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ComAp|> InteliConfig SW Version 2.36.0 1 Document Information 2Gotting Started '3.Communication Links 4 Connection Menu 5 Monitoring 6 Configuration 7 Mutticontroler Features, 8 Other Features Copyright2022.Comana.s ‘rtleny Jehu Safanca, Jakub Vika, Robert Jalvka Prague, zee Repudle Comic‘, UUrani 1012/14, ‘7000 Prague 7, Czecn Republe Tet r420286072111 msi fo@coman-contraL com, PC Configuration and Monitoring Tool 169 Global Guide Table of contents 1 Document Information 41.4. Document Information 4.4.1 Document History 4.2 Clafification of Notation 41.3 About this quide 41.4 Legal notice 2 Getting Started 2.1 Welcome 2.2 Help and Manuals 2.3 Supported Controllers 2.3.1 Supported communication modules 2.3.2 Supported extension modules 2.4 installing InteliContig 2.441 Requirements 2.4.2 Installation procedure 3 Communication Links 3.4 Link types 3.4.1 Online connections 3.1.2 Offline connections 3.2AirGate 3.2.1 To obtain an AirGate 1D 3.2.2 Tomake an AirGate connection 3.2.3 To end an AirGate connection 3.3 Direct connection 3.3.1 Tomake a Direct connection 3.3.2 Toenda Direct connection 3.4 Detected controllers 3.4.1 To make a connection with Detected controllers 3.5 Intemet / Ethemet connection 3.5.1 To make an Intemet / Ethemet 3.5.2 To.end an Intemet / Ethemet 3.6 Offline connection 3.6.1 New Configuration Intaiconig 2.36.0 Global Guide one eee 10 1" 1" 1 14 4 4 4 4 18 18 16 16 7 7 7 8 18 8 19 20 20 3.6.2 Offline archive 4.Connection Menu 4.4 Connection in general 4.2Createnew site 4.3 Add controllerto site 4.3.1 Add new controllerto site 4.3.2 Add detected controllerto site 4.4 Context menu 4.41 Functions of context ments 4.5 Expot of site 4.6 Connection bookmarks 4.6.1 Defauit Connection 4.6.2 Altemative Connection 4.6.3 Offline Mode 5 Monitoring 5.1 General information '5.2Ribbon bar 5.2.1 Control bookmark 5.2.2 Tools bookmark 5.3Control window 5.3.1 Control window features 5.3.2 Colorhighlights in the Control window 5.3.3 Control Window Settings 5.4 Right Dock Panel 5.4.1 To open awindow from RDP 5.4.2 To pin awindow to ROP 5.5 Statistics 5.5.1 Toset Statistics 5.5.2 Toview Statistics 6 Configuration 6.1 General information 6.2 Configuration window 6.2.1 To open the Configuration window 6.2.2 Configuration window description a 2 2 2 2B 24 8 2 5 26 26 26 26 2B 28 2B 2B 29 30 30 a 92 33 33 33 35 35 36 7 7 38 38 39 6.2.3 Setpoints, 6.2.4 Forced Values 6.2.5 User Setpoints 6.2.6 User Protections 6.2.7 Inputs/Outouts Configuration 6.2.8 Sensors 6.2.9 Modules 6.2.10 Logical Binary Inputs (LBI)/ Logical ‘Analog Inputs (LA) 6.2.11 PLC 6.2.12 Others 6.2.13 Configuration Lock 6.2.14 Consistency check 6.2.15 Item Selection Window 6.3 Configuration import 6-4Access 6.4.1 Login 6.4.2 Logout 6.4.3 Access Lock 6.4.4 Production mode 6.5 Monitoring 6.5.1 Setpoints, 6.6.2 Values 6.5.3History 6.5.4 PLC Monitor 6.6 Language 6.7 Fimware upgrade 6.7.1 Default configuration 6.7.2. Current configuration 6.7.3Medule FW 6.7.4 Buk / offline update 6.8 Security 6.8.1 Change password (ver. 1) 6.8.2Change access code 6.8.3 User Management (ver. 2) 6.8.4 Change password (ver. 2) 6.8.5 Change PIN (ver. 2) 6.8.6 Password Reset 6.9 ScreenEditor Intaiconig2.36.0 Global Guide a a a “ 45 57 58 er 68 5 86 87 88 90 90 90 20 ot 2 2 98 102 105 108 106 106 107 107 108 108 109 109 110 412 113 113 115 6.9.1 Screen€-ditor page layout 6.9.2 Screens structure panel 6.9.3 Screen content panel 6.9.4 Instrument / Screen properties panel 6.9.5 Toolbar 6.9.6 Virtual screen 6.9.7 Instrument palette pane! 6.9.8 ICD (Integrated color display) and InteiVision 5.2 screen types and structures 6.9.9 Working withthe editor 6.9.10 ICD and IV5.2 Instruments 6.9.11 Consistency check of Screens definiton 7 Multicontroller Features 7.4 General information 7.2View 7.2.1 Site view 7.2.2 Detail view 7.3 Setpoints 7.3.1 Maltiwrite 7.4Values 7.5 Login manager 7.6 Saving archive(s) 8 Other Features 8.1 Help section 8.2 Reporting problems 8.211 Steps 8.3 Update notifications 8.4.Cloning 8.4.1 Write clone 8.4.2 Save clone 8.4.3 Manage clones 8,5 Data export 8.5.1 Exporting Setpoints, Values or Inputs and Outputs 8.6. CAN Bus Log 8.6.1 Capture via controller 8.6.2 Capture via extemal convertor 115 116 117 118 419 120 121 123 124 126 163 164 164 164 164 165 165 166 166 167 168 169 169 169 169 169 170 170 1m 472 174 475 176 176 17 1 Document Information 1.1 Document Information 1.1.1 Document History fi en Date 2 2.360 61.2023 20 2.35.0 16.12.2022 9 2340 59.2022 8 2.330 128.2022 7 2310 30.6.2022 6 2.280 1.9.2022 8 2270 10.2.2022 14 2240 29.10.2021 3 2.210 23.7.2024 2 2.19.0 30.4,2024 4 2170 26.2.2021 10 2140 67.2020 9 2130 30.6.2020 8 280 30.1.2020 7 240 30.8.2019 6 220 30,6.2018 5 210 31.5.2019 4 152 283.2019 3 1.30 7.1.2019 2 124 247.2018 1 1.00 91.2018 1.2 Clarification of Notation ‘Note: This type of paragraph calls the reader's attention to a notice or related theme. IMPORTANT: This type of paragraph highlights a procedure, adjustment etc., which can cause a damage or improper function of the equipment if not performed correctly and may not be clear at first sight. Example: This type of paragraph contains information that is used to ilustrate how a specific function works. 1.3 About this guide ‘This manual contains important instructions for InteliConfig PC monitoring and configuration tool. It provides: _general information haw to: Invlicontig 2.36.0 Global Guize > Install InteliConfig to user PC > Connect to supported controllers > Configure supported controllers > Monitor and control supported controllers 1.4 Legal notice ‘This End User's Guide/Manual as part of the Documentation is an inseparable part of ComAp's Product and may be used exclusively according to the conditions defined in the “END USER or Distrioutor LICENSE AGREEMENT CONDITIONS - COMAP CONTROL SYSTEMS SOFTWARE" (License Agreement) andlorin the “ComApa.s. Global terms and concitions for sale of Products and provision of Services” (Terms) andiorin the “Standardni podminky projekti Komplexniho Feeni ke smlouvé o dilo, Standard Conditions for Supply of Complete Solutions” (Conditions) as applicable. ComAp's License Agreement is governed by the Czech Civil Cade 89/2012 Col., by the Authorship Act 1121/2000 Col., by international treaties and by other relevant legal documents regulating protection of the intellectual properties (TRIPS). ‘The End User and/or ComAp's Distributor shall only be permitted to use this End User's Guide/Manual with ComAp Control System Registered Products. The Documentation s not intended and applicable for any other purpose, Official version of the ComAp’s End User's Guide/Manual is the version published in English. ComAp reserves the right to update this End User's Guide/Manual at any time. ComAp does not assume any responsiblity for its Use outside ofthe scope of the Terms or the Conditions and the License Agreement Licensed End User is entitled to make only necessary number of copies of the End User's Guide/Manual. Any {translation ofthis End User's Guide/Manual without the prior written consent of ComAp is expressly prohibited! Even if the prior written consent from ComAp is acquired, ComAp does not take any responsibilty for the content, trustworthiness and quality of any such translation. ComAp will deem a translation equal to this End User’s Guide/Manual only fit agrees to verify such translation. The terms and conditions of such verification must be agreed inthe writen form and in advance, ‘Some components of open source software are being used in ComAp's Software and Documentation to InteliConfig. Their use is associated with obligation to disclose conditions for futher distribution and use of the herein listed open source software. ComAp notifies that no changes were made tothe used version of the software source code By quoting references to the provisions of any licenses for open source software, ComAp fulfils the obligations arising from license agreement conditions on the individual open source software. Individual components may not be used to modify or otherwise intervene to the Software and Documentation for ComAp's Product InteliConfig by the Distributor, End User or any other person Used open source softwar: > AutoMapper— hitps:l/automapper.codeplex.comlicense >> Copyright © 2010 Jimmy Bogard > AvalonDock — hitps:// >> Copyright © 2007-2013, Xceed Software Inc. Allrights reserved > cefsharp— hitps:/github com/cefsharp/CetSharp/blob/masted/LICENSE >> Copyright © 2010-2014 The CefSharp Authors Intaliconi2.36.0 Global Guide a > Logénet —hitp:/iwww.apache.orglicenses! 1 >> Copyright © 2014 The Apache Software Foundation > Microsoft Prism —hito:/icompositewpf.codeplex.comilicense! >> Copyright © 2008-2012 Microsoft Corporation > NPOI—hitps:/inpoi.codeplex.comvlicense" >> Copyright © 2014 Newzilla > SharpZipLib — htip:/icsharpcode github .io/SharpZipLiby > Copyright © 2001-2010 Mike Krueger, John Reilly > Google Fonts Roboto Mono — hitps:// Mono" >> Copyright © 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved ‘The ful license text are available in an electronic form at ComAp and also may be sent to you upon your request in a hardcopy against payment ofthe shipping charge and costs. For more details relating to the Ownership, Extent of Permitted Reproductions Term of Use of the Documentation and to the Confidentiality rules please review and comply with the ComAp’s License Agreement, Terms and Conditions available on Security Risk Disclaimer Pay attention tothe following recommendations and measures to increase the level of security of ComAp products and services. Please note that possible cyber-attacks cannot be fully avoided by the below mentioned recommendations and ‘set of measures already performed by ComAp, but by following them the cyber-attacks can be considerably reduced and thereby to reduce the risk of damage. ComAp does not take any responsibilty forthe actions of persons responsible for cyber.attacks, nor for any damage caused by the cyber-attack. However, ComAp is prepared to provide technical support to resolve problems arising from such actions, including but not limited to restoring settings prior to the cyberattacks, backing up data, recommending other preventive measures against any further attacks. Warnit ‘entitlement for technical services provided in connection to resolving problems arising from cyber-attack or ‘other unauthorized accesses to ComAp's Products or Services. 1g: Some forms of technical support may be provided against payment. There is no legal or factual General security recommendations and set of measures 414 Production mode > Disable production mode BEFORE the controller put into regular operation. 2. Useraccounts > Change password for the existing default administrator account or replace that account with a completely new one BEFORE the controller is put into regular operation mode. > Donot leave PC tools (¢.g. nteliConfig) unattended while a user, especially administrator, is logged in, ‘Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain @ copy of the License at htp:/iwww. apache orglicenses/LICENSE-2.0. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied Intaiconig 2.36.0 Global Guide 3. AirGate Key > Change the AirGate Key BEFORE the device is connected to the network. > Use a secure AirGate Key — preferably a random string of 8 characters containing lowercase, uppercase letters and digits. > Usea different AirGate Kay for each device. 