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Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 (2022) 155–167

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Modeling long term response of environmental flow

attributes to future climate change in a North African
watershed (Bouregreg watershed, Morocco)
Youssef Brouziyne 1,∗, Salwa Belaqziz 2,3, Lahcen Benaabidate 4,
Aziz Aboubdillah 5, Ali El Bilali 6, Ahmed Elbeltagi 7,8, Ourania Tzoraki 9,
Abdelghani Chehbouni 1,10
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), International Water Research Institute, Benguerir, Morocco
Laboratory of Computer Systems and Vision, Computer Science Department, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir Morocco
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Center for Remote Sensing Applications, Benguerir, Morocco
Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, University of Sidi Mohamed Ben
Abdellah, Fez, Morocco
Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknès, Meknes, Morocco
Hassan II University of Casablanca, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Mohammedia, Morocco
Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Egypt
College of Environmental and Resources Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Department of Marine Sciences, School of Environment, University of the Aegean, Greece
Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), unité mixte de recherche (UMR) Centre d’études spatiales de la biosphère (Cesbio),
Toulouse, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Environmental flows are unanimously considered to be one of the most comprehensive
Received 30 April 2021 indicators of the rivers health and their capacities to provide ecosystem goods and services.
Revised 30 July 2021
In this study, the objective was to predict the response of environmental flow components
Accepted 10 August 2021
in a typical North African rivers network to future climate change. The study watershed is
Available online 24 August 2021
Bouregreg watershed (BW) in Morocco. To achieve this objective, a hybrid approach was
Key words: build based on the semi-distributed model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and
Climate change the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration program (IHA). Data of two emissions scenarios
environmental flow (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) from a downscaled Global Circulation Model were used to force the
Bouregreg watershed hybrid SWAT-IHA to calculate modifications of BW’s environmental flow components in
SWAT 2085-2100 period. Results showed that BW will experience climatic changes under both
IHA scenarios. Most of the environmental flow attributes will be modified within the study
period: loss of natural flow variability due to shift in exceedance probability of low flows
(up to 40%), decrease of monthly low flows, forward shift in high flow timing (up to 50%),
and alteration of both the duration and the rise rates of floods. BW’s streams responded
unequally to the simulated changes in terms of the altered attributes as well as the degree
of the alteration. This study confirmed the ability of the developed modeling approach to
monitor environmental flow parameters for the first time in Morocco, and contributed in
highlighting the necessity of proactive long term strategies to protect riverine ecosystems
in North Africa watersheds.
© 2021 European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

E-mail address: (Y. Brouziyne).
1642-3593/© 2021 European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Brouziyne, S. Belaqziz, L. Benaabidate et al. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 (2022) 155–167

