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Exercise: Transitions 1 (answers p.

From the three options, circle the one that correctly indicates the logical relationship between each set
of statements. Then, choose the transition that best connects the statements. Remember that the
transition always creates the same relationship between them, no matter where it is placed.

1. In the past, coffees were blended to suit a Step 1: Continue Cause-and-Effect Contrast
homogenous popular taste. _ _ _ many different
coffee flavors are now being produced. Step 2:

® Accordingly,
@ Thus,
© However,
@ Alternatively,

2. Researchers are unable to drill into the Earth's Step 1: Continue Cause-and-Effect Contrast
core. ____ its chemical composition remains a
mystery. Step 2:

® Indeed,
@ Consequently,
© In contrast,
@ For example,


' 3. The Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight Step 1: Continue Cause-and-Effect Contrast
wonders of the world. _ _ _ some people believe
that its architectural beauty has never been Step 2:
® Indeed,
@ Specifically,
© To illustrate,
@ Still,

4. In order to save an endangered species, Step 1: Continue Cause-and-Effect Contrast

preservationists must study it in detail. Scientific
information about some endangered animals is Step 2:
scarce, ____
® therefore
@ moreover
© in contrast
@ however

5. Pyramids are most commonly associated with Step 1: Continue Cause-and-Effect Contrast
ancient Egypt. _ _ _ many people are surprised
to learn that the Nubians, who lived in modern-day Step 2:
Sudan, constructed a far greater number of
pyramids than the Egyptians did. ® Moreover,
® Consequently,
© Nevertheless,
@ Likewise,

6. Modern chemistry keeps insects from ravaging Step 1: Continue Cause-and-Effect Contrast
crops, removes stains, and saves lives. _ __
constant exposure to chemicals is taking a toll on Step 2:
many people's health.
® Hence,
® In contrast,
© Still,
@ Subsequently,

: 7. Music serves no obvious purpose. It has, Step 1: Continue Cause-and-Effect Contrast
_ _ _ played a role in every known civilization
: on earth. Step 2:
I ® therefore,
I ® moreover,
© however,
@ for instance,


: 8. In the Middle Ages, fairs often attracted large Step 1: Continue Cause-and-Effect Contrast
: crowds and led to rioting. _ _ _ authorities

: were reluctant to grant permission for them to be Step 2:

: held.
I ® Alternatively,
® For instance,
© Furthermore,
@ Therefore,

9. Although the abstract painter Joan Mitchell Step 1: Continue Cause-and-Effect Contrast
disliked being compared to Monet, the parallels
between them were undeniable. Her terrace Step 2:
overlooked a house that Monet occupied from 1878
to 1881, as well as a landscape that he painted. ® Moreover,
_ _ _ some of her own late works unmistakably ® Thus,
hark back to the paintings that Monet produced in © Meanwhile,
his twilight years at Giverny. @ Nevertheless,


: 10. A recent study suggests that consuming food Step 1: Continue Cause-and-Effect ' Contrast
: late in the evening has profound effects on the
: hunger-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin, Step 2:
: which influence our drive to eat. _ __
: researchers found that levels of the hormone leptin, ® Despite this,

: which signals satiety, remained low for 24 hours for ® However,

: a group of subjects instructed to eat dinner late,
© Specifically,
: whereas leptin levels were much higher in a group @ Therefore,
: that ate dinner early.

Exercise: Transitions 2 (answers p. 201)
From the three options, circle the one that correctly indicates the logical relationship between each set
of statements. Then, choose the transition that best connects the statements. Remember that the
transition always connects a sentence to the previous information, no matter where it is placed.

1. Rather than embrace the type of abstract work that --, ® I Moreover, ]
many artists of her generation preferred, Gwendolyn
Knight preferred to depict figures in a spontaneous I® I Specifically, I
and personal manner. _ _ she painted oil portraits
of friends as well as studies of dancers in motion. I© I Nevertheless, l
I@ I Besides, I
--------------------------------------------------- - -
2. Discarded electronic devices such as cell phones --, ® I therefore,
and tablets are a rapidly growing source of waste. One
way to mitigate the problem, _ _ could be to include I® I moreover,
components made with renewable resources.
I© I nevertheless,

j@ j however,
-------------------------------------------------- - -

3. While doing fieldwork on Gorgonilla Island in --, ® I Therefore,

Colombia in 2014, Hermann Bermudez found spherule
deposits-layers of sediment filled with tiny glass I® j Meanwhile,
beads. These beads formed when the heat and
pressure from an asteroid impact melted and scattered I© I Subsequently,
the crust of the Earth, ejecting tiny liquid blobs into
the atmosphere. _ _ they fell back to earth in solid I@ I Additionally,
form under the influence of gravity.


: 4. Blue whales recognize when the wind is changing -1 ® j Consequently,

: their habitat and identify places where ocean currents
: produce large aggregations of krill. The tiny shrimp are
I® I For instance,
: the primary food sources for the massive animals, which
: can weigh 165 tons or more. _ _ their ability to locate I© I Furthermore,
: these dense concentrations of nutrients is a matter of
I •
: survival. I@ I Alternatively,

5. In 1959, Project Mercury became the first human -1 ® I For instance,
spaceflight program led by NASA. Aimed at putting an
American into orbit before the Soviet Union could I @ I Still,
accomplish that goal, it was shut down after less than
half a decade. _ _ in the four years of its existence, I © I Accordingly,
seven astronauts were able to travel into space.
_I @ I Indeed,

' 6. Bacteria have one or many appendages known as a - I ® I Although

flagellum, which is made of thousands of identical
subunits. _ _ a tail that was straight or only slightly I @ I Despite
flexible would leave an organism unable to move,
bacteria have evolved rotating, corkscrew-shaped I© IBecause
propellers that push them forward. Scientists call the
formation of this shape "supercoiling," and now, after I@ I Unless
more than half a century, they understand how the
process works.

7. Although Shakespeare portrayed King Richard III as -1 ® j Hence,

a villain, historians argue that he was in fact a far more
sympathetic figure. The Tudors, on whose patronage I @ I Still,
Shakespeare was dependent, had conquered the
English throne from Richard. _ _ the playwright was j © j In contrast,
obliged to portray the king in an unflattering light.
_I @ I Moreover,

8. Trade on the Silk Road was a significant factor in the -I ® I Because

development of China, India, and Europe, opening long-
distance political and economic interactions. _ _ silk I @ I Although
was certainly the major trade item from China,
numerous other types of goods, including textiles, cloth,
and pottery, also traveled along the Silk Road.
_I@ I When


: 9. From the moment 2001: A Space Odyssey premiered

I® \ Moreover,
in 1968, it was clear that the film would become best
known for its special effects. It featured spacecraft that I® \ Nevertheless,
flew realistically-not zooming around in a cartoonish
manner, as was the case in other films of the time. \© \ To illustrate,
_ _ Kubrick imagined a fully realized vision of
regular human spaceflights in Earth orbit and beyond. \@ \ Meanwhile,
~-------------------------------------------------- --

.--------------------------------------------------- - -
10. Straw has been used as a building material for I® \ Therefore,
centuries, and contrary to popular belief, it is not
easily destroyed. _ _ it can be remarkably durable. I® \ Even so,
In the nineteenth century, settlers in the Nebraska
Sand Hills used straw to build houses when wood and \© \ However,
clay were scarce; some of the structures are still
standing today. j@ I In fact,
·--------------------------------------------------- --


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