4, MODBUSITCP > The MODBUSITCP protocol (port TCP/502) is an instrumentation protocol designed to exchange data between locally connected devices like sensors, I/O modules, controllers etc. By it's nature it does not contain any kind of security — neither encryption nor authentication. Thus itis intended to be used only in closed private network infrastructures. > Avoid using MODBUS/TCP in unprotected networks (e.g. Internet), 5. SNMP > The SNMP protocol (port UDP/161) version 1 and version 2 are not encrypted. They are intended to be sed only in closed private network infrastructures. > Avoid using SNMP v1 and v2 in unprotected networks (e.g. Internet) Intaiconig2-36.0 Global Guise 2 Getting Started 2.1 Welcome 2.2Help and Manuals, 2.3 Supported Controllers 2.4 Installing Inteliconfig 6 back to Table of contents 2.1 Welcome Welcome to InteliConfig from ComAp a.s. Inteliconfig is an or-ine/oft-line monitoring and configuration tool for use with various ComAp controllers, see ‘Supported Controllers on page 9. InteliConfig runs on various versions of Microsoft® Windows™, see Installing InteliConfig on page 11. “The main fourchapters of tis guide reflect the primary functions of InteliConfig > Communication Links (page 14) —making the connection to the controller. > Monitoring (page 28) -viewing realtime operation and making setpoint adjustments > Configuration (page 37) — making fundamental hardware, software settings, language changes and firmware upgrades 2.2 Help and Manuals Within inteliConfig you can access content Help and Manuals in several ways: > Latest Manuals for InteliConfig or Supported Controllers (page 9) are available in main menu: click at Home, choose the bookmark of Manuals and pick the required manual from the lst of supported controllers. me o—— = Thee on pen] Image 2.1 Manuals in InteliConfig Note: Chosen manual is automatically displayed in built-in PDF viewer. Iti also possible to open the manual in your own PDF viewer in separated window by clicking at “= Open full Reference Guide. Config 2.36.0 Global Gude > Forgeneral information about the InteliConfig application itself, go to Control bookmark in ribbon and in the Help category click at » @ inteliconfig manual icon for opening the latest manual in extemal PDF viewer » Obouticon to open the About window containing basic information about InteliConfig version. > Forgeneral information about the connected controller, goto to Control bookmark in rbbon and inthe Help category click a » E controtier Manual icon for opening the latest relevant manual in extemal PDF viewer. » Ocontrotter Help icon for opening th relevant controller Help fle, » Ocontrotter Info icon for opening the Controle nfo window containing information about the controller (Serial Number, Type of Application, version of HW and FW etc). > Forfurther information about Setpoin's, Values and Input/Output functions listings forthe curently ‘connected controller select the required Setpoint, Value or Input / Output within the InteliConfig Controller Configuration window: >> Basic information will appear automatically in the right Info panel, >> More detailed information can be shown by clicking at Controller Help button in info panel orjust by pressing F1 key on your keyboard, Image 2.2 Configuration of Setpoints th basic description in Info panel 2.3 Supported Controllers InteliConfig can be used with the fllowing controls: 1. Intlte AMF25 2, Intellite AMF20 3. InelLteMRS16 4, Intelite MRS11 5. InielLte 9 AMF 6. Inelte9 MRS 7. IntolLitod AMFS 6. ItelLtes AMF9 9. elites AMF25 Intaiconig2:36.0 Gobel Guide 410. Intellited AMF20 11. Intellites MRS16 42, InteliGen 200 GC 43. IntelMains 210 MC 414. InteiMains 210 878 415. InteliGen 500 16. InteliATS2 47. InteliGend 200 48. InteiGen 1000 49. InteliMains 1010 20. InteliGen 500 G2 2.3.1 Supported Module CMEthemet CM3- Ethemet CM-GPRS cM4G-GPs. cM2.4G-GPS cMRS232-485 communication modules Type Plugin Plugin Plugin Plugin Plugin Plugin Order code (CM2ETHERXBX (CMSETHERXBX (CM2GPRSXxBX CM14GGPSXBX (CM24GGPSXBX coma2324exBx Description Ethemet plug-in communication module for TCP/IP, TCP Modbus ‘or SNMP connection. ‘Support of “> AirGate connection GSM/GPRS plug-in ‘communication madule for GPRS connection and SMS/E-Mail notification, ‘Support of “> AirGate connection. Combined module that offers fast speed 4G communication capably, including active SMS Emails alerts and control. Module also tracks GPS location and supports” » ArGate. Serial link communication module with RS232 and RS485 for Direct, Modbus oF ECU connection, 2.3.2 Supported extension modules Module Type EMBIOSEFCP Plug Incaiconi2.38.0 Global Guide Order code in EM2BI08EXBX Description Combined extension plugin module with 8 configurable terminals for binary inputs / outputs ‘and CT input for Earth Fault Current Protection 10 2.4 Installing InteliConfig 2.4.1 Requirements Software requirements Inteliconfig can run on PCs equipped with any of the following versions of Microsoft® Windows™ and Microsoft® NET Framework Operating System Version of Microsoft? NET Framework Windows 8 and 8.1 47.2ornewer Windows 10 (version 1607 and newer) 47 2ornewer Windows 14 A72ornewer Hardware requirements Component Minimum Recommended Processor Intel Core i3 (Quad-core) Intel Core iS (Quad-Core) Memory (RAM) 4GB 8GB Free diskspace 268 208 Display 200% 768, 1600 x 900, PC has to be equipped with USB 2,0 and other suitable communication interfaces (e.g. Intemet connection). 2.4.2 Installation procedure 41. Download the ComAp PC Suite installation package from the ComAp website ( 2. Execute the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions. Welcome tothe Comap PC Suite Sctup wizard o™ Config 2.36.0 Global Gude " ‘3. Readlicense agreement and accept them for continuing in installation, Dip Sop ae Gee) Ca] 4. Select components toinstallItis recommended to use fll installation. (sn zi Cx Cena) '5, Select additional tasks before the installation, Click 2x to Next and Install ay ge sme, = ‘Note: If your systom alroady has InteliConfg installed, tho instalation program wil offer an upgrade i your current version i oder) orre-nstllaton (if your curent version is identical). Ifyourcurent version is oder, then itis recommended to perform the upgrade because the controller firmware that you are about fo install may not ‘be compatible with older IntliConfig versions. Intaliconig236.0 Global Guise 12 6 back to Getting Started Intaiconig2.38.0 Global Guide 13 3 Communication Links 3.1 Link types 3.2AirGate 3.3 Direct connection 3.4 Detected controllers 3.5 Intemet / Ethemet connection 3.6 Offline connection 6 back to Table of contents 3.1 Link types ‘The following links can be used to connect InteiContig together with a supported controller: 3.1.1 Oni e connections 14 14 6 7 8 20 Online connection withthe supported controller allowing configuration, parameter setting and orline monitoring ‘and control of the controlled device. ‘AirGate—ComAp proprietary protocol connection, for more information see AirGate on page “ = Internet / Ethernet — Intemet or Ethernet connection, for more information see Internet / Ethernet connection on page 18 8 Direct - Direct cable connection via RS282, RS485, for more information see Direct connection on page 16 Detected controllers — Connection to automatically detected controllers via USB or Ethemet. For more information see Detected controllers on page 17 e orl 3.1.2 Offline connections Offline connection allows to open the saved offline archive or prepare any configuration forthe further usage. {€__ New configuration —Creating of new offline configuration, for more information see New Configuration on page 20 [5 _ iffline Archives— Open an archived configuration fle, for more information see Offine archive on page 21 3.2 AirGate AirGate connection technology makes access to the ComAp controller via internet as simple as possible, AirGate technology was designed to overcome the issues commonly faced when trying to connect remote ‘equipment using intemet based communications. AirGate allows ComAp's controllers to connect to the intemet using the existing network infrastructure, negotiating firewalls and VPN systems and removing the requirement for static and public IP address. Intaiconi2.38.0 Global Gide 14 firgate HAS Intelte ECU, fircate = inteiice [3 § mage 3.1 Scheme of AirGate connection 3.2.1 To obtain an AirGate ID 1. Connect the communication module (CM-Ethemet or CM-GPRS) to the controller including the cable or antenna. 2, Tum on the controller and configure the communication modules according to their relevant guides. 3. Ensure the AirGate function is ENABLED and AirGate IP is set to 4. Get AirGate ID from display or InteliContig 3.2.2 To make an AirGate connection 1. On supported controller fit a suitable communication module (CM-Ethemet, CM-4G-GPS or CM-GPRS) or Use the built-in Ethemet port on the controler 2, Poweronthe controller. 3. Connect the controller and the PC. How to make direct connection see Direct connection on page 16 4, Inthe IntaliConfig go to Home menu + Conneetion bookmark -» Online Connection and in section of Controller connection click at “» AirGate, other parameter fields will roll down, 5. Enterthe AirGate ID 8, Based on the format of AirGate ID are displayed the required parameters which are necessary to fil, There are two combinations of required parameters: ‘a. Controllers without complex user access management -AirGate ID, Controller Address, AirGate Server (leave defautif you do not use some custom server), Access Code Incaiconig2.360 Global Gude 15 OG ome Ott emacs) Of sum \ge 3.2 Field for AirGate 1 connection Controllers with support of managing users -AirGate ID, Controller Address, AirGate Server (leave default if you do not use some custom server), AirGate Key, Useriame, Password Oo som 0S mm Om nas age 3.3 Field for AirGate 2 cont Of mum 7. Glick at Open button to let the InteliContig to establish the connection, 3.2.3 To end an 41. Inthe inteliContig application click the ‘Gate connection ‘Close Connection icon to terminate the connection. 2. Youvwillbe asked whether au really wish to close the connection, Click at © Yes button to close the connection. IMPORTANT: Archive is not saved automatically. If you want to save the archive, click at|=] Save Archive icon before closing the connection, 3.3 Direct connec! in “The following direct cable connections are supported by InteliConfig: Invlicontg 2.36.0 Global Guide 16 toy ind toy ind Image son os [e_- z saa, Scheme of Direct connection 3.3.1 To make a Direct connection 1. Fita suitable communication module to supported controller oruse the bultn USB. ‘Note: While plugging.n the communication module, the controller has to be switched off (Power terminals has tobe disconnected). 2. Poweron the controller. Connect an RS232 oF RS485 cable between the controller and PC. 4. Inthe InteliContig application on the PC go to Home menu — Connection bookmark — Online Connection and in Controller connection click at {S Serial link, other parameter fields wil roll down, 5. Choose the COM port and Controller Address. ‘Note: Only COM ports that are actually installed and present in the computer willbe displayed. Ifthe USB ‘connection is used (ether extemal USB to RS232 converter or USB on board), the USB must be handled as a virtual COM port of your computer, which is created by the USB module driver. 6. Click to Open tolet the InteiConfig to establish the connection, 3.3.2 To end a Direct connection 41. Inthe inteliContig application click the / Close Connection icon to terminate the connection. 2. Youvwillbe asked whether you really wish to close the connection, Click at © Yes button to close the connection. IMPORTANT: Archive is not saved automatically. If you want to save the archive, click at Archive icon before closing the connection 3.4 Detected controllers InteliConfig is able to automatically detect available supported controllers which are connected via: > USB controllers needs to be equipped with USB-HID driver. > LAN-controllers needs to be connected to the same Local Area Network as the PC ‘The following connections can be automatically detected by InteliConfig, Invlicontig 2.36.0 Global Guide 7 Inelte intelitine LSP® Image 3.5 Scheme of connections available for automatic detection 3.4.1 To make a connection with Detected controllers (On supported controller fit a suitable communication moduler or use the built-in USB. Power on the controller, Make the required network links between the controller and the PC via a suitable network, USB or LAN. Inthe InteliConfig go to Home menu —» Connection bookmark and in section of Detected controllers in the right part of the screen double click at the chosen controller. Note: Contras available via USB are marked withthe “S" icon. Contras available via LAN are marked with icon incase of connection via LAN the question of Access Code will appear. ‘Note: In case there are no Detected controllers showed cick at (icon for refreshing thelist. 3.5 Internet / Ethernet connection ‘The following network connections are supported by InteliConfig: Inelte }e 3.6 Scheme of Internet / Ethernet connection 3.5.1 To make an Internet / Ethernet connection 1. Fita suitable communication module to supported controller or use the builtin Ethernet port onthe controller. 2. Poweron the controller. Make the required network link(s) between the controller and the PC, either rectly viaa cross-over cable or via suitable network switches, Intaiconig 2.36.0 Global Guide 18 4. Inthe IntolContig application onthe PC go to Home menu + Connection bookmark + Online Connection and in Controller connection click at” Internet / Ethernet, other parameter elds wil rll down 5. Intheroll-down feis enter the IP address and Controller Address. 6. Click to Open tole the IntaliConfigto establish tho connection 7. Pop-up window may show up asking youto enter ether Access Code or Username and Password [Note: Tho final (soparatod) IP address isa pubic addross dedicated for testing connection to controler situated in ComAp office. Feel fee totry it. 3.5.2 To end an Internet / Ethernet connection 41. Inthe InteliConfig application click the “® Close Connection icon to terminate the connection. 