1. Introduction ation software. We aimed specifically to: (1) understand

climate and water balance within the end of the century
Ecosystems and water depend, unarguably, on each in the study watershed,(2) assess the alteration of environ-
other for the ecological integrity and sustainability mental flows to projected climate, and (3) identify the spa-
(Gibson et al. 2005, Richter et al. 1996). Both freshwater tial variability of the environmental flows due to climate
ecosystems, as well as coastal and marine areas, require change across the rivers network. Outcomes of this study
adequate quantities, frequency and quality of freshwater to will help to prioritize the most vulnerable areas for poten-
maintain their functioning and production of environmen- tial strategies addressing future climate-induced alteration
tal goods and services. In the other hand, much terrestrial to hydrology under North Africa context.
and freshwater systems are essential for water supply (ex:
clouds, aquifer recharge areas, springs) (Poff et al. 2007).
Rivers are generally considered as a key element in this 2. Materials & methods
equilibrium since they govern many essential ecological
balances in the riverine ecosystems (Dyer et al. 2014). Fur- 2.1. Study area
thermore, and in addition to their central role in maintain-
ing biodiversity, riverine ecosystems provide a set of ser- The Bouregreg watershed (BW) is located in the North-
vices and goods to human societies; some of which, such western part of Morocco, and is sharing most ecologi-
as the supply of drinking water, represent a vital need for cal features with the major watersheds in Northern Africa
humans (Poff & Zimmerman 2010). (Fig. 1). With a total drainage area of 9656km2 , BW is play-
Spatiotemporal changes of river’s flow regimes are gen- ing key ecological and socio-economic roles in the coun-
erally in response to different factors associated to: climate try by securing ecological integrity of the area, providing
variability and/or change, watershed controls (land cover, drinking water for major cities and urban centres within
geology, topography), and human intervention (water col- and around its territory, and hosting different activities
lection infrastructure, water diversion)(Poff et al. 2010, (farming, pastoralism, forestry) (ABHBC 2011). Altitudes in
Richter et al. 1998). Doll and Zhang (2010) proved that cli- BW are diverse and are following a gradient ranging from
mate change will have more significant impacts on river’s 1726m in the mountainous eastern part to the sea level
flow regimes than water regulation effects, especially in ar- in the extreme Western part (Fig. 1) (Bounouira 2007).
eas where intensity of climate change is expected to be Forests, pasture and range lands, and agricultural lands are
high. the three major land use classes in BW with respectively
Being located in one of global climate change hotspots, 24%, 30%, and 28% cover of the total watershed surface. The
Northern Africa is one of the most water-stressed regions rest of the study watershed area is covered by bare lands
worldwide (Bzioui 2005). Climate change has already been (14%), urban centre (3%) and water bodies (1%).
noticed in this region, and most projections are show- The study watershed is considered as a Mediterranean
ing an increasing alteration intensity of the local hydro- climate watershed with the influence of the ocean (in the
logic components in the future; which might lead to dis- extreme west) and the one of Atlas Mountains (in the
charge reduction by more than 20% in some scenarios east)(Khomsi et al. 2013). Under the effect of ocean cur-
(Waha et al. 2017).Under such critical situation, decision rents that are acting as conveyer belts of (mainly) cold
makers are challenged to cope with the growing demand water, the western plateau of BW records average annual
for water and the preservation of freshwater ecosystems rainfall of 400 mm to 500 mm and low temperature am-
(Richter et al. 2011). plitudes (average annual mean temperature of 18°C). The
Birsbane Declaration (2007) defined the environmental highland part in the extreme east, and due to the eleva-
flows as "the quantity, timing and quality of water flows re- tion effect, is usually recording an average annual rain-
quired to sustain freshwater and estuarine ecosystems and fall exceeding 600 mm with occasional snowfall (average
the human livelihoods and well-being that depend on these annual mean temperature of 15°C) (Khomsi et al. 2013,
ecosystems". The environmental flows are generally con- ABHBC 2018).
sidered in policies and plans related to water planning Surface water component is dominating the water bud-
and allocation as a key component for biodiversity pro- get in the study watershed (by 90%); the water potential
tection and human’ water-based activities (Poff & Zimmer- of BW is estimated at 720 Mm3 (Belmatrik 2010). Rivers
man 2010, Quesada-Alvarado et al. 2021). Due to the im- network is formed by four non-perennial streams: Kori-
portance of this component, forecasting its response to fu- fla and Machraa streams, with average daily streamflow
ture climate patterns, with as much details about its spa- of 1.2m3 /s and 0.76m3 /s measured at Ain Loudah and
tial sensitivity as possible, is crucial to build sustainable S.M. Chrif streamgauges respectively; and the two major
water use and preservation strategies. ones, Bouregreg and Grou, with average daily streamflow
In this context, the primary purpose of this study is of 5.24m3 /s and 5.63m3 /s recorded at Aguibat Ziar and Ras
to assess the potential impact of climate change on envi- Fathia streamgauges respectively (ABHBC 2011). The both
ronmental flows during the last fifteen years of this cen- large rivers are taking origin from the Atlas mountains in
tury in a strategic watershed located in North Africa (Mo- the east (Fig. 1). Maximum streamflow is usually recorded
rocco): Bouregreg watershed (BW). By combining a GIS- in winter season, with the lowest streamflow occurring in
based semi-distributed model, meteorological data from summer season (Fig. 2).
two emission scenarios of Coordinated Regional Climate From ecological perspective, the very few investigations
Downscaling Experiment model, and a hydrologic alter- of freshwater ecosystems in the BW revealed high diversity

