IGCSE Bio 16 (D) - Sexual Reproduction in Humans

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An embryo develops into a fetus. Outline the processes of labour and birth.

The muscles in the uterus wall contract. Moreover, amniotic fluid is broken and amniotic fluid is
released. Dilation of the cervix occurs and passage through the vagina is created. Once a child
is delivered, the umbilical cord is tied and cut. Finally, the placenta is delivered.

<menstrual cycle>

1. FSH is secreted by the pituitary gland

2. follicles start to develop in an ovary. As the egg develops inside the follicle, the follicle
produces oestrogen
3. oestrogen is secreted by the pituitary gland
4. oestrogen stimulates growth and repair of the uterus lining
5. oestrogen inhibits secretion of FSH
6. when oestrogen rises to a high enough level it causes a surge in LH from the pituitary
7. ovulation occurs(egg is released from the follicle)
8. follicle becomes the corpus luteum and this produces oestrogen and progesterone which
inhibit FSH and LH production by the pituitary. (negative feedback)
9. progesterone maintains the uterus lining.
10. if the egg has not been fertilised, the corpus luteum dies and progesterone levels drop. This
causes menstruation, where the uterus lining breaks down.

*If a woman becomes pregnant, the placenta produces progesterone. This maintains the uterus

Describe the exchanges that occurs across the placenta to keep the fetus alive and well
oxygen and nutrients such as glucose and amino acids from maternal to fetal
urea and carbon dioxide from fetal to maternal
water and hormones in both direction
amino acids transported via active transport

(b) The placenta secretes the hormones oestrogen and progestrone. Describe the roles
of these hormones during pregnancy
develops lining of uterus
pervent shedding of lining
inhibit release of FSH by pituitary fland
prevent egg cells(follicles) developing in ovary
promote development of mammary glands

(b) Descirbe how human male gametes differ from female gametes
male gametes have flagellum and acrosome
and have no food store
and has less cytoplasm
and are produced in larger numbers
it contains X or Y

(c) Describe how fertility drugs help women to become pregnant.

Fertility drugs may contain FSH/LH
it is injected or taken by the women during early stage of menstrual cycle. (It stimulates release
of FSH and LH.)
FSH stimulates follicles to develop and LH stimulates ovulation. More eggs are released.

(c) Describe how artificial insemination is carried out

collect sperm from male and inject into uterus when egg is likely to be in oviduct

(b) how structure of an egg cell differs from a sperm cell
no flagellum and acrosome
it has food store and more cytoplasm

(c) explain why it is important that meiosis occurs during the production of gametes
meiosis halves the number of chromosomes to produce haploid cells so number of
chromosomes does not double each generation. And it also gives variation.

(d) causes of infertility?

man - inability to produce sperm, sperm cannot swim, blockage of epididymis, result of STD
woman - low concentration of FSH, follicles do not develop so cannot ovulate, blocked oviduct,

treatments for inferility

1. artificial insemination/IVF

2. fertility drugs

In artificial insemination,
(e) explain why the sperm must be placed in the uterus near the time of ovualtion
to increase chances of fertilisation, fertilisation occurs in the oviduct
as sperm can only survive for a few days in oviduct while it takes 1-2 days for sperm to reach
egg, it should be placed in the uterus near the time of ovulation.

(f) explain why it is important that progesterone is secreted after ovulation

to maintain lining of uterus for implantation to prevent loss of embryo. Progesterone also inhibits
secretion of FSH/LH to ensure that there is no development of more follicles.

(g) suggest how the success rate of AI is calulated

number of women who become pregnant out of all women who have AI as a percentage
(f) explain the advantages of having seeds that are dispersed over a wide area
spread to new areas where might be able to grow better with better conditions, less competition,
less chance of disease.might allow breeding with wider variety of plants

A ovary
B pollen tube
C zygote
D radicle
E cotyledon

explain what is meant by the term ovulation

release of egg cell from follicle/ovary into oviduct

describe what happens when an egg is fertilised by a sperm

sperm cell digests jelly coat of egg cell and way through using enzymes from acrosome. Whole
sperm cell enters egg. Gametes(sperm and egg) which is haploid fuse to form a zygote which is
diploid. Egg membrane changes so that no other spem can enter.

(b) Describe how the structures named in the Figure provide the following needs of the
amniotic fluid and uterus provides protection against mechanical damage and provide sterile
environment. Backbone provides protection against jolts. Placenta provides a barrier to
pathogens and prevents mixing of blood between fetus and mother.
Constant temperature
blood flow to the uterus brings heat from elsewhere in mother's body and removes heat from
amniotic fluid to provide constant temperature. amniotic fluid and uterus acts as insulator and
reduce heat loss or gain.
nutrients are transported from mother to fetus across placenta via diffusion or active transport.
Diffusion/active transport occurs between mother;s blood and fetal blood.
excretion of metabolic waste
Diffusion of urea and carbon diocide occurs across placenta from fetal blood to mother's blood.

Umbilical cord transports nutrients and excretory products.

(c) Describe what happens after fertilisation until the time that the embryo secretes hCG
after an embryo implants in the uterus.
Zygote divides via mitosis to form an embryo, which is a ball of cells. It goes towards uterus
from oviduct by peristalysis. It implants into lining of uterus and placenta grows. Follicle
becomes corpus luteum. Corpus luteum and placenta release progesterone that maintains lining
of uterus, preventing menstruation. Progesterone also inhibits FSH secretion to prevent
production of follicles/more eggs.

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