in the section;
~0J0 :
221 "registration o fficer" means a person
till "oo'//;J{\, n·9'''' D?fI')' ntl.U ~,tpJ!:'
authorized by a region or by city
oo(J'd· foot.o)- f,/';' 0011')"):
administration to register landholding right,
hAh"')', ;:'''6,~')'') h')-,\,ool1"111 h'i
restriction and responsibilities and issue
D?I.,')1A~?':r-'} h'}-'\,(I'l' OhAA
certificate of title in accordance with this
OJ!!.?" OIl'1'D? M,/·P,Y.C I"A"l'} Proclamation;
f'/'/\mOJo OOJ' '(OJo:
'(lEI "OO(J't.:1"'P. 11P'{l'I'C 1,C;r" D?fI')' 231 "cadastre base map" means a map prepared
09".I':C -rl'ta OJ1.'.?" h~,fC C.:'f· using ·Iand surveying or air photograph
1'". /l;J J!: IIC;' W<j' OOJo{]1Il' which shows administrative boundary,
fence, road. boundary Jine of buiJding or
I'Ml'I·P,.I'.C mo'}! ','l'C!
house, river, Jake, land features, distribution
00'}1~'1 fu't, (Df.?" ffl.')' foJl\'}
of permanent survey points and similar
oo{JooC: OJ'HI' ., f,T : I' 00/..')' objects:
1tl;J': *D?, 1'~'l'ta ','I'M'· (JC6f:")'
hc,' oooA ~1]/i.'P. /I'~,;J'?''1:'}
fD?.YlIf. ou~71 ItC:1" ~0J0'
?iii! "hAA" "'lfI')' mvl'I'A',f' &...I'.t-,,'P. 241 " region" means any state referred to in Article
It'l''ht-o ..I''P. t1'1IfI.II i111 uo')"1I"')· 47(/) of the Constitution of the Federal
1,'Htl ~n(?i) f,,·oollh·/·OJo D?'}~:OJo9" Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and
hAA o.IY'> f/,P'.{J 1In,..)c,· I'.I':/..WP inc/udes the Addis Ababa and Dire Daw. city
h"'D? M ,,·P,Y.C'1··) f.Q.t?" /i·A I administrations;

'(;(";1 "D?~,{J,/;c" D?f\o). fh'J'D? AD?')" 251 "Ministry" means the Ministry of Urban
1M'·'1'.,,' P't{J·)·t-ho'} D?, ~.(H;C ~0J0: Development, Housing and Construction;

'fi'i./ "00J0" - D?fI')' 1',1't. 'l'C' (Df,?" OU"1 261 "person" means any natural or juridical
1'1l0J0'r)' UD'f1'~' I"J.t'1I1l(IJ' ~,l,tI ~0J0 I

?i't! D?'g:OJo9" OOJ').I': Y;1' N711MJo 271 any expression in the masculine gender
l'(d"}9" Y1t')fA:: includes the feminine.

y.,..c.''''l. ~T roll") 3, Scope of ApplicatioQ

f,U . ~'PJ': I'h' /"D? 00(,,')") OD?,ooflh')' This Proclamation shall be applicable to all urban
centers all over the country with regard to urban
OMt,,, 0J0{J'l' 0D?:('i· IhH" h""I"~'· 'If,
,,. 6. ~D? ~,). fS t. 'I'A::

II. r-toT g.fl;J= 9"11'/11 't1"'l?>:f 4, Objectjves or

Lapdholdjng Regjstration
fh'/"D? oot.,)· f.JI;1· 9"1111] \,°'l.h'J·/H· Urban landholding registrati on shall have the
following objecti ves:
,}'I D??' "I'. J'. ,;. <'r;1' A : -
II ensuring un iform protection of landholding
hi I'h'J'D? out,,)· J',J':1" ?"'//11l f"1A' rights of private, joint holders, associations,
I';Jt- I'D?UOt-')·! l'uo')"1{];I·'P.C,· government and non-governmental insti
oo'}"JiI;·'P. J'AIf'/· ,,.*"7')' f1ou/..')· tutions, by enabling urban centers know the
I'oom<l'?" oulI')' OJ'l' {\If~ 7.t.:tl land available at their disposal through
f"'l,J'ilmlIt If~' I h'I''1'''r' .I'1\'fOJo'} inventory and create integrated national

. • • . -. ___ _ c· . -_• .,.--. ,._" __ _

oo':"}' 41'1'/.0)0 "'1Ol~' h'}.'\,:1·/\, landholding syslem compalible wilh the
0"'1~'/'?1 OM£: M'Ij: .u:<f '/'''' '10, rural land administration which supports the
. I'ln roo,:,,), J'.tI;t- d"l:<f ~.'}P,.'i'C building of one economic community; and
he; hU' ,:..;. h1il1';' roo",,')' J'.Il;t-
h/H·?'),.C ;JC '/'11]'1"1" 11'}~'
1'n./J~''''1, °'111(1(.(\'0 \'an'l'I'H'} '1..1'.')'

"'1111' "C;
\,h' ~"'1 on",,·}· ,('.I';f- ,,"1),)-,) 09"1/11) 2/ accelerating the economic, social and
0"'1/.,:1'1'1': 1'1)1\,\',1 1;1'(0") \'£I"t.·)·
environmental development of urban centers
by ensuring land hold ers security of
,\'.fl;t- '/'il1.'p 0 'l.'r}. 'I'{J+'i ~.".
landholding right and recognition of title to
l''''1f;H>tt'''{J '}1)d' 1I11(\.'h)·
immovable property by certifYing the right
001H"} hOl·:t,,· Ooollm')' I'h'/''l''~'·,} through registration.
h.M''''1.f'f: "'1UO&-'f h <; 11',I)OJ''f
I:\"'H", "'14.m'}::
~, '''''o!.+ ",,;1= 11"'1/.21'1' 00"1""" fM'f(1)o 5. Prerequisites for l ,undhQldjng Ad iudiratioD
t,g:",. IJ-"';I=P'~
In order to carry out adjudication of urban
Oh'/''l''1- \'00""')' .1',1';1' no·n·).'} I\o~/.;rl'l':·
landholding right:
AI rh'/''''1(/)- M·/· ....r.t·'1! 01(\') oP{JoPtr 'e
1/ Ihe adminislrati ve boundary of the urban
',C;t- '/,Il;J~'M')' M14'1:'I" ooltY.o}> ! center shall first be defined through line
h'i map; and
. 'AI rh,/,"'1(/)-') t.M·?,),.':·'/! 01(\') Y·'''·lIn 21 . the urban center plan wilh reference to
OU"! M1.'\~~·)' rll(/)- I'h'I''''1 Til'} administrative boundary shall be endorsed
p'lVI]'} 1)/\11)0 t.',A
oolt)'.+! by the authori zed body as having a legally
11/10')':: binding effect.
6, Principle
""III'' '
iiI OdD""')'
ii,\', flll1)o'}
II A cadastral base map, parcel map and
cadastral index map which show features
on the surface of the land shall be prepared
',C;t-i \'.1'./1;1' m~"'1, ',C;I' I.,,' on paper or paper and digital form on the
I",?'{J,/'C "'111)0""1 I,C;)o ht.16·T. basis of the national geodetic survey
1'1..>'Y.'/;h 0}>1'<'1 out1) O£/P~tt,)· network.
1I00l'I"l' cD}.'.?" IIIDI.'/")' ','i
OY.·:I'!;t-A (;:C9" }.',II,:J:<fA::
'1/ I'dDt,')· .1',1';1' '/-in:J>"'1,'r}. on'O')' 21 A document specifying the right, restriction
Nl'lmOl- 1'I00' Ohnp,')~ ":t,7i and responsibility of person having a land
use right shall be prepared on paper or paper
00':")' .1'110)0') 00'11')': )jAM I.,,'
and digital form for each parcel.
;)I\6,~'/:') 1''''1.1MI O~Y.· IIw/. ·H·
Olf.9" 001/''''')' I.,,' OY.·~· ;I'A (;;C9"
f.Il;J~I\;I·A: :
rl hY')?")P" ./:t.7i ",.t...)· A\( £/PI\.I' ',Y: 31 Each parcel of land shall be assigned with a
unique identifi cation code and this code
1''''1,lItn(l)o 11,(/,') J',IJlf" II),: 011.11
shall interrelcite the co mponents provided
h""'?-" ')O.{J t.'H~· (M he; ( ~ ) for under sub·article (I) and (2) of this
J'f\")") hC{J octt:"11)0 °'lM·ttI'lC Article.
oM')' :: 41 Legal cadastre shall be established upon
iiI Oll,u l,')."Y,· ')O,{J h'}>/>Y,' (M: (10 fulfillment of the requirements specified
hCi (f) Nil ,"<--1'
d0"J.I\;t-~'())o under sub·article (1), (2), and (3) of this
'/,1.;1'1(11 Otl.u ll'l'~ 001'11.')' 9"1/11) Article are verified and registration is
/\,I,'LY.· U:J'f ',?,M'C .I'.dDlIl.;1·A:: undertaken 10 accordance with Ihis
Procl amation .
(;/ U;J'P. "P,tH·~· OU1>'II:;O. '/':I;~" (J).{J'I' 51 Th e legal cadastre, which shall be organized
·/·Y.lr):':··f· \,o~.'/'oP·T' (Ur') I\out.·)· and ke pt in the reg istering insti tut ion.
J',tI;1' "'1I.,:J1""L <pc; "'l{Jl1l If';' constitutes the primary evidcll ce for
f111'1i1Ct :: landholding certification purpose.
~. 7. CiHJaS(l'al " 'Ta ll
))/.\(I":y. t,1).'lil'l·C I" "I.II',} {/n(jt.;I"p' Ii Regions shall cause I Ill' preparation PI' a
oP'/1i 'ie;',(,').'\.11;)':' "?f:t.·7 base map to be usc-d for drawing of a
~,(I'I:/:OJ':: cadastre. .
~I l"I ..,fH·C IIC; "())' nu"·//:ln.m· '1'*9" 21 The cadastra l llIap shall be prepared by 'he
Ilml'I:~H' .l',I1.~~/'\:: registering institutioll.
1"I'~0H: I I ( f Ml'I ·.:IY.~:. (I)(j';·:r?'. 1 The cadastral map sha ll include
·/:(.·Ii aDf..'),",'·): (7o·i'//,·YI' !"/:(.,Ii admini strative bou ndaries. parcels,' r03ds,
aut.•.;. t.\~~ uo('I." }I.r: 11(' "lfl.." 1 uniqu e parcel jd~ntjficJiton cod~ and block
O'}i'\(;"} aIltl'L -'- pS.t;J· \)P,P;J' par1iti on ba sed parcel addresses and parcel
',J':t.·i'i9J l·'} ~,(; ,.I{1 ;'- fl1.·i· CTU.<"I1 s ize .
41 The cadastral map which shall be prepared
iii \'"P,{H'C I,C ;J' 1111'1''''/0)' \' itlH·)IY.e
(I)(j'j /luu',c)} I'"lllf~:' If'i' on the basis of an urban administrative
/lI"/·'I't.Jl, .1'(1' ~,iI,/ , p,r,(,·'P. (l)1)<;':r- ' j: I
boundary shall contain respective
admi ni strative boundaries, cadastre index
\"I-'lil'/'(: "'IOJ-""), lie :" 9":)"'); \' '/:(,:{j I maps. parcel boundary and coordinates.
n<>/..,i · m(j' j (,'; I,).(:,t:' ~"r, :j" ·j !
,('.,('.11/.\: :
;il IlId,t:' \,II P,{HC 111/l ..r (1)'1'1'\' 1""1; 1'1,
51 A cadastral map showi ng veri fi ed parcels
I' ,', I. ,n Ill' .,: t, 7i ,n> /., ,\', ) ', 'j I' "'I,$'<'\.e. withi n a cadastral block shall be prepared
according to th e national standard in such a
fllP'{l'I'C IIC;}' l.., t.</? y,t.~') lIl'fl<l'
manner that it cove rs the urb a n
I'h'/""}(I)"j \' l,iI' /'P,Y,C OJ(I'} fl"'},M:') administrative boundary and contains" leaves
h'JIj'fl (,'; /l'/'h;l ';I·,('. fIIC:)' ~'m/.\ assigned with seri a l na me and num ber.
M''''I. h'; "''I'C h'j-'l.J!:// '/'Y,C?
~I /lIl.u 1,'H'7,' UflV 't. +
\,"'I.II.~j':' 61 A cadastral map to be prepared in
\,11-'l1'I"'C Ile;l' 1'·',/.,7i not..·i, oWj accordance with this Article shall be
UYP"ri' ·",'IJ!,'f' 11'1'1\11 0,).", OOJI.·,,-)- prepared on paper or on paper and in di gital
Cll,l',Y" nw/.·H , (, ' i OY: )':';I't\ (;;£:9" form ollly aftc r the lega l boundary of a
uull.~J':-i' 1,(lIH':: parcel is surveyed a nd demarcated.

r4!&-1i ou&'-r t.\'. rOD'" I>~ 8. Unique Pareel Identification Code

?if "n>,'Ol'Y" ·,:(.·7; u"/~ 'i' 1lI,'/(,,'/? y,/.~ 1/ Each parcel sha ll have a unique parcel
",,(j/.'}' 1l\' ,h'OJ'9" 1'11'1''''1 ",(,:{j identifi cation code prepared in accordance
(/n/.,:/' fI,l'. 1''''0'.)':19'' I.W anfl,!' I"f: with the nationa l standard which may 1I0t he
Y.';' /., if 1.\:: duplicated On another parcel in any urhan
1 center.
iii /l"'/(.-'r. r.Lf. nOIl'(.'}' 'N'?" flJ!. I
21 No uniqu e parcel identification code other
11'1'11 AI( \,./:(,:/i m./..} noM' 1',1':
th an thc identification code applied in
OJ·(.f.l. '~(..1i ""I. ..} ..) (loo(ll"}' M
accordance with the national standard may
0 0 (1,<' I',~' 00111'/'9" 1,J!.;J'A?"::
be used to identify a parcel.
11. 9. Pare.llnde, Map
I'J!./I;}. III*O'}. IIC;" I'./:(.:{j ao/." /: ·j /'\I~ A parcel index map shall show the parcel's unique
',"(I.!' /'.f: ' ",,,u,i·' il1. ·i· ; Ald· ; idcllt i ficat ion code, length, wid th , meas ureme nt.
~,./.u'/uu'l· I.'; 1'('; "'",,) '1'1:,), I' {""(/I" ) I pus ili o ll and shape, pafCC.: r S address. IH:i g hbo rillg
M;/.·i'p M("'ll' '/:/.:/i oo/..,\,·:r·); /,'/'''11 I parcels. bordering roads, corner
coordinates. nort hern direction and sc~lc.

