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READING An article 1 © Lookat the photo. What emotions/actions do the ‘emojis show? 2. © Read the article and complete the paragraphs (A-0) with the headings (1-4), 1 From Japan to the world 2 The most popular symbol 3 Japan's alphabets 4 Aworld language 3 Find adverbs in the article with the meanings below. 1 ina good way (paragraph A) well 2 with no problems (paragraph 8) 3 very much (paragraph C) 4 not how you expect (paragraph D) 4, {SEI Read the article again. Are the sentences T (true) or F (alse)? Correct the false sentences. 1 For verb endings like ing, Japanese people use the hiragana alphabet. a 2 Katokana has got the most symbols. 3 You can'tuse more than one alphabet in one text 4 The first emoji didn’t express many different feelings. 5 Inparagraph C, ‘ones’ refers to ‘people’. 6 The writer hopes emoji will become an international language in the future. 5 CIEIE Answer the questions in your own words. 1 Which emoji do you use most often? Why? 2 Apart from using emoji, how else can we show emotions in text messages? 3 Isthe alphabet in your language different from English? How? Emoji : the world’s most popular alphabet? A Did you know thatthe Japanese language has three alphabets? One alphabet, hatakana, is mostly for foreign words, like‘pizza! (£4). This alphabet has 48 characters or ltters and symbols. Another alphabet, Airagana, is usually for grammar words, ike the word ending Le’ which changes a verb into the past tense - similar to ed in English, Hiragana has 48 characters. third alphabet, anj, has about 50,000 different symbols, It is usually for verbs, adjectives and nouns. For example, Uf isthe Japanese symbol for ‘mountair!: Oten a piece of writing contains all three alphabets atthe same time! Learning written ‘Japanese well ean be dificult! B But there is another kind of'alphabet from Japan, ‘which everyone can easily recognise. You probably use ita lot when you communicate with fiends It doesn't ‘use letters, it uses moj, which translates as ‘peture character’ in English. We can all recognise emai when ‘wo sce them. They show a huge range of feelings or ‘ctions, from love and sadness to dancing and waving, © "The Japanese have uted emeji since 1999, Ofcourse, these carly emoji were very simple and people euld only use them to show basie emotions, Since then, they have become more and mare popular ‘around the work and the number of emoji symbols has greatly inereased - now thoro are nearly 3,000 official ones. Everyone can understand emi ~ doesnt matter which country they re from. D ‘And what is the most common emoji symbol that people use? Surprisingly, itis nota smiling face or ‘heart. Is the ‘tears of joy’ emi, showing a face laughing and erying happily. Perhaps in the future, they will ereate an emaj for every possible emotion And we will be able to communicate with anyone in the world, only by using emojt symbols! UNIT 3 | SPREAD THE WORD! 25

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