Y. Brouziyne, S. Belaqziz, L. Benaabidate et al. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 (2022) 155–167

Fig. 1. Location, topography, stream network of BW and the used streamgauges

Fig. 2. Average daily streamflow per month at the four streamgauges (calculated over the period 1985 to 2005)

in macro-invertebrate, fish and non-swimming waterbirds climate change’ related aspects (climate change-induced
species in this watershed (Arifi et al. 2019, El Asri 2006). hydrologic alteration of hydrology)(Mittal et al. 2014,
Arnold et al. 2012, Teklay et al. 2021), SWAT model has
2.2. Models been selected to simulate the hydrology of the BW rivers
2.2.1. Hydrologic Model SWAT model is a conceptual basin scale model de-
In order to simulate the hydrological processes in the veloped to investigate climate scenarios and large vari-
study watershed, we used the semi-distributed model: Soil ety of strategies related to land use, crops management,
and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) (Arnold et al. 1998). and water infrastructure on hydrology, water quality, and
Considering the extensive and the successful use on crops production (Li et al. 2017, Neitsch et al. 2002,
different geo-physical and climatic conditions (in- Arnold et al. 1993). Spatially, and by relying on GIS plat-
cluding in Northern Africa)(Brouziyne et al. 2017, form, SWAT (Called ArcSWAT by some specialists) is di-
Abouabdillah et al. 2014) and over various hydrological and viding the basin into units called Hydrologic Response

Y. Brouziyne, S. Belaqziz, L. Benaabidate et al. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 (2022) 155–167

Units (HRUs); each HRU represents a unique combination tool of ArcGIS software. Then, four monitoring points were
of soil, slope, and land use classes. The different physi- placed in the real locations of the four BW streamgauges
cal processes that are simulated by SWAT are reproduced (Aguibat Ziar, Ras Fathia, Ain Loudah, and S.M.Chrif); (2) A
within each HRU allowing wide possibilities to understand soil map of 1km resolution with its related attributes de-
the spatial distribution of different processes occurring tails provided from the Harmonized World Soil Database
within the watershed at each time step of the simulation (HWSD V1.21)(FAO 2013). Further soil conductivity’ related
(Arnold et al. 1993). parameters were computed using Soil Water Characteris-
To calibrate the hydrologic component of SWAT over tics program (Saxton & Rawls 2006) and (3) Three high
BW, we used SUFI-2 algorithm (Abbaspour et al. 2004) quality Landsat 8 satellite images, downloaded from the
of SWAT Calibration and Uncertainty Procedure(SWAT-CUP) Earth Explorer database of US Geological Survey to cre-
program (Abbaspour et al. 2007). Three statistical indica- ate specific land cover map for BW with 30m resolu-
tors, Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (NSE), the determination co- tion based on supervised classification algorithms. Land-
efficient (R2 ), and Percent Bias (PBIAS) were adopted to sat 8 is using the recently developed sensors: Operational
measure the goodness-of-fit of simulated streamflow com- Imager (OLI) and Thermal InfraRed Sensor (TRIS) for en-
pared to the recorded one at the four streamgauges while hanced scenes acquirement. Atmospheric and geometric
adjusting the most sensitive parameters. corrections of BW’s satellite images were carried out us-
ing image-processing software ERDAS IMAGINE (v. 2015).
2.2.2. Hydrologic alteration calculator In order to develop specific spectral signatures of the major
Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) program was land cover classes in BW, field visits were performed dur-
developed by Richter et al.(1996) of The Nature Conser- ing full vegetation period to collect reference points coor-
vancy. This software is a suite of metrics commonly used dinates of parcels hosting the different land cover classes;
to assess the degree of hydrologic alteration caused by var- signatures assignment in the created land cover map was
ious forms of river regulation, in environmental flow stud- performed then with certainty (Kappa coefficient: 86%).
ies. In this study, IHA was used to compute the potential
alteration of environmental flow components (EFCs) under 2.3.2. Hydro-meteorological dataset
projected climate change impacts. In IHA, the EFCs param- Local climate and water management authority pro-
eters were developed based on their ecological relevance. vided daily temperatures (max & min) and precipitation
They are calculated based on a complex algorithm that series from January 1985 to December 2005 obtained from
parses the relevance of a set of flow conditions (or flow 12 weather stations across BW.
events) to ecological integrity of riverine ecosystems. Daily streamflow datasets, from January 1990 to De-
The flow events that were monitored in our study at cember 2005, at the four streamgauges of BW provided
each stream gauge during the climate change impact inves- by the local climate and water management authority and
tigations are: monthly low flows, high flow pulses, small were used to calibrate and validate SWAT hydrologic mod-
floods, and large floods. They are calculated based on fif- ule.
teen year’s baseline daily streamflow data (Pre-impact)
and the daily streamflow data of the last fifteen years of 2.3.3. Projection dataset
this century (Post-impact). More details about the calcu- As per future climate scenarios, daily climate vari-
lation method are presented in Richter et al.(1996). In this ables (precipitation and max & min temperature) of two
study, the EFCs parameters were analyzed while comparing emissions scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) from the Global
the pre-impact to the post-impact streamflow data at the Climate Model CNRM-CM5 were used to investigate future
four streamgauges of BW. Alteration of EFCs was estimated climate and hydrology. The CNRM-CM5 model is a member
through the calculation of the change in mean values from of the 5th version of the Coupled Model Intercomparison
the pre-impact to the post-impact period as a Deviation Project (CMIP5) (Taylor et al. 2012) and was widely used in
factor (DF)(Richter et al. 1996): climate change studies in north Africa due to its low uncer-
|(Post − impact value) − (Pre − impact value)| tainty over this region (Balaghi 2017, Hadour et al. 2020) .
DF = × 100% The considered future climate variables datasets cover the
(P re − impact value)
period from January 2080 to December 2100.
2.3. Datasets To correct for bias and perform spatial downscaling of
the CNRM-CM5 simulations, 25km resolution data from
SWAT model requires significant amount of input data Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) were used.
to reproduce the different processes within the study wa- The Bias-Corrected Spatial Disaggregation (BCSD) method
tershed. To build the SWAT hydrologic module for BW we (Wood et al. 2004) was selected for this purpose. This
used the following data: method is based on both statistical bias correction as well
as spatial disaggregation to transform bias-corrected future
2.3.1. Spatial dataset model simulations from coarse-scale to fine-scale.
Spatial input dataset were obtained from open source To assess the performance of the climate downscaling
websites: (1) A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with 30m approach, averaged downscaled historical precipitation and
spatial resolution provided from the Shuttle Radar Topog- temperature data from the climate model were compared
raphy Mission (SRTM) database of NASA’s Space Endeav- to averaged observed precipitation and temperature data,
our flight. It was used to delineate BW’s sub basins and to respectively, across the study watershed; Fig. 3 summa-
build the hydrographic network based on the discretization rizes the results. Compared to observations, overall, the

