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Table of Contents

Executive Summary

1. Business Idea

2.1 Market Research

Swot Analysis

2.2 Marketing Plan (Product)

2.3 Marketing Plan (Price)

2.4 Marketing Plan (Place)

2.5 Marketing Plan (Promotion)

2.6 Marketing Plan (People)

2.7 Marketing Plan (Process)

2.8 Marketing Plan (Physical Evidence)

3. Sales Estimation

4.1 Organizational Structure

4.2 Staff Requirement and Costs

5.1 Legal form of business

5.2 Legal Responsibilities

6.1 Product Costing Form/Standardized Recipe

6.2 Product Costing Form

6.3 Fixed Cost Form

6.4 Depreciation Form

6.5 Total Variable Cost per month

6.6 Monthly Purchase Form

7.1 Sales Plan

7.2 Cost Plan

7.3 Profit Plan

7.4 Cash Flow Plan

8. Required Start-up Capital

9. Sources of Start-up Capital

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

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