2. Youwillbo asked whether you rally wish to close the connection. Click at © Yes button to close the connection. IMPORTANT: Archive is not saved automatically. If you want to save the archive, cick at =] Save Archive icon before closing the connection Invlicontg 2.36.0 Global Guide 19 3.6 Offline connection The Offline connection option allows you to open, inspect and edit previously saved archive, Archive is a file which contain > Configuration ofthe controller > History of the controller Offline connection means any opened archive o the controler whichis not directly connected tothe contrlle. Itis used for preparing own configuration before using it in the controller, or just for an inspection of the archive from the real sit. Itis possible to open such offine archive in several different ways: ‘A. Creating of New configuration B._ Opening of Offline Archives 3.6.1 New Configuration Use New configuration option whenever you want to create brand new archive based on the default one. ComAp's default archives have timer proved settings which can be used on most Gen-sets, To.opentthe New configuration: 41. Goto Home bookmark in the main Ribbon menu 2. Choose New configuration in lft menu 3. Inthe Default bookmark choose the required type ofthe controller and click at ©° Greate new ‘configuration icon, Note: The Create new configuration icon is not active when other offline archive is already opened. Note: In case you want to create a New configuration based on any earler saved archive, goto the My configurations bookmark and choose any of earlior saved archives. Intaiconig 2.36.0 Global Guide 20 3.6.2 Offline archive For opening of offline archive: 4, Goto Home bookmark in the main Ribbon menu, 2. Choose Connection in lft menu. 3. Choose the bookmark Offline Archives and here you can: a. Open any archive from your PC by using of) Open archive icon b. Open any recently opened archive from the lists of Recent archives or Recent used places. Note: Thel—) Open archive icon is not active when other offline archive is already opened. ‘Note: Another way how to open the offline archive is just do double-click atthe archive file in your PC equipped with InteliConfig PC SW. 6 back to Communication Links Intaiconig 2.38.0 Gobel Gude 21 4 Connection Menu 4,1 Connection in general 22 4.2.Create new site 2 4.3.Add controller to site 23 4,4 Context menu 2 4.5 Expor of site 25 4,6 Connection bookmarks 26 6 back to Table of contents 4.1 Connection in general Inteliconfig can be connected with the supported controller via required link type from the Home overlay menu directly. Connection is limited to ten controllers. Options aefllowing 1. To connect to the controller online use ® Connection bookmark and in Online Connection tab you can ‘a, Connect to the controller via‘ > AirGate. b. Connect to the controller vial_~ Internet / Ethernet connection. . Connect to the controller via SS Direct connection. 4, Connect tothe Detected controller via"S* USB or “]LAN. 2, Tocreate new configuration ofthe selected controller use New configuration bookmark and here you 2. Create new configuration based on imported default archive in Default tab ©, Create new configuration based on your previously created archive in My configurations tab 3. Toopen afin archived configuration use Connection bookmark and in Offline Archives tab you can: 2. D)open archive rom selected pace in your PC Choose fom Recent archives, . Find the archive in Recent used places. 4.2 Create new site > To create new site go through “ Connection bookmark and in Connections tab click on button Greate new site Intaiconig 2.36.0 Gobel Guide 22 Image 4.1 Create new site 4.3 Add controller to site 4.3.1 Add new controller to site > Toadd new controller to site go through Connection bookmark and in Connections tab click on button ‘Add new controller > Controller will be added always to selected site orto site, where is some controller selected > Tosite can be added unlimited number of controllers (connection is possible only toten atthe same. time) Image 4,2 Add new controller to site Config 2.36.0 Global Gude 23 4.3.2 Add detected controller to site > Tosite can be added controller from panel Detected controllers by click on button ® in the top right comer of bookmark Default Connection. Image 4.3 Add detected controller to site IntaiGonig2.36.0 Global Guide 24 4.4 Context menu ‘The context menu is available by rightclick on name of a site in the column Connections. 4.4.1 Functions of context menu (Open - open connection for selected site New Controller -add new controllrto selected site New Site -createnew site Delete - delete selected item (site or controler) Paste - paste (site or controller) Import -import (site) Expor - export selected site (with connection parameters ofall controllers in site) > > > > > Copy - copy selected item (site or contrallr) > > > > Rename -rename selected item (site or controller) New controller New site Delete copy 5} a x a Pas Export Rename xt menu 4.5 Export of site Created site can be exported from InteliConfig to your computer. Exported are by default connections. parameters of al controllers insite. Additional components may be added in the bottom of window. Exported site can be easily imported to InteliConfig by opening exported file or by import button in Context menu. ‘To export site rightclick on the site in Connections column and select required data, which will be site exported. Iwill be exported one file (exported. site.psi) to selected location. Components to export 1. AST's (Archive Sets) a. Sets of archives will be exported with site (if some archive set is for selected site saved in database) 2. Archives a. Archives, which are not connected with any AST will be exported wit site (f some archives is for selected site saved in database) Incaliconig2.360 Global Gude 25 3. Access Codes Image 4.5 Export of site windo 4.6 Connection bookmarks 4.6.1 Default Connection Default Connection defines the primary set of connection parameters for defined controllers in sites. By click on ‘OPEN SELECTED button will be opened connection with default connection parameters (default connection tab must be selected). 4.6.2 Alternative Connection ‘Alternative Connection is the secondary set of connection parameters. Connection parameters are by default the same for each controller as in Default Connection until any change is done. By click on OPEN SELECTED button will be opened connection with alternative connection parameters (altemative connection tab must be selected) 4.6.3 Offline Mode All archives In bookmark All archives are stored al archives, which are connected with controllers in selected site. > Toexpot archive, click on[=Yexpot achive icon > Torename archive, click on i#i rename icon > Todelete archive, click on i! delete icon Config 2.36.0 Global Gude 26 Image 4.6 All archives bookmark Archive sets Inbookmark Archive sets are stored all archive sets, which were saved in connection with selected site. Archive set is folder containing all archives, which were available during save (possibilty Save all archives to database), Opening archive set give you possibilty to visualize offline image of the whole site, Intaliconig2-36.0 Global Guise 27 5 Monitoring 5.1 Genera information 2B 5.2 Ribbon bar 28 5.3 Control window 30 ‘5.4 Right Dock Panel 33 5.5 Statistics 35 6 back to Table of contents. 5.1 General information InteliConfig can be used to monitor and adjust one of supported contolers: > Online realtime monitoring via the Contolbookmark. View and adjust Sotpoints. View Values and History logs. View and setup Statistics, Expot deta foruse within spreadsheets 5.2 Ribbon bar Most of Intelionfig's functions are accessible by clicking the various icons arranged along its main Rlbbon bar. > > > > sil © SO hh Image 5.1 Ribbon bar ‘Note: Ribbon bar can be hidden or displayed it necessary by clicking at "arrow icon in the right upper comer. 5.2.1 Control bookmark i= oom Sony [Rear unio SS cese connection Connection Close the opened connection, [2 save arenve ‘save Save configuration nto the archive, @ me Tosa [ om carn coat we can on sconce © —camumensor cnn SHE HNEEHEO—coeratn net get ) Login/Logout Access: Login to the cenireferoriegot teen te ‘sin (page 90) veaone — (rae | ratrocnto ra Selpoints: Monitoring Open the Setpoints window. ‘setpoints window description (age 94) ies window description Tr vaues Montomg —_ OpentheVaties window & (page 100) Config 2.36.0 Global Gude 28 story PLEMontor ‘contol conver tnto CcontobarHee CContoberManual Invticonfig Maral About O®@ fFOOfFAaA Montorng Mentor Monitors Helo Help Help Help Help 5.2.2 Tools bookmark Name White Cone Manage Clones Freeware Upgrade Display Seroons ‘cont Window Settnge serait AccossAaminisaton ExpontoosviKts Generate Cig nege (com Generate Cig image vooaus) ‘Generate SNMP MIB Long TermHstory USB Flash Export ‘cANBustog ] reset Intaiconi 2.38.0 Gobel Guide ‘category ning ‘ceoning ‘coring Ferware ‘Sontiguraion Ccustomzaton ‘Secutty Securty Data Expr Data Expon Data Expo Data Exper Date Expon Data Expon om state History window description (open ne Hitory window. " " (cage 103) (open he PLC Nontorwindow. PLc Monitor (page 105) (open he Contolrs window. : Language change leon shows thename the chosentaneuage doch. anguage (page 105) (open he Contr tno window. ‘open neContlerHelp window. ‘open the window wih Contole Manual in POF. . pen the ntsicontg Maruathel> window (Open he About window Function Open the Cloning window fortaure coning ‘open tho Inpor/Exportcone window. ‘Open the window forcontollerorplugin module frwars upgrade. ‘Open the ieplayScreenswindow, where canbe changed sewers ofcontoler deplay(not available fr costars with menodtromati display) Open the Sat states window ‘open window toronto! Window Sens, ‘Setings of usermanagementin tne controle. ‘Setings of access administration properties, ‘Open Exportaata widow, Osta canbe ste format. lod by ypo and exported to,cavor Generate configuration mage ofcommuniation objects Generate contuaton mage of Modbus objects Generate SNP MIB abe ‘Converthston fies stored on SO cat :0.CSV format Export ca rom controleroritelConfg to fash ask, -Alonlog conmunicatonintlocted CANtertace esate conte tomint tte 29 5.3 Control window ‘The Control window is available whenever a valid link is made to a controller or when an offine connection to an archive files is open. The Control window provides a mixed overview of certain front panel items as well as key values and alarms. 5.3.1 Control window features Pere jo tT om ww o_o — Image 5.2 Description of Control window Description Mode indicator — directly mimics the current setting ofthe controller's mode indicator. Basic controller info — shows controller's name and serial number. Diagram panel —mimics the diagram ofthe application and allows to control some of controller buttons remotely. Mains and Generator output values — provides voltage, current and general power factor readings. ‘Analogue measuring panel - shows current values and protection limits of configured analog inputs. This aroa could be for some controllers customized in Control Window Settings (page 32) Generator total output meter — provides an overall generator output meter reading for quick visual confirmation, Statistic counters panel ~ shows a selection of important statistic values as Maintenance, Running hours, Gen-set kWh and kVArh, This area could be for some controllers customized in Control Window Settings (page 32) © e©0060006. Config 2.36.0 Global Gude 30 Description Binary outputs panel — displays the current values of the various Binary outputs, Status message area— mimics status messages of the engine and generator auto-mat related to * © Binary inputs panel —cisplays the current values ofthe various binary inputs. © sau oteoacers generator and engine, It mimics also the controller's current process timer. ® Alarm list cisplay a ist of curent alarms as issued by the controller or ECU. 5.3.2 Color highlights in the Control window Color highlights are used in various areas of the Control window to provide quick visual feedback. The meanings ‘ofthe highlights used differ slightly between areas, as follows: Alarm list tom color Meaning ‘Active and unconfirmed Yellow alarm (Waming) Active but confirmed Yellow alarm (Waming) Inactivate but unconfirmed Yellow alarm (Waming) PAEIE SLM Active and unconfirmed Red alarm (Shutdown or BOC) EECA Active but confirmed Red alarm (Shutdown or BOC) Inactivate but unconfirmed Red alarm (Shutdown or BOC) TSE LenwI Active and unconfirmed ECU alarm [ERIN Active but confirmed ECU alam Inactivate but unconfirmed ECU alarm *Alarm event Active and unconfirmed Sensor fail ‘Alam event Active but confirmed Sensor fail CAE tractive but unconfirmed Sensor fail Diagram panel Symbol / Color Meaning & Mains is OK. & Mains failed Generators stopped and Ready. Generators running. There are no Red alarms at generator side. ‘Shutdown or BOC alarm at generator side. Generator is stopped or't is just stopping Bus voltage is present. Red= Bus failure occured. Off = Bus indicator. Greer EB Bus voltage is not present Load is not powered up. Invicontg 236.0 Global Guide 31 S Load is powered from the Mains or Generator. ( Broakeris opened. GREED caters closer Measuring gauges Symbol color Meaning Vales inpreset it |YellW 9) Vato cut ofYetow alarm it The Yellow alarms anrcuncod als, [EERIE tout of Red alam mt The Red alam s announced aso White Novels, “abe above is vali for folowing areas: > Mains and Generator output vals. > Generter toa euput meer > Analog measuring panel 5.3.3 Control Window Settings Inthe Control Window Settings you can easily define for analog inputs and statistics, which values willbe isplayed in the control window. The window is accessible fram the Ribbon menu in Tools category under icon =P. Selected values are the same for every type of controller (e.g. for two InteliLited MRS16 are displayed the ‘same selected values). If the values not available inthe current configuration, itis displayed as "Value not available” er Analog inputs states Analog input | | I] XIX! 6} 5) 5 |5 |5 |6 @ K |/@ cana Image 5.3 Control Window Setti Intaliconig2.38.0 Gobel Guide 32 Buttons description: > ...