Y. Brouziyne, S. Belaqziz, L. Benaabidate et al. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 (2022) 155–167

Fig. 3. Comparison of observed and downscaled monthly cumulative rainfall and mean temperature averaged for all BW’s stations during the historical
period of 1985-2005, the box plots show the 10, 25, 50, 75, and 90 percentiles of mean temperature and rainfall amounts.

Fig. 4. Flowchart of the Hybrid SWAT-IHA approach

adopted downscaling approach succeeded in capturing the 2005, while dedicating the first five years to warm-up
general trend of monthly temperature as well as the sea- the model. We then obtain simulated daily streamflow
sonal variability of precipitation in BW including during data at the four streamgauges over the period 1990 to
both rainy and dry periods (winter and summer seasons, 2005;
respectively) (Fig. 3). b. The SWAT-CUP program was run to obtain the best
agreement between simulated and observed stream-
2.4. Approach flow data at the four streamgauges. The process is
achieved as soon as the best satisfactory values of the
The adopted hybrid SWAT-IHA approach shown in adopted goodness-of-fit indicators (NSE, PBIAS, and R2)
Fig. 4 can be stated as the following steps: are reached; more details on the calibration and valida-
tion efforts of streamflow module of SWAT on BW are
a. The SWAT model was set up by using input geospa-
presented in Brouziyne et al.(2020);
tial and metrological dataset over the period 1985 to

Y. Brouziyne, S. Belaqziz, L. Benaabidate et al. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 (2022) 155–167

Fig. 5. Simulated and recorded streamflow during calibration and validation (aggregated on monthly time steps) at the stations (a)Aguibat Ziar, (b) Ras
Fathia, (c) S.M. Chrif, and (d) Ain Loudah.

