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Name generalized forms of meningococcal infection: (3)






What changes in CSF occurs in meningococcal meningitis? (2)

+protein enlargement

+enlargement of polymorphonuclear cells

-enlargement of lymphocytes

-enlargement of glucose level

-enlargement of chlorides

What is the duration of quarantine in a case of meningococcal infection?

-7 days

-9 days

+10 days

-14 days

-21 days

Name localized forms of meningococcal infection: (2)





Specify characteristics which display encephalitic syndrome: (4)


+bulbar frustration

+infringement of consciousness

-rigidity of occipital muscles

+repeated seazures

-positive symptom Lessage’s

+infringement of cranial nerves function

Which features determine the severity of a condition in patient with a meningitis? -


-expressivity and duration of a fever

+degree of hypertensive syndrom’s expressiveness

+development of a hypostasis swelling

+level of CSF cytosis


What infectious diseases are accompanied by development encephalitic




+all answers are true

What dosages of levomitsetin succinate sodium (daily) are prescribed at

meningococcal infection accompanied by infectious-toxic shock:

-20-30 mg/kg

-150 mg/kg

-30-40 mg/kg

+100 mg/kg

4-month-old child. Disease has developed acutely, T - 39,8° C, anxiety, vomiting,

short convulsions. 2nd day of the disease: somnolence. The enlargement of the big
fontanelle is observed. Hyperesthesia. On the legs and buttocks haemorrhagic rash
with necrosis in the center. Pharynx is hyperemic. Muffled heart sounds, tachycardia.
Neck stiffness is revealed. CSF: cytosis – 1203, protein - 0,59 g/L, neutrophils - 88
%. What is the primary diagnosis:



-Enterovirus infection


+Meningococcal infection

Specify characteristic sign of meningeal syndrome: (3)

-bulbar disorder


-presence focal violations


+positive meningeal symptoms

Specify features of meningeal syndromes in children of the first months of life: (3)

+Prevalence of all infectious symptoms in clinic of meningitis

-Prevalence of meningeal symptoms

+Kernig’s sign “+” as the physiological phenomenon, “+”  Lessage’s symptom

+Positive Lessage’s symptom

-“sun set sign”

What dosage of prednisolon (daily) is prescribed at the hypertoxic form of

meningococcal infection with ITS III degree:

+15-20 mg/kg

-10 mg/kg

-5 mg/kg

-100 mg/kg

What syndrome is prevalent in clinic of meningitis in children of early age:


-syndrom of general intoxication


4-year-old child. Complaints are fever - 39°C, anxiety, twice vomiting, rash on the
thigh and buttocks. 2nd day of the disease: condition is severe, on the skin mainly on
legs haemorrhagic rash with necrosis in the centre. The neck stiffness, Kernig's and
Brudzinski’s signs are elicited. Cerebrospinal fluid: cytosis - 990, protein - 4,2 g/L,
neutrophils - 100 %. What is the primary diagnosis:

+purulent meningitis (meningococcal infection)

-enteroviral infection



-serous meningitis (meningococcal infection)

1,8-month-old child. Acutely have got ill: T - 39,2° C, malaise, sleeping

disturbances, shudders, vomiting twice. 1st day of the disease. Pallor. Pharynx is
hyperemic. Hyperaethesia. Sever neck stiffness, positive Kernig's and Brudzinski's
symptoms from both sides. CSF: cytosis - 2320. protein - 1,23 g/L, neutrophils -
95%, lymphocytes - 5%. Clinic and data of cerebrospinal fluid examination are
characteristic for:

+purulent meningitis

-serous meningitis


-brain tumour


5-month-old child. Have got sick acutely, T - 39,2°C, malaise, vomiting, skin rash.
2nd day of the disease: somnolence, convulsion readiness, big fontanel is tensed.
There are hemorrhagic, bluish-red rashes with irregular shape and necrosis in the
middle on the back, buttocks and thigh. The symptoms of meninges irritation are
revealed. Cerebrospinal fluid: protein - 5,6 g/L, cytosis - 1235 per 1 mkL. neutrophils
- 83%. What disease caused that?

-viral meningoencephalitis

-pneumococcus meningitis

-tuberculous meningitis

+meningococcal infection


5-year-old child. Complains on headache, repeated vomiting, T - 38,9°C.