~Opens the selection window with available values > X—Removes the curently selected value. > 'D—Restores the default value. 5.4 Right Dock Panel “The Right Dock Panel (ROP) here to help to monitorand st the controller more effectively. Though the ROP itis possible to open following windows: > Setpoints > Values > History > PLC Monitor Note: Allof these windows have a possibly tobe pinedtin by clicking at Pin button. 5.4.1 To open a window from RDP 41. Initiate online or offine connection with the supported controller. 2. Select the bookmark Control or Tools andin the Right Deck Panel (page 33) click a the bookmark ‘Setpoints or ValuesHistory to. open the selected window. 3. The selected window will rol over the Control window. 5.4.2 To pin a window to RDP. 41. Open the supported window: a. Setpoints b. Values ©. History 2, Glick at F Pinicon ‘The window will be pinned to the Right Dock Panel. The Control window will automatically adapt its size tothe Intaiconig2.36.0 Gobel Guide 33 =r = lof Image 5.4 Setpoints window pinned to the Right Dock Panel ‘Size ofthe Control window can be controller by changing of the width ofthe pinned window or by using of ‘Control window zooming functions: > ‘SP Fitthe height ofthe Control window > Tritthe wieth of the Control window. > “F-Zo0m in the Control window. > Zoom out the Contral window. 3. Tounpin click at *Unpin icon Itis possible to pin-n more windows at once and to arrange them according to your needs by dragédrop function Image 5.5 Setpoints, Values and History windows pinned to the Right Dock Panel Intaiconig2-36.0 Global Guise 34 5.5 Statistics ‘Statistic values (counters) are one of groups available in the Values (page 98). The difference from other values is that statistics can be reset to zero or be preset to some value and they are also retained in the controller even when the poweris off. 5.5.1 To set Statistics 4. Initiate online or offline connection with the supported controller. 2, Select the Control bookmark and inthe category of Access click at {2 Login icon, Enter the Administrator password forthe full access to the controler. 3. Select the Tools bookmark and in the category of Statistics click at /“ISet Statistics icon to display the Statistics setup window tr) iad value Currentvalue Unit New value 1. Gensetkivi za - za | Set 2. Genset kvarh 2509 2503 | Set 2. Num Stars, 8 - 18| |__ set 4. Running Hours 460 - 460 Set 5. Total Fuel Consumption 2- 2 Set 6. Mains kwh 2655 - 2555, | set 7. Mains kVA ° | [set 8. NumE-Stops o 0 | Set 9. Shutdowne a: a (Set Gearall || Seta | @ cancel Image 5.6 Statistics setup window 4. Foreach parameter enter your nw reited val anther 2. Clk he Stbuton or ©. Continechanging al required vals and tert click the Set al ton, 5. When fished cose the window [[ IMPORTANT: Al statistc values canbe rest to zero using Clear al buton 35 5.5.2 To view Statistics 41. Initiate ontine or offne connection with the supported controler. 2. For opening the Values window you can either: 2. Select the Control bookmark and inthe category of Monitoring click atl Values icon to open the Values window. b._ Select the bookmark Control or Tools and in the Right Dock Panel (page 33) click t the bookmark. ‘Values to open the Values window. 3. Select the group of Statistics. ra 5 —_ Sensi ead ‘Range: -32768000 .. 32767000. ion airs kh 2655 kWh ‘Unis: kwh raat om | veto craciv0 — 2m [sts coonr otra enor: em cei orion ta oar = ww ar ss } va alr = Image 5.7 Statistics in Values window 6 back to Monitoring Config 2.36.0 Global Gude 36 6 Configuration 6.1 General information 6.2.Configuration window 6.3 Configuration import 6.4 Access: 6.5 Monitoring 6.6 Language 6:7 Firmware upgrade 6.8Securty 6.9 ScreenEditor 6 back to Table of contents 6.1 General information InteliConfig ean be used to full configuration up to ten supported controllers > Basic configuration of the control Configuration window > Configuration of Setpoints >> Configuration of controller Inputs and Outputs > Configuration of extension modules, CAN modules and ECU > Configuration of aditionl functions - Languages, Access Rules ete > Import ofthe configuration > Upgrade ofthe controller firmware > Cloning of one controller configuration to another controller. Intaiconig2.36.0 Global Guide 37 38 90 90 92 405 106 108 118 37 6.2 Configuration window Configuration window enables you to view and adjust all parameters of configuration related to the supported ccontraller from one place. 6.2.1 To open the Configuration window 6.2.2 Configuration window description 6.2.3 Setpoints 6.2.4 Forced Values 6.2.5 User Setpoints 6.2.6 User Protections 6.2.7 Inputs/Outputs Configuration 6.2.8 Sensors 6.2.9 Modules 6.2.10 Logical Binary Inputs (LB!) Logical Analog Inputs (LAI) 6.2.11 PLO 6.2.12 Others 6.2.13 Configuration Lock 6.2.14 Consistency check 6.2.15 ltom Selection Window 6 back to Configuration, 38 39 a a 42 45 57 58 67 68 78 86 87 88 6.2.1 To open the Configuration window 1. Initiate online or offine connection with the supported controller. 2, Select the Control bookmark and nthe category of Configuration click at ©) Controller Configuration icon to open the Configuration window. Intaliconig 2.36.0 Global Guide ss enti Cen —J aa oa = — — —— = aryx a >" ona e Se rT aes Image 6.1 Configuration window 6.2.2 Configuration window description Genera! Analg nuts foes ae _Setooee Dero: . — — oC ma fanaa =. = =e 9 one aaa ot my —— ola atvxial Tseeni | covabr ar somener ire Image 6.2 Configuration window description Inisiconig2.3.0 Global Guide ‘A. Configuration bookmarks — bookmarks sort out the controller configuration to few categories: > Setpoints — configuration of Setpoints. > Controller ¥0 — configuration of binary and analog inputs or outputs. > Sensors —adjusting analog sensor curves. > Modules — configuration of extension modules, CAN modules and ECU, > PLC Editor ~ allows to add control logic, addtional alarm functions or even new features to meet complex or unique requirements > Others — configuration of controllers additional functions: Init screen, Languages, Access rules, Units/Power format, Modbus and Firewell B. Configuration window —main configuration window. The content may vary according to chosen bookmark, CC. Info panel — contains basic information about the selected setpoint or Input / Output. Content and visibility of the panel may vary according to chosen bookmark D. Teo! bar—bar with handy tool while configuring setpoints. For more information see the chapter of ‘Setpoints (page 41) Intaiconig2.36.0 Global Guise 6.2.3 Setpoints ‘The Setpoints bookmark enables you to view and adjust each Setpoint present in the control. ‘The Selpoints bookmark in Configuration window shows the same parameters as main Setpoints window described in the separated chapter, see Setpoints on page 92. IMPORTANT: The difference in both Setpoints windows is in the approach of parameter changing. In case of separated Setpoints window the change of the parameter is immediately written into the controller. Contrary to that any changes in parameters in Setpoints as a part of Configuration ‘window are written into the controller after pressing of ©) Write button only. 6.2.4 Forced Values ‘This function allows forcing of preconfigured value into selected setpoints via activation of LBI. Each LBI can force only one value into one setpoint. Number of LBIs depends on controller type and FW version. You can see current states of all LBIs in value Forced Value Status. Setpoints for which is Forced Value already configured ‘are marked with gray arrow in IntliConfig and on display. ‘Note: LBIs can be renamed during configuration. We suggest you to rename them based an used function IMPORTANT: You can not change value of setpoint which has active Froced Value function. Forced Value Priority > One setpoint can have multiple configured Forced Values which are ordered from highest to lowest prioity Incase of conflict, highest priority value which is valid, is used. > Incase that Forced Value is out of setpoint's range, value is capped by either maximal or minimal limit or respective setpoint. > Incase that Forced Values invalid, another active Forced Value Is used based on priority order. If there is not any other active (or configured) Forced Value which could be used, setpoint keeps it's original value. ‘Setpoint Samax with configured Forced Value in InteliGonfig (Setpoints monitoring window). samax 200 kVA ‘Note: Selpoints that are currently being forced their arrow tums to green color and they also have the option for viting of efferent value manually disabled. Setpoint Samax witch is currently Forced on Intelionfig (Setpoints monitoring window), Samax > Configuration of Forced Value Forced Value can be configured only via InteliConfig (Setpoints tab) during standard configuration ofthe ccontraller and only for selected setpoints. Setpoints to which Forced Value can apply are marked with flag button. > = Itis possible create Forced value definition but currently there is no one defined. Atleast one Forced value definition exists for this Setpoint. Invicontg 2.36.0 Global Guise a Clicking that button opens pop-up window containing all already configured Forced Values conditions. Priority of configured Forced Values is given by order and is descendent first row has highest privity ¢ 6.3 Forced values window description Source from which is setpoint going to be forced. Source has to have the same resolution and dimension as target setpoint. Name of LBI which activates the Forced Value ‘Note: This can be also changed from tab LBI/LAI Used trigger which is connected with Forcing LBI List of already configured Forced Values for specific setpoint. First row has highest priority e©eo0 0 0 ‘Options for adding, removing and editing Forced Values and options for changing order ‘There are 2 types of Setpoints which allows use Forced value functionality > Numeric Setpoint: In this case, source could be only another numeric Setpoint or Value with the same resolution and dimension, > List Setpoint(setpoint, where its value is selected from the lst): In this case, source is constant selected from the same list of of 16 as forced setpoint. ‘Note: When writing configuration into Controller, Setpoints which are actually forced are not rewritten (generally, itis not possible change value of setpoint which has active forcing) 6.2.5 User Setpoints User Setpoints are setpoints, created by user. Maximum number of User Setpoints depends on controller type ‘and its firmwvare version, User Setpoints are signed numbers (int32) User Setpoints can be used in any part of configuration same as standard numeric setpoints (PLC, Forced value definitions, Protections...) User Setpoint parameters: > Name (up to 32 characters) > Dimension itis possible define new dimension) > Resolution (number of decimal places) > Allowedrange Incaiconig 2.38.0 Global Gude 42 > Default value (this value is stored in configuration and user can set typical value. This value can be changed in Configuration window only) > Group/Subgroup (Setpoint is placed at the end of selected group/subgroup), ‘There is a flag telling ifthe User Setpoint was created automatically or manually. When User Setpoint was created automatically (for example when itis created as protection parameter), it also automatically deleted when this protection is deleted, but only in case this User Setpoint is not used in other places within a ‘configuration. Name User etpoint Dimension % fesohtion 1 . Low tint 0 Hh it 150 Detsuttvaoe ° Group [User sepoins Subgroup User Sepoins : | ieee) image 6.4 User setpoint definition windo' ‘There are extended possibilities when working with User Setpoints from InteliConfig version 3.35.0. > Itis possible to create user groups and subgroups. > This functionality is only available for selected controllers. Maximum number of user groups/subgroups depends on controller type andits fimware version. > Itis possible to change order of user groups/subgroups. > Theres a limitation that user groups must be atthe end of list under all groups defined in default configuration > Itis possible to change order of User Setpoints within a subgroup. >> Theres a limitation that User Setpoints must be placed at the end of ist under all setpoints defined in default configuration Intaiconig2-36.0 Global Guise 43 re re Sor i ee etme etenerenees Dewar aman @_ wor [ae Image 6.5 User setpoints/groups/subgroups management window 6.2.6 User Protections Itis possible (when supported in controller) create protection on any binary or analog value (numeric data type only), Protected value is net limited any to analog/binary inputs There are 2 ways how to create User Protection: 1. Intab 1/0 configuration, click on *F button in section Protections for selected input, Window for protection definition is automatically opened and protected value is selected (cannot be changed in this situation). 2. Intab Protections, select type of protected value (binary or analog). Click on “button to open window with definition of new protection. oe/uee!—aSutdown Gotamtine Sia ere aemewnen —Unserint aati Rod Stndrd38) Protectan tte EZ at see ‘cirewessiawio: | (aD rly sean oiPreweddeysi/os | (z@\E5[2 Image 6.6 Analog protection definition window. Config 2.36.0 Global Gude 44 Configuring protection 4. Select protected value (source) ‘2. When valueis selected, setpoints for Limit and Delay are automatically created with correct format 2. Sdlect Protection type, Active when, Block type, History record , Evaluation period Define protection name. This name is also used as text displayed in Alarmilst. Prefix is automatically defined based on Protection type and cannot be changed. 