c. The calibrated SWAT model was run using the projected GWQMN (threshold depth of water return in shallow flow
climatic data of the selected two emissions scenarios to occur). All the four parameters were adjusted accord-
(RCP4.5 & RCP8.5) over the period 2080 to 2100, while ingly at the four streamgauges to reach the best reproduc-
dedicating the first five years to warm-up the model. tion of recorded streamflows; more details about the sen-
We then obtain simulated future daily streamflow at sitivity analysis was described in Brouziyne et al.(2020).
the four streamgauges over the period 2085 to 2100, Considering that R2 and NSE coefficient start to indicate
hereinafter referred to as 2090s; acceptable agreement between recorded and simulated
d. The IHA program was used for the calculation of EFCs streamflow at the values 0.5 and 0.36 respectively, wherein
based on the daily observed and simulated future the PBIAS value needs to be ±25% (Moriasi et al. 2007,
streamflow data. In this study, the pre-impact period Van Liew et al. 2003), the daily streamflow calibration
(or Baseline) is corresponding to the 1990-2005 period; and validation results indicated a satisfactory model per-
while the post-impact period is referring to 2085-2100 formance for hydrological processes over all BW streams
period (2090s); (Fig. 5).
e. The EFCs analysis gave the final results of the hybrid Hydrographs of simulated and recorded streamflows at
SWAT-IHA approach. the four gauging stations confirmed the ability of SWAT
model to successfully mimic the recorded flow in overall
3. Results & discussion (Fig. 5). Most of peaks and low flows were in reasonable
agreement with the recorded data along the simulation pe-
3.1. Hydrologic model calibration riods at all the four streamflow gauging stations.
Due to the importance of seasonal variability of flows
Daily streamflow data simulated at the four stream- in the present study, SWAT model performances in rep-
gauges (from 1990 to 2005) were confronted to the resenting (specifically) this variability in the BW were in-
recorded ones while observing the adopted goodness-of-fit vestigated. Streamflow simulation during low flow (sum-
parameters (R2 , NSE, and PBIAS). To perform this task, the mer season) and high flow (winter season) periods, sepa-
calibration and uncertainty program SWAT CUP was used. rately, at the four streamgauges were confronted to their
Four SWAT hydrologic parameters were revealed influenc- respective recorded data during the same periods. Two
ing the hydrologic systems in the four streams, namely: agreement metrics were selected for this investigation: the
CN2 (initial SCS runoff curve number for moisture con- PBIAS and NSE. The table 1 represents the results of this
dition II), SOL_AWC (available water capacity of the soil investigation.
layer), ESCO (soil evaporation compensation factor), and

Y. Brouziyne, S. Belaqziz, L. Benaabidate et al. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 (2022) 155–167

Table 1
Model performance for the high and low flow season at the four streamgauges

Calibration Validation

High flow Low flow High flow Low flow

Aguibat NSE 0.631 0.548 0.473 0.425

Ziar PBIAS 23 16 -18 22
Ras NSE 0.745 0.417 0.534 0.497
Fathia PBIAS 19 -15 16 23
S.M. NSE 0.545 0.505 0.683 0.432
Chrif PBIAS -19 -21 -20 15
Ain NSE 0.681 0.391 0.696 0.407
Loudah PBIAS -18 -23 -11 22

