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What I Need to Know

One must develop his/her ability in critical reading to process analyzing,

interpreting, and evaluating a text, thereby using critical thinking skills to question both the
text and one's reading. Critical reading is necessary for judging the text's reliability through
the study of implicit and explicit information. This lesson will discuss the difference
between explicit and implicit writing as an integral element in writing a text.

In this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text; and.

2. Determine an explicit statement from an implicit statement.

What I Know
To start with a new lesson, let's see how much knowledge you have on this topic.

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the answer sheet.

1. What is the meaning of the term "explicit"?

a. Obvious and apparent
b. Not expressed clearly
c. true in some cases
d. maybe incorrect

2. Read the passage and answer the question. Maria was getting ready to walk to church.
She put on her sandals and grabbed her sling bag. As she was leaving, her mother said,
"Be careful." Which of the following is explicitly stated in the paragraph?
A. Maria is going to have her first communion
B. Maria is going to see her friend
C. Maria put on her sandals and grabbed her sling bag.
D. Maria is always punctual in church services.
3. Read the passage and answer the question. Maria was getting ready to walk to church.
She put on her sandals and grabbed her sling bag. As she was leaving, her mother said,
"Good luck. Be careful." Which of the following is an implicit statement in the

A. Maria is going to have her first communion
B. Maria is going to see her friend
C. Maria put on her sandals and grabbed her sling bag.
D. Maria is a churchgoer.

4. What is the meaning of the term "implicit"?

A.Obvious and apparent

B. may be incorrect
C. true in some cases
D. Not expressed clearly

5.Identify explicit information. Maryjane ran down the stairs in her school building.
She waited for a tricycle around the corner, and after a few minutes, she held up her
arm to stop the approaching tricycle. When she hopped in, she said, "Please take me to
Doctor's hospital."
A. Maryjane's car was broken
B. Maryjane has not enough money to pay for a taxi.
C. Maryjane was visiting her sick mother.
D. Maryjane waited for a tricycle around the corner

6. Identify the implicit information. Maryjane ran down the stairs. She waited for a
tricycle around the corner, and after a few minutes, she held up her arm to stop the
approaching tricycle. When she hopped in, she said, "Please take me to Doctor's
A. Maryjane was visiting a sick relative.
B. Maryjane has not enough money to pay for a taxi.
C. Maryjane's car was broken
D. Maryjane waited for a tricycle around the corner.

7. What is the meaning of the word "claim"?

A. To acquire
B.To assert something
C. To reject
D. To possess

8. Identify explicit information. Marissa held her grandmother's hand as she crossed the
busy parking lot. They walked into a grocery store. Marissa assisted her in selecting the
grocery items to be bought. "Here," said grandma, "You can hold my shopping list."
A. Marissa and her grandma went to the grocery store.
B. Marissa was given a choice to pick any items she liked.
C. Grandma often shops in that grocery store.
D. Marissa went to the store.

9. Identify the implicit information. Marissa held her grandmother's hand as she crossed
the busy parking lot. They walked into a grocery store. Marissa assisted her in selecting
the grocery items to be bought. "Here," said grandma, "You can hold my shopping list."
A. Marissa and her grandma went to the grocery store.
B. Marissa was given a choice to pick any items she liked.
C. Grandma needed the assistance of Marissa.
D. Grandma had lots of grocery items to buy.

10. Which among the statements does not express an explicit message

A. Please leave a clear directions for the housekeeper, so she knows what needs to
be done.
B. Gay marriage is still unacceptable in our culture.
C. You should not support death penalty as capital punishment.
D. All children, except one, grow up.


What's In

In the previous lesson, you have learned the "PROPERTIES OF A WELL-

WRITTEN" text. You are supposed to be aware that for a writer to express meaning in
writing, he or she must consider unity and logical arrangement of ideas; appropriateness of
language use; and proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and format. Those considerations
make up a well-written text.

Remember, there are four characteristics to take into consideration in writing :

 Organization - refers to the arrangement of ideas in a text

 Coherence and cohesion - refer to the connection of ideas and connection
between sentences and between paragraphs
 Appropriate language use - refers to the acceptable style of language for a
particular form of text.
 Proper mechanics - refers to the conventions of writing which includes
capitalization, punctuation, spelling, numerals, abbreviations, acronyms, and

What's New

In exploring a text, it is important that you understand what you are reading to get the
message of the text. It is necessary to develop the skill in verifying issues, affirming one's
values or even making a decision. At some point, the author does not only offer information
but he/she challenges you to give reactions.
To properly evaluate the ideas you have gathered while reading, you must be able
to know the different types of information - explicit information and implicit information.

Two Kinds of Information

Explicit Information

 It refers to information found or read in the text.

 The meaning is not vague; no further explanation is needed.
 Readers can see the piece of information stated in the given passage.
 Explicit information is any idea that is clearly stated in detail, with no possibility of
 You see, the text explained with explicit information.
 Since you are looking for explicit information in what is read, the explicit
information will be written in the text.
 It does not need clues anymore. You just have to read the written information.

Example: Think of a door sign that says, "No Entry." This door sign explicitly tells
you that you must not enter. However, if the door sign says "Danger", the word
danger will create a feeling in and tells you that you must not enter.

Below are examples of explicit information:

Example 1: "Bambie did not like cats and had never owned one."

Explanation: The reader could obviously tell about Bambie's position on cats. It
is directly presented in the text that Bambie did not like cats.

Example 2: I am in a hurry. We'll talk about it later.

Explanation: The speaker had obviously mentioned that he is in a hurry and he

has no time to chat with someone at the moment. Hence, there is no room for doubt because
everything is clearly and directly communicated.

Implicit information

 It refers to information not directly stated in the text.