4. Change objects for Limit and Delay if needed. It is possible use diferent object with correct format or change properties of automatically created setpoints (change name, range, group/subgroup). 5. If youneed binary information that this protection was evaluated as active, check "Protection State". This, Will create binary value with the same name as protection in Values - User Protection States. 6.2.7 Inputs/Outputs Configuration Inthe InteliConfig exist two ways of inputs/outputs configuration. The type of configuration is dependent on controller type andit cannot be manually selected. In the manual these two ways are described as version 1 and version 2, Version 1 > Configuration of inputs/outputs is separated for controler and each configured module see Inputs/Outputs Configuration (ver. 1) on page 46 > Controller inputs/outputs can be configured from the bookmark in the configuration window named Controller vo > Module inputs/outputs can be configured in bookmark named Modules, >> After the module is added to configuration, the new bookmark 10 Configuration appears for each configured module Version 2 > Configuration of al inputs/outputs is available in the bookmark I/O Configuration see Inputs/Outputs Configuration (ver. 2) on page 52 > Inthe device tree is possible to select only items from the specific device or display items from all devices > The fulltext fiteris available Incaliconig2.360 Global Guide 45 Inputs/Outputs Configuration (ver. 1) p fax 3e- v Image 6.7 Controller I/O window description Configuration bookmarks — bookmarks sort out the controller configuration to few categories, VO Group panel — contains groups of inputs and outputs available in control unit itself. Configuration panel — main configuration window with availabe inputs / outputs. Info panel - contains basic information about the selected parameter. It shows: > Inputs / Outputs overview — overview of all available inputs / outputs including their description and type. It contains following symbols: go> «© HSI eminalis used forthe function without any protection © HS) Terminal is used for the function including the Waring protection. © HBB Terminal is used for the function including the Shutdown protection, © B&D Teminalis not used. =A: Normally open binary input Le Normally close binary input ¢ Normally open binary output ‘© ~XNormally clase binary output. > ‘Short description of the selected parameter. > Contrllerhelp button for opening ull context help forthe selected parameter. Intaliconig2-36.0 Global Guise 46 E. Tool bar > [2 Save as... button - Saves the curent configuration othe archive fie. > rite button—Contrms the configuration and wites it to the controler. While the configurations witten propery the controll wil estat > © cancet button - Closes the Configuration window without any change. Binary Inputs While configuring Binary inputs there are available 3 different options —in the field of Funetion choose: A. Not Used forthe case thatthe Binary input is not wited or you dont want to use it B. Controller function — prepared functions directly in the controller as breaker feedbacks, extemal buttons ‘lc... Inthis ease its possible in advanced to configure only > Contact typeas Normally close or -b. Normally open. , General protection ~in case you choose the general protection (as a default named as "BIN Protection #) it is possible to predefined other values such a: > Nam Filled name will appear in case of activation in the Alarm lst or History > Contact type — Normally close or :h. Normally open. > Protection type of the activated binary input ‘© Monitoring - itis possible to see the value in the Controller, in SCADA or in LE Values window but no action is executed. ‘© HistRecOnly— activating of such a binary input will cause the record tothe History (including all ‘ther values) but no alarm will be announced in Alarm lst (© Wrn— Warming, activating ofthe binary input will cause the Warning alarm which is visible atthe ‘controller and inteliConfig side too. Warning alarm is immediately written to the History ‘© Sd— Shutdown, activating ofthe binary input wll cause the Shutdown alarm (immediate stop of the engine). This alarm is visible at the controller and InteliConfig side too, Shutdown alarm is immediately written to the History ‘© BOC — Breaker Open and Cool Down, activating of the binary input will cause the BOC alarm (immediate opening of the GCB, cooling of the engine and shutting down). This alam is visible at the controller and inteliContig side too. Shutdown alarm is immediately written to the History > Delay of the protection, > Engine running only means that the protection is active only after proper engine start. Intaiconig2-36.0 Global Guise 47 Pha Os fais tn co broteton ni SIE Nema nen PEE Nomstycne SRE Neosho Qo (Eset | contr nate receny ciate charg tat ac, Image 6.8 Binary inputs configuration Binary Outputs While configuring Binary outputs itis possible to configure the Function as: ‘A. Not Used for the case that the Binary input is not wired or you don't want to use it. B. Controller function — prepared functions directly in the controller as Starter, Fuel Solenoid, breaker control signals etc. In this case itis possible in advanced to configure: > Contact type as ~+ Normally close or Normally open. Intaiconig2-36.0 Global Guise 48 sake es enon SEA ey s00 e entation SEA ton Som, cotati SERA Wn eat Se Baraca Bamea ono © ee 1 coat Image 6.9 Binary outputs configuration Analog Inputs While configuring Analog inputs there are avaitabe 3 cifferent options —in the field of Function choose: ‘A. Not Used for the case that the Analog input is not wired or you don't want to seit B. Controller function — prepared functions directly in the controller as Oil Pressure, Coolant Temp and Fue! Level. Inthis case itis possible in advanced to configure: > History abbreviation —shortout ofthe functionin the History > Sensor choice ofthe curve for used analog sensor. For more information about sensors and theirs configuration see Sensors on page 57 > Protection type of the activated analog input: © Monitoring itis possible to see the value in the Controller, in SCADA or in InteliConfigValues ‘window but no action s executed. © HistRecOnly— exceeding of preset Hst value will cause the record to the History (Including all other values) but no alarm will be announced in Alarm lst © Wrn— Warming, exceeding of preset Wm value will cause the Waming alarm which is visible at the controller and inteliConfig side too. Warning alarm is immediately written to the History ¢ Wrn+B0¢ — Waming and Breaker Open and Cool Down, exceeding of preset Wm value will cause the Waming alarm and exceeding of preset BOC valve will cause the BOC alarm. Both are visible at the controller and InteliConfig side too, Both alarms are immediately written to the History, Intaiconig2-36.0 Global Guise 49 ‘© BOC —Breaker Open and Cool Down, exceeding of preset BOC value will use the BOC alarm (immediate opening of the GCB, cooling ofthe engine and shutting down). This alam is visible at the controller and InteliContig side too. BOC alarm is immediately written to the History. ¢ Win+Sd—Waming and Shutdown, exceeding of preset Win value will cause the Waming alarm and exceeding of preset Sd value will cause the Shutdown alarm, Both are visible atthe controller and InteliConfg side too. Both alarms are immediately written to the History ‘© Sd—Shutdown, exceeding of preset Sd value will cause the Shutdown alarm (immediate stop of the engine). This alarm is visible at the controller and InteliConfig side too, Shutdown alarm is immediately written to the History > “AI Name" Delay - delay of the protection Note: Parameter visibility depends on the setting of Protection type > Setpoint values of: © “AI Name" Hst limitation value for History Record, 1 Name" Wm — imitation value for Warning, © “AI Name" BOG - limitation value for BOC. ‘© “AI Name" Sd — limitation value for Shutdown, Note: Setpoints visibility depends on the setting of Protection type. > Alarm parameter describes the condition ofthe alarm, Its visible only when the protection is activated (© Under Limit: alarm is activated ifthe value is lower than the preset setpoint. ‘© Under Limit+Fls: alarms activated if the value is lower than the preset setpoint or when the value is ‘out of sensor range. ‘© Over Limit: alarm is activated if the value is higher than the preset setpoint, ‘© Over Limit+Fls; alarm is activated ifthe value is higher than the preset setpoint or when the value is ‘out of sensor range. Note: Parameter visibility depends on the setting of Protecton type. > Engine running only means that the protection is active only after proper engine start Note: Parameter visibility depends on the selting of Protection type. C._AIN Switch —this Analog input controls logical bianry output Analag Switch. In case of Analog switch itis possible to configure: > History abbreviation — shortcut ofthe function in the History, > Sensor ~ choice ofthe curve for used analog sensor. For more information about sensors and theirs configuration see Sensors on page 57. IMPORTANT: Value for activation and deactivation of the logical binary output is done by the relevant setpoint of Analog Switch in the group of General Analog inputs. D._AIN Protec — Analog input is used for any protection based on analog value. It is possible to configure: > Name Filled name will appear in case of activation in the Alarm list or History. > History abbrevi: on — shortcut of the function in the History Incaliconig2.360 Global Guide 50 > Sensor ~ choice ofthe curve for used analog sensor. For more information about sensors and theirs configuration see Sensors on page 57. > Protection type of the activated analog input. Same protection types as in Controller functions described above. > Limitation setpoints, Alarm type and Engine running only option are the same as in Controller function described above, Note: Parameters visibiliy depends on the setting of Protection type. [estos Eisen Jon nna oe Owe cet Intaiconig2-36.0 Global Guide Image 6.10 Analog inputs configuration 51 Inputs/Outputs Configuration (ver. 2) ‘ =a et ers c i a A. Deis bee—conars gest ove wihpislupas contig 2 Configuration panel — thelist of available inputs/outputs related to device tree selection ©. Tool bar & > FE switch Detail View button - Switch the configuration part of alone inputs/outputs > = Transfer 10 Configuration buton -see Transfer 10 Configuration on page $5 > Hf Remove 10 Configuration buiton -see Remove l10 Configuration on page 56 Binary Inputs ‘The configuration ofthe binary input consists. 1. Name -the name identification of the binary input a. The name is automatically changed when the first function is added (the input name is the same as the function name). In case of need, the name can be changed. When the last function is removed, the name ofthe input is automatically changed to "Not Used". On ECU binary inputs the name is changing according to selected ECU value. ECU Value - electronic control unit value, available only for ECU devices (otherwise disabled) Functions -the set of functions see Functions Configuration on page 55 Protections -the set of protections see Protections Configuration on page 55 Used in Screens - determines whether the value is visible on the controller screens a. Available only for ECU inputs/outputs . Support depends on the controller and cisplay type Intaliconig2.36.0 Global Guise 52 me cere reine r # SEE csjesase a Image 6.12 Binary input configuration Binary Outputs “The configuration of the binary output consists of 41. Name--the identification name ofthe binary output a, Thename is automatically changed when the source is connected (the output name is the same as the source name). In case of need, the name can be changed. When the source is removed, the name of the output is automatically changed to "Not Used". On ECU binary outputs the name is changing according to selected ECU value. ‘Source -the source value for the binary output Contact Type- SF BAM represents the default state of output (Normally Oper/Norally Cased) ECU Value - electronic control unit value, available only for ECU devices (otherwise disabled) Protections -the set of protections see Protections Configuration on page 55 Used in Screens - determines whether the value is visible on the controler screens a. Available only for ECU inputs/outputs bb. Support depends on the controller and cisplay type Devee Nae Ne souce comacrype —otecins ECU ae Cenmalee S0u71 Stees trees ma en ae sees Preteen tt i source ° x Image 6.13 y output configuration Analog Inputs “The configuration of the analog input consis of 41, Name -the identification name ofthe analog input a. Thename is automatically changed when the first function is added (the input name is the same as the function name). In case of need, the name can be changed. When the last function is removed, the name of the input is automatically changed to "Not Used”. On ECU analog inputs the name is changing according to selected ECU value. 