{/O,).,,~., \,./:(.:{j an/..} 1''''1611'1 9"A h,(-r ,

l'I'C.~;',..;·; ,'O"'}.') ~,~·(lI ""~ h'; m>I1/"C:" I'
no.!"11 hflll ';'::

7ft' ~M.~(t~ I..S.(..&\ '1 :·t.-l· .~JIf.nr o.Il'l 'r. ?;6 \"..,:'). X~! 'f" ) ~i'i.:t; 'Ur' Federa l Ncgarit Gazelle No. 25 2 1" '·cbru:lry 20 14 ........ page 7171
hfj:A 'I'1I'}- PART THREE
OIl -&'T ,('.11'+ "'11.211' ,.upT LANPHOLOING "P,J! !D1CATION SYSTEM

1. -"'1.-1: 10. Prjndplc

;if I'oot..) Y.II;"'} 1''''11. :)')'1' ,VI,. , II Landholding <ldjudication shall he done.
OllA;I''1! I'a"t.} ,£'.1';)' I" " II. :J'J' I' I through systemati c method of landholding
tlr.. fluoy'unl,,I' '/,11. oo'I'IS: ),fll1')':: adjudication for th e first time,
It! lIA;I·'P. 1'",'/..')' p.I';)· "'11.."'1'1- "21 While a sys1 ~ llI a li c adjudication of
O),'H': \' p.I';)· '''It. ,n'1' '1'11\'; landholdin g is being conducted at
hl"HI'IS, ~,J'fI )H~t,tl'l, If'i' (\:/ :~ landholding adjud ication neighborhood a
OfiA I'Y.II;), "'I1.:n6l·~ IIY. "'U: sporadic landholding adjudication may be
),A';; ),C\C;; \'ant..')' Y.II;), \'"'11.71'1' I condu cted at another landhold ing
"r. fI," "JI}e p:,r·IIt.\:: , adjudication scction,
i.'1 I'ant..} ,£'.II ;V} OllA ;)'1? IIY.. I 31 System atic landhold ing adjud ication shall
1''''11.,:>'/''' rei ';' 0. 1,'/,.1',' """t.'·)· 1 invol ve the parti cipation of the residenls of
Y·I';I· "'1I..'1'/61,t " '6,C " '11f1- , the selecled landholding adjudication
O"'l.roMO)· Oh ,,'"'101' \' M'''''lY.C neighborhood withi n an llrban
OIl'\') hAA OIN!' '/'I'tro"} U1"O administrative boundary,
O"'l(H'~: 1'0'1.1,'/.."': dOlf'} ),flfl')' ::
1')<;:(1)'9" \·aot.'/' Y.II;), 4/ The boundary of every landholding shall be
flO'JJ{)~J 0"'1, y, t. '" \"1 P.{)o/' C fixed by field cadastral surveying,
Y,t..'11 1A: :

\,h'I''''/ \' 00'/.") ' ),lI,,'p'U: 'hJ;?" 51 The urban land admini stration organ shall
M,P'}-'\'}-'\. !'<IV":.} Y.t l;'. 'I·,V.?" 'flfI" organize and submit 10 the registering
1'1'I1I10l-'} "n,n')'; \,aDll'/OOl-'} hAhil'; institution, documents evidencing th e right
~II~. ~,), 1''''1.ooflh·/: "'1l11. Po?'1', it has already granted and the restrictions
hr,t.· J!: ,,,. fI a"'11 .'1 0, ro· 'I';; 9" "'Ill t. hll and responsibililies it has already registered
),flll')' :: regarding each ', ndholding,
" nh'/'"7 I'M'I·P,.I'.r. ro(\'} hAtI m·lI'!'
61 Docurnenls regarding rural landho ldings
1''''1.11'1 .. /: \" lIne noti.')· lIM',11 ;1' P'l'
"'/lIt.W} (1-/'''''1111'1'; a"t.":'} 'I·,V."" whi c h Inlly be incorpo rated within the
admi ni strative boundary or a n urban center
'(lfI" (\.J'{)o/·P"f:C 1"101.01' \' '/I/lC
shall be subm itted to th e concerned urban
""t..';' 1').{)-J',e,,1'.e ),'IA '''/ill. :~P''/;')
adlllini str<ltiou by the rural land
1I'7A)\"; O1/CI/C fI"'1, "" fill'I 'O)' administrati on organ formerly administering
I'h,/''''1 anl..')' Ml'I·P,."',C ·''Iill.l1'lI the land,
f11I.U !.'H7' 'itl-l'l ),')</')1.' (:1;) """'t.';' 71 An urban au III i 11 isl rat i(JII
aoI.Po(IJ·'} \",·t.hl1 \,h"''''1 ),il'I'P'Y.C docum ents in accordance wi th sub-article
\'oot..,), g.II)·(/},'} ),1.:)'7(11 out.PoOr'} (6) of this Articl e shall . upon adjudicati ng
flrro 'II:JI1,m· 'H:Y" d'/fl 'I'IIN,: I the landholding.. transfe r the document to
hfll1 ')':: i the rcgislcring institution.
?if 1)"'/';;;:0)'9" "aut..-i· '('.iI;.' · "y. )' fa
8! During th e adjudica ti on o f any ri gh t.
-11';'; hAIII\ '; ;)IIb .~ ,; ·
restriction and responsibility on any
11"'1,1..'1'/' 1'(10), OJ'H· llaot..';' Y.I';l·/D-
landholding, the presence or documcnlary
IIf!, \'ool/1"'Y" m"I/')"}, flaD'I:" ',V: ; I evidence issued by an organ authorized to
(I'ryl1-l'I\(I',: ; flonlltlllA (Il!!.?" I
permit or trnns fcr a ri ght or to impose
~II6"ri' floDolA / v AI1/'l 'Ifla!' ),'IA 1 restrictions or respo ns ibilit ies sha ll be
\"",'\(/1 \,Ii~.r: '''/lI01 lIfl m'·;·~. verified.
OIll.TJ'i' {Ifill')'::
iii \)(.1D6.·j· j.',Jl;J·'i flOI/I.. ')'/'" 'IX .;. 9/ Th~ resu lt obtain ed dur ing landholding
1"I"n (I)'iII.')' \~·'·J'_ ('·X':(i 9"'/1'11/ , adjudicati01l sha ll be orga ni zeci and
.... tSll',I/..~· '1)01, fot/.,e.r.(: '·, fl lIlY '; sufficient to car ry 01lt /'c gistrntion .
l,fllI'), :: I
'lA' ~JIG'Jl4..f.t..A ',;J6+ ;·m....' ""J'C ?it; \'1"1;-)' xn -,.'} M7i.~ q.y" Federal Ncgarit Gazette No,25 2!'1 February 2014,. page 7272

1'.1'.1';1" U?/';J1 61'L I''''l.h'i(l)~or I 01 Landholding adjudication may be carried

r ~Nln_ A ",/.). ·rtO h~' U1·(I)'f' out only in landholding adjudication
f./I;V} FC'}')' 1""IM'll F(.·P':-'·· neighborhood having IDea! development
plan and in which regularization of illegal
'1'''lA'''!1~ o·tm~'4'·~o·)· rf,ll;J-
holdings are fulfilled and completed.
"'1l.;J'I'"'L 'I''<.C 'If.'. 11;1: f.!f'iA::
Hil 1'00,(.·)· .1'.11;/- "'Il.;J1""L 'I'J.C
1'",/.(I)(I~or H9" -I'h-I-fl"} Oml/." III Landholding adjudication neighborhoods
/I-'l.;J- OIlAfI- (l)M" Oh'I''''I shall be specified sequentially through a
~.i1·I·.<I.I'.~, ~."'1I,'~·I')' O"'l.OJ"l I'U1111 public notice to be issued by a region or an
"'IiI;J-tD1:Y f.lfe; A:: urban administration.

Iii. I'oo?t ,eJl;J=1 1''''I1.,?'1'f' Fe'}'}- 11. Implementatjon of Landholding AdjudicatioQ

lI+'1qoe System
?if Oil.\;!·'f 11.1'" 1'00/0')' f.ll;J- I II Systematic landholding adjudication shall
r"'l1.;J1'f' I~C'}')' Ouo'}'7f1')' (l)aI. be implemented by government expense
1''''I..,.Wl.or floo'f.ootr ·1.lt I'U;J'P. only for the purpose of establishing a legal
II-'lil-l-C FC",')' ,~an1'}I1')' 11;1: cadastre system for the first time.
ill OflA;J-'f IIY" I'an,(,')' f.Il;J- 21 No systematic landholding adjudication may
1''''Il.:J'/'I' p'e'}')' Oh.:'lll· ror.?n be performed out of the adjudication
I/h"''''Iro' ~liI-I·.<I.I'.C
O"'I.OJ<lJ I'U'/ll1 commune specified by a public notice to be
"'IfI;l·ro4:.I' h'I'(I)(I~or 1'00'(")' f.Il;!· issued by a region or urban administratj'on.
"'Il.;'1""L v'6.e oral. M'.·'··JOC?";;
I~/ flAb': ~,AI:: \'uo",·)· f.II;!. 1''''1l;J7'I' 3/ The sporadic landholding adjudication shall
F C,} -}- I'"'I; 1-1 0 l. (I). f./I;J- or be conducted by the application of
~.·s'<\.l.;J1'f'(,")· 1''''I.t.A1or (lor interested party upon payment of service fee
"'IooAh;l; (I.P·I·C·Wi OIlAII- determined by the region.
l"I-(I)(I~or'} '0.1.:'1'711·')' h~:Y I
rI.t.?;'?" .I',lfe;.:'I;; I
II. hllaot.-l- ,eJl;J= "'Il..:n..... IP toC h'i 12. Landholding Adjudication Neighborhood and
IJlfnte "'lor""!. IJC;J- Cadastre Index Map
?if Oil.:'l;I·'f I·uu,(,.). Y,/';}' "'1l.;J'/6~L II In the implementation of s):>iL:lllatlc
ruc",')' ')''70,(, (I):"')' 1I"'I.(I)tl',or landholding adjudication. an index map of a
I'h'I-"'Ior 1'00'(")' f.fl;J- "'Il.;J'I""L landholding adjudication neighborhood
designated by the urban administration
v,t.C I,C;l- Oh'I-"'Ior M·I--'lY.C
. institution shall be prepared first.
9"11111 'hl:9" ~,"'1II'H' 0:" .1~:"'I..r
0011.:»0' hill/')';;
ill I'h·I·qn~·· 1'00'(")' ,1'./1;1' "'I1.;J'/6LL
21 Where the preparation of a map sheet 01' an
v't.C o~oraL I,C;l' h·}.<\.lI.:J'f.· adjudication neighborhood is ordered. it
,,-:J'lnl i M,1C ~,./.,,: .~l.JI shall be prepared sequentially according to
11-I"I'00IllOJ' I'l,e ;1' .<I,I'Y:} h'j the national map design and cadastral index
1'1,P,i1·/·C '''/(1)· 6L1 I,e: ;1' fl;J-'}.<IC.I': map standard.
uuv't.-)· '/'II;l- ;!·Y.H:'1 m·O.,.
oo!l;J'f.·j· MlI')'::

If. OQll?t g.fI;J= "'I1.':J'/'f 'lY.-l- roH \3. Matters to be Suspended Durjng LaDllOQldjng
M"'I.;J=Vl. -r-'lH Adjudkatilln
(i/ MI'}~' \'O'Ot.·)· ,I'.I';}- 0'1l.7/""1 tJ·t.C 11 Transfer of landhoiding title shall be
1'00,(.·1' f./I;J-'} 1''''It.;J'I'I' '/J.t suspended at any level in an adjudication
ooll1'j'/,1: ,1'.1. hllh"'l.r.l.'7 J:l.i1 neighborhood until completion of
n"'lW(I)'Y" .I'.l.~ 1""1.11 I'f.t';l' 119" adjudication is announced.
11ororC ",I"'1-10C h·).<I."',I'.
11t ,;n.~rm~ l .. l('·A );J(.o}' ;Jltn, <If'J't: ~(;. i"I'I:-)· .m <1'1 ~n.~ 'J.Y'" Federal Negarit Gazcll~ No. 25 21'* February 20 14 ...... .... page 121]

!il OODI.,')' f,ll)' "'II.:J'/"'l II't,C a~l\'l' 21 Any landholding boundary dispute which
1''''I,h''an I'ont.·)· f.I I;). "'I1.:J7'f' have been under consideration before the
P'/.· lIontn'j'/'4, I1t.·)· 011. Ii' 1'00("·)· completion of adjudication In an
JW;I' IIf. \''''I.·~C·11 I'all'n hChC adjudication neighborhood shall be decided
(I)/t.9" hil'I'Y:'I" '~C(l J'A'I'(I)I'I~
by any o rgan only after latldholding
\'(1)1'1') IICIIC 0°,/'»,:(1)'9" ~'!IA a~<'I·I. evidellce of the disputed boundary is
obtained from the registering organ in·
11,.1'71 I''''I,)''II~ I'onl..')' 1.'.11;1'
charge of landholding certification.
"'I1.:Jl'f") /1"'1,'/'7'01.(1)' oo'I/:JO,
'1'<,1;9" n(l)I'I') 1''''11.;'>'1'1' hCIIC
(1I'H"/<'II1')' .('.11;,. "'Iilt.:<j I'I,J"I'} 'rEI:
~(I)': :

i~1 11~,')Y: \'001..+ f.II;J· "'I1..n"'l 3/ The adjudication of landholdi ng right shall
II'/"C I''''IL;'>'/'f' /ut·(I)' 0.1,'1/'0 be suspended where it is proved that there is
"'IfI;JotJJ</:,1' f,1, IIm·Y.1.1· O.k)' OU"I an injunction order of a legally authorized
/uAfJ}') IIII~ ~'!IA 1"/'{1111 Y'h"l.l': body issued before the publication of
h)111/ oo'i'';' 1'1,1.;'>1'1' h7~
adjudication in the neighborhood is made
public through public notice.
1'·1·.!'.1.111} 1'~1'},£: 1'00("')' f.Il;J·
'1l1on1]-}' 1''''I1.;'>1'f' P'/,. 'I..!'.}
'h').<\•.JI9" /.'..!'.I.;.>A::
iii I1II.U ~,'H'?\ ')Ml ~,'H?\ (1:) 41 The adjudication process may not be
Y'/'onl'lh'I'~ 'h"lY: l"I'l'Im~ 1'00(.,')' suspended where it is proved that the.
injunction order referred to in sub-article (3)
/.',II;J· "'11..:.>'1'1' /"t,~ I1U'l/l1
of this Article is issued after the landholding
"'IfI;J'()J'I:J' /.'.1. 11"'.1'.1.1 11').11 IIlf~
adjudication activity III the adjudication
\'00(.,')' /t.ll;!- 1''''I1.;'>1'f' /"t·~
locality IS officially publicized through
h'1.<\(1)· 0"'1'1100')' f,II;J' II/.', 'hVI..JI9" public notice.
~,/.',.I'.I. "19"::
fil I'lII.U i\'}.,.?\ ·W·fI ~,'HY,' (Ii) 'h(i (iI) 51 For the purposes of sub, article (I) and (4) of
M.l\f.lJ" 1'I,'1A r /.'.1 1;1' ~.L;.>;.>"IJ> this Article. the respeclive region or urban
f'j.oo . 1100(.,')' /t.II;J' "'I1.;'>16foL ,,,t.C administration shall determine the period in ' ..
P't·~ ') ~,/II".JI UO(l).ttl')· fl'll1')") which the adjudication officer shall
'I.IL hAil· (1)/.'.9" 1'11'1.°'/(1)' M ' I·~Y.C complete the work and leave out of an
,.wfl'iA : : a~judication neighborhood.