Fig. 6. Comparison of monthly mean temperature distribution in 2090s to baseline

Van Liew et al. (2003) reported that with an absolute der RCP4.5. Under both emission scenarios, the highest in-
value of PBIAS less than 25% and (or) NSE greater than crease is projected during BW’s dry season (from June to
0.36, the performance of the SWAT model can be con- September).
sidered satisfactory, especially under arid/semi-arid con- Concerning precipitation (Fig. 7), projections show
texts and in focused investigation on specific extreme flow that equivalent annual precipitation to the baseline’s one
regimes. Based on NSE and PBIAS values at (almost) all (460mm) is expected under the RCP4.5 (455mm) and
BW’s streamgauges (table 1), the SWAT model performance lesser under the RCP8.5 (307mm). However, the estimated
showed satisfactory compromise under both extreme flow standard deviations of future annual precipitation are 158
regimes in the study watershed despite the intermittent mm and 171 mm under the scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5
feature of the streamflow network. This investigation also respectively, while the baseline’s standard deviation is
helped in examining the risks of inability of the selected 102mm. This suggests a higher fluctuation of precipita-
goodness-of-fit parameters to measure model performance tion on year-to-year basis compared to the baseline situ-
under extreme flow regimes when applied during calibra- ation. The other important change as per 2090 s precipi-
tion over continuous long term hydrological conditions. tation will concern the monthly distribution, as shown in
Therefore, the simulations of BW’s hydrologic systems by the figure 7.
the calibrated SWAT model can be considered with con- The main change in the pattern of BW’s monthly pre-
fidence to investigate future hydrologic alteration in the cipitation during 2090s is the reduction of monthly aver-
study watershed. ages of November to January under both RCPs; this pe-
riod covers the rainy season in baseline. Precipitation in
3.2. Projected climate March and April are expected to exceed the baseline aver-
ages under both scenarios. Similar concentration of precip-
Based on future temperature analysis, and compared to itation in spring season (in comparison to baseline) have
baseline period’ temperatures, BW will experience clear in- been projected in other studies over the Mediterranean re-
crease of mean temperature by the end of the century by gion and confirmed that rainfall events are likely to be
+1.44°C and +2.7°C under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 respectively. rarer but with larger daily amounts during spring sea-
Fig. 6 summarizes the monthly distribution of mean tem- son (Goubanova & Li 2007). The most consistent explana-
perature during 2090s (1985 to 2100) compared to base- tion for this shift was provided by Meehl et al.(2005) as
line. the modification of advective effects associated with
The expected change in monthly temperature over BW changes in atmospheric circulation over some part of the
should follow the same increasing trend across all months Mediterranean region. As per consequence on the hydro-
and it is expected to be higher under RCP8.5 than un- logic process, such shifts in the monthly distribution of

Y. Brouziyne, S. Belaqziz, L. Benaabidate et al. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 (2022) 155–167

Fig. 7. Comparison of monthly precipitation averages distribution in 2090s to baseline

Fig. 8. Comparison of water balance components in baseline and 2090s

precipitation might have significant impacts on the differ- RCP8.5.The dramatic reduction in BW’s TWYD, especially
ent hydrologic regimes in the study watershed as proved under RCP8.5, could be directly linked to the predicted de-
in similar contexts by De Girolamo et al.(2015) and crease of annual precipitation (-33%). The reduction in pre-
Porthoghese et al.(2013). cipitation might be the key factor also behind the pre-
dicted decrease in ET during 2090s compared to base-
3.3. Future water balance line. Nevertheless, actual evapotranspiration will keep be-
ing the predominant component in the water balance at
Once SWAT model is calibrated over baseline situa- the end of the century: respectively 60% and 72% under
tion (more details on SWAT model performance are pre- RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. PET increase in the future, by +6%
sented in Brouziyne et al.(2020)), it was run to simu- (RCP4.5) and +17% (RCP8.5), could be linked to the pre-
late the water balance components in BW under baseline dicted increase of temperature in the study watershed.
and 2090s (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) situations using their re- The identified changes are consistent with the results ob-
spective climate variables. The main water balance com- tained by other studies over similar watersheds in North-
ponents that are simulated by SWAT are: Potential Evapo- ern Africa such as in Merguellil watershed in Tunisia
transpiration (PET), actual Evapotranspiration (ET), Lateral (Abouabdillah et al. 2010) and in R’dom watershed in Mo-
flow (LATQ), surface runoff (SURFQ), and total water yield rocco watershed (Brouziyne et al. 2018).
(TWYD) which represents the total amount of water enter-
ing main channel covering surface runoff, lateral flow, and 3.4. EFCs analysis
groundwater less transmission losses to the aquifer bed.
Fig. 8 shows the comparison between the different water 3.4.1. Flow Duration Curves
balance components during each simulation scenario. Being one of the widely used techniques to character-
Compared to baseline, TWYD reduction during 2090s ize hydrological regime of watersheds, the flow duration
is almost the major development; the reduction is ex- curve (FDC) is computed by IHA program by analysing
pected to be by -7% under RCP4.5 and by -45% under the pre-impact’ streamflow time series and then the