2, Sensor-sensor used forthe analog input see Sensors on page 57 3. Dimension - dimension used for analog input ‘a. Can be set directly inform if the electronic sensor s configured, otherwise it can be set in sensor configuration Intaiconig2.36.0 Global Guise 53 4, Resolution - resolution used for analog input ‘a. Can be set directly inform if the electronic sensor is configured, otherwise it can be set in sensor configuration 5. Bargraph 0% - lower bargraph limit displayed on the controller display 6, Bargraph 100% -upper bargraph limit displayed on the controller display 7. ECU Value - electronic control unit value, available only for ECU devices (otherwise disabled) & History Abbreviation -shortcut used in the History. 8. Functions -the collection of functions see Functions Configuration on page 55 10. Protections -the collection of protections see Protections Configuration on page 55 11. Used in Screens - determines whether the value is visible on the controller screens ‘a, Available only for ECU inputs/outputs, bb. Support depends on the controller and cisplay type image 6.14 Analog input configuration Analog Outputs “The configuration of the analog output consists of: Source the source value forthe analog output 2. Output Curve - definition ofthe transferring output curve a. The output curve is not available'f the "No Conversion” parameter is checked, No Conversion - Define whether the source value is converted by the output curve or nat 4. PWM Frequency - setting of the PWM frequency ‘a, The PWM frequency can be set only if the output curve is a type of PWM, 5. ECU Value - electronic control unit value, available only for ECU devices (otherwise disabled) Deve ___HWNama Source Output Curve No Conversion PWM Frequency ECL Value tereli08/61 AOUTL RPM [0.10] Oo 200 source R XIE Cutputcuve | ul0.10¥ Bi Noconersion PAN Frequency Ineaiconig2.36.0 Global Guise 54 Functions Configuration > Itis possible to assign more functions to the specific input >» oh Add new function to the input >> = Remove function from the input > Forthe binary input functions the contact type for each function can be set > ake Normally Closed/Normally Open > Each function has the lik tothe help through button Protections Configuration > (oF Add new protection > (= Remove protection #\Ecit protection For more information about configuration of specific protections see User Protections on page 44 Transfer /O Configuration This functionality offers to transfer the whole input/output configuration to another compatible inputoutput inthe ‘same category. The icon = for transfers available in the bottom toolbar. ‘ter clicking on the transfer icon is displayed window for selecting the target input/output. Offered are only ‘compatible inputs/outputs of the same category. When the required input/output is selected and confirmed by the OK button, the transfer operation starts ‘Note: The configuration is transferred completely functions, protections, sensor, PLC configuration) except ‘Modbus definition 9 HWName Kane Device BIN2 MCB Feednack Control QIN2 —NotUsed Controle IN AccessLock Controle BINS RemoteOFF contol: BINS Remote TEST Contole BIN? Sdoverrie controler eine NotUsed Controle Image 6.16 The window for selecting the tar‘ input/output. Intaliconig2.36.0 Global Guise 55 Remove W/O Configuration ‘This functionality offers to remove the whole inpuoutput configuration. The icon 3 foremove's avaiable in the bottom toolbar. The name of inputloutpu is ater remove set "Not Used!” ‘Note: The configuration is removed completely (functions, protections, sensor, PLC configuration) except ‘Modbus definition Intaiconig2-36.0 Global Guise 56 6.2.8 Sensors In ComAp controllers could be availabe 3 types of sensors (depends on controller type and fimware version). > Fixed sensors - definition of this sensors fixed, could not be changed by user. This sensor has defined HW ‘sensor itself (for example Pt100, Pt1000 etc), resolution, dimension ete. > User sensors -user can prepare own sensor. Itis possible select HWW Configuration (it means measured physical value) from the list, output format (resolution, dimension) and conversion curve. Management of this sensors is on Sensors tab. > near sensors -this is similar to User sensors but itis not possible define conversion curve, Conversion is defined only by Range and Offset (inear conversion), Analog sensor curve definition Curves in the Sensors bookmark are used to accurately determine how extemal analog electrical signal should be converted to intemal numerical values, By adjusting the curve you can ensure that the controller behaves correctly across the range of values. 1. In Configuration window select the bookmark Sensors. 2. Inthe left panel choose which sensor curve you want to adjust. It is possible to choose from the lst of typical (default) curves —e.g. VDO, or from the lst of general curves. Image 6.17 Sensor curve configuration 3. Use options within the Sensor window to make necessary adjustments: > Add line — to add new row inthe table > Order to automatically arrange rows in the table from the lowest to highest numer. > Delete line —to delete the chosen row inthe table. > Open to open saved curve. Intaiconig 2.36.0 Global Guide 57 > Save-tosave the curent cuve. > HW configuration —select physical (HW) configuration of Analog input > Sensor Name —customizablo name ofthe sensor curve. > Resolution and Dimension of the curve 4. Once all changes within the Configuration window have been made click the ©) Write button to write the configuration tothe controller. Once the configuration is uploaded the controler wil automatically restart and new connection wl be automaticaly established. 6.2.9 Modules Plug-in modules ‘There are two different approaches in configuration of Supported communication modules (page 10). > Communication plug-in modules - while assembled in the controller there appear relevant Group in Setpoint window. > Extension plugin modules ~ configuration should be made via the Configuration window: 1. Open the online/offline connection withthe controle. 2. Goto) Controller Configuration and choose the bookmark of Modules. 3. Choose the relevant slot (A or B). Pick the wanted plugin module from the fst and click at © Add module icon ‘Sot required Plug-in module properties. Go to 1/0 Configuration for added Plug-in module and set I/O configuration for this module. 7. Click at © write to take the configuration into effect Engine Control Unit - ECU Incase your engine's using ECU, itis necessary to configure it propery inthe controller 41. Openthe online /ofine connection withthe controller 2. Goto controller Configuration and choose the bookmark of Modules, Glick on ECU field in eft column. 4. ‘Select right ECU lst from the fst w 5. From the shown list of ECUs choose the same ECU as is used by your engine and click at “2! Add module Icon, 6. Set proper ECU settings. 7. necessary, go to I/O Configuration or Fault Codes Configuration for ECU and change configuration 8, Click at © write to take the configuration into effect. \Note: Incase theres no ECU listed choose the used EGU list the feld of Electronic Contro! Unit Incaliconig2.36.0 Global Gude 58 ‘Note: When controller has Configuration format 9 or higher (Click on Control / Controller Info in bon for info), ECU definition file (le with definition of all parameters preepred by ComAp) is automatically added into special part of configuration. When configuration tool recognize valid ECU definition in configuration, it uses this file for ECU edit. No need to have installed ECU files for editing. Also there is no version issue in tis situation. IntaiGonig2.38.0 Global Guise 59 User defined ECU J1939 parameters Itis possible create limited number of J1939 parameters, This parameters are fully defined by user. ‘Add theECU for which the J1939 parameter needs to be added, Goto 41939 Parameters tab to create new parameter. Fil all folds with valid values. Goto 1/0 Configuration tab to use this 11939 Parameter on selected I/O. Touse this parameters in different configuration, use Export/Import data function IMPORTANT: When changing ECU address (in Module properties), user J1939 Parameters remain unchanged. Address is always set to value defined by user (in Frame data). To change it, itis. possible edit user parameter definition. ‘Note: This functionality is available only in some controllers. Controller must have Configuration format to 9 or higher (Click on Control/ Controller Info in ibbon). ‘Note: Number of user parameters is limited (limit is applied to each /O type independently). Each ECU has its ‘own lr. Note: Definition ofall user 1939 Parameters (regardless of /O use) is stored in configuration, Incsicontig 2.96.0 Global Gace 60 Image 6.18 11939 Parameter Definition ECU Fault Codes Configuration ‘Tab Fault Codes Configuration allows user to customize indication of ECU incoming messages. Customization Possibilities: 1. Define own set of fault codes sent by ECU 2. Modify pradefined set of fault cades sent by ECU 3, Satting own user messages 4. Changing the visibility of some messages Image 6.19 ECU Fault Codes Table > +t Add new definable item. > Remove existing tem. > Blexpot set of defined faut codes, > Eiimpor set of defined faut codes. > ‘D Restore default lst of fault codes. Fault Code Definition > Diagnostic Code SPN (Suspect Parameter Number) >> Number identifying message from ECU IntaConig2.36.0 Global Guide 61 > FMI (Failure Mode Identifier) >» Provides possibilty to specify only selected diagnostic states (not available on all controllers) » States can be selected through the button == _, which opens FMI Numbers window i i Vegeta ersntestohsnace chek nan tiepo HOOSOHHHHoHHHHHoo Image 6.20 FMI Numbers window > Message > Definition ofthe displayed message > Visibility > Visiblity ofthe specific iter ECU Lamps ECU Lamps tab provides the setting of protection type on each available ECU lamp. Support of setting protections depends on the controller and his software version. Ifthe controller does not support the functionality, the tab is hidden. ‘Note: Modifying default settings of the lamp protections may result in non-compliance with Stage V (EU) or Tier 4 Final (US) legislation, depending on location and usage. MODBUS Master ‘This chapter explain how to configure MODBUS Master in InteliConfig. MODBUS Masters special type of Electronic unit (ECU). This devices shares the same resources (number of Os, total number of devices...) How to.add MODBUS Masterdevico into configuration 4. Open the onine/ offine connection with the controle. 2. Goto Controller Configuration and choose the bookmark of Modules. 3. Click on EGU fielain ft column Intaliconig2-36.0 Global Guise 62 4, Select right ECU Ist from the lst. You need to select ECU List with devices supporting MODBUS Server functionality '5, From the shown lst of ECUs choose MODBUS device you want and cick at ©!Add module icon. a, When there is no t your device in ist, itis necessary select User Device and define ll parameters manually. 6. Set proper ECU settings. All settings are described in chapters below It necessary, got I/O Configuration or Datapotns for ECU and change configuration 8. Click at write to take the configuration into eect ‘Note: Incase there is no ECU listed choose the used ECU list the field of Electronic Control Unit SunSpec Modbus ‘This chapter explain how to configure Sunspec Modbus in InteliContig ‘Sunspec Modbus is special type of Electronic unit (ECU). This devices shares the same resources (number of Os, total numberof devices... How to add Sunspec Modbus device into configuration: 1. Open the online/offline connection with the controller. Goto Controller Configuration and choose the bookmark of Modules. Click on ECU field in left column. ‘Select right ECU list from the list. You need to select ECU List with devices supporting Sunspec Modbus functionality From the shown list of ECUs choose SunSpec device you want and click at Add module icon. ‘Set proper ECU settings. All settings are described in chapters below. Ifnecessary, go to I/O Configuration for ECU and change configuration lick at Write to take the configuration into effect. Note: In case there is no ECU listed choose the used ECU list in the field of Electronic Control Unit. Intaiconi2.38.0 Global Guise 63 Module properties Communication parameters MODBUS Master support MODBUS RTU and MODBUS TCP. Common parameters: > Protection upon module failure: select type of protection when communication with device fail > Module name: Set your device name > Add to history: Check if device values should be in history records > Device address: Select address set in MODBUS device. > Connection Type: Select type of connection. > Byte Order: Select Byte order definition. For details, see MODBUS device documentation. > Pause Before Request [ms]: Some MDOBUS devices needs to have some pause between response and following new request. For details, see MODBUS device documentation. Response Timeout [ms]: Controller waits specific time for reply from MODBUS device, > Retry Count: Number of repeats when there is no reply from MODBUS device in time specified in Response Timeout, Parameters for MODBUS RTU: > There are no other parameters for MODBUS RTU in Module configuration, Some parameters could be set, Via