Ill, Oout.."/· .lW:J: I'oum"'l/" oufl-r MU'f1.21'1' 14. AdjudicatioQ of Landholding Right
/if M,·).\'.' 1'001..')' ',II;!- "'I1.:n"'l u·t.C II Adjudication of landholding right in an
oJofl'f' 11001..')' ,1'.t1:" I' uom"'9" adjudication neighborhood shall be done by
onll')' 1''''I.L;'>1m~ 1)110011')' ~'1 I)f. verifying the consistency of the evidence
l)"'I.I1/D· U'ffll.;q 'h'i uofl-/") presented by the person claiming to be the
right holder with the evidence of the organ
Ot."'Y.II·)· '1'<,1;9" "'Iill.}! uo!IIIA
that perm itted the right.
Af.~·)· MOD~'';' I'I.L;.>1'f' /.'.lf~·A::
'11 1111. U ~"HY,' ')M\ ~,'H?\ (Ii) 1l-I'111l'r 21 Where there is inconsistency between the
"'IflI.'JIp:r oo!IIIA Ar.~+ h " '11 evidences mentioned under sub-article (I) of
I' /I·II''''} w7'l "'IflI. ]I?')'. O" 'onl'lh'I' this Article. Ihe malter shall be referred to
11001.. ')' 1'00/11'/'9" 00'0')' 1'I"'I,t.~· J.'.' the appropriate organ empowered to permit
U;.>'P. ~,IIA 0)0<'1'" 'h'}PLI'I'f'O')' onlllJ land use ri ght.
l,I'IIl+: :
1:1 I1II.U o'I-/'Y,' 'W·fI ~"),,,?\ (II) 31 The organ empowered to permit land use
oou'd· 1·~f. '("'III1M' 00'0')' t .!''I: right shall notify its decision relating to
matters provided under sub-article (2) of
'1';;9" l'IoDll;.>O.~ '1';;9" OMt-
this Article to the registering institution
~,9"fI')' '( P'/.' 4· .. ·)· ~<'I./.~.} "'I<'IO)~'
within fift een working days.
iiI .,.,.p/..~. II,"';J' un'i'';' 'hfl IIA"'1.;'>1rn 41 Unless proved to the contrary, any parcel of
.!':I.il "'I')';:/D'9" \,001114'9" 0011')' land on which use right is not created shall
,1'A'I·b.ml.O')' ·"t,'{j out.') , 11-1'\' be pres um ed to belong to the government
and. upon application. be registered in the
"Ht' Xi'(Jt~(tg 41.1.-1:\ ~:J/.-1' :JU.1l'1 oIr1'C '6'(.. f1H:'}' X!! .,., ~i'i.~ lJ..9'" Federal Ncgaril Gazelle No . 25 21'" Fehruary 20 14 .. __._.... pagc 7274

\'00')"11-"')' '},·)Y.ln ·1·.jI'1'C' OOlo·,,·) name of the organ in charge of

hVI.J'{l-I·.I\Y:C wf,?" >,').I\. .rfl"'l administering or developing the land.
I-"tI."n (1·/-flO1lJ)- hlltl. O1Y'~"')'
f"I;}'W' nfloo· f.t.:J1"ltl.::
f;I IM'h' hll ..r OIIf. 1'1f~' f\f»'f. IWH': 5/ Where two or more persons are registered as
f"I;}' 'If. 'I'IrlJ)- oofl·)· h·)Y. ;Jt- co-holders of a right on a single
IJfloofl·)· "'oo1f"l(1lJ)- h ·)Y.If~ landholding, the verifying officer shall,
unless proved otherwise, presume that each
\'oot,} f.lI;1' M;J;J'T.' j'j·oo·
of the joint holders have equal share on the
M'IrlJ)- 1'00·(1·)· y"Ci'i ./- :/'t-~.
land and verify the right accordingly.
"'Iflt.>I MIl tl.4't. (1f1.). Y:t.fl '},·,".u
09'~: \,.:J/,. !,out.} f .,I;}· lIf1ou·(1·I'.'f·
0"'11.' t. "I r'},y·).I\·).I\. y"Ci'i '},h·tI.
'},'H'.If', "19"')' (1uulJ)-M: J't..:.>.?"ltl.::
'it! "'I'g'lJ)-9" fllJ)- (10011')' ;'.:n:· .,.'.1;9" 6/ No adjudication of a landholding right may
h·,·t.·j>Y.fI·)· h'" (1,1.'.II;}· llflhllt.lJ)- be undertaken with respect to any person 's
r."t,. 7i oolo')· M·')· (1'1f. 0.r1llJ)- landholding held beyond the legally
I'nolo·)· f,ll;1' 'If. nofl')' h·).I\l\lJ)- possessed parcel size.
'1·,r.C') I'out.')· f.,I,+lJ)-
hf,t.':'>'I'l'l\·)·?": :
'f,1 I'out.·)· f.II;}. wo·) (1nolo·)· f.,I;1' 7/ The adjudication of a landholding boundary
"'It.71'1' 'I.Y.-)· O"'l.t.':'>'1'1'(1·)· W:,.} shall be based on the boundary
OwO',· 'If. Ah.·)· '/.11'I.}'. (1M'''''~ measurement as agreed upon by the adjacent
1Jl\f"I;J'9':r M"?"~-7-') 0"'1"1'1-)· land holders or, in the absence of such
Wf,9" 1'19"9"',.). "A'/-110} 1.1L mt.u agreement, based on the decision of the
h'l''f. h ').j>Y.' :'::4(ii) aDUlt.-). Landholding Adjudication Grievance
(1·/-'.I;'.I;nolJ)- I' nolo')' f.,I;}' "'It.:J1'1' Handling Tribunal established under Article
17( I) of thi s Proclamation .
:"t.;}· 0"'1. 1·1I'}, W"I.OO1lJ)- W· ... 'I.
ouot.·)· I""/."'WC ,I.'.If'iA::
-.- ~I OIl.U 1,'Hl\ '/0.1'1 I,·H·Y.· (t) aDot.-)· 81 Landholding issues which have not been
(1°o1t-)· t.:/''p; W·"~. ''11'1· I'oolo·)· settled pursuant to sub-article (3) of this
f,f!;}' 1'-'I\'- ~'. 1 (1ou':'·)· ,1',1 1;.1' I'hChC Article shall be registered and retained in
no11'11I W'{l'r 'l·uu1t"l0lJ)- >,').'I..~r. the regi ster of landholding disputes.

!~. "-loT g.1I;1' "'It.,?1'1' u,r M"'I. 'iC 15. Obligations During Adjudication
?il noo,:,·)· f.l l ;1' "'11.':'>1'1' 'U'''}' W:,.·)· II Any person claiming to have landholding
noo/,.·)· ,I.'.,I;J'lJ)- \'0001'/>9" un·n-)· use right shall appear in person or through
M"I I''''I.A om· o.01I'~·'i his legal representative during adjudication
I'°'l.ooflh.,.m· If~' 0:"\ t-O' m,l'.?" where he is requested and has concern ;
Ofn':'>'!? wh.l\· 1,"'Il.'n·)· 0011')' provided, however, that the adjudi~ation
MO')" I/"j'?" 1Jl\00,0')' ~'~ 'W process may not be stopped due to his
failure to appear.
M0011'" I'OD':")' f"I;1' "'11.':'>7'1'
1-"/,.') I,Yfl-l'C?"::
'il Oll.u I,'HY.· ')0' 1'1 I,·HY.· (ti) unoe.-)·
2/ An adjudicallon officer may enter into and
roolo·)· ,I.'"I;./' M.:.>.:.>"P.' j'j.9"
carry out hi s adjudication work pursuant to
noo')",fl')' I'fI/'· O(t·)· 0"'1'»"0)' 9" sub-article (I) of this Article at any time
1',1.'.11;1' "'I1.;J'/6L~ u't.C lJ)-fl'1' 'lfI· during offic ial working hours on any
f.,I;}·pJ·,r (IJ'fl'1' nou"l'I')' 1-"/,.0)") landholding 111 an adjudication
"'Ih'iO)') r.~··'IA:: neighborh ood.
,~ ~liJ(r.-c:(; 4...1./..1\ .,:'t....· ;>11.°, "11'(; rm ft, ·t·) · J~ .,..) R".:~ "l.' " Federal Ncgaril Gazelle No. 25 21 '1 February 2014 ..........pagc 7275

IJ. nU1tfl "'' ' '.e:; 16. Adjudication through rubljc Participatiog

;il on>,' (1)'9" ~ an,:.-)· y." ;}.

"'It.;J1'T' II Before carrying out adjudication · in any
P't. hao;t':oo~. 0&.-)· oo'IIPO.OJ- adjudication neighborhood, the adjudication
'I':I:V" O'I·oot.mw· ran,:.·}· y.ll;f- officer shall notify the holders ofland in the '
"'It.Pl"t 'JI&.C fI"'I:I1· (lfIY.lf;f-Sl'1·· selected neighborhood and make them
'T'6 1,t.·c'I M '1)'.'1: "I')"f\. aware of the process.
h').lI.(J,l,flm· 0'lt..t."l Mn'}'::
11.1 oollpn.O>- "'1:9" nau,:.·)· Y.I';f- 21 The registering institution shall cause the
"'It.Pl'T' p,t· '1y. hUll'O 1',,·wM· participation of public representatives as
;Ntn.Sl'1··') "'I(H'~~ ~,fln'}':: observers in the adjudication process.
/'.1 ohYVn.v,. '//')'-">" I' M'f'.'1Y.C ~,Ch') 31 An Adjudication Grievance Handling
hMH·.v,y'~· h'j hu·Ot.-I·M· \'OlOlM' Tribunal shalf be established al each lower
M'I'}' 1''''1.1'1'0-)' 1'00':'-)' Y"';f- leve' of administration from among
D'ft.P·I'T' ~':,;J' flD'f. 'I'I]'}, representatives of the administration and the
M:1:D'fA:: \'~':';f- oiftJ. 1·1]'},0>- community. The organization and working
. 1,Y.t.:<ff.·h· Mt·C J!,V') 1,'Plf.· procedures of the grievance handling
lID'ffl&.IJ9" nD'f.mfIJ f.·)fI y.mflc,·A:: tribunal shalf be determined by regulation to
be issued for Ihe implementation of this
!if D'f'g'OI'9" flm· 1'00':")' Y.Il;f-
41 Any person concerned and interesled in the
D'ft.:'}·I'l' 'I.Y.": '1y. fI.&,fI''IC,·
adjudication process shall have the right to
1'D'f.aollh·l·m· If~' fI.l'~ I'oof)''''':
participate therein; when so ordered, he
0011-)' 1,/lO>-! 0'/..1'.'1:
'IY. I':JoA shall give testimony, present written or any
9°flIlO'}' i I'MI''i~ D'fflt.~ OIy.9" /1,'1 other document or infonnation relating to
iftJ'i'fo>-9" hY.II;f- "'It.Pl'T' PC adjudication.
I"I'YYII fI~t.·'i ont.)! "'·)"l.'4'CfI
O'I'ml"~ 1.1~ "'I~'t.fI MO')'::
til Oh"'fI·:!' Y.t.;'! (Iflo>- 0",011. 1 omt."l' 51 Where necessary. an advisory commission
Oh'I''''I my.?" 011') Y.t.;'! /lflm· may be establ ished within the regions at the
oo'Nc I' ,(',fI;f- D'ft.?'I'T' '/..1'••). levels of kebele, wereda, urban center or
h·M.f)11 \''''I.'fl·l'IJflC'j 1'D'f.Y."I": zone for ensuring the effectiveness of the
/,D'fllt /1D'f,'{i'} h·}Y.M&.'I'1.i·" adjudicati on process through coordinating
001:*9" y.:)'."",:: 1'/'D'f.7i~ . '1'''lI]C'i and supporting the task. The powers and
;:'''6'~')' y,UT} I,'I'~:' /lD'fM.?'9" duties of the commission shall be
OD'f.OI"IW· Y:}·O Y,0I0<; A:: detennined by regulalion to be issued to
implemenl this Proclamation,
n. hiltt.;J: M> t.UI'i' hroc'l{\1 17. Grieyance Procedyre and l)ecjsjoQ Making
iii Ouo,:•./· Y.I';/· '"1t.:.J'f"'·~ ,}'t.e o)·fI'T' II There shall be Adjudication Grievance
O"'l.hc,·m'/· I'oo,:,·}· y.,';J' iftJt..?l'T' Hand'ing Tribuna' to decide on comp'aints
0>-f)~,Sl'1' 'I}!, 1'°'l."'00t'\'}.') ,"'t..;J' submitted against adjudication decisions in
Ooo·M'" uUC9"C' OJ-f)'/, I'D'fJI'T' the neighborhood.
I'an.!,-)· Y,I';J' "'It.P'I',' :Jot..;J' fliftJ.
l'I]'}, Y.<;'t·"'::
11.1 /loo'II.?O. 'I·'kan. root,,)· Y,Il;" 21 Any person aggrieved by a decision of the
0'lt..?'},!' m·f)'/. ·),t,;J· Y Y.l/l'}· registering institution on adjudication
iftJ'g:0I'9" 1'10)' 1'D'ft..?·I'!' '/..1'.'" matters may appea' to the grievance
oo/l1'j.,,,/: h;l'm'I'O')' ./") l?"C' /1/1 ..). handling tribun al within fifteen working
~,flt· I,VOfl·)· \' /ut· q"j'}' m·fl'!' mY. days from the date of announcement of the
oo.!.,) , y./I;/· '''It.,:J·'''' .).,:,;}. fl m/, completion of adjudication. Following the
1·'I'i. IIIJ,'/:;I·m·') "'N't.·f\ y::f·'I"':: decision of the Adjudication Grievance
N'.!,;I· 1'10'1. '/''1'},OJ- 1'0'1./1(110)0') Handling Tribunal, the verifying officer
o>-f)'/, '1'11')'/1.. I' Y.I';'" /'{'P.?'il· j'i·au. shalf adjudicate landholdings.
y,";J'p1l'} "n.')·/'" MIl'l'::
"" X71JO~(t'Ji ...
~ .f./. ·A ....
I JI••} ."'/.'" ·I" I'C. ·n.··f·.' 0",·,.,,) · .'.".'j. "", .~"~.'
II .' "I .'/" I'-cde rai N egant (.laze ttc NIl, _5
" 2 1' f d nuary 20 1-1 ....... IXlgl' 12 7(,

o"",:.l .1'.1';/' "'It.:n'I' ·1-,:.;1'

{I"'1. 31 Any person dissatis fied with the decision of
1'fI't OI'''~. N: I' .,.{\ 1 °'1'l",'1Jlo9" the gri evance handling tribunal may appeal
(I(I). 1'111'1''''1 ("':~vPt..r .1'.0: ~:c.r: to the Illunicipal first instance·court.
/1..) . .I'.,,}fJ"i '''1:tt.·n .1'::;''11:\: :

Oh·I·"'1 f{TO'f!:uo{,J' .I'.(.:t: ~:C.I': 0..). 41 Any person di ssatisfi ed with the decision of
1Jlol'\~. ~-C I',/.{\"; ",/'g'OI·9" {\1Jlo the municipal first instance court may
lIh-I''''1 .I'_"lfJ'~ (\"'1. ~:e.l'; 0.,). j'."lfJ'l appeal to the city appellate court.
"'1~- t.11 f::;''II:\::