Y. Brouziyne, S. Belaqziz, L. Benaabidate et al. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 (2022) 155–167

Fig. 9. Flow duration curves at the four streamgauges during 2090s (red line) compared to baseline (green line)

post-impact ones through a probabilistic approach; fur- ral variability should be preserved in moderate and high
ther description of the computing method is available at flows.
Richter et al.(1996). Fig. 9 represents annual FDCs analy- Under RCP8.5, flow variability pattern was predicted to
sis for the two 2090 s scenarios compared to the reference be altered under 2090 s climate at all streamgauges. The
FDC of baseline, at the four streamgauges. shift, to left, of flow probability pattern across all flow
Based on FDC analysis, BW’s flows regimes are ex- rates means that the same flow rate will occur less fre-
pected to experience alterations during 2090s. A par- quently than in baseline. This situation will be leading to
tial change of exceedance probability shape of low flows natural variability loss; which is expected to occur severely
was predicted under RCP4.5 in almost all streamgauges at all the four streamgauges levels.
(with less incidence in Machraa and Korifla streams); This flow modification could be explained by the de-
while the change will be general and more severe un- crease of flow assurance due to the previously revealed
der the RCP8.5 (with more impact in the Bouregreg and change in future climate. Across the four streamgauges and
Grou streams, BW’s largest streams). Since the probabil- the two RCPs, the most severe modification of FDC was
ity of lower flow at pre-impact period is supposed to in- predicted at the streamgauges of the two largest streams,
crease under RCP4.5, the observed shift of the shape of with changes of extreme exceedance probability of +38%
2090 s low flow (RCP4.5) to right indicates a potential in- in Bouregreg stream (RCP4.5) and +40% in Grou stream
crease in low flow regimes variability; however the natu- (RCP4.5).

Y. Brouziyne, S. Belaqziz, L. Benaabidate et al. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 (2022) 155–167

Fig. 10. The distribution of deviation factor percentage of monthly low flow mean

Similar modifications of FDCs were simulated in inves- is small. As per the ywo largest streams (Bouregreg and
tigations of future climate change impact on flow regime Grou), gauged by Aguibat Ziar and Ras Fathia, no flows are
in watersheds located in southern Italy (Pumo et al. 2016). generally recorded during July and August and no change
The studied watersheds are similar to BW in terms of ma- was predicted during 2090s. The most significant negative
jor physical and hydro-climatic characteristics; and will ex- deviations have been estimated again at Agibat Ziar and
perience changes of climate patterns equivalently to BW. Ras Fathia streamgauges.
The authors reported that the FCDs will be downshifted
under the future climate change scenarios but with un- 3.4.3. High flows
even rates across the sub-watersheds (Pumo et al. 2016). IHA program computes high flow (pulses) events as any
The main interpretation is the variability in terms of lo- rise of water level (after a rainstorm) that does not exceed
cal micro-climate, topography, as well as the dimensions of the river channel banks (Richter et al. 1996). Fig. 11 repre-
the tributaries; which can be applicable on BW situation sents the deviations in post-impact’s high flow characteris-
also to understand the variable response of FDCs within tics against the ones in baseline situation.
the streamflow network. Across both RCPs, all high flow characteristics will be
altered in 2090s but the most significant deviation is rela-
3.4.2. Monthly low flows tive to the timing. The positive deviation in timing of high
Due to its importance to the ecosystems, the mon- flows means that their occurrence is expected to be later
itoring of low flow parameter (especially at monthly across the year’s Julian days than in baseline. In overall,
wise) provides useful indication about the river health and except the duration and peak in some streamgauges
(Institute of Hydrology 1980). Indeed, some of the key (RCP4.5), a general reduction of fall and rise rate, and fre-
roles of monthly low flows include: providing adequate quency was predicted under both emissions scenarios.
habitat for aquatic organisms, maintaining suitable tem- The predicted alteration to high flows in BW are sup-
peratures and dissolved oxygen, and maintaining water posed to influence some balances of the riverine ecosys-
table levels in floodplain, and soil moisture for plants tems as this environmental flow component helps in shap-
(Arnell 2003, Gibson et al. 2005). Fig. 10 summarize devi- ing the physical pattern of the river channel, maintaining
ation factor percentages of monthly low flow mean under salinity levels in estuaries, and restore normal water qual-
RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. ity level after low flow period (Martin et al. 2019).
In overall, there will be a reduction of mean low flows
in 2090s compared to baseline at the four streamgauges. 3.4.4. Floods
Most of BW’s streams will experience a decrease in low Both small and large flood are important for the river-
flow means, especially under the RCP8.5, except in July and ine and terrestrial ecosystems as they contribute in pro-
August (also in June under RCP4.5) where an increase has viding recharge opportunity for the floodplain’s water ta-
been predicted at Ain Loudah and S.M.Chrif gauges. ble, depositing nutrients on floodplain, providing migration
In the Merguellil watershed, a typical Mediterranean and new feeding opportunities for fish (Lynch et al. 2019).
watershed extending over an area of 1200 km2 in Tunisia, Small floods are defined by IHA as "river rises that over-
Abouabdillah et al.(2010) have found equivalent results af- top the main channel but does include more extreme floods"
ter combining SWAT model and IHA program to under- (Richter et al. 1996). As presented in Fig. 12, the main pre-
stand the response of flow regime to climate change in dicted alterations of this component of environmental flow
this watershed. Under most of climate change scenarios under RCP4.5 are: the very significant positive deviation of
where temperatures will increase and rainfall to decrease, the duration (more than 300%), and the relative reduction
monthly flows in Merguellil are expected to decrease ex- in almost all the other characteristics (including frequency)
pect in july and august (under some scenarios) where pos- in all BW’s streams. As per RCP8.5, the major changes are
itive deviations have been computed. about the increase of the duration (Korifla and Bouregreg
The computed high positive deviations for July and Au- streams), the extending of the timing, and the reduction of
gust can be explained by the very low values of base- the frequency in all streams.
line flows during these months at Loudah and S.M.Chrif Concerning the large floods characteristics (Fig. 13), the
gauges which amplified the deviation even if the change main changes during 2090s under RCP4.5 are the very

