Design and Implementation of SISO and MI

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IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 1 | Issue 10 | March 2015

ISSN (online): 2349-6010

Design and Implementation of SISO and MIMO

Processes using PID Controller for Coupled Tank
Yeshudas Muttu
PG Student
Department of Electronics, Communication & Instrumentation Engineering
Goa College of Engineering

The paper deals with the study of SISO and MIMO processes using PID controller for a coupled tank process. The PID
controllers have found wide acceptance and applications in the industries. In spite of their simple structures, PID controllers are
proven to be sufficient for many practical control problems. This paper presents the PID controller design for controlling liquid
level of coupled tank system. These coupled tank systems form a second order system. Simulation study was carried out for this
process with more concern given to the heights of the tank & performance evaluating parameters are then determined.
Keywords: Coupled tank, MIMO, PID, SISO, Simulink

Characteristics of coupled tanks for SISO and MIMO are of great importance. SISO stands for single input single output &
MIMO stands for multiple inputs multiple outputs. This analysis is not possible without the use of proper controller. The
controller used is PID controller. This controller is simplest to deal with and used widely. PID stands for Proportional Integral
Derivative controller.
Proportional-Plus-Integral-Plus Derivative Controller The combination of proportional, integral and derivative control action
is called PID control action and the controller is called three action controllers. Mathematically,


A. Coupled Tank Process:

Mathematical modelling for SISO process is shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1: SISO coupled tank process

Let H1and H2 be the fluid level in each tank, measured with respect to the corresponding outlet. Considering a simple mass
balance situation, the rate of change of fluid volume in each tank equals the net flow of fluid into the tank. Thus for each of tank
1 and tank 2, the dynamic equation is developed as follows.

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Design and Implementation of SISO and MIMO Processes using PID Controller for Coupled Tank Process
(IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 10 / 014)

Where, H1, H2 = height of fluid in tank 1 and tank 2 respectively

A1, A2 =cross sectional area of tank 1 and tank 2 respectively
Qo3 =flow rate of fluid between tanks
Qi1, Qi2 = pump flow rate into tank 1 and tank 2 respectively
Qo1, Qo2 = flow rate of fluid out of tank 1 and tank 2 respectively
Bernoulli’s equation for a steady, non-viscous, incompressible liquid shows that the outlet flows in each tank is proportional to
the square root of the head of water in the tank.
Similarly, the flow between the two tanks is proportional to the square root of the head differential.

Where α1, α2, α3 are proportional constants which depends on the coefficients of discharge, the cross sectional area of each
tank and the gravitational constant.
Combining equation (3), (4) and (5) into both equations (1) and (2), a set of nonlinear state equations which describe the
system dynamics of the coupled tank are derived as,
√ √

√ √

B. A Linearized Perturbation Model:

Suppose that for a set of inflows Qi1 and Qi2, the fluid level in the tanks is at some steady state level H1 and H2. Consider a
small variation in each inflow, q1 in Qi1 and q2 in Qi2. Let the resulting perturbation in level be h1 and h2 respectively. From
equations (6) and (7), the equation will become:
For Tank 1

i √ √
For Tank 2

i √ √
Subtracting equations (6) and (7) from equation (8) and (9), the equations that will be obtained are,
√ √ (√ √ )

√ √ (√ √ )
For small perturbations,

√ √ ( )

√ √

√ √

√ √ √
Simplifying equation (10) and (11) with these approximations, we get

√ √

√ √

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Design and Implementation of SISO and MIMO Processes using PID Controller for Coupled Tank Process
(IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 10 / 014)

C. Second Order Single Input Single Output (SISO) plant:

This configuration is considered by having the baffle raised slightly. The manipulated variable is the perturbation to tank 1
inflow. Taking Laplace transform of equation (13) and (14) and assuming that initially all variables are at their steady state value

√ √

√ √
Rewriting equations (15) and (16)


√ √ √ √

√ √ √ √

√ √ √ √
For the second order configuration that shows on Figure 2, h2 is the process variable (PV) and q1 is the manipulated variable
(MV). Case will be considered when q2 is zero. Then, equation (17) and (18) will be expressed into a form that relates between
the manipulated variable, q1 and the process variable, h2 and the final transfer function can be obtained as,