?il \'11'1''''1 ',:c.~: 11.·,.,0)- '11:\'1'**"""1'1'(11' 51 Regular courts shall have jurisdiction with
h'I"''':'' £I"Y.II",' ',:CY: fI.''''O)- III1.U res pect to maltcrs stated under sub-article
~,'H7.· ')Ml ~,'H7.· (t) h'; (Ii) (3) and (4) of this Article in urban center
l"I'I1l'M"}' 1',I\1"~'· ·) l'onOl{\') where municipal courts are-not established ,
I"'l:\nn f.~· 1,.:/''1'1:\: : OIl,U on 1:\ II The regular courts shall organize benches
for the expeditious decision of such malters.
1''''1. ·~cn· 1',1\1"1") fI·H·I1l~ 1.11.
vP(Il{\') 1''''1.1'·fI· 1·fI- ·f·:Y··) {TO .1'.0",'
~:CY: o.1":y. "'IY.(.·'f!:-}· ~,fI/l'fOl' : :

I'oot.t &112' "'1t.211'

fIl,·).\': I'uot,,}· f.I';I· °U;J'/""l ,,·t.C
-m""'</!,} 18. Announcement ofCowpletjoo oCAdiudjeatjoD

II Adjudication in an adjudication
1Jlo1l1' 1''''1(.;J11' 1"'1,·01' neighborhood shall be deemed completed
I'"'1.m 't' ''''f' IJlo II (TO':. ,). .1'.11;I' "'1 (. ;111' where no appeal has been lodged to
~. ,:, ;1' {\ "'1. ?-II 't ~. ,:, ;1' J'M' (. 0 grievance handling tribunal, the time limit
for lodging grievance has becn expired or
hH.W', l':tt.;1' "'1,"'(.n.f 1.1t 1Y.1I
where the tribunal has notified its decision
h'),I\fI.9' OJf.9" ~·t.;1· fI"'1, l"I't
on all grievances lodged to it.
MI.n·) :t/..;1'?1~'. Ooo·fI· 1Jlol'\"'IJlo')
;"),1\<')011' (TOln ~,fIO,)·::
~I m,·).!'., I'on/..,)· .1'.1';1' "'1(.;11 ....1 ult.e 21 The completion of adjudication in an
lJIN1' I'on!..·}· f,I';!, "'1(.;11'\' /»1,. adjudication neighborhood shall be
(I.m';1..... flU'lfl1 "'1l1 ;hJJ<l:f nn·/fI?· announced through public notice,
19. LandholdinG Adjydicafion Register
Ill. r-&.r ,IW;J: "''215 oo1!1i1
;il I' on,:,')' .1'.1';1' "'1(,7/"'" {T01/1l1 II A landholding adjudication register is a
I'uol..·}· .I'.I';!' "'1(.;J11' 'I ..I'.T nuollh register of landholdings verified through
'/'L;)'1I1I 1""I.oull'/,/ln·l· 001/1·0 If<;' field adjudication and containing leaves
~,n.<n,l\. I'oo,:,.}· .1'.1';1' ~'7.' /lOIL1")'
prepared on paper or paper and digital
ir :'ormati on system for each landholding.
01 f.Y" flOI(. .f"}. },,,. n.~: 'f!:' 2'1:\ G: C9"
T'le coments of the landholding leaves shall
nnt!;1'f!:·l· f,o;'CO;l'I:\ :: I':t?r .1'.11')' be determined by directive issued
flIl.U ~,'I''I: nuu·d· fI"'.OIfT)1Jlo hereunder,
nnnot.! j'.OI{1';I:\ :
ill foo,:. '}, f.II;I'1''''1('; }'/1' '1)'•.)- 21 The landholding adjudication officer sbal~
1I'l'In';N' fl'l'l I'nnt,·}· f·I';!' upon completion of adjudication. submit to
~IL:};J'P.' i'j.Y" h{TO'O'l' •. .9''1: '/'',1;9" the registering institution documents of title
N4'O'l'l:0I") 1"'flnn11')'~'1' fI~'.1·: received from the organ authorized to
1'·1· •. t.{TOO·l· \'{TO,:..1· .1'.1';" "'1(..'J1 .... permit a right. a signed adjudi cation
{T011'l11: \'(TO/"'l ' .1'.1 1;1' (Ilfl') "'1llfIY register. a base map. the responses of the
IIC;I' j h{T011')' 6•.9''1: '/':1;9" fill. U organ authorized to grant a right for the
~I'I'''' h'H7> Xii(i:) (TOu·(.·l· \"/'11
request made pursuant to Article 14(3) of
this Proclamation and the leaves
9""0<; 01'<')". h·)'<:.II·Y" nn.<:·),I\,·)
corresponding to each parcel.
o/!t:1i au/...·}· ""7> fI.., YY1! lIOD'1I ;In.
'/'!1;9 "'lIlll'lI ~,lIlI'}'::
'1J\' ~;tJl(~ 1•.1. /.·/.\ , : .,,·1- :m.I'J1 <I,'I'r, ?Ii; \-11'1:']- Mt 'f',} j{7i.~ 1 .1'" Federal Negillit Gazelle No. 25 2 1 ~' Fcbru3fY 2014 ..... .....page 7277

f. rDDt.+ '!W;J: "'ll??'!' fI~/'."f 1lI'I"'l1l1'1\t\~ 20. Transfer of I ,and holding Adjudication Documents
hi Ol'ont.·)· ,l'.II;)· '''/L.n'''·). II' •. C II All documenls by which a IandhQlding is
l'.l'./l;J· o~L;J'I'!' Ft.· i,'}.V.·I·m'i·I~·I' verified shall be organ ized and transferred
.l'.II;hv· \'·I·L.:rUnfl'I'o)· fI~fI:·r·· for registration of right upon completion of
non· fl· ·'·Y.t.·;e.··/'(J)· "",,·fl·)· 9"1"/1) adjudication in an adjudication neighborhood.
un'I'I\"~: h"I):I'(II'::
!II flI!. U ~,q';e.. ~,'Hl''' ii:O:) o"flL')' 21 The landhOlding on which injunction order
1'1,7-'1 'h'l'l1f \' ·f·/'I/'16.fl·)· I'ont..,)· passed pursuant to Article 13(3) of this
J'.II ;I' /ut\"n 1)"01' ~,IIt\ I, '/-'10)' Proclamation, until its set aside is notified
oo~II'" hilh:lI'IlI' .I':UI nt/elle by the appropriate organ. shall be carried
ou'II'H1 (I)'ll'I' ;,·}-'I.M:e H.e'l forward to the next stage as it is entered in
(11.1'. "'lA''!' "(I)' 'U.r. oo·I·I\M: the register of landholding disputes.
~,M ')'::

fili. foot.+ g.tI;J: "'ll??'!' ",g,} 01'(1\,)' 21. Effects of ' lundholding Adjudicatiog
iii floot.·)· .l'.II;.I· '''fl;Jl'I' 'U.r U:J'f II All documents by which ri ghts. restri ctions.
OI"'} ·f·",\'.·/,· 0;)-01 '1' 'f't.· 0 unt.·)· and respons ibi lities on a parcel, the legal
I\,\'. .1'". """(I-I'.:r-' lI(.\hl\,9")·· h'; boundary of which is demarcated during
;)I\ •• H··)' l"h::,:J1m"l'f'OI' fI·I!'.:,. landholding adjudication shall serve as
conclusive proof for registration.
000'", 9"'/171] fI"'lh 'i(l)'} he"Jm~:
°'llltJl U"/(I)' Y'Jt\''l'l'''::
11.1 nllA;'·'P. I'oot.-)· .l'.II;.I' "'l1.;Jl'!' II,Y.. 21 Any person whose landholding is verified
I' not.. r ,['.)1 ;)'(1). \' .,. I. ,TI m" -). through systematic landhold ing adjudication
has a dllty to register his landholding '"
"'l'g:Ol"" flO)' I' not,-l- ,{'.II;I'
no-II'I:'} IUl.u M';!': 0 0 11'1.')' accordance with this Proclamation .
l''''llloo'WNI "J'y,,;" MO')'::



trl. M.J>rit ooitUP'"f<i .. rit 22. SurveYing and Surveying Egujprnents

iii l"I-'lI'l·f·C ·f·P·1i (1),\'.9" t\\~ •. :N.: II A cadastra l surveyor or a su rveyor with
1'·,.flIIlOl· 1',I"1i G>f·i'j'i 'I:'!"!'!: special permit sha ll carry out surveying only
'I·Y.C'I H,/1M: noU"i:I'()}· n·f·L711fl· through su rveying equipments calibrated
I'~I'II oo·'/t.lp':,' 'O~' NI'II 1"1,. and checked as to thei r acc uracy. The detail
shall be determined by regulation to be
"'lh<ion MIn} :: ·/lC1f<· l.un
issued for th e implementation of this
M';e.· N"lflt..l\9" n"'l.Ol"lo)· Y:HI
Proclamati on.
,('.(I){J<i A::
IJJ I'oot..-). ,(',II;I' Ah.')· Oooflll 21 A field survey of a landholding may be
1''''l.h'i(l)'IOI' l'II-'lM'C -l'I'II },} -'I.fI/.· performed only by a su rveyor with special
,M~ /' ..1·.f: IH'''fIl(J)' 'f' J"fi (J),\'.9" permit or a cadastra l sl)rveyor.
O'I-'l{)-f'C 'f'J'O ~, '''II I 'n ·)· 'fE"
rl I',l'.)l ;1' Ald· .l-\' II 1""1.' I'I..V. (II' h~,'n; 31 A field survey shall be made according to
h'f"I: P'),J'.:I:II 'd'()}ell 1100'/1'\·)· the national geodetic network and based on
I''''loll'l :J:'I"·:f.'} noo·)-hA OJY.?" a determinati on of northern horizontal and
nr;:-r·'7/.·a'l:,'t. IIC;I' Mt.·C (II,{'.?" eastern horizontal measurements obtained
nll·M: ,!'9"l')' I"I"/";(I)"} I'fI"'IS'f by positioning control point rods or
l,"IJ':Oo,), h'i 1'9"1'l/.·:J·'f ~,"1Y.:Oo').
photogrammetri c method. or hoth.
till.')' '}'W:j'- 0 0 "./.-/. !l'''IY:l'7
"Ol'''} ~,t\ll')'::
iii HlIUO), 1I·f'I,'I..e. h'<'\ "uo·t.-j· 41 Where a tidd survey th..'lllands tilt'
I'oot..·)· f.11 ;J. '/''::Ii (llfl'} M.·)·'} adjustment of size of the parcel, its
flO/l'l·I·llhA \""I.(Il,\'.~· ll,fn ~,/'.'IO°o' illl plementat ion shall be governed by
hA" .. :r 11"'1..1' (Il(ll.-l- dUQutP directives 10 be isslIed hy regions.

11\ X1i.Klr.?;' J..u,.l\ ~:'kl' :llf.'" '""'r. ttl; fll"f;'}' Xi! .,., !(i"i.:4 'l.Y"' Federal Ncgaril G;:IZI':UC No. 25 21 '1 I-"chruary 20 14 ........ page 7 :!7S .

ftr. MlJlIlltC tf" OD.jl"lmtf ~'l'P';f M 23. Cadaslral SUryey CoOlrol PWnls and Boundary
fm"l rAlltl ~
?if l'II.<lM·C OJ(\ '; Ald· lI" '/II'U: '1'~'9" 1/ The posi ti oning and utilization of cadastral
'If. 1""I.OJoll· 1'• .,,1''
onoJ\"lll1t,l' survey control points to be used in cadastral
~'l'(I:r. ld·IIM:fOJo 'h'j 'l'''''9'' 'If. boundary measurement shall be according
1''''1.OJ'(1'I1')' l."lII1\ lIl1.u 't'l"'1 ,1'1\11- to the standard issued for this purpose.
OOJ<lI Il;Y;'<:C~: onl)'I.')· ODIn
11.1 ""1''' Ah.·)· 1'·1·~./. 'II1·) · ·I;t·7i oat,')· 21 The legat boundary marks o f a surveyed
U;J'I! 1',I'.lt;1' OJlI'; 9"AII'I'·~·· "'1611'; parcel shall be based on corner rods or other
'If. O"'1.f.I."l ~:ltA OJf.9" II'" O'?AlI' beacons emplaced on Ihe angles of the
1''''1.;1'f. 9"AII')" ; on/J'd· ,l'f.1.1 parcel. The boundary demarcated on Ihe
ground s hall conform ' to the scale equipped
oolf'; MO')':: Ooat.,)· 'If. ,I'!.t.OJ·
wilh Ihe boundary shown on the cadastral
I'OJ(\'; 9"AII') ' OII.<:II·"C ItC:J' 'If.
h"'1.;1·l'o)· m/\'i ,:JC onM,C'~
O"'1.,t~·f.OJo oonn ·I·-"I\f. _If';
;:1 I'II.<:II'I·C ~'r" no,~<Il1ntJ' '/'l'p:r- 31 Cadastral su rvey control points shall get
f.U'i'i M')'.· 1I"'111&.'J.9" O"'1.m"l protection in accordance with regulation to
YO·;·O notJlI.')· 'l'0.4' "'1"l1')' be issued for the implementation of this
hll/]:fOJ·:: Proclamation .

fIi. rtf!) 1t'-:5 fooOIl "7Q;1=(!!7i 24. Survey Plap and Suryey Record
"7'g'OJo9" 0001111 1''''1.1t'IS: 1'11.<lM·C ""1''' Every ground cadastral survey shall describe the
plan of the parcel by indicating the boundary
1''''&-7I 00,(,";'; f.lt;1' I'OJI'I'; oollnoC
measurements. The survey plan shall be
C1/oo·)· OAh.')· 0"'1"1")' O'H':~: oo"lM
accompanied by a field note prepared at the same
MO')':; ·;f;~ · 1'11.<lMC ol>l''' Ah.·)·
place and time the s urvey is carried out.
O·"II'U.O')· ·'·(/1J""f. P:J"j 1.1L /t,/·I1;Jf.
..: - - ~
roollh "'11I;1'OJ'fi ?C Mle' oa,l' f11
f.r;·CO;1'A :;
25. Cadastre Surveyor
tt~. MlJlIlltC ",f'it
JI A cadastral surveyor or a surveyor with
iii I'II.<:M·C '1',1'71 OJ,..," Af. t..:l'Y: special permit shall submit the survey dala
\"/'(111101' l' .f"Ii I'h'I''''1 oat,')· 9"1/1/] to the registering institution in accordance
Ol'lmOJo I' F&- ')'0'111 oo(J'd' with the job order prescri bed by the
1' • .,,1'''Ft· 11C11C ool.Jl9"l registering instituti on.
M·;:oo. 1''''1~·1.·0 ''If.;1' llt\O·)·:;
2/ A surveyor s hall be liable for any damage
' 1/.1 4',1'0' -Hlhfl~:~;1''fOJo ·I·t.·Hi
caused to a land holder or the institution that
/]A '1'1. ;J111l' HI''' oo"t,l' 9" ':j. ordered the wo rk as a result of field survey
0-m'P9" """1'1"1 001.:11 Oooll1\fln· data collected by using s urveying
9"tl'i ,.). 000'('·)· /]lIf./I;1'OJo 'If. equipments not calibrated. tested or
OJf.9" oat.·,: ~,';'<:A'''11 /]IUIOJo '1''1:9'' certified.
'If. 1'I"'1..V.C(\{I~ 1''<:')' ;)'1,<. '.lr'iA::

ttl. foo?t f.fI:J· ITJllf 'l'6=11 26. Landholding Block Bound Book
A bound book of parcel index maps, which are
M,'}Yo' I'oot.,·)· f.II;!· "'1/.;J1"~ (J'6.C /]lI prepared according to Ihe landho lding adjudication
1'''l0.,I' 7i'}i'i<j' 0J01l'!' 1''''1.J'C~: 1''''t..7i neighborhood standard. falling within a block
oot.,·)· ,.,1;1' 111'1:"'1. Ile;1' 'l't.·11 ooot,·), partition of an adjudication neighborhood shall be
f.fI;1' "'11.?16"L 1I;1";'<:Cf: 001'11. ')' OOJI.4'·)· organized in paper and di gital form and updated
my.9" om/.·H· ~'i o.I':)'.·;1't\ .. C9" with changes.
'h1'-l'1I;JJ>: r"'1.f./~J>: ~'i 1I(U'(I':r'9" 1111·
Ol'1.1LOJo lD~';J''I! 1""I.Y.lHH· y.tf'iA::