Y. Brouziyne, S. Belaqziz, L. Benaabidate et al. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 (2022) 155–167

Fig. 11. Deviation factor percentages of predicted high flows characteristics

Fig. 12. Deviation factor percentages of predicted small floods characteristics

Fig. 13. Deviation factor percentages of predicted large floods characteristics

Y. Brouziyne, S. Belaqziz, L. Benaabidate et al. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 (2022) 155–167

significant deviation of the duration in Machraa stream This study confirmed the ability of the proposed ap-
(gauged by S.M.chrif), the increase in fall and rise rates proach, hybrid SWAT-IHA, in revealing the future response
in Korifla stream (gauged by Ain Loudah), and the in- of BW’s stream network toward the 21st century climate,
crease in the frequency by 100% in both Machraa and Ko- and might be used to address the climate change-induced
rifla streams. The two key alterations of large floods under modification of the environmental flows in similar water-
RCP8.5 are about the increase in Rise rate (Korifla stream) sheds in North Africa.
and the increase in the duration in Machraa stream.
Similar flood modifications were projected by Declaration of Competing Interest
Sellami et al. (2016) in Chiba and Thau basins in north-
eastern Tunisia and South of France, respectively, by 2071. The authors declare that they have no known compet-
The authors proved that the timing, magnitude, and fre- ing financial interest of personal relationships that have
quencies of (small and large) floods are supposed to be appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
altered at the both basins under the effects of changing
climate. In the same investigation, the flow regime in the
Chiba basin has been revealed more vulnerable to climate
change-induced alteration than the Thau basin since the
This research has not received any specific grant from
modification of floods parameters will be larger in the
funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-
Tunisian basin.
profit sectors.

4. Conclusion Acknowledgments

The overall objective of this study was to assess fu- The authors would like to thank the anonymous re-
ture climate change-induced modifications of environmen- viewers for taking time and effort in reviewing the
tal flow component at BW. Like in most of the major North manuscript. The authors sincerely appreciate the insight-
African watersheds, BW’s climate is expected to change by ful comments and suggestions provided by the reviewers
the end of the current century. Temperature wise, +1.44°C which helped in improving the manuscript.
and +2.7°C increase in mean temperature are projected
by the used GCM over BW under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 re- References
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