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Peculiarities of Guyana

1. Head of State and Head of Government are different offices with different functions

2. Distinction between – Monarchical and non-monarchical

3. Distinction between – Executive and ceremonial

4. Guyana is – Executive and non-monarchical – Supreme executive authority and

commander-in-chief of the armed forces

 The Westminster parliamentary model of government would seem to have an

advantage of a dual executive in which the head of state is presumed to represent the

‘dignified ‘ office of the constitution, with the prime minister representing the ‘efficient’.

That is to say, the head of state is supposed to be a non-partisan figure uniting the

nation in his or her person and symbolizing the continuity of the state. The prime

minister in contrast, is the effective head of government and is therefore responsible

for the day to day governance of the country. (Mc Intosh)

 In Guyana the President does both.

5. Appointed as the result of general elections – Sits for 5 years unless removed,

resigns, is incapacitated or dies. Eligible for election only once.

6. Immunity from Prosecution

7. Qualifications – Article 90

1. Appoint Prime Minister, Ministers of Government and the Government list in the


2. Power to revoke Ministerial appointment

3. Appoints Judges (note security of tenure of Judges)

4. Exercises prerogative of mercy

5. Assent to Bills

6. Addresses National Assembly - Convene, Prorogue and dissolve the Parliament

7. Appoints several public officials – Commissioner of Police, Chairman of Elections

Commission, Members of Service Commissions, Chancellor and Chief Justice,

Ombudsman, (note importance of consulting with leader of the opposition)

8. Proclaims

a. Elections – General and Regional

b. National Days of mourning

c. Holidays

d. Wars

e. States of emergencies

9. Appoints Parliamentary Secretaries, Cabinet Secretaries

10. Appoints Standing Committees of the Parliament

11. Signs-on to Conventions (in his absence the Minister of Foreign Affairs and/or Foreign


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