.- .
h'i~A hY"il-}. PART FIYE
JQ:/) h'i!A OJ.\': SECTION ONE .
H. r-4t .('./1;-") 1I"'l{\OO1l111 "'looAh;r 27. ApplicatioQ [or I ,andhqldjng Rcgjstn1tjQII
M"'l", III
?if non,:.')' .1',1';)' "'.I', '1'o}>Y" t.I\'~ 'talA \I Any person claiming to have an inlerest on a
°n>"1J)'9" Am· Y.I';hJl··) Il"'lfluo·/I·J·O landholding may apply 10 regislering
lIonl/;J(I.!Ir '1".1;9" "'1ooAh,: 0'lo}>t.'(1 institution for regi stration.
III 1'9"'''11J "'1unl.\/J:"w· 't"'1. ·/'cnO)· 21 The applicalion for regi stration shall be
onll;JfI.ro· '/'<)"9" MI./I· ~,'/tI"711·')· made by filling the forms prepared by Ihe
YIl;JPo'fro·') o}>X:)'- nonon·",,)· ~,'r' registering inslitution for this purpose and
upon payment the service fee .
. 't9"1/11) l,'/A·?II·')· tI'i~J' (Iou •. ??"
.1.'.11' ci A ::
31 An applicalion for regislralion of a right on
rl nun,:.·)· .1'.1 1;1' "'.I', .!'II') 00'11')' a landholding shall clearly indicate the righi,
1I"'111001l'l·n \''''1. '~Cll "'1ooAh;f restriclion and · responsibility as 10 be
flit. U ~I'l''f.· 01',),(..). fl'''I.Ol''hJ)· .f:t·(I provided by the regulation 10 be issued
r'/'ooll/J,/: noo':"': \'001114'9" hereunder and shall be accompanied by
un11'}"}: hAh""}'; ;,>",&,'''}' fl'7AC) supporting documents.
I''''l.,flf, 11'<;' h.l'.;J6, "'111t.Po?>l ;JC
"'.1'.1'," on~' l.o/I .I'.'i'Cfl;J·A::
\'.1',1';' "'1t.:n'1' 't'I'/J'iw',II')' 'tf,I';' 41 A holder of a verified land shall request, 10
1J1l0011')' IlOO'(I')' \1"'//1'1 't"'1snJl' be granted a landholding certificate from the
"'1M.Po /1'1"; Ow \' I~"" '~'i')' w·ll,\, regislering inslitution within 30 working
(lh"''''1 0 0 ':")' .1'.1';)' onl/ ;In. '/".1:9" days from Ihe dale of receiving Ihe proof
Il')~. '~C(l I'm',:,,)· f.I';I· onil')' Ihat enlilles him for registration. If no such
"'1l;J16f>L ,JlC·/·'i:h.')· hVI,(\lIIar claim is made within the specified time, the
'1'.foI: "'10}> l-ll lllln')':: ,P. U 'I'-"oj: requesl for certificate may be made upon
0'/'4'01'11101' \"/.11. '/.1'.'0 arfl'1' J'A·~t.O payment of service fee and penalty which
h'}.I'.II'~ (IhM-)·· 't·/·01(\H·'} rb'/A"} are 10 be delermined by regions.
II·')'" 1'00oj>""L 1I'i:f (\ .•.?'9" t'lC'I''i:
h.')' h·}-'\.AlIlllr 'I'.f-/: "'1o}>t.'(1 f,:r'IIA: :
~;i;. 1'9"11111 "'IouAhf1 il/Ioo.,.IIA 28. Receiying Applications for Registration
\I The regislering instilution shall, upon
iii onl/ :JIl.m· '/".1:9" I' on,:.,)· f.ll;t-
receiving a duly compleled applicalion form
onl1')' Y"W/I) '''looAhf n,/·u;J'f.ar
for landholding regislration, assign serial
o}>y.- auv·t.·)· '/"loA,I" (\A'Cl1ll')' number in sequential order to each
fl"'l U.I'.C ar II '\' II "'l.1/1 ID- fI h -" VrPI· applicalion to be placed in folder. The
"'looA h,' <}> .1'.9" 'I' h·" fl·'} 1'11104' .,. "', regislering institution shall give 10 the
"''I'C 'tU.U'}
,P.(\flIA:: '7AIJ'W' applicant the copy of Ihe application with
r'hl;on.'} "'lU'I'9" n"'lll.,C: 'I"}: the seal of the institution, date. monlh, year,
we: 'tuo'i' Y"ud': (\'}.). h'r' .I'.'~JI' hour and minute written on the receipt of the
OonJW bV\. Nt flbont.\'I;I: 00(\111')' application. The lime recorded in this
Mil')':: OtI.U noAl! r'I'ooH'm tlb manner shall constitute the basis for
1'9"1I'I~0l' ''''.1'.9" 'l'h'I'A lluotW·)· establishing the order of registration.
o/lA'i: qU'/i'i f.lf'iA::

'1.1 /I'Il')' 1''''I.:l't. ',. =lI-r·:h 1 hAhll?> 21 Where two or more incompatible rights ,
restrictions, and responsibilities on a single
'f"}" ?II&. ~·r:·r·'} Ob'} .e; r 00(,,')' f.ll;./'
landholding are presented to the regislering
11.1', ll"'lll(1l>1I'/'O (1'1'''''''''.1'. tiL
inslilution al the same time, priorily of
lloo11.?0.ar '/''.1;9" r"'l.'~C(l· "'IuoAh
registralion shall be given for the person
;J:P"'1' ns~· I"A")'} 'lllm' 'i:Cy,' 0.')'
who has produced judgment of a competent
't'/'IIJI'I'/ \'0)'''''' "'1f1t.Po bfl.l','7~~ J'ojot.
oar t'lOI' 1'9"1/"'1 •.,.~."'I..r f.t'lm'l't\::
111. f9"l1'1l1 "'1ouAhil'P>"fJ M"'1IlJ&-."f· 29, verification of Apnlicatjons for Registration
{if ""·II?O.OI· ·,·:tl'"' ~I/JDA •• :I' II The regi stering inslitution shall verify that
fI'''IiJllo'IIHI ,!""lOOl' 'I' p,t 011. tJ the applicant's request satisfies formalities
~1'I)''':'i h'l'>l:'} fl°'liJ/'.(J9" 1'00m' required under this Proclamation and
regulatio n and directive issued for the
Y:Hj",i-'i tIOtI"tJ'P'+ {""I. mf.'/!")'
Qullt.c·r·:)", ",/oJ.'I;)':fm,'} °'11.:11'1' implemenl ation of this Proclamation,
!II OII.tJ {I'H'~' ·W·1l (I'H'~' (?i) 21 Where an applicant is aggrieved by a
O'hn'/'r'l(l)' uu/Pl.')' "" ·/I.:-'O.ar "''.1:1'"' decision of the registering institution that
\''''1 iJt.:P.P> +'} ""ol II -)- fl,fIlJt, rejects a document presented by him during
(I UDN. 1', .1'·I·lOO)o') MY; OI'Y;:" the adjudication process pursuant to sub-
I''''J..I'Y.C'? m,II',. 1''''/.fl 'I' o.ln article (I) of this Article, the matter shall be
harlA'. :I; Oll,tJ ')'P.J!. IIf· J'flar'} handl ed by a grievance handling procedure
as dClerlllined by regulation to be iss ued to
'h~,:J' .1'.11 ') M) :~:' fl°'liJ/..U?"
impl cmcn t this Proclamation.
Jl"'/,(JI/IJUl' Y:HJ n°'l.wr'\'HIl' r:,.(.,;)·
h'I'/.,l1J F~-/,JC'i ')' oou'I.·)'
fl ..I'N:'1I ;)'f.,r, \,"'/,/., ;) , f,lfe;A::
f:1 119"'/1'1'1 "'1ooAI1;J: p>',y, ?C Mt If'i' 31 The mere registration of any document
1',"1.0 O'J'g:(JI'9" r'I't,~' Oool'?O,ar annexed with the application for registration
'hl:9" \"1'0011'10 uulf',' ·0;1' iJM·,-'I. may not constitute proof of its validity,
tJ:J'I?~')' 0'J/.:J1 6 '-t fl,If'} {If,:r'AI'"'::
<1). f"'i,ooHHl roo&-'}' .ell;!: ou-fl-r 1 hAM 30. Rights. Restrictions. and Responsibilities
b<; ;:'IIk~'r Subject to Registration
(if /luo{.,.), f.I':)' I'{nom "' v" t7r1-fl.). II All rights, restrictions, and respons ibil ilies
omU,IIlCO')' (I)')")' (I'7fj'II 'Iflm· stipulated in contrac.s of old possessions
l'uo'}"IF')' (I'.A ,:JC m/lC 1'00(',·), and lease holdings concluded with .he
J!.,,;), h'i 01\.1/ ,1.'.11;)', art! (I)'il'!' appropriate government body in the course
of creation of landholding righl shall be
l"I'UDl\h·l: 001","'1',: hAMP>+'i
;~IIt(, H,i', f,O'OI 1'1 'I II, ::
iiI OIl.tJ ~I'n,:: h'l'»;'} 'l'h')'I\- 1l'''I.0)1I1 21 All ri ghts, restrictions and responsibilities
crealed through total or partial sale,
Y:HI'i UDOOt,!' O°'l,/..,pY,ar 00'1'/.')'
donation. inheritance, assignment of share,
OO'O·II,Y" In OhU\ o'li,l'''}.'' :
contribution in kind, or other act or event as
IIMIl;)': OUl,CiJ : IIY:C"i 0'0 A ,H, :
permitted by this Proclamation and
O'},I'.'rl' ",,'rC'," mJ!.?" 01\.1\ tJ?'I? regulations and directives to be issued
uo'}'/,~: 1'''''1''; au'/I')' : hAMe; hereunder shall be registered,
;)11&. ~.), ,e.uo//'IIIA::
rl III1.tJ ~I'H-~' 'W,fl ~I'H-Y;' (;;) h'i (Ii) 31 All deci sions. orders rendered or contracts
\"I'II/.II<,')-'} 00-fl1', 1', : hAMP>1' h'i concluded by a legally authorized organ to
;)116, ~,r':f flO'JM·/.'l, : floo'I'~fl:
extinguish, reduce, expand, modify or
amend rights, restrictions or responsibilities
lIu"a.bOoC: I\m'flOl'!' (J)f.9"
slipulated und er s ub-article (I) and (2) o f
(I'''I~i'tit\ 1111'" I'''tI''l'} 11,/-(,(11/1)'
this Article shall be registered,
~I'IA 1""I.l\m, (1)'''''',9' '')'- (I),e,y"
')'O'IIQ, (1),1',9" 0),(1":)'- ,e.ooll·/'Ifl,::
!il uoYliJ')' 1I°'/,OIr'l'tm· uou'/, ,)· 1'00(.,')' 41 A contract of sub-leasing for transferring
,e.,';)' UO-fl.),: IIt1M h'i ;)II&.~')· landholding rights. restrictions and
01\11-fl:/I IIO'JM'IIM: I"/'Y,I.'/ (I)'A respon sibilities, in accordance with the
f.uo//'I'I':\:: decision of the government, shall be
?il two /.,,). ,e,I';J-cIJ' ,:.IC \"1',1',1'11
5/ Any mo rtgage contract or attachment
'11J'g:(l)'91l \JooJJ'lr OJ-A lJJY.?" \'o~
relaling to landholding shall be registered by
Ll'IP, II m )'II:JII,(IJ' ""):9" In.f: the regi stering institution.
""u,,'/I'NI {I (I II')' ::
'hI n",,{.,,), M'I ' P,j,C: (,1(;\'?II'+ I»C~')' 6/ Rights, restrictions "nd responsibilities
uPo-/.')' " ' /'t,'I'P'. uu11-1"1', r permitted by the land administration
!IA/v'w"r" )<\&:/'1":)'- ,1'.00/1'1'1(1-:: services delivery '>ystem shall be registered ,