Fig. 2: Block diagram of a second order process

Now, the value for each parameters of the equation (25), the equation for the second order configuration needed to be found.
Taking the values as,H1 = 17, H2 = 5, α1 = 0.78, α2 = 11.03, α3 = 11.03, A1 = 32 & A2 = 32
By solving equation (19), (20), (21), (22), (23) and (24 with those values α1, α2, α3, A1, A2, H1 and H2, the value of T1, T2, K1,
K2, K12, and K21 can be determined.
So the value of T1, T2, K1, K2, K12, and K21 are T1 = 6.1459, T2 = 6.0109, K1= 0.1921,K2 = 0.1878, K12= 0.749 & K21= 0.7325
By using the value that has been obtained from T 1, T2, K1, K2, K12, and K21 and put it in equation (25), the value of transfer
functions become:

Then, the transfer function will become

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Design and Implementation of SISO and MIMO Processes using PID Controller for Coupled Tank Process
(IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 10 / 014)

D. MIMO System Design:

Fig. 3: The coupled tank MIMO process

Mathematical modelling is same as for SISO. Here, equilibrium conditions are used and the equations become:

in √ √ ( )

in √ √ ( )
Where, Ai= Cross sectional area of tank, ai= Cross sectional area of outlet hole, hi= Water level in tank i.

E. Equilibrium Point Calculation:

We can calculate the equilibrium points from above equations by equating them to zero:
0 √ 0 √ 0 0

0 √ 0 √ 0 0

After linearizing and taking Laplace transforms, we get

( )( )

( )( )
Table - 1
Coupled tank system Modelling parameters
System Parameters Value
Cross sectional area of coupled tank reservoir (A) 0.01389m2
Cross sectional area of the outlet (a i)
Range of the input signal (u i) 0 – 5 Volts
Maximum allowable height in tank (h i) 0.3 m
Constant relating control voltage with the water flow from the pump (n) 0.0024 m/V-sec
Substituting the parameters specified in the above table results in the following plant transfer function:

[ ]

From the above transfer function, we can easily derive the transfer function for a coupled tank system without interaction as

[ ]

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Design and Implementation of SISO and MIMO Processes using PID Controller for Coupled Tank Process
(IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 10 / 014)


The equation for coupled tank system will refer the equation (3.4.1). Figure 3 shows the coupled tank system simulink model
without controller.

Fig. 4: Coupled tank without controller

A. Coupled Tank with PID Controller:

Fig. 5: Block Diagram of PID Controller combines with plant

Fig. 6: Block Diagram of inside Model Plant System

Fig. 7: Block Diagram of PID Controller combines with plant for MIMO

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Design and Implementation of SISO and MIMO Processes using PID Controller for Coupled Tank Process
(IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 10 / 014)


A. Simulation result without Controller for any process:

Fig. 8: Plot of Liquid Level at the Coupled Tank 1

From Figure 7, it is seen that the liquid will constantly overflow. This situation arises because this system is running without a
controller to control the Pump 1 speed, so the Pump 1 will continuously pump the liquid into the tank until it overflows. A PID
controller must be added as it controller element so that the liquid will not overflow and will indicate as required.


This section will show the simulation result with the PID Controller. The configuration of the MATLAB simulink model for PID
Controller combines with coupled tank is shown as in Figure 9. The performance result for each parameter are also been
discussed based on overshoot, rise time and steady state error.

Fig. 9: Plot Performance of PID Controller (SISO)

Here, the set point is set equal to 3. The proportional gain is set equal to 12, integral gain is set equal to 4 and derivative gain is
set equal to 7 to provide the desired response. The plot shows that the output voltage achieves the set point voltage at time equal
to 10 second. The output voltage have slightly overshoot before stabilize at time equal to 20 second.


As per the transfer function, PID is tuned and the output response was observed on scope as shown below (Figure 9).

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Design and Implementation of SISO and MIMO Processes using PID Controller for Coupled Tank Process
(IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 10 / 014)

Fig. 10 (a): Plot Performance of PID Controller (MIMO) with Set-point = 1

Fig. 10 (b): Plot Performance of PID Controller (MIMO) with Set-point = 10

We have given the set point and observed the influence of one on the other. Study of rise time, peak overshoot and settling
time was done.
Table – 2
Study of Rise Time, Peak Overshoot and Settling Time
System Rise Time (sec) Overshoot Settling Time (sec)
SISO (set point = 3) 20 17.5% 150
MIMO(set point = 1) 35 5% 180
MIMO(set point = 10) 40 5% 220


The coupled tank process with respect to SISO and MIMO was studied and the rise time, peak overshoot, and settling time was
calculated for respective set points and the waveforms obtained. I had considered rectangular tanks. The project may be applied
for various non-linear tanks like spherical tanks. The study can not only be applied for two tanks, but is applicable for three tanks
& even quadruple tank system.

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Design and Implementation of SISO and MIMO Processes using PID Controller for Coupled Tank Process
(IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 10 / 014)

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