100 Python Programs

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100+ Python Programs

1) Write a Program to print ‘Hello World’

print('Hello World!')

All the developers would have started their career with this simple program. We have
used the print( ) function here. Text inside this function enclosed within single-quote(’ ‘)
or double-quotes(” “) gets printed as it is. Python is one of the most loved and the
easiest programming language because of its simple syntax.
Syntax - An approved set of rules or pre-defined protocols that we need to follow while
working in a programming language.
Output of the Program -

2) Write a Python program to Find the area of circle , square and rectangle by
getting input from the user.
We get the input of the shape and store it in the variable shape. Using the if-condition ,
we find the shape and apply the respective formula. Finally, print the output from the
variable area.

shape = input("Enter a shape: ")

if shape=="circle":
radius = float(input("Enter a radius: "))
area = 3.14 * radius ** 2

elif shape == "square" or shape=="rectangle":

length = int(input("Enter the length: "))
area = length * length
if shape == "rectangle":

100+ Python Programs 1

breadth = int(input("Enter the breadth: "))
area = length * breadth

print("area of",shape,"is",area,"sq units")

Output of the Program -

3) Write a Python program which accepts a sequence of comma-separated

numbers in single-line from user and generate a list and tuple with it.

values = input("Enter numbers seperated by commas:").split(",")


Get the input of the values separated with comma simply using the input method. In
default, this gets stored as string. The split() method splits a string into a list. You can

100+ Python Programs 2

specify the separator, default separator is any whitespace. Here we have specified the
separator as ','(comma) . Pass this on the tuple( ) to get the final output.

Output of the Program -

4) Write a Python program to get the volume of a cube, sphere and cuboid with by
getting input from the user.

shape = input("Enter a shape: ")

if shape=="sphere":
radius = float(input("Enter a radius: "))
volume = 1.33 * 3.14 * radius ** 3

elif shape == "cube" or shape=="cuboid":

length = int(input("Enter the length: "))
volume = length ** 3
if shape == "cuboid":
breadth = int(input("Enter the breadth: "))
height = int(input("Enter the height: "))
volume = length * height * breadth

print("area of",shape,"is",volume,"sq units")

Output of the program :

100+ Python Programs 3

Get the name of the shape as input and store it in the variable ‘shape’. Based on the
value entered by the user , find the area of the shape respectively based on their
formula using the if-else-if condition.

5) Take a list and print First , Last and Middle value(if list has odd length) of the

list1 = ["python","java","html","css","js"]
i = len(list1)
print("First value is",list1[0])
print("Last value is",list1[i-1])
if i%2 != 0:
print("mid value is:",list1[i//2])

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Index number of the list starts with 0. First element has the index 0 and last element -
one less than length of the list or -1. Use floor division inside the if condition because list
indices must be integers or slices, not float.

Output of the Program :

6) Write a Python program to find whether a given number is even or odd by

getting input from the user.

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

if num%2==0:
print(num,"is even")
print(num,"is odd")

The modulo operator(%) is one of the arithmetic operator that gives the remainder

 of an integer division as the output.
if A and B are two integers , A%B = remainder of (A/B). A even number , odd number
divided by 2 gives 0 and 1 as remainder.

Output of the Program :

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