pngc 72R! .
0&. ht\ooJll(1l- hHl)/;i!r ~'I hmlJO:; 31. Preparation and Keeping of Registers
?il \,o..,(,,}. q/l,{'.Il;r~'}. ,,"ofI'}"} 11 A landholding adjudication register, register
1'10000'//1'(1 I' ""t.,}· ,1'./ 1;1' OTft.;J'I 6Lt of landholding right. register of
I101I'NI; \'00 1..+ Y,I';1- '.1O,(I'~. landholdings in respect of condominium,
0011'1·(1: 1','1/,- I'ool..'}· f"l;/o
II}" register of encumbrances. register of
oo'I/'N' j 1"1'1)')-'; h'; 0.<1 h·/.<I fanners rural landholdings incorporated into
urban center boundary, other necessary
0011'1'11: 01.1'_ 11'1-"'/ \"1"1/1/1 I'M:{l
registers shall be prepared for the purpose of
M'.C ,,"I..'}' Y"':'- 00'11'1·(1 h'; /1./1,,)',
effecling registration of landholding right.
MliA1. nf',· m>1I'/(I)" onll,:>;<':'}'
III Oll.u i.'}·M 'W·il {I'H6 (?i) 21 The registers stipulated under sub-article (I)
I"/-oot'lll'l:} ""'//'III',r fhJlt.·H- (J)f.\I" of this AI1icle shall be prepared by using
O.l':f.;1-A b':O" croll;J;<':'}' M'l'/'o,,;; paper or on paper and in digital form,
31 The registering institution shall take due
;:1 ool/;JO.OI' '1'1;\1" I'U:)'/? ',"'il'I'C
care to safeguard the legal cadastre
ont.Y. ""'11'1'11 (lmt.·H'9" Ir', information register kept on paper or in
(I.\'.' f.;h~ (;:C9" "'11:) )':"1" 'I/ln,)-
digital form from informatioll security risk.
,/''1.;1- hont.y. .\'.u'n'}' /» ;J'}'
/luomO'}' ynV'il)"1:\ h'I>'->" 'f"} ,.p'1!
0Tf.l!:t."1 {I/lU')';;
jj/ Otl.u {I'}ofoU '}(J'il {I'HY,.. (!i) 41 The registers stipulated under sub-article (I)
O'hn·MoJ· oo(lt.o}- 1'000,1I;J)\: of this Article shall be prepared in
oo1l1(1:r· l'II/1ooofl-/;'} OTf,}~,}· O{I'/C accordance with a national standard which
II"''': .I',t.p. O·/FH',.), t'lunt'll"}' shall enable to uniquely identify the holder
00Tf,5'il'fl:\ {I'lt-,!: .I'.t.p. OOIJ't.,}· of the right nationwide,
0011;):<':-)' {1"''I'!'m,':;'
!1l1. Mrol.+r ~c,' 1:'1::tA 9"11111 32. Paper and Digjtal Registration
iii 1It/.1I (I 'Pi'.' fWH~' <Ji{;(!!) oot'll.'), II The paper register and the digital register
OOll."")· I'H'.t.'/ 9"'/1'1'1'; 0.1'.':<':;1'1:\ effected in accordance with Article 31 (2) of
Y'/·lt.'/ \I"'WI'1 hlt'A 'H"!J',',.), this Proclamation shall have equal prohatory
,1'.<;'';. 'I: 'I' A:: value.
III OIl.U i.'}ofou '1M' fl'Hrl (?i) "UIJ't.} 21 Where there is difference or doubt bdwcen
011·1\01:\1" 9"1/'I'lfD1~ on1,hA Af.',.)· the two registrations pursuant to sub-article
t'lSC (nf,Y" (Imt-tllt t'l.,n Omt.·H· (I) of this Article, the paper register shall
Y'I-.I'.t.1m· 9"'11'1'1 0.\'.';<':';1'1:\ 9"'11'1'1 prevail over the digital register.
<'If. 11[ ,I'.tY'il:\::
1'00t.·H' 0 0 '11'10, '1'11: 1""1.tY'f(J). 31 The paper register shall prevail when the
1""1;,.10' n'/I1"'9"'i !ll:\tlD 1""t'lfll 01' seal of the institution and signature of the
'1<'1;'. ;'.C"'/ Oh,l") ... ·}.... I'Y"'/I'111 ~'rl authorized officer is affixed on every page,
<'IY. t'l ..rC(I:O'~· '/0"::
'}CHI htj:t\ "'1'1:,. SECTION TWO
ht\oo&.r f.tI;I= unil'}- 9"11111 (lC.,·tj:I!.·)- ~'I LANDHOLDING RIGHTS REGISTRATION
\'oo1l,?o'ar 1'*9" :?<'I"'~:'- CERTIFICATE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF TIlE
0f, I'oot,r &tI;I= 001\:" OTfI.;n4J. t'lC1'tj:1!.1- 33, IsslIance of Certjficate of I ,.ndholdjne: Rjgll!
Ouoll:>n.fI)· "'1;9" I''''';'.,)· f.,I:J·o"'} 'I A certificate of landholding right indicating
<'I{laoll'm \'oot.+ f"I:}' 'l(\UD'n+ the date and year of its registration signed
by the registering officer with the seal of the
(\ [/", t'lOJ' 9"'II'I'Im' I' 'I'll'i m',n-)' .p'}
registering institution affixed thereon shall
h'i '}ao ,,' 9"11{.')· '1'f11·)·{l: (1""'11;)(1.
",un- 'f U " lOU' ') •• , '(II)'
be given to the person whose landholding is
.. .IKtgc 72M2

III OII.U h'HY, ' )M) ~.'H>?.. (Ii) 21 A certificate o f landholding right to be
000'/,,',' 1'"'1.(1' '' fun,:. ,}, ,1'./1;). issued pursuant to sub-article (I ) of this
ou11')' "'ll:J'/"'~ (lC·/·(,:II.')· Article shall be prepared in accordance with
"'l.',.Il·I;<. 1.'Nr·) ·,·II·j·t'!° OU'I.J'OJ"11lI' the requirements to be prescribed by the
ooilt.C.)o "",,·t.·)· 1''''l.lIft';' r.tr<iA:: Ministry in conformity with _ this
\,,,,,,( ..). ,f.II;'· {/v·n·)· mll.:J·I""~
(lC'/" ,:II,')' \'1111.0')' ; 1""01100')' 3/ Any pers on whose certificate of landho lding
CDM" fl-I'M'I' ?"h'H")' h'\'<1'9" right is lost, damaged or become useless due
1lI'''I.'' I'/no·)· "'1'}",'oJo9" (l1J)o OhA/\· to different re aso ns may be issued with a
\""0)(\'/0)-') 1.'1 I HI .I'M)") h~:,I' replacement certificate. upon payment of
(I ••• »"Y" Y"'H, (lC·/·~:II ..)· fI.IlIllOJ· serv ice fee determined by the region .
,l'.lIlA: :
ilIlMI-1t, 'II 34. Sub-Leasiog
1'00':'.)0 ,l'./I;). IlfI""11+ un')'U":(' Where a land ho lder sub-leases. as may be decided
O"'l.OJ!l',1J)o ouu·d· h,f./I;!·OJ· 1I&.fI·') by the government, to a third party. part or all of
his holding right in respect of the part or the whole
OJ,l',9" ,l',II;!'O~ ') Oun·fI· M:II /Iou',· M:fI-
of the duration of the lease period, this ri ght,
1\oI-OJ(I~1J)o 1./1. O),l'.9" M.II1"'·''\\\ I'fI:II /Iou')
restriction and responsibility shall be registered
IIIPilH' CD']') Ofl-ll-fl.11 '11l·I·IIM. ,l'.')i1J)o and certificate shall be given to the person to
unll')'; hAlWi ;>116.',.), 'l'unll'?(1 whome the right is transferred by sub-lease, '
1''''l/..'1·I''''l flC:'I·~:h ..)· Oflll-fl.11 f\oI·lIlIt.fI')·
'11100·/1 ')' ,1'.(1(11'1' t.I::
35. Encumbrance and Attachment
ilIloof'lf ~ .. /VI h'/.II
?if 011. U M'~:- I.')·/'Y,· (iJ(?i) uno'd· 1/ The registering institution shall, upon
\"1'00 11'/0 \'un':")' g,II;!.·) /I-I·oofllJ.l· request, give evidence of proof of
registration of the mortgage contract or the
"n'" :'n.(U· '1'9:9" "'loot.lll;J:
attachment relating to landholding
f1A'C'OIl ')' l'aD,nr OJ·fI··) OJ,l',Y" I'M
registered pursuant to Article 30(5) of this
~.·I,I\O)··) l''''/.,I'>'\,l', o'11. :J'/ 6b1 ,l',f1"lA::
!II OItu h'HY,' ')D.1I 1.')4>y,· (Ii) 2/ Any person who has acquired a right in
onl"l.·)· M,' ).\': \,ou&,·)· ,l',II;!. II,l', accordance with sub-article (I) of this
un·/I·)· ,..,.'; o,/'g'O,·9" f11J)o un'/,",, ') Article shall submit the documents based on
II'''/Il''''-,,'/'tl (I.'/'C·/I 0 0 '/1.1;') which th e transferee acquired the right to be
.!'{I'I·>\fIt.fI')· (10/' r,u')',· un'/H' reg istered while applying for reg istration.
,I",.jn')-') O',f..· h)'.('.11 °'l~'/.,n MO ')'::

01. ru,?'f !J-'!i1'rC - ool.Jf'} IIUl1l1 h~.r 36. Publjcity of the Legal Cadastre Data
ilIl"'l ~ l.'7
un1'?0.1J)o '1'9:?" I'U?'P. It,l\M'C unl.)l', The registering institution shall make the legal
lIu'lIlI It(,:,)· o'/,f.'l.'? 11(111')':; cadastre information public,
hu,?'f !J,I\M-C (JD/.;II') ilIl"'l'71'''' 37, Disclosure or Lega' Cadastre 'nrormatiop
iii o"'JI,:>il,(jJ' '/'*9" ",,''''/II',j'' ') floooo 1/ The registering institution shall permit in
Cuu(; OW,Y" ~':<:,?",r·') fluo(jJ·Of..· nu"! office ins pection of archives at its disposal
/"t\"f') 11-1' 01110" ~,',t\ 'I'J"~ 1I.·~C or give a copy of registered documents
'nn} 11/"<· J'fI"}") m'1/'11"')' fllI·n·}· when so requested by an organ empowered
h')~'v0/.on<. an~:·I'f..' OlJ'-?u r,/·anlt·It\, to examine o r obtain a copy thereof.
0',1':-)") "JAIl"!.' oulllwl' ~,fln'l'::
!!.I (/u"I.~I1.(/~ '/':/,'9" 1''''I,lI''FfCD' 21 Any copy furnished by the registering
0,/'j:,'OJ'9" :t-P..9':-'·· \'9"11111 ?i·OD· institution may nol be valid unless iI is duly
Ol,l',?" rp.,?,:j'-') ~d,l\.rl'l' \'-I' t .rY-II')' signed by the registering o fficer o r another
lim' /. .C°'/ hfl.i\o~' \"I·9:oD • "'lO'I'Y" person empowered to furnish copies affixed
Ilt.I ·I',I'.t:/":':(j)· ; \'ao -"'/O. '7t.1/l"P.' wilh the seal of the registering o rgan and
indicates the datc, year and reference
\"/'011\(\')' .p'); 'lao'I' Y"iJd· 'h<;
numbcr o n which it is issued.
"'J"H'<'i '1"I'e 'IA·I·lIt./H'OJ· 'P?
~\f.~;· /.·:rW-9 n ::
== •

'm' ~i'fJ:f"Ki~ 4..1.1..1\ ~"")(.ol· .?Il."J ·IITe ~'?; fla":"}' X# ·t·' ~O.,; 'S.'!" Fcdcral Ncgarit Gazelle No. 25 21 Fehruary 2014 .. . . .... page 728J

f:1 I'U,:J'I! 11.<Iil'/·C ou'1I1'1I h0011;111,1& 31 The register of legal cadastre may nof move
,"*9" W·(.f.J. fI"7'g:W'9" ~\IIt\ 'l'J'</: ' from the administrative office of the
oo'H-I\</>ll I'ttn,)·!",:: registering institution by the request of any
person .
!1J~. I'-t.-l- ,e,.:t
_<:'1') W:j>;J''f! llfI11:<:1 38. !Jpdating of Landholding InfQrmatioQ
0011;111,1& '1'*9" 1''''I.OflFfl&') ~\1t\ "/td:,j"' The registering institution shall record in the
IIU;J'I! 'I.<IM·-:- 01>11111 'Iy. 01I001l111'j register of legal cadastre the services it prov ides
I' ooto,)· y.ll;r ou<::lill)' ') 1I1'1.1I,(J)' W~, ;f''P. and update the landholding information .
"'IY:<:"/ MIll')'::
!IIi. ""11'1/)111"1 MII&flitlll" 1III"'I<'tw-l- 39. Notjce of Registration to the Landholder.
?il M,').e,· 1'00':")' ,1:'.1 1;1' I\y, 00'11')' .f17 1/ If a person acquired landholding righl gels
ill& 0011'/') ,f'1l001t'1O h'IY.ln his right registered, he shall notify to the
0011,1,) iI"~llou''''HI ,1,.I't~(l'I:1& holder, within five working days through
ov::j· ,,··,·qy:rl· "'I"I1;Jo'I'I&'} the registered address of the landholding, by
I'''V'I.,')'I'I' ')-)I)'I'l": :":Ii. t'lf1l'l,l:',I' ;}'I& a veri fled copy of the regi stration
confirm iog that the documents entered in
IIM"Il·j· !' /P(,. 'I''i,j' (J~ll'I' ,I:'.,I;J=I&
the register have been accepted.
11'''001111111')- ~,1.' (,:1\ ~\1l(7D1' ;JII.I&
"'I<'tW:" ~,I'ln')'::
J.I filt. U ~,')</')1." 'lO'iI ~,'}<j')1." (?il 21 Any person who has the duty to notify
ooIJl/.')· l''''II\(Jl •." "/JI.;}· PI'ln')' pursuanl to sub-article (I) of this Article
"'I'g'1&9" 01& ·'l,v•. :t(J~') lJooowfl)'" shall be liable for the damage that may be
!"'I'O,f")' lI'II'l,!:',";}'1& OlY,!,,' IIMH'>':
caused to the landholder or third parties
because of his failure to comply with his
W1~'1' 'IY, 1'l"'l..V.Cllw· '/'.<I,j. ~~'I6.
registration duty.
40. Liability of the Registering Institution
!'I. '-1f.?!l1ll" 'ht9" '''mf:t~-l-
iii oo·";lII.CD' ',.,1;9" IIl'lml& I'-t,,), /I The registering institution shall be li able for
'.";1' oo·flo)·' ht\M~' ;)'I6.~·)· damage caused to third parties who acted in
9"11111 "'11.;11"'1, "?lll.:Ii If'. 1100 .1'.1'1: good faith relying on the proof of
Y'il'/'~: w'/<;'l' II:"') A(I<i registrati on of right. restflctlon or
11"'1.&$00+ ' r"/IJC 9"I!'),f")' responsibility on a registered landholding.
1I"'1. .I'.CM:l'w· ', . .'\,), ou·/I;lII.o)·
'1'*9" 'hnJ'4:'d' Mn')'::
J.I 0011;111,1& "'*9" 'hn.1'4: t\1I'~II')' 21 Nothing shall affect the right of the
1·P'!!. IIU" (/)'1' 00')11.' " ' m,;''''I, regi stering institution to make a claim
I'lnl&') "'I'P;'Ol· '!9" OCD' CD!!.9" against any person who benefited illegall y
or against his own officers and employees at
'N.·)· I' 6.)10" I' (,.{I'·) ~.6. IlC·"'··'.·
/)'(.",''1''.)'- ont\{I \'o'IIl\'~' "o·n",
!""mll</' ',1&::
!'Iii . ,,,lIt..
1.1", l1li1**9"
ht\Oo)·. 1II1.U ~\'P!': ~,'H')I' ~(?i)
41. Establishment of Security Fund
II The regions may establish security fund to
l"I'ooilh'I'I&') ;~lf6' ~'l' ilou(Jlfl)')' discharge liability provided for under
l''I'll'h' /.. ')1.' O?**Y" ,I:'.l·lft\·:: Article 40( I) of this Proclamation.
III IIht\t\ .I'.<::Ii 1I°'l.CDIl',1& oo/)'/.,j'
O'l'll,j"j 6.V\· "'I**"'I.J' },'}.<I.tr'} 21 For the purpose of establishing the fund , the
1'000'.,')' ,1:'.,1;1' '''W·CD·e h ·,·II'/S.M· regi stering instituti on may levy a charge not
,,/lIJ!.,)· \·"l'n!!.·" ') 'I' ,'J IlldJ'.: oo,r·~' more than one percent of the value of
,I't\1I111/l "·('Ll.''',t. 11',:.1' ",n·'/,·)II.OI· tran sacti o/l~ involving landholdin gs. as Illay
''''1;9'' 1I,(llIll'lI ,1:'. :f''It\ :: be decided by regions,

rl nhtlt\ W'?(j)(I·} "om') h'l'll,j"j 31 P3I1 ort he security fund may be utilized for
t.V\· h/..l\· 11;"·,,.,1 tI"'I')' ~\"t\''It\•.). public developmental purposes, as may be
o.l&tI ,1':,)'-ttt\:: deterlll ined by the regions.
1A' l7iJ~J'n'~ 4J:('·A ~;J(..). ;m." ' 4I1'C ?i'?; \,11'1:-)'!ff 4''' ~it~ ct.?" Federal Negaril Gazelle No. 25 2) " February 2014 ......... page. 7284

fil l"pM"i .:HI: "~ollf'lll ~,'fI:°'l00~ l 41 The commencement, manner of collection

