02a Team Charter Proficy

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PROFICY December, 2004

Team Charter Revision: Draft

Talismán, México 1 Confidential

Issue Statement

Install and start-up Proficy in the packing lines replacing the existing SRIS and Quality Windows software.
Installing the system in the best technical way to ensure that its grow will meet any operations needs and

The transition to Proficy is aligned with the plant’s need for a more robust system to record and analyze line
stops in order to increase MTBF by attacking the main stoppage causes. We have an effective and efficient
MES system that allow us to analyse automatically data for Reliabilty Engineering to support our technical
options in the most cost effective way.

Desired Results
Business Need:
1. Eliminate LEDS failure by replacing obsolete technology (SRIS and Quality Windows) with Proficy.
2. Align the site to the corporate strategy of transitioning sites from SRIS to Proficy.
3. Updating our LEDS to the newest AM Step 6 QFactors management system as required for Packing

This project will align the plant’s LEDS to the corporate requirements. Proficy will increase real-time data
reliability extracted from the packing lines.

Key Project Assumptions

 The Proficy server and network will be stand alone, i.e., it does not require to be linked to any of the
other plant’s ERP or software networks, but will have an Optical Fiber link for IT Support
Requirements and future enhancements.
 The installation will allow for future growth and linkage of Proficy to other systems.
 The three P&G contacts trained in Proficy, will have the capability to appropriately train all plant
 Proficy will be installed and tested in parallel to the existing SRIS system in order to ensure that
operational variables are not affected by the project.
 Proficy will only be used to replace current LEDS and Quality Windows. Any further improvement
that Proficy gives agains SRIS and QW will be issued as a new project or operations requirement
after the success intallation and validation of the Proficy Project as established in this document.
 The plodder will be considered the line constraint for all programming purposes. Note: the best
Constrain Machine is the Wrapper from a RE point of view. However, currently the Wrappers have
Siemens PLC that is outdated and not compatible with the rest of the Line. This should be considered
when upgrading the Wrappers PLCs.
 RSLinx crashes are expected to occur periodically, since the Software is based on Windows XP
plataform. The expectation of these events is the same as the ones that Windows XP has.
 ControlLogix will be used mainly as a gateway and as a buffer only during RSLinx crashes.

Success Criteria and Measures:

Total investment Estimated Total cost. $ 150 MUSD
Stretch Goal: $ 130 MUSD
Capital Investment: $96 MUSD
Process Reliability Maintain Line PR at a minimum of 85%
PROFICY December, 2004
Team Charter Revision: Draft
Talismán, México 2 Confidential

Schedule Start-up will occur on May 05

Roll out will begin on Jul 05
IM Comply with EWP and GSUM documentation
Training Train all Operations users by May 05 (i.e. 65 Line Operators, 10 Tech. PE
and PM Planners and 5 Managers)
TDC No TDC increase will result from this project
SCT No negative impact in the plants Supply Chain Time
Environmental Impact No negative environmental impact will occur as a result of this project.
Going to going:

 Single and clear accountability for each member of the team.
 Clear crossing gate readiness criteria per area and project stage.
 A multifunctional team is being integrated to ensure success criteria compliance.
 Reapply proven implementation methods from other plants
 Implement Proficy based on Global BC requirements and standards.
 Full technical understanding of the systems, so that the best cost oriented decisions can be made
without any risk to the project startup.

Assuming that process/learning criteria are met, the priorities for this project are as follows:
1. Acquire the required licenses and software before December 23, 2004
2. Ensure training sessions for the first half of January 2005
3. Ensure Line results are not negatively affected throughout the Project.
4. Validate Pilot Line implementation by July 2005
5. Ensure Capital Spending.
6. Reduce project expenses.

License and Server Acquisition
Training session payment and confirmation
Integrating Contractor definition
Design Network System for PLCs
Proficy Management Training
Purchase Network Equipment for PLCs
Create Root Cause Tree
Map and Install Instrumentation and Control to the Causes

Server Installation
Proficy Software Installation in Server
Proficy Historian System implemented to obtain raw data
Program PLC for Network and FMECA
Generate Gateway system
Preliminary installation and configuration testing (Data simulation)

PROFICY December, 2004
Team Charter Revision: Draft
Talismán, México 3 Confidential

Begin SRIS Phase-out through Proficy Client

Create Website with reports
Create Data Analysis using RE Advisors

Root Tree Validation for pilot line.
Quality Module validation

Proficy Rollout to all packing lines
Validate Proficy installation and success criteria in every line

Roles and Responsibilities

Train P&G Management. Facilitate training material and user manuals.
Install Software and Historian. Test and certify correct installation of all Proficy Software.

Program PLC and interface Proficy to line PLCs. Test and certify interface functionality and PLC
programming meet pre-established success criteria.

Install all wiring necessary to implement Proficy

Document the project in accordance to EWP and GSUM standards
Serve as project owners throughout the project.
Establish an Engineering contact that will serve as Technology Owner and Start Up Leader
Prepare TT&T plan
Handle project budget and appropriations

Establish a Technology expert that will support technology owner
Develop the project URD to establish success criteria for GE Fanuc and Signum
Develop Root Cause Tree in conjunction with Operations

Establish Success Criteria in alignment with the URD
Work with C&IS to develop and validate root cause tree
Facilitate a project contact capable of Validating project start-up.

Establish QA requirements for Proficy quality Module to be included in URD
Facilitate a project contact to validate Quality module and roll-out user training to QA department.
Work with C&IS to develop and validate root cause tree

Resources & Accountability

Liborio Villalobos Project Sponsor

Team Membership

Angel Landeros Project Leader

PROFICY December, 2004
Team Charter Revision: Draft
Talismán, México 4 Confidential

Mariela Sánchez Technology Owner

Manuel Emmelhainz Technology Expert

Francisco Muñoz Line Manager

Carlos de Anda Process Engineer _____________________________

Mercedes Gutiérrez QA Supervisor

Agustín Ramos Operations Manager

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