Examination: 2nd day of the disease: pallor, rests upon one side, moans, vomiting.
On buttocks, thighs and shanks there's star-like haemorrhagic rash with necrosis in
the center, the neck stiffness is revealed. Positive Kernig's and Brudzinski's signs.
What is your primary diagnosis?
+meningococcal infection


-enterovirus infection

-haemorrhagic vasculitis

-viral meningoencephalitis

Child 8 months, was admitted to the infectious hospital with the expressed
intoxications phenomena: temperature 39.5°, with anxiety, repeated vomiting.
Disease began suddenly 2 days ago. At survey the phenomena hyperesthesia are
marked, anxiety, sharp "brain" shout, big fontanel is protruding, expressed rigidity
muscles of a nape, FHR 180 in one minutes. What inspection is the most
informatively for specification of the diagnosis?

-general analysis of blood

-biochemical analysis of blood

+lumbar puncture

-computer tomography

-USI of the brain

What dosage of penicillin is used in the treatment of generalizated forms of

meningococcus infections - purulent meningitis?

-1000000 U/KG  

+500 000 U/KG

-100 000 U/KG

-50 000 U/KG

-10 000 U/KG

7-month-old child had been admitted to infectious department with a diagnosis

ARVI. A body temperature 39.9°, restless, paleness of the skin, hyperemia of
pharynx. In 5 hours has appeared star-shaped rash on a skin of buttocks, the bottom
finitenesses, dense to the touch, different sizes. The tachycardia is marked, heart
sounds are weakened. What diagnosis is most probable in this case?


-thrombocytopenia purple


-purpura nervosa


Child 11 months was ill sharply from rise in temperature up to 39°, slackness. In 8
hours plentiful spotty elements eruption on the bottom extremities, buttocks, stomach
have appeared. The amount of eruption quickly increased, some elements of it have
got a character of hemorragis irregular-shaped, asymmetrically located, from 3 up to
5 mm, dark - cherry color. A mucous membrane of a pharynx hyperemia on a back
wall drinks purulent - mucous allocation. Tachycardia, tachypnea. Arterial blood
pressure is normal. Verify the diagnosis:

-influenza with hemorrhagic syndrome

-measles with hemorrhagic syndrome

+meningococcal infection, meningococcemia

-hemorrhagic vasculitis (Shonleyn-Genoh illness)

-thrombocytopenia purple (Verlgof illness)

Before the body temperature of the healthy 3-years child increased up to 39.5°C,
on the skin of buttocks, hands and legs, trunks hemorrhagic rash star-shaped forms,
with necrosis in the center has appeared. The condition is severe; consciousness is
absent, vomiting 2 times, pulse -140 of times per mines, the BP - 75/45 mm hn/cr,
oliguria, there are new elements of a rash. What from below listed antibiotics is
necessary for appointing?

-penicillini natrii salt

+levomitsetini succinatis

-gentamicini sulfate


Child 3th years have been examined concerning sudden rise of temperature,
occurrence symptoms of an intoxication and presence meningeal syndrome. The
lumbal puncture was done. The spinal liquid cloudy, follows out under a high
pressure, the maintenance of proteine - 1,8g/l; reaction Pandy (++++), sugar - 2,
2mmol/l, chlorides - 123 mmol/1, cytos-2350 x10 6/l (80 % neutr, 20 % lym).

-meningitis virus

-tuberculos meningitis


+purulent meningitis


What changes in CSF are characteristic for meningococcal infection: (3)

+high protein

-low protein

-lymphocytic cytosis

+neutrophilic cytosis

+positive Pandy's reaction

-negative Pandy's reaction

What dose of penicillin is more often used for the treatment of meningitis in
children of 5 years old, who is admitted in the clinic on the 2 day of the disease?

-50 - 100 thousand / kg/day

-100-200 thousand/ kg/day

-200 - 300 thousand/ kg/day

+300 - 500 thousand/ kg/day

-400 - 800 thousand/ kg/day

-800 thousand - 1 million/ kg/day

What material can be taken for analyzing meningococcus: (4) 



+nasopharygeal secretions



+smear from eruptions

Define specific symptoms which are described in acute adrenal insufficiency: (6)



+multiple or repeated vomiting

+cyanosis of skin

-hyperemia of skin



-Increased Arterial Pressure

+Decreased Arterial Pressure

-Pain in the abdomen

+Cold limbs

To meningeal symptoms belong: (3)

+Kernig's symptom

-Ortner's symptom

-Ker’s symptom

+Lassage’s symptom

+Upper Brudzinski’s symptom

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