1'"f'l'](Hl il P.. (ll· (llf.'}" 1''I'f'l')''i ;,:ty: or termination of collection of the security
"'IO'l(j'n (I,xt.'l' 1''''I.l·tlO·)· II·',.;J· fund shall be determined by regions.
illltltl .".mNitl::
I'on':"}- ,\W:t onll-l- 9"11'111 ONl\, 0}- LANPHOLDING RIGHT

Moo':")' -j·m.t"'l.)·}: onll'}: ~r; 42. Proof of Landholding Right and Ownership of
'''7''Ur)t1l 111,0}- qOI\Ho}- ""215 Immoyable Property
·'·:I't· ~. II'''';)' oo';'~ hIl11t\·,·t.:J'1m y;t.1l Unless proved to the contrary, any person to whom
ilIl.u l,'I''fI:' h'H7, 0r(ii) oof'lt.. ·)· root,·)· a holding right certificate is issued pursuant to
Article 33( I) of th is Proclamation shall be deemed
f .Il;J· ",,·fl·)· "'1t.;J·'''''1 oC·'·'1:h.·)·
to be the possessor of the land indicated in the
fo/'f'lIll(lJo °n"'(ll'9" f'l(ll. (I,fO':")' f,ll;/'
certificate and owner of the immovable propeny
0011')' "'It.:J'1"·1 f'lC·'·'1:h.·)· 'I.f', t'H·m·M(lJo
situated on the land.
00':")' '11'1.\',fI;). h'i Oont. ·) · f.II;1'(lJo 'If.
'IU(lJo 1''''1 P:H<,\Nl ·j·O l·)· '1t'11l..).
h'}Y.ln f.4\mt·tI::
43. Prior Right
+1:'l" lItH""It'lO oull'}'
iii 1/.f1.). OIf.9" h,U' (Flf. 1'1f~' OJD1- II Where two or more persons have acquired
f]l,'}~' '1t'\J.'.,I;J· 1'I.,1ll1l'11I 1''''1:11]'1 from the same person a right subject to
",,·fl·)· h ",'h(ll' ),·}Y.If~ n",,&")' registration. the one whose right is first
registered in the register of landholding
f.":)' ""11')' 0011111 (lJoll'!'
shall have priority.
flOl''fI:UV&J' opl1·',·' .rllooll10(lJo O(lJo
:,0 ~''''I. .I' ,r.om'l' tI ::
11.1 I'II·t'I-f·"" J)< 0(1)- 0011')' OooJ.>:oot.r 21 The right of the second person may not be
1'.,.001l1flOl··} ( l(I). 0011')' 1''''I.:I't..} registered in so far as it is in conflict to the
.- If';' Mh"''1'" ~'lll h'1-'I.""II'Il1 right which has been first registered.
M!S.l '19": :
!.'I I)";'Y" ,N)·'·'i'm· om· I' out.·)· ,r.I';)· 31 Nothing shall affect the rights of such
nn·n·j:'} '11H· ... ')kfl·)· IIflf.I';J· 001' second person agai nst the person from
'IJ.'. J'f1..)- on fl l" ~'· ('·/'infl·', 'i'l'(I)-:: whom he has acquired the landholding right.

iii 1'00':")' J.'.,I ;J ' 001li"~'· i hAMJD:f· 41 Whe re the rights. restrictions. and
h'i ?'I6,~·f·:r I'-/·ooll'lfl·n·)· 1.fl. ,,'15'.: responsibilities registered are equally old or
the priority of one in relation to the other
I'U'~ h·}Y.If', (llM" 'I·t?,. hl,'}~":(lJo
cannot be established, preference shall be
fl.l.·)· MOH/P1,·/fl· "'llIl1l I' ;/'''1
given to that number of the registration
h·tY.If~ OGD1/10' m' lI'!' 1':,0.1':"'1•.1'
which in the register comes before.
""""'/1'11 U· ·"err: r· rom 0)' •." r.\j,..I'
J.'.... l'Ptl::

'Ii. Of!C1: n.·H 1'~ 1f1'!' ID-"t'l. 44. Legal Action

floot.·)· ,1.'.1':1 'If. r"'l. 1'~ OOll')"t Court judgments, decisions or orders which
flo/·Ol'l'Ih·/· up·n·,,·} f:"'I..I'l;J"Iffi'l acknowledge, transfer, modifY, extinguish , or
restrain a right on a landholding may be set up
f:"'I. .rM·'ItI+·: 1''''I,f1(1)-ffi' i 1''''I. .I'lI'''~
against the registering institution pursuant to
(1),1.'.9" 1""1.1",1 /1. ',:cp·:j'- i OI·<'\'tJD)'· 0IJ!,9"
Article 40 of this Proclamation as of the date on
·h)Iuq'· OIl.U l,'I''f.· l, 'H~ i;; OOIJ'd' which such judgment, decision or order has been
nool1 ;>0.01' . hI: 9" '1,1.'. ·'·m.l'oP,·,·)· registered in the register of urban landholding in
tU'ilh'}'I'I' r "~.:f.f1"}· ~ :C Jl·! ID-<'\"'(I)- the place where the land is situated.
mJ.W" ·h)'",· ·}·flt·,: nn'l,'Mflr M~t·
n"'I:1'\ I' "../. ..} . J'./I :J' mol11'0 m·iler
h'/'ooll'lon+ 'I") 'f.9"C' y.l!"itl::
11"1111\') OII"'lM·llh~ h'i OIIool\?ll 45. CQrrection and Cancellatjon of RegistratioQ
iii OIl.U {,'n:· anflt.-}· 1'./. {/01l'1O II Any enlry in a register pursuant to Ihis
"'l'g'(fI'Y" 9"'/1'111 )")P,JH·llh~ Proclam ation may be corrected based on Ihe .
Oh"uu·//.'Jfl.m· flm· fl.IIII'·"': Iwe .1': request of Ihe person who caused ils
Ilo)' OJf.9" I"'A"1') IUlar I,IIA registration, by the judgment of a court or
an appropriate organ or by the agreement of
fl,O)fn mf,9" anfl'l"lhA W"1.1I]ar
persons interested in ·the matter subject to
1·P'f!. 'If. 1''''l.$'ll]'far flP'';f·
'f''''''IY'''f'a~ '\' J'·t fl . .I'oJocn·
hVl.ll'/·'lhA II.Y./,·7 .1'.1''11:1::
It! Otl. U (,'I':e:. oufl/.'i· 1"/'ooU'1t1 9"1111] 21 Where the cancellation of registration is
hVI.II/.1f fl',:CY: Ilo)' OIf.Y" I"'AfIJ') ordered by court or appropriate organ, the
'Illar I,IIA r'f'OW' },'H'.If~ \'00':")' righls, restroctlons and responsibililies
.('.fI;r _-fl')' hAM'" ;}'I6.H· entered in the register shall be cancelled
hoo'//'/O' f.fll'fA:: therefrom,
er 1'-/,001l'In oo·n·)·: lI~hll'j ;)'1&. ~+ 31 A registered right, restriction and
oo·/I;1n.O)· I,I,~ nt·(\· w·"·,.
1\.'JOC11 responsibilities may be cancelled by Ihe
decision of the regislering institution of its
r"'l. :'i"lIar !"I'001l'1t10~ 0011')':
own motion only where the said right,
h~h'l'i ;)'I6'~')' r·I·Y./'7a~ M'OI(l~
restriction, and responsibility was created
tiL 1l.If')"· J'.u 1"/,(JJfl~ 1.IL $'1\&. for a definite period and such period has
h·)Y.ln 'IEJ: ',a~::
!il ou'//:Jfl.(Il· hll~ flt·fl· ar"'" 9"'//11] 4/ The grounds under which and the manner in
h')ll.ll·/·llhA w;.'.!'" h')";.;'·l?" which the registering institution may correct
II"'lY.:l·7 1""I.'·j"-NI'I'O)· 9"10.1"1'·1"- h'i . or recti fy a registralion by its own motion
llCl1C II·~.;}· OY:HI f.alfl'i~:: shall be determined by regulation _
"(il noot,-)- J'.I~)· \"1'001170 OU1l"': S/ Any correction and cancellation of a
h~hll },'i ;)'I&.~')' O)N!' NY.t.7 registered right, restriclion, and
"'l')~'(l~9" "'Ill'I·llhY"· lll" f.liar responsibilities shall be effective as o f the
'''''JIlC hN.OaDfl'}· 1.IL 'f.9"C' date of the act.
arad· f,'tl'l'A:: -_

~I. ft ....HlIllD-J -fl'} M/I"'IOl-l' 46. Ignorance of D Registration

/il "'l'g'OJ'?" flar nll.u I,'l''f!:' I,'H'II 11 It shall be inadmissible for any person to
rJi/i(1i) IH'm4'fl")' 00.,.'111')' ar"'}' claim based on the fact that he did not know
of th'e registration of rights, restriction, and
'''''''lI''l{l II'), 1111 h~»' \"1' Y.t.l
responsibility entered in the registers
ooft·)· ! hAhll h'i )1I6.~,}· ou'j"r')
specified under Article 31(I} of this
MO)·t9" ',nc 1111- r"'l..f'oJoCUar

ouht·htJ' 'I"~'lY.~ ')· I'lIar9"::
f.U \"1"11\01' 111'1"'10):" I'Y./.(lar
I Proclamation and made open to the public.

21 Where the ignorance of regislratitln is

0'1'",01" (1(. •• /,",' <0;''.11'' 000'11'/11 0'9" resulted by the employee of the inslitution
0).1'.'1" 11-/'*"'" '111&. IIln flll.u or regislering officer or official of Ihe
h')4'lJ ')D·ll I, ')'M (?i) IH'III4'flar institution •. they shall be liable for the
'I'lIt·116 mY.9" 1]1\001\-)' 'If.
damage resulted to the person referred to
lIf.lflar 'l'Il')' -/'111,1'<1: f.If'iA::
under sub-article (I) of this Article.

11\ ....".,111111''''l.filh,)..o''l1D- ID-m.-r 47. Effects of NOD-RegistratioQ

Oout,·)· \,oom'I'9" .1'.II;r 0011')' (llf.9" A landholding use right or immovable property
floo,:,')' f.II;}. 'If. \''''I.l'~ 1'''1f:)<I'''4''' ownership right on landholding, unless registered
·)ftl')· \,11/1(1.-)-',-)' 001\')' Oao':")' f.I';/,
i~ the register of landholding, may not be set up
001111\ arll'l' h()l,tU'ooll'/fl Y,:/.ll
against any person .
O"'l,,''far9'' fI(l~ 'If. 00;1'0)"'1..1' anlr')

h'i:A M':M·
Af. Af. ~121.P>"f
48. Pcnaltjes
Y.I)'} 11'1'''''. flItu II q' i', (Too'13· 1l Any official. registering officer, landholding
!'mlll' .'I:HJ'r'i (fI·""t>' fI':)"') verifying ofticer, cadast ral surveyor.
N"Ill6,{)9" \"I'ou.l',O o'I')",'(jl·9" ;}iI".: surveyor with special permit or employee
1'00/.,.). Y,I';!' ,,"11')' oo·IIAI.: who is in charge of implement ing this
I'OU/.,')' y./I;!· 0 0 11')' '.t..
Proclamation, and regulations and directives
issued hereunder with intent to procure
I'II'<:{H' C '1'.P'ii' tll~ 1.,,4','1: !'·/"I'Ullro,
u"due advan tage for himself or 10 another
'I,y'{i m,I',Y" O'I.,'/";' '1" //1. .I'Aln
pt:rsoll :
'I"l'~" fI I.,fI· (llf·9" flfl/I 1I0l-
fI"'II1'1'1')' O"'lll~l Ottll M'I':';
11'Pl::') fl o 'lll6.UY" h(Il II Ill)' .1':)11'; \
lIliUlltP W-(.l.l.:- a) verities land holding in contravciltion
II) \,,,,,(...). y,{';J'$O'.f-') 1'''~t71'1' I of the provisions of this Proclamation
r/.· h·).I'.lr', hhY"i1')'
or regu lations and directives issued
hereunder is punishable with rigorous
'ltT"')' Mlh 1I1l/.· 119"/)')' 'j00')'
imprisonment from five years to
O'''I..I'.CO ".",. hr/.··)·'j h·nc
fifteen years and with a fine from
:10. Mh ·nc no. n"'l.Y.Cll Birr 40.000 up to Birr 200,000;
oo'h"~ ,I:',"'il]t\! b) registers a landholding in
II) 1'''''(.,,)· ,(',/I;./") 1'(fIJII'IO contravention of the provisions of
i.·H'.If~ ht.?"I1')· 'lOU')' I.ilh this Proclamation or regulations and
Mi.· M"h')' '100')' n"'l..I'.co direclives issued hereunder IS
'/," ,. MI.··h· h·ne "ii'i. Mh punishable wilh rigoro\l ~
·nr: m'i. 1l..I'.eh O'''I.:)'-A imprisonment from five years to
(.IU<',(,fOl. j',."'fl)t\:: fi fleen years and with a fine from
Birr 40,000 up to Birr 200,000.
!if 000(..')' y./I;!· "'II,;l'I"'~ lJ't.e 2/ Whosoever, having been duly summoned,
1I"'I.fI~. /.ut\;!.,p' 119.. \',I:'.tI;!' without good cause, fails to cooperate in the
"'It ,'J'I'1' r I.. $0 "". ')"0 l1C implementation of systematic landholding
i,'i'<:.n.C'7 ""'1' 6.1' '1'11'1"1'+ ,I' flO": adjudication in an adjudication commune.
defaults to submit the required document or
Y"II'lY')' 1l00'I"II1C t.~'Y.'': .I'Atn'
i.VI.Y'I,c-n I""'n\"~ol") (t',t.. \
refllses to allow entry to his possession shall
be punishable with simple imprisonment or
<\,\,.f.cn h·l·t llJ).',9" 0).1'. Y,t';!' fine from Birr 1.000 up to Birr 3.000, or
(I"'lh'/II')' 1.. .'1','1.';' YAtr', "'J')>"tJl·y" '
lVi,h bo,h.
(t(Jl- 'H''IA hrt··)· (Jlf,YO h1IC ?in,
i,il/J1IC tn. n"'IY,(;h 00',·,,·· (!J,I:',?"
nll·fI·I:?" f"I,flIA::
3/ Whosoever. procures undue advantage for
U;l'P.',·)· 1'(I.IIOl- (JIf,9" \,[1(1.). "'1hl)!
him self or to another person, or injures the
110011\'#'9" If~ 'IM" 00'11 ;In. '1'1;00")
possession rights, restrictIOns or
/1m/I\.)-). 11/.·11· 1111.1\ ilal'
responsib ilities of another person by
'Ny" J'h'r~ my.?" 1'11.11"':)" 11$0:)"-') intentiona lI) dctrauding the registering
"",,(.•. j' y,I';}' ,/D'll')" hAhil'j organ using illegal or falsified document
;~iI':. ~.). '1p. 'I'~~ ') ' J'.r.tO °ne,'Ol-9" shall be..: puni~hablc with rigorous
(till' 1111?"h-)- 'lu,,')' ~.hl1 ~,flt· imprisonment from five years to I1tleen
~,YOil:" ~uo,}· nn'l. .I'.Ch ~.~. years and with a fine from Birr 40,000 lip to
MI..·h· h·fle i·il'i. Mil l1C !!~n. Birr 200 .000 .
11'''/..r.Ch lIu'I'''''' y.'I·nlA:: Any person will' creates conditions that may
IlII.u I.q',,' IIn"'t:'· fI"'I..I'.t·:P,: ri ~ k th e safel Y of records pro vided by th is
""'/1'/11+ Y.u')',.)· 'If. P'.:J·) , Pn\damafj . ,)11 "nd causes loss o r dallli.l!:!c tv
fI..I'(,II')·(I· 1""1. lll· t/·'/,;H,,:r·) 'he 10-':" ,:adastre shall be:
r. ~~ _ _ __ _~__
._ page
7l !O

