Mock Paper 2024

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General Instructions
1. The test is of 3 hours dura on.

2. The ques on paper consists of 3 Parts (Part I: Physics, Part II: Chemistry, Part III: Mathema cs). Each Part
has two sec ons (Sec on 1 & Sec on 2).

3. Sec on 1 contains 20 Mul ple Choice Ques ons. Each ques on has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
which ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.

4. Sec on 2 contains 5 Numerical Value Type Ques ons. The answer to each ques on is a NUMERICAL
VALUE. For each ques on, enter the correct numerical value of the answer. If the answer is a decimal
numerical value, then round-off the value to TWO decimal places. If the answer is an Integer value, then do
not add zero in the decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the  sign for posi ve values. However, for
nega ve values, Θ sign should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08)

5. No candidate is allowed to carry any textual material, printed or wri en, bits of papers, pager, mobile
phone, any electronic device, etc. inside the examina on room/hall.

6. Rough work is to be done on the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only.

7. On comple on of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator on duty in the
Room/Hall. However, the candidates are allowed to take away this Test Booklet with them.

8. Do not fold or make any stray mark on the Answer Sheet (OMR).

Marking Scheme
1. Sec on – 1: +4 for correct answer, –1 (nega ve marking) for incorrect answer, 0 for all other cases.

2. Sec on – 2: +4 for correct answer, 0 for all other cases. There is no nega ve marking.

Name of the Candidate (In CAPITALS) :

Roll Number :

OMR Bar Code Number :

Candidate's Signature : Invigilator's Signature
Vidyamandir Classes: Innova ng For Your Success


This sec on contains 20 Mul ple Choice Ques ons. Each ques on has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.

1. Two spherical conductors A and B having equal radii and carrying equal magnitude of charges in them
attract each other with a force F when kept apart at some distance. A third spherical conductor having
same radius as that of A but uncharged, is brought in contact with A, then brought in contact with B and
finally removed away from both. The new force of attraction between A and B is: {distance between A
and B is much more than their radius}

(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these

2. A thin spherical shell of radius R and charge Q spread uniformly
over its surface is as shown in the figure. What is the ratio of
potential at point A to the magnitude of Electric field at point B?

(A) (B) (C) 9R (D)

3. The potential of the Electric field at any point (x, y, z) is given by , where x, y, z are in metres
and V is in volts. The intensity of the electric field at (–3, 2, 0) is:
(A) 108 V/m in the positive x direction (B) 108 V/m in the negative x direction
(C) 243 V/m in the negative x direction (D) 243 V/m in the positive x direction

4. Two concentric rings of same radius R and uniformly charged

with charge Q each are arranged perpendicularly as shown in the figure.
What is the potential at the centre of the rings?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
5. How many excess electrons are there in a body having –3C charge?

(A) electrons (B) 3 electrons

(C) 1018 electrons (D) electrons

6. A point dipole of is kept at origin. The potential due to this dipole on the y axis at distance d is:
(Take V = 0 at infinity)

(A) (B) (C) Zero (D)

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7. Two spherical conductors of radii r and 3r are kept at a large distance from each other. They contain
charges 2q and –q respectively. If they are connected with a wire, which of the following observations is

(A) Charge flows from Body 1 to Body 2

(B) Charge flows from Body 2 to Body 1

(C) Charge flows from Body 2 to Body 1

(D) No charge flows through the wire

8. An electric field of 100N/C is applied to an electric dipole at an angle of 60°. The value of electric dipole

moment is . What is the potential energy of the electric dipole?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

9. Which of the following statement is true?

(A) Electric potential decreases in the direction of electric field
(B) Electric field lines end at positive charge
(C) Force on charge is always in the direction of electric field
(D) Electric field lines intersect near the charges
10. Which of the following correctly represents the Electric Field for the following charges?