Setpoint. Parameters for MODBUS TCP: > IP Address: Set IP address of MODBUS device > TCP Port: Set correct port (the same port as set on MODBUS device) ‘Note: Some parameters are hidden when specific MODBUS device is selected. In this case, hidden parameters are predefined in definition file (MSF/MSC) and cannot be changed. ‘Note: All module datapoint definitions of module which is in configuration (ComAp and User, regardless of whether they are used in an V/O configuration) are stored in configuration. Displayed name and version of definition is from configuration, not from definition stored in PC. Picture is not stored in configuration and is always loaded from PC. Number of /Os When MODBUS device is added in configuration, itis possible set number of I/Os. Resources are shared between MODBUS device and Engine unit. Total number of ¥Os depends on controller type and FW version. Datapoints Datapoint is definition of value which is communicated. Datapoint can be used on I/O Configuration to read or write data from or to MODBUS device. Datapoint parameters (not all parameters are available, some parameters are relevant for some types of datapoints). > Name: User name of datapoint. Name must be unique for each MODBUS device. > Address: MODBUS Address > Function: List of supported MODBUS functions > Data type: List of data types to specify Datapoint type Intaiconig2.36.0 Global Guide 64 Bit index: Select bit position in register Dimension: Define dimension of final value (when Data Export is used in Analog input defiition) Resolution: Define resolution of final value (when Data Export is used in Analog input definition) Factor: Received value is multiplied by this value Offset: Offset is added to received value multiplied by factor Refresh rate: Define period of communication for this Datapoint 10 Type: Read only value indicating where this Datapoint can be used (Analog inputs, Analog outputs, Binary inputs, Binary outputs). Datapoint operations: + -ada new Datapoint for specific device, Number of datapoints is limited. Clone selected Datapoint. This is quick way how to create new Datapoint with similar parameters — -Delete selected Datapoint. When Datapoints used VO configuration, after confimation willbe deleted so 1/0 defiton [#i--eait selected Datapoint Datapoint can be edited also by doubleclick. When Datapoint is used in 10 definition and V0 Type is changed, after confration his Datapoint is removed from I/O defntion (tis nt more compat wth specitic 10). E- import saved ist of Datapoints. Current list of Datapoints is deleted before import. When imported Datapoint name's the same as cunt one and 0 Type of both datapoints i the same, Datapoint remains used in I/O definition. Otherwise this datapoints removed from /0 Configuration BB- Export curent list of datapoints. This list can be used in different configuration. VO Configuration When add MODBUS device, some WOs coud be preconfigured. User can change this setting -remove preconfigured datapoints, change datapoint connected with I/O or select any other Datapoint of compatible ‘ype. In datapoin selection field, user datapoints have suffix "(User)" to distinguish them from tredefined (Comp) datapoints CAN modules Configuration of CAN modules with slots ‘This system is supported in controllers upto Configuration Format 9 Incase your controller supports CAN modules (extemal modules connected via CAN link), you can add supported modules to offered CAN slots. Number of slots ad ist of supported modules depends on defaut configuration provided by Comp, Toadd CAN modue(: 4. Open the online/offline connection withthe controller 2. Goto controller Configuration and choose the bookmark of Modules. 3. Choose relevant CAN slt(f applicable) and click on module ieldinleft column Intaiconig2.36.0 Global Guise 65 4. ‘Sect wated CAN mot tm at, set mdse tapcbie ancien Eee ose button, 5. Set required CAN module properties. Pay attention to corect settings on module itself, usually described on Picture of modu. 8, Goto 0 Configuration fr added CAN module ane set WO configuration fr this module 7, Click at @0K2Pd REEF puton to take the configuration int effect. Configuration of CAN modules without slots This system allows add more CAN modules than system with slots. There is no reserved resources for each slot asin slot system but resources are assigned from whole pool (rasources are defined by Module Index parameter). Toad CAN modules): ‘1. Open the online /offiine connection with the controller. 2, Goto @eontrotter Configuration and choose the bookmark of Modules. Click on “Add New Module" in section CAN Modules. FBiaciineue 4. Salet waned CAN mot om he stand ck et baton. On ava 5, Setrguted CAN mode propa, Py tenon comet setings onmedes sly descr on pitect moa. Set covect"Modi Inox, This ol detomine ates seo conmuricaton wthrrele Ofer ae only available indexes (list of indexes depends on other CAN modules in configuration and resources in Conan, 6. tis posible select protection when communication wih males tempted. Activation ths poecton cout eireicatedby rary ave nse Pectin Sao checks open nN Seng. Binary value is automatically named by protection type (Wm or Sd) and module name (for example "Wm MyModule"). 7. Goto 10 Confguatin or ada CAN mal ar se 0 congo frthis mote 8, Clckat DOKI°ARESIT ton totake the configuration no eect. Generic Modules When configuring CAN Modules, physical module's usually use (lke Intell AIN8, Intell [O8/8 etc.). But this system has some limitations: > Some modules allows set different address for inputs and outputs. In this system is combination input and output address fixed, > Its required to configure some specific module which coud have variable number of I/Os (and use variable number of addresses) lke InteliFieldbus Gateway > Itis required to configure some spacial module which is not offically supported Tooffermore, generic modules system was added Intaconig2.36.0 Global Guise 66 What is Generic module Each physical module (like Intel AIN8, Intell 108/8 etc.) is combination of generic modules Generic modules ‘exists in 4 types - Analog inputs, Analog outputs, Binary inputs and Binary outputs. Each type can have up to 8 VOs of the relevant type (8 binary or 8 analog inputs or outputs). This one module we can name as Generic module. For example Inteli108/8 is composed of 1x Bl, 1x BO and 1x AO, itis composed of 3 Generic modules. Generic module could be added as standard physical module. Each Generic module has independent module properties. User can use more Generic modules to configure one physical CAN module to fulfill his special requirements, Note: Because itis generic module not directly connected with any physical module, itis possible configure all parameters used for any physical module. For example for Generic BI module itis possible set Pull Up / Pull ‘Down parameter but there is no check, that itis supported on used HW. Similary, for Generic Al module are offered all HW configurations of inputs. It is user responsibilty to use only options supported by used HW. 6.2.10 Logical Binary Inputs (LBI) / Logical Analog Inputs (LAI) This tab allow define source for any LBILAL Foreach LBI, its possible use any binary signal availabe in controller. Ths signal could be inverted if needed Foreach LA\, itis possible use any analog value with numeric data format. Note, that LAI expects correct, format of value, it means right numberof decimal places. If numberof decimal places is different than expected, ‘controller functionality could be incorect, See controller manual for details ein o * 3%) XD DI Image 6.21 Logical binary inputs tab, Intaiconig 2.36.0 Global Guide 67 6.2.11 PLC PLC Editors powerful tool which helps you to create your own PLC scheme. It has graphical interface to have user interface easy touse, Daa eo Swati ;Bome Gi Boe enone a= Bem a am . ee eae Image 6.22 PLC Editor main page Working with the PLC editor lf the currently opened archive does not contain any PLC program, then an empty drawings created ‘automatically when you select the PLC Editor. The procedure of creation of a PLC drawing (pragram) contains following essential steps: > Adjust the sheet to your needs. See Change size of PLC sheets (page 68) for more information. > Add PLC blocks into the sheets. See Adding PLC blocks (page 69) for more information. > Define inputs and outputs of the PLC program. See Define inputs and outputs (page 70) for more information. > Create connections between inputs, blocks and outputs. See Creating wires (page 72) for more information. > Adjust properties of the blocks. For more information about the PLC block properties, select the block and: press the F1 button, Change size of PLC sheets Drag the sheet edges to e-size the sheet according to yourneeds, Config 2.36.0 Global Gude 68 I on 4 -— to= etl > ne eal id Image 6.23 Adjusting PLC sheet Adding PLC blocks ‘Adding PLC block is simple and intuitive. Follow the procedure below to add PLC block > Select required block from the lst of available PLC blocks atthe left and drag it into the sheet > Double-click on the block and adjust properties of the block > Connect the block inputs and outputs by drawing wires inthe sheet. See Define inputs and outputs (page 70) for more information. tis also passibte to connected inputs and outputs via properties of selected PLC block Intaconig2-36.0 Global Guise 69 7 Image 6.24 Adding PLC blocks Note: To delete PLC block just click on it and press delete button. Also delete selection function can by used. ‘Note: Formore information about the PLC block functionality, select the block and press the F'1 button. Define inputs and outputs Image 6.25 Blank sheet of PLC editor Inveiconig23.0 Global Guise 70 Inputs ‘Sheet inputs are located at the eft side of a sheet. Follow the procedure below to add or edit an input. > Double-click on a free input position or existing input to add new input or edit the existing one, > Select the source for the input. > If youcreate a binary input, you can select a source from the following categories: © Binary Values —contains all binary values available in the controller as binary inputs, logical binary ‘outputs ete. > Ifyoucreate an Analog input, you can select a source from the following categories: ‘© Analog Values — contains all analog values available in the controller as analog inputs, electrical values, values from ECU ete. ‘© All Setpoints — contains all setpoints of the controller except the dedicated PLC setpoints. Names, resolutions and dimensions of these setpoints can not be modified ‘© PLC Setpoints — contains a group of setpoints which are dedicated for using in the PLC program, PLC setpoints can be changed according to need of PLC blocks where they are used. Editing the ‘setpoint is provided by the edit button in the bottom toolbar ofthe table, Outputs ‘Sheet outputs are located at the right side of a sheet. Follow the procedure below to add or edit an output > Double-click on a free output position to add new binary or analog sheet output. > Double-click on an already created binary output to configure it onto a binary output terminal ora logical Binary input (rst of all some PLC block output has to be connected to this output to enable its configuration). > Double-click on an already created analog output to configure it onto an analog output terminal or alogical ‘Analog input (first ofall some PLC block output has to be connected to this output to enable its configuration), Image 6.26 PLC outputs Intaiconig2.36.0 Global Guide n om [0 cw Image 6.27 PLC outputs selection Creating wires Wires can be created between PLC inputs and PLC blocks and between PLC blocks and PLC outputs. IMPORTANT: Keep the order of starting and finishing connection points. Wires between inputs and. blocks have to start from Inputs. Wires between blocks and outputs have to start from blocks. Follow the procedure below to create wire. > Locate the mouse pointer over the starting point of the wire. Ifthe area under the mouse pointeris a ‘connection pont, the pointer will change the color fill of pointer will be white) > Press and hold the eft mouse button and drag the wire tothe destination of required connection point. Ifyou. point overa valid connection point, the connection point will be marked with ared circle, > Release the left mouse button to create a wire between the two points. The wire is routed automatically, ‘Note: tis possible to make connection only between the outputs and inputs withthe same type of value (binary ‘or analog). Binary values are marker by black pointer, analog values are marked with green pointer. ‘Note: To delete wie just click on it and press delete button on your keyboard. Also delete selection function can by used by selecting more objects and clicking on the delete selection Elbutton Multisheet ‘There is support of Multisheet functionality. It is possible create more sheets, for example each sheet for specific functionality. Incicontg 2.26.0 Global Gace 72 Each sheet could have user editable name and note. Just doublectick on header of sheet. When Hints are ‘enabled, by place mouse cursor to header, name and notes displayed. Itis possible add new PLC Sheet, Delete selected PLC sh ‘and down, (including its content) and move PLC Sheet up When there is need to use value representing output of PLC block located on