/I) (I)'/:i'A II", ""1111" \""'U~qn : a) pun ishahlc wilh rigorous
.. ,
li.ln h(I'I'/' '},/O'/' hllh '/ J' [ impri sonment from seven 'years to
'}"","'n:"U'.cll '/,.:'. 1,1l(.··)··; I l\\iCnty years and fine from Birr.
IHle ~.fll. 1,Ilh ,11(' ii '''I.flX·} 100.000 lip 10 Hirr 1,000,000; where
fl"'l,Y.Ctl an,,,,;r,l. ! I the crime is committed intentionally;
II) (Il-rrjl' Il;/'A ' / " \~ ')' \,',...'/,'10 I b) punish;Jhh:: \\ itb rigorous imprisonment
fl. I}") 11f~1"'/' '}rn..)- 1.1111 Idle I {i'om three years to' ten years and tine
'}uu.). !l"u.ell '/,"/. hll(.··)' h'; from Birr 20.000 up 10 Birr 150,000:
h'flC i'!'i'i, Mh ·flC ii('/i'i. where th~ crime is committed
OaTIS.Cll em -I,CM. j negligenlly ,
f,,~fllA ::

:;11. ""'LVH:<- "",tv']'}" '''''Ii1C 49. Powers and Uuties or tbe Ministry
flAIl-'l: U'll \" /'m' llh '/' / .... A"I')'i Wilhoul prejudice 10 the powers and duties
'''''l'l,H' 1,'})'.·hnl1": 1/";' ''''.'I.Il . ~~. provided und er olhe r laws. the Minisrry shill! ha ve
1''''I,h'/'Il+ I" A fIn'; ,""/11(.·:/' .1'..... ~-:I·A :. thl' powers and "",ies 10:
iii j,',tJ'} 1,'1':<>:' i,'; I,'f';':':) ·f·/i·)·flm· 1/ fo llow up rlild ensure the proper
1'01(1\· y:}(i'.f' ouan('PfDl h~' implementation of thi s Proclamation and
.l'.l)19'T 11,,·11·9" IIAIl·:r· 11"'1:1'1 regulati ons, directives and standards issued·
pursuanl 10 Ihi s Proclamation all over the
(/1I 6,'/,"'I'I'i1J-'J f,II;I"f'I\A' ·1·~· fl·r·:J:
region s: and cau se corrective measures to be
'Ill· ·'··IO.m· '''UH·I,Il,!' I,VU'.l'7
taken where probleills ex isl;
it/ IlII AII" '.j'. \,'/;))'1.11 .f:;J',: i.... nU'7 21 provide technical support and training
"'IM'b'::j'· 'If. I'i,o""+ i,'; \' IIUIl'+ assislance to regions on lega l framework to
111'9" i,V\./..lIle \' / .... A(1\'; J':,')~: build their knowledge and skil l capacily;
1'11'/''''1 '"'6,')' f,I';)' 9"'II'/I)'}'j 31 serve as a national information resource
'1·11"'If.· ,/pOj') 1I-I'''''llh'I' II'IC 1"1",: center on urban land registralion and related
.. 1'00l)1 "'MhA 11""lr) ,1''/I1'711A:: information.
!/, -" fhAA P'AITJ1" '/'''II1C Iso, Powers and Plllirs of BegioDs
flAIl-:'-' uyr I"",mllh", p'AfI]'}'i I Without prejudice 10 the powers and dllties
'''''lllt-} i, H.'hnll-/: IY'" h,n-'lV\, IIAA I
provided IInde r olher laws, each region shall have
1''''I,h,,.Il''}· ;.uA"],}'; ,/. "''I' '.
,i, f''''~· ;I·A:- the powers and duties 10:
(if f,u'} ~I'I')!:"" ~,'I';.r'} "' h ')'flo~
1/ establish 01' designate, Ihe appropriate body
!,"'I,(Jlill' ,V,'}[lT'p ()lI(fDtJ'fDl'} ~I~'
at regional level and 'andholding
.I',l:ilp')',,} 11"'1:1" N"/flt,M" mlAA registrati on and in for mat ion institution at
Y.l? ~I''l'HI film· ~'!IA i,').l\.ll.~n l! urban level , lo r the implemenlalion of this
flh"·',":r .r,l): "unl.,';· ,',11:/' 9"'/1'/'1'; Proclam ation. and regulations, directives
oul.P. 'hJ:Y o ),';;:,:..1.'<):9" mp.9" I and standard s to be.! issued hefl'under:
h')-'l,tW9" ,I',".C,'J{,\' I
it/ I1I1.U ~,'1'~" """'/..;. "(JIm-) .V:HI~· 21 l'nSlln; thl' proper enforcement of regu lations
UDOO(,,"P':" 1II,'1'lfl' 00/'.'/,"'1:1'0)0') and directives issued in accorda nce with this
Yl:J'7 f1 IA: Proclamation:
IlIl,u ~,'I'J""" ~I'I')):') 'I'h') 'flol' 11(Jl1ll' 3/ direct and coordinate its entire activities in
.l':}(1:)'-' "",,0('.I'9'·l'i Y,l)1,9')'· accordan.:c with thi s Proclamation and
UD/l't,,)· {,fIl:J'I\j,', /"(. ·m·'} j,',UD(' ·A ' regulations, direct ives and standards issued
J'Il"''''U(,,('\ , hcrcund (;~I';
1111.U (,'I')!: ,mO'l';' \'a"{.,')· g,I';/' 41 dekrminc, step by step, urban c(:nkrs III
9u 'II'lQ tJOIJ.:(I':anCq:rm·'} 1,.,"1":)" .'>.I.J:
which landholding rc.':!.j,qrat ion Ill"y Sld!'1 In
flJ'./')1 ,\'.dJ{,lj(:\ ~
with this Proclalllation;
li/ 119"'/1'/'1 ), ,; fl"'I. (\"F,'m· ,~.Il .. :r 5/ fix the npprop riatc sl'rvicc fi..·es ch'lrg>:<1bk
11'/ A '111'''1'' :)'. ""Ii /.. A '''''I. '/II(/), '} .,. '/fl. for registration and oth er servi ces it
r~I'/A''lIl'+ )",:.1' noon ,e,OI()~'A:: provides,
-nt" ~i1.I~·j(:;J; t...(',/.·A ',:,/,,)' :)11,1'1 'jc 'N: 'i'W \"l'I:·l· Hi .f") ~i'i.)t ctsr" Federal Negarit Gazette No. 25 21 ~ February 2014 .. . ... page 7288

!Ii. fh.,."'1 M'''~~C'"f P't\"1I'J .,."fIIC 5I. Powers and Dllties ofllrban Administration
01'\.1\·:1- V7:-;·· l"I'uol\h'~ P'lv'n'; Without prejudice to the powers and duties
'''''II1t- ,). ),}Y.·hn/1'I, 1/'''' I'h,t-"'f provided under other laws, the urban
nil"'~Y.C'i~ i''''J.h'I·Il+ P'A")'}'i .,..7111..')' administrations shall have the powers .ndduties
','j't-'I''I'A:' to:
fll;J'e I,,v,fl-/'C 9"1/'/'1 uo<.)\ '/1:;;~:
serve as the sole information producing
• iii II
center for legal cadastre registration;
~,uo·}r.r.t. "'1ahA Ouotf'} Y'1i\"I'1I\· !
III \>~"1/']1\ uo<.P,9'i~'} ~,"I'11l 'It'lW' 21 forward registered information to the
fhAA I,IIA ),', t'\I... Y.t·A \'11'1 ·.../ appropriate regional body and to the Federal
un,:,} ).'.1':1' 9'''II'1'l'i ou<.)\ hY·}t'\. Urban Real Property Registration and
Yil·HM.f1· ! Information Agency;
\'II:J'r 11~~{l'I·r. unOl'} /111110 h'l' 31 own legal cadastre data; organize and
y,y,llfI' ! ,,"<.Jl/JJ"} .1'.1'.1 .:111'1' i manage the data.
.I'il'/·,v,.I': {,·Il·::

JI. . Mh'/A1i1-o}- h~f

52. Service Fees
II Without prejudice to Article II (I) and
iiI I'II.v M>:P: h'H'1.· :r:ii(?i) ),~. h'}"')I,"
Anicle 50(5) of this Proclamation 'the
~I((i) h'}.r.'hIlO~:
If'i' ~,A(. ~,Ab.
amount of service fees to be determ ined for
f,f?,ll;i' o~<';J·/""L 1'1,7A"IfI'+ 1l~~Y
a sporadic landholding adjudication shall be
nom'} 1''''1.wMOJo Owr.r.t. OD;16·')· based on the principle of cost snaring.
quev noll>£'-)· f.lf'-'A::
1(1 fupt, ·)· f,/I;) . (1)') ' 9"117l}'} 21 The amount of service fee chargeable for
I,il lIU A IH'· 1'''''' tl:.I' "'oP'}
landholding registration shall conform to the
formula to be adopted by the federal
06..Y.t·A on'}·7M· h)l,,I'/'OJo ."oPC
;1C 1"/'''/''1'''' nolf'} M ,I,j.::

Jr. foot90C "1&:1' 53. Duty to Cooperate

iii "'n~:ol'9" (W)· R.II'1'} ,'P"/.': I.'; OIl.V II Any person shall have the dUlY to cooperate
for the implementation of this Proclamation
1,'I'if.· OOIJ'<")· I'WiIl' 01l'j o.uotY
and regulations and directives issued
O°'fll&JW' <"/~: (' . • ,/'1\01. "1.1'..;1'
1;.1 'l:CY: I~·r·:-f· ; r1 ...'. 'i'}il " '1;"'1')'; 21 Couns, financial institutions, notaries and
W· A 11 o~ 'P 'f' A P' :v'n I' '1'1'\ tT):f 0J0 revenue collecting bodies shall directly
"'1;"'1')' h'i 10. 1'111<'10. ~,I,'I')' submit or allow access to the registering
f"'1.yOP~a). :fw·'} t, ,.,,:,·)· ,f?tI:J' ;1C organ all documents they generate that have
O'Plou!'. ,,,,up'I/" n \''''I:/IFf(l)''} to do with rights, restrictions, and
0I>1H·:r·'}; lIAM~ ~~'}'i ?'I&,H,;j'-'} responsibilities subject to registra'ion on
connection with landholding.
1'°1.0 1'111'/:
0 °10. '1l9'1- flo/''l';/'
1'1",,'//;1/1,(1}- " '1;9" ooilm')' m,f?.'1"
ou'//:)I1.(I)' '/'1;9" j'C(I h')~.WilY:
"7~: <. ~I ilNF('oJo::
t'Hl'l oPtID,,! r"'70J0tT):'· t"A1l)1 54. Power to Issue RegulatioQ and Djrcrtjye
II The Council of Ministers may issue
iii \,07.'I,il-h:';),· 9"hC 11.')' f.ll'> ~"P'f: regulations necessary for the
f1"'1il/../W" 1''''1. .I'/, 6,A7· ~:)(I~'.,} implementation of this Proclamation.
11.)'0)"1 y,:r-'IA::
21 The Mini stry may issue directives necessary
~I "'f:J.lI'I;~. IlIl.v h':n. ·W·il /,'H)I,"
for the implementation of regulations issued
(Ii) UPI1'<")' rwlIl' .oM··'}
in accordance wi,h sub-article (I) of this
f1°'lOkIW" 1''''1. .1'11& M· uo'IOt,/;'fI'i',,) Article.
f1J'W"1 y,~"'It\::

".. ~rt.r·J(·u J,..1./.·A }:)"'l~ :)IL'~I 'IIT e: ll'(i l'II 'H'lii .,.,) Mj'i.~ 'l .Y" Federal Negaril Ga..:cUc No 25 21'1 h 'hru:lry 2014 .... . . ... page 12K')

,~. ' ....71.2161 ~:'!.21 55. Iransitory Provision

flIl.u h'P"f: ,,"tiLl /U/'\"I"l 1'·I·tI"lh,,, The existing regi stration system of urban
0011,:>0. .,.:/:m(/. \,O"t.·)· J',JI ;)' :/"'W/'l'} landholding shall cOlll inuc to apply until the
t'!"'1h'ion fllH"I":)" 'hl;4:unOr oo·/'t· appropriate registration institutions are established
noo.t'!. 1'-'t-:J'IlJ") ht'lh.J!:lI"~. Y:/.t'l ~I]';' in urban centers pursuant to this Proclamation and
fh·,."'1 00("·)· ,r,I':)' ~,unll,n11 /~C+). become fully operational. .
f"'1.<f>'f'1.\ ,r,lf'il.\::
B. tb'''7.)')· llfl"'1 f/' t·'f1D- Un 56. Inapnlicable Laws
f,U'} h'l'f: f"'1.:J'/,'} "'1'g'ow' UUI (D,r,?" No law or customary practice may, in so far as it is
inconsistent with the provisions ' of this
fl,u't·C tI"'1.Il.· 1111.11 M'f.· n'I·Y.~n·
Proclamation, be applicable with respect to matters
1''<\1'1' 'Iy, .,. t.'I'''I.'H· 'IY,';' i,W''1''::
covered under thi s P'oclamation.
H. lIf)!: f"7.0<;n-r ~I\, 57. Effective Date
'.11 n'l'J>: nt..Y.t.·1.\ ~ .:JI,')'
;J IV'l ;)00).,(" This Proc lamation may en tcr into force on the date
of publication in the Federal Negarit Gazette.
hlDflJn·)· <f>') ":9"C' 1'0'i ,r,lf'-il.\::
hJl,i\ M1q ,lit.r Ii! n 1M ,}, 9" '. Done at Addi, Ababa, thi' 21" day of February, 2014,
fI./C oo-II-/: +i'I'oo MULATU TESIIOME (DR.)
fh. Tr-A- f ~~MI'£ -'l'l"ht,l\f'£
~Toflft.h T ("1I)n.r

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