 Readers need to read between the lines to understand the details that the writer is
trying to tell.
 Implicit is implied or understood though not plainly or directly expressed.
 The implicit text gives a clue.
 The implicit idea is the primary point of a sentence or passage that is not clearly
stated but hinted at by the text's details.
 To figure out an implicit idea, one must look at the supporting details in the text.
 Figuring out what people are talking about through their actions refer to implied

Below are examples of implicit information:

Example 1: "Bambie moved away from the cat; she'd never owned one."

Explanation: This doesn't say the words that Bambie didn't like cats, but it is the
feeling that you get when you read it. It is stated in the text that Bambie moved away from
the cat. This gives the readers a clue that Bambie did not like cats.

Example 2: Seated on a couch, Gang Tae looks at his watch and yawns several

Explanation: Gang Tae's looking at his watch and yawning several times implies
that he is bored.

What Is It

All living things are made up of cells. Since humans are alive, we are also
made of cells. Cells make our body tissue. Tissue makes our body organs.
Organs make our body systems. Cells are the building blocks of our bodies.

Directions: A. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Choosethe letter of your
answer and write your answers on the answer sheet.

1. What are made of cells?

A. Humans C. Organs
B. Tissues D. living things

2. What is the main idea of the text?

A. All living things are made up of cells

B. Cells make our body tissue.
C. Organs make our body systems.
D. Cells are the building blocks of our bodies.
"Then you will have the artesian well here right away," he
said. He ordered the area commander to get pipes and pumps from
the armed forces supply depot and demanded they be immediately
brought to the spot. He asked the army to bring in bulldozer, troops
and trainees for labor and also organize the civilians.
Accessed from: will-have-

3. The statement , "Then you will have the artesian well right away" as
directly stated in the text is a/an

A. Explicit information C. General information

B. Implicit information D. First-hand information

4. The text implicitly stated that the speaker in the text is

A. A man of disguise C. A man of values
B. A man of principle D. A man of action

Although many schools have increased funding for girls’ sports and some
have created co-educational teams, few have opened up the “rough sports”
to girls. Football, hockey and wrestling continued to be male-dominated
activities. When female athletes participates in sports, they face social
stigma for demonstrating the same attributes that bring male athletes praise.
There is a widespread myth that competing masculinizes females.

5. Which is the implied main idea in the text?

A. In sports, women are superior to men.
B. In sports, women could be equated to men.
C. In sports, women have not achieved equal status as men
D. In sports, women are bullied by men.

What's More


Picture 1: Say something about the picture using an explicit claim



Example picture # 1: The woman in blue is holding a bowl of fruits

and a sandwich.

Explicit information is any idea that is stated. With explicit information, you
see the text explained! Since you are looking for explicit information in what is
read, the explicit information will be written in the text. There is no need to look
for clues. Just read. If the information is written, it is explicit.

Picture 2:

What is the implied message of this ad?


Example picture #2: This is an example of implicit advertising as it implies that "Even in the
year 2020, some people are under the assumption that it is a woman's role in life to clean and
take care of the household."

Implicit information is understood, but it is not stated. To find implicit information in what is
read, you will have to think about what you read. Look for clues as you read. Implicit
information is not written.

What I Have Learned

Based on the discussion, it can be summed up with the following important points :
 Critical reading is necessary for judging the text's reliability through the study of implicit
and explicit information. Critical reading is a form of language analysis that does not
take the given value but involves a deeper examination of the claims put forth and the
supporting points and possible counterarguments. ( Wikipedia )

 Explicit information is any idea that is stated or found in the text.

With explicit information, you see the text's clear or obvious meaning—no need to

 If something is implied (or implicit), the text is being suggested through the details
given in the text, which serves as a clue to get the right meaning of the text.

The idea is not clear. It needs analysis or deep thinking; thus one needs to read between
the lines.

What I Can Do

Directions: Read the article taken from the World Health Organization ( WHO). After reading
and understanding the article, rewrite it in your own words following the four characteristics
of a well-written text integrating the two types of claims: explicit and implicit texts. Write
your answer in your answer sheet.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered


Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory
illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people and those with
underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease,
and cancer are more likely to develop serious illnesses.

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about the COVID-
19 virus, the disease it causes, and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection
by washing your hands or using an alcohol-based rub frequently and not touching your face. 9

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose
when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it's important that you also practice respiratory
etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).

Directions: Read each item carefully and determine if the given/ highlighted statement is
explicit or implicit. Write IM for implicit and EX for explicit information
(Write your answers on your answer sheet.)

1.The reader can pick out the 4. Sherrie smiled and winked to
information from the text. Ri Jung, then quickly held his hand.

2. The reader needs to look for 5. Sherrie liked Ri Jung.

evidence to support her claim about the
main idea in the text. 6. Hudson hurried out of the
house, so he wasn't late for work. He
Excerpt from: I Have a Dream (2) wore overalls and carried a toolbox with
Martin Luther King, Jr. wrenches in it. He hopped in his truck
and drove off. The sign on his truck
It would be fatal for the nation to said, "Pipe Masters."
overlook the urgency of the moment.
This sweltering summer of the Negro's 7. Hudson is a plumber.
legitimate discontent will not pass until
an invigorating autumn of freedom and 8. The little brat fiercely looked
equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an at her mom, hurled his shoes, and
end but a beginning. Those who hope that slammed the door.
the Negro needed to blow off steam and
will now be content will have a rude 9. He tells his mom that he was
awakening if the nation returns to upset.
business as usual. There will be neither
rest nor tranquility in America until the 10. The trees were swaying
Negro is granted his citizenship rights. wildly, and the gutters were overflowing
The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to outside Danica's window.
shake the foundations of our nation until
the bright day of justice emerges.

3. Q: What important theme

topic from American literature is present
in this speech?


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