another PLC Sheet, itis not necessary connect this output to right ladder to be able use it in elfferent PLC Sheet, On any PLC Sheet itis, possible use any existing value with supported data type. few 14 [Pecans — 4 astra — Diertin twat Bueuae teat a @ Image 6.28 Management of PLC sheets ‘Note: Muitisheet functionality is connected only with right version of InteliConfig. It is not concitioned by the controller version. ImportlExport Itis possible Export selected PLC sheet into fil. This fle can be used to import this PLC sheet into different ‘configuration. When importing file into selected PLC sheet, users asked to confirm that current content of PLC sheet will be deleted. During process this data are imported: > AIIPLC blocks including their settings. > Wiring between PLC blocks > Sheet name and description > Connection to LBI/LA' if this LBI/LAI is not already connected to any source Data not imported: > Source signals from rest of configuration including other PLC sheets > Connection to physical outputs Intaconig2.38.0 Global Guise 73 Note: When PLC sheet is exported, all connection are defined by communication abject numbers. Not all objects may exist in the target configuration or may have a different meaning. Due this, connection forest of configuration is not imported. But we are working on some improvement inthis area. IMPORTANT: You can get unexpected error message when connecting to controller or opening configuration with more PLC sheets in configuration from older version of Intelionfig (without support of PLC Multisheet). In this case download and install atest version of InteliConfig (PLC Multisheet is supported from version 2.17.0) ‘Note: Number of PLC Blocks on one sheet is limited to 30 they are added manually. However, itis possible import PLC Sheet with more than 30 PLC blocks. When more PLC Blocks are needed, spit functionalitu between 2 or more PLC Sheets. Exportimport of PLC sheet Export Each PLC sheet can be exported tofile. Exported is name of PLC sheet, description, content of sheet (PLC blocks, its settings, wiring, layout...) Itis possible export only one sheet at once. There is no option to export all PLC sheets into one file. Import Itis possible import PLC sheet definition inot selected PLC sheet, When PLC sheet is not emply, the useris ‘wamed that its contents will be overwritten, Imported are only some definitions from saved fle, This is not imported > Inputs of PLC blocks which are connected to any object out ofthis PLC sheet > Outputs of PLC blocks which are connected any 1/0 (Binary or Analog outputs of Controller or its physical or Virtual modules) >> Connections to LAI/LB! are imported when exists in configuration and are not already assigned to other source PLC logic execution rules ‘The PLC program is executed every 100 ms. The blocks are executed in order according to block numbers (item numbers), which are indicated in each block. The block numbers are assigned automatically according to position on sheet. {As first are evaluated PLC blocks on first PLC sheet, than on second and so an, 1 shi 2 / /|/ / | Invlicontg 2.36.0 Global Guize 14 IMPORTANT: Please always check that the blocks are ordered correctly, especially if you uso direct. feedbacks from outputs to inputs within one sheet, Wrong order may lead to incorrect results!!! item 2 Other functions Search Use this function to search in all inputs, outputs and sheet names. Search will go through all sheets (including collapsed) and highlight all occurrences with an option to go through them one by one. Delete whole content of sheet Use this function to delete the whole content of sheet (including blocks, wires, inputs, outputs, etc.) Hints Use this function to enable or disable quick hints for blocks (controller help is not affected by this function), PLC monitor PLC monitor is a powerful tool for monitoring your PLC . Just click on PLC monitor button on main IntliContig page to see your PLC. Active inputs and outputs have blue color. Also wires with active signals have blue color. IMPORTANT: It is not possible to edit PLC in PLC monitor tool. 6.2.12 Others Inthe Configuration window use the bookmark of Controller forthe advanced configuration, you can either. > Change the Init screen. For more information see Init screen on page 76. >> Change the Languages of the controller. For more information see Languages on page 76. Invicontig 2.96.0 Global Gace 75 > Change the Access rules. For more information see Access rules on page 79. > Change the Units/Power format. For more information see Units / Power format on page 81. Init screen Init soreenis shown each time when the controllers started up when enabled, Here you can change the message you want fo be showin during the controller startup. 4. Openthe online /offine connection with the controller. Goto controller Configuration and choose the bookmark of Control Goto the group of nit screen, Enable Init screen by ticking ofthe Enable Init sereen fel. Choose the language, Enter the content of lit screen. 7. Click at write to take the coniguation into effect Languages tab In this tab itis possible to manage list of languages in configuration and make own translations. Languages ComAp controllers support itferent languages. For thet configuration 41. Open the online / offline connection with the controle. 2. Goto controller Configuration and choose the bookmark of Control 3. Goto the group of Languages. 4, Left column shows Available languages, Right column shows Languages presented in the controler (inthe configuration). By using Add or Remove buttons or by cragSrop functionality choose those languages which you want to have presented in the controller. 5, Click at © write to tako the configuration int eect Note: First language, English, isa basic language of the controller and can't be removed. Intaconig2.36.0 Global Guide 76 aa mm Ow Image 6.30 Adding / Removing Languages to the Controller Translator Translator allows user translation of any text in controler configuration. 1, 2 3 4 5 Open the online/offline connection with the controller. oto @ Controller Configuration and choose the bookmark of Control Goto the group of Languages. Goto the tab Translator. Update translations for languages in configuration. Click at © write to take the configuration nt effec. Intaconig238.0 Global Guise 7 — Deseo (iets) (ee 6 ee Image 6.31 Translator Each available language has its own Default dictionary with transtations prepared by ComAp. If there is no translation in this dictionary or user wants to use different translation, automatically is created User dictionary {or specific language to store all user translations. The User dictionary takes precedence over the Default Nopassword—User0 ‘© User 0 can be allowed to either read only or read and write the setpoint .ccass right for each user: ‘User 0 can be aisallowed to perfor selected commands > Password level 1~Usert ‘© User t canbe allowed to either read only or read and wit the setpoint User canbe aisallowed to perfor selected commands > Password level 2 User2 ‘© User2 can be allowed to either readonly or read and writ the setpoint ‘ User2 can be aisalowed to perform selected commands > Password level — Administrator ‘© Administrators allowed to change any setpoint without any limitation © Administrator has the full access to all commands. Adin password eure 2aralevelnopasens (coat tertrame }( ests sane setes secs nati cess es conn ew mw ow nt/Power format ener sen wows om ow Seti oe wes mes ow erlAnaesinests | crane wwe) mw ow a a ert wim [ms w- OO = ow ww mw ow mene sens eae wom om ow Image 6.32 Access rules window - description itis possible to set following rights: > Read Only ‘© The useris able to see the value ofthe setpoint but he is not allowed to change it > Read and Write ‘© The useris allowed to see and change the value ofthe setpoint > Inadgition itis possible to choose the visibility ofthe Setpoint, it canbe either: > Standard ‘© The setpoint is visible athe time Intaiconi2.36.0 Global Guide 80 > Advanced only ‘© The setpoint is visible atthe controller only when switched to Advanced mode 5. Glick at © write to take the configuration into effect. For the information how to set up Password and define userlevels see Change access code on page 109. IMPORTANT: InteliConfig PC SW is in the group of Basics Settings showing in the fact some of Setpoints from the group of Alternate Configuration - e.g. Nominal frequency, Nominal current, Nominal voltage etc. Please consider this fact during configuration of Access rules. Units / Power format InteliConfig supports both Metric and US Units/Power format. In this tab you can also define required Power format Image 6.33 Units / Power format setting Invlicontig 2.6.0 Global Guise 81 Modbus InteliConfig supports create user definition of Modbus registers mage 6.3 Modbus definition Controller supports access to most its objects using Modbus protocol. This window allows to define list of Modbus registers and its meaning (connection Modbus register <->controler object), In configuration are three groups of objects. Each group has assigned range of Modbus registers. > Binary objects: <0...999> > Values: <1000,..2999> > Setpoints: <3000...3999> Default controller configuration may contain some Modbus definition. This definition can be modified based on user needs. If there is no definition (group is empty), definition could be created. Available operations: ++— Add new Modbus register. Free Modbus register s predefined as default, can be changed in allowed range. Controller object is selected from the list. —-Delete selected Modbus register Edit already detined Modbus register ©) Export Modbus definition to file 2)--Import Modbus definition from file, This replaces while Modbus definition in configuration (remove all defined Modbus registers and import Modbus registers from fe) Each Modbus register can contain 2 bytes of data In controller exist objects, which are bigger than 2 bytes (statistics values, text setpoins...)Itis necessary to use more Modbus registers for his objects. When configuring Modbus register for this object, only fist Modbus register is chosen by user, System automatically use following registers for other bytes (Modbus register is increased by +1). There must be enough free space in Modtus table definition to allow create appropsate number of Modbus registers, Othervise Modbus register cannot be added. This Modbus registers arein gray, i means cannot be edited or deleted separately ‘There is example of Modbus definition for setpoint Ger-set name: Intaconig2-36.0 Global Guise 82 Peo ‘atezory object maonaus | 70) Name in | ses 30008637 Gen-Set Name [- [set sir costae [serene zot_7—_ansetnine 30! sor csthone sot 807 nse “a 67 tte Sob 7s 30 to cansanne Itis allowed to have more different Modbus registers for the same object. Modus registers definition table is automatically sorted by Modbus column, Inwindow is available Search functionality. This will ind any text in definition table in selected group. Firewall Firewall rules are used to explicitly define parameters of incoming TCP/UDP communication, which willbe accepted by the controler. All other communication will be dropped. Firewall is by default disabled on controllers, which support this functionality. A firewall rule definition consists of: 1. IP address 2. Address mask 3 Port ea = = one eee Image 6.35 Firewall window Intaconig2-36.0 Global Guise 83 > To.add now frewallrulo, cick on 3 add new row icon and fil in all required values > Toremove firewall rule, cick on BY delete row icon History Editor Each configuration has definition of history, it means which values are storedin each history record, tis possible to change tis definition based on user's need on this tab ‘lowed operations: > Add value into definition > Remove value from deinition > Change order of values in defnition > Change abbreviation of each value > Export and import history definition Each value canbe inthe defnton only once When new value is added, abbrvitionis automatically predefined for ECU, CAN modules or Vitual modules. Forother values itis predefined as" (one space this field cannot be empty. Abbreviation can be changed by Controller has dedicated space foreach history record. This space cannot be exceeded. Used/available space inhistory records indicated by fillindicator below. When thereis no space in history defntion, value cannat be added (each value use diferent space sot could be possible add only some values when space for history is almost full, History definition could be exported and imported into diferent configuration. During import, some values might not beimported if they are missing target configuration \When History Ectoris available for contol, there are changes forhistryin module management (tab Modules). It is possible to add all module values into history by checking Add to history option before module is added. This options unchecked by default fr Vitual modules. Theres a check that enough space i available inhistory definition. Inet, some values might not be added and users informed about. In this case, use History Editor to remove some less important values from the definition, ‘Note: This editor may not be available forall controllers Intaiconig2.38.0 Global Guise 84

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