(A) Only I and II (B) Only I (C) Only II (D) All I, II and III
11. A thin uniformly charged ring of radius R is kept fixed in the y-z plane with
centre at origin as shown in figure. If a charge –q of mass m is left from
coordinate (x, 0, 0), which of the following statements is correct? {R >>>>x}
(A) Charge –q will cross the origin and reach on negative x side

(B) Charge –q will do SHM with time period proportional to

(C) Charge –q will do SHM with time period proportional to

(D) Charge –q will never reach coordinate (0, 0, 0)

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12. A thin quarter ring of radius 2R has a positive charge distributed uniformly over it. The net field E at
centre O is:

(A) – (B) –

(C) (D)
13. In an uniformly non conducting sphere of total charge Q and radius R, potential V is plotted as function
of distance from the centre. The corresponding graph will be:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

14. A charged particle q of mass m is shot towards origin with a

speed v from a very large distance as shown in the figure. Two
charges Q each are fixed at y = a and y = –a respectively. Find
the minimum velocity v which should be given to q such that it
crosses origin?

(A) (B) (C) (D) None of the above

15. A thin spherical conducting shell of radius R has a charge q. Another charge q/2 is placed at the centre of
the shell. The electrostatic potential at a distance R/3 from the centre of the shell is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

16. An electric dipole is formed by two equal and opposite charges of magnitude q with separation d. They
are kept in a uniform Electric field. What is the magnitude of force on the dipole if dipole moment makes
an angle of 30° with Electric field?

(A) (B) qdE (C) 2qE (D) Zero

17. A cylindrical box of length 1m and area of cross-section is placed in a three dimensional

coordinate system as shown in the figure. The electric field in the region is given by where E
is in and x is in metres. Find the net flux through the cylinder.

(A) 0 (B) 0 (C) 0 (D) Zero

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18. Assume that an Electric Field exists in space. Then, the potential difference , where
is the potential at the origin and is the potential at y = 1m is:
(A) 5V (B) 20V (C) (D)
19. Two fixed large insulating plates uniformly charged are
kept at a small distance as shown in the figure. What is
the ratio of electric field intensity at point A to that of
point B?

(B) 3
(C) 6


20. Two charges apply a force F on each other when they are kept in vacuum at a distance of d. If they are
kept in a medium of dielectric 3 at a distance of 2d, how much force will they feel?

(A) (B) (C) (D) 12F


This Sec on contains 5 Numerical Value Type Ques ons. The answer to each ques on is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
For each ques on, enter the correct numerical value of the answer. If the answer is a decimal numerical value,
then round-off the value to TWO decimal places. If the answer is an Integer value, then do not add zero in the
decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the  sign for posi ve values. However, for nega ve values, Θ sign
should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08)

21. Four charges are placed at x and y axes as shown in the figure.

The force on the charge kept at origin is . Find n.

22. Let be the charge distribution for a solid sphere of radius R, where r is the distance from the
centre. The magnitude of Electric field at a point which is at the distance of 3R from the centre of the

sphere is . Find n.
23. A charge q is kept at the centre of three thin concentric spherical conducting shells of radius and
3R respectively as shown in the figure. Find the ratio of charge density of Outer surface of innermost
shell to Outer surface of outermost shell.

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24. A charge q is kept at the vertex F of a cube as shown in the figure. Let flux passing through surface
ABGF, BCHG and HCDE be respectively.

Find .
25. On moving a charge of 15C by 3m, 30J of work is done, then the potential difference between the points
is nV. Find | 4n |. {| | is the modulus function}


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1. Elevation of boiling point of 1 molar aqueous glucose solution (Molecular weight of glucose = 180)
(density = 1.2 g/ml) is:
(A) Kb (B) 1.20 Kb (C) 1.02 Kb (D) 0.98 Kb

2. What will be the molecular weight of determined in its aq. solution experimentally from
depression of freezing point?
(A) 111 (B) <111 (C) >111 (D) Data insufficient

3. A liquid mixture having composition corresponding to point z in the figure shown is subjected to
distillation at constant pressure. Which of the following statement is correct about the process? (here x
represents mole fraction in liquid phase and y represents mole fraction in vapour phase)

