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Project Description | 1 ..

| 2nd Semester 2022/2023

Instructor: Laith W. AL Shehab | Student Name: | kanan naser husni

kanan #:

15 Marks Logic Design Project: Exploring Combinational Circuits with Logicly Simulator

 Deadline: Due Thursday 1/6/2023 12:00 Pm
 Each group 3 students
 We have 6 tasks, 3 tasks per group (According to the Instructor)
 Use Logicly to design each task then take a screenshot and move it to MSword
 Logicly Website:
 Complete your file work with (specification, formulation, optimization, and implementation) for
each task then submit your work with PDF Attachment type + PPT Presentation.

Welcome to the Logic Design Project using the powerful Logicly Simulator. This project aims to
provide you with hands-on experience in designing, simulating, and optimizing various basic
combinational circuits.
By utilizing Logicly, you will explore essential concepts in logic design and enhance your
problem-solving skills. Throughout this project, you will focus on Three different tasks, each
involving the specification, formulation, optimization, and implementation of a specific circuit
using Logicly.


Task 1: Designing a BCD to 7-Segment Decoder

In this task, you will design a Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) to 7-Segment Decoder circuit. The
circuit should accept a 4-bit BCD input and display the corresponding decimal digit (0 to 9) on a
7-segment display. Pay close attention to ensuring accurate decoding for each possible BCD
input combination.

Task 2: Designing an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

For this task, you will design an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) circuit capable of performing two
operations: addition and bitwise logical AND. The ALU should accept two 4-bit binary numbers
as inputs and provide a 4-bit output that represents the sum of the numbers. Additionally, it
should generate a single output indicating the logical AND operation between corresponding bits
of the inputs.

Task 3: Designing a Multiplexer

Your third task is to design a Multiplexer circuit with four data inputs (D0-D3) and a 2-bit select
signal (S0-S1). The circuit should select one of the data inputs based on the selected signal and

Digital Logic Design

provide it as the output. Ensure that the multiplexer correctly forwards the selected input to the

Task 4: Designing a Comparator

In this task, you will design a4 -bit Comparator circuit that compares two 4-bit binary numbers
and determines their relationship. The circuit should generate three outputs: "Equal" when the
numbers are equal, "A > B" when the first number is greater than the second, and "A< B" when
the first number is less than the second.

Task 5: Designing a Decoder

In this task involves designing a 3-to-8 Decoder circuit. The circuit should accept a 3-bit binary
code and activate the corresponding output line. Each output line represents a unique
combination of the binary code inputs. Verify that the decoder correctly activates the intended
output line based on the input code.

Task 6: Designing a Priority Encoder

In this task, design an 8-to-3 Priority Encoder circuit. The circuit should accept eight inputs and
encode the highest priority active input into a 3-bit binary code. Ensure that the encoder
accurately identifies the highest priority active input and encodes it correctly.

For each task,inations to e follow these steps:

- Specifications:
Define the exact input and output requirements of the circuit.
Determine the necessary number of inputs and outputs, and their bit widths if applicable.
Specify the behaviour and functionality of the circuit, considering all possible input

- Formulation:
Develop a truth table representing the input-output relationship.
Analyze the truth table to derive the logic expressions for each output.
Design a logical circuit based on the derived expressions.

- Optimization:
Analyze the circuit and identify opportunities for optimization, such as reducing gate count or
simplifying expressions.
Implement any necessary optimizations to improve circuit performance.

- Implementation:
Use Logicly Simulator to implement the circuit.
Test the circuit using various input comb nsure accurate functionality.

Digital Logic Design

Document your design process, explaining the rationale behind your choices and optimizations in a
comprehensive report accompanying each task. This project will provide a deeper understanding of
combinational circuits and strengthen your logical reasoning skills.

Enjoy exploring the world of logic design with Logicly Simulator and best of luck with your project!

Digital Logic Design

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