(A) The composition of distillate differs from the mixture

(B) The boiling point goes on changing
(C) The mixture has highest vapour pressure than for any other composition
(D) It represent azeotropic composition and it will not change on distillation at constant pressure

4. For an ideal binary liquid solution with which relation between (mole fraction of A in
liquid phase) and (mole fraction of A in vapour phase) is correct?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

5. A very dilute saturated solution of a sparingly soluble salt has a vapour pressure of 20 mm of Hg at
temperature T, while pure water exerts a pressure of 20.0108 mm Hg at the same temperature. Calculate
the solubility product constant of at the same temperature.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

6. The freezing point depression of a 0.10 M solution of formic acid is –0.2046°C. What is the equilibrium
constant for the reaction at 298 K?

(Given: Molarity = molality)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

7. The solubility of common salt is 36.0 gm in 100 gm of water at 20°C. If systems I, II and III contain
20.0, 18.0 and 15.0 g of the salt added to 50.0 gm of water in each case, the vapour pressures would be in
the order.
(A) I < II < III (B) I > II > III (C) I = II > III (D) I = II < III
8. The following graph represents variation of boiling point with composition of liquid and vapours of
binary liquid mixture. The graph is plotted at constant pressure.

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Which of the following statement(s) is incorrect? Here X &Y stands for mole fraction in liquid and
vapour phase respectively.

(A) (B)
(C) (D)

9. How many grams of sucrose (mol. Wt. = 342) should be dissolved in 100 gm water in order to produce a
solution with 105°C difference between the freezing point & boiling point temperatures? (Use

(A) 34 gm (B) 46 gm (C) 72 gm (D) 342 gm

10. For a liquid normal boiling point is –173°C then at 2 atm pressure it’s boiling point should be nearly
Hvap. = 200 cal/mole, R = 2 cal/mol-K, ln 2 = 0.7)
(A) –73°C (B) 333°C (C) 60°C (D) 103°C

11. Which of the following is incorrect for a non-ideal solution of liquids A and B, showing negative
(A) (B) (C) (D)

12. A cylinder fitted with a movable piston contains liquid water in equilibrium with water vapour at 25°C.
Which of the following operation results in a decrease in the equilibrium vapour pressure at 25°C?
(A) Moving the piston downward a short distance
(B) Removing a small amount of vapour
(C) Removing a small amount of liquid water
(D) Dissolving some salt in the water.

13. Insulin is dissolved in a suitable solvent & the osmotic pressure (p in atm) of solutions of various
concentration ‘C’ in gm/cc is measured at 27°C. The slope of the plot p against ‘C’ is found to be
. The molecular weight of insulin is:
(A) (B) (C) (D)

14. In diamond, carbon atom occupy FCC lattice points as well as alternate tetrahedral voids. If edge length
of the unit cell is 356 pm, then radius of carbon atom is:
(A) 77.07 pm (B) 154.14 pm (C) 251.7 pm (D) 89 pm

15. pm and pm in NaCl (rock salt) structure. What is the shortest distance between
(A) 778.3 pm (B) 276 pm (C) 195.7 pm (D) 390.3 pm

16. Which of the following will show Schottky defect:

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(A) (B) (C) (D) CsCl

17. In FCC unit cell, what fraction of edge is not covered by atoms?
(A) 0.134 (B) 0.293 (C) 0.26 (D) 0.32

18. In a hypothetical solid ‘C’ atoms are found to form cubical close packed lattice. 'A' atoms occupy all
tetrahedral voids & 'B' atoms occupy all octahedral voids. 'A' and 'B' atoms are of appropriate size i.e.,
there is no distortion in ccp lattice of C atoms. Now if a plane as shown in the following figure is cut,
then the cross section of this plane will look like.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

19. A solid element (monoatomic) exist as cubic crystal. If its atomic radius is 1.0 and the ratio of packing

fraction and density is 0.1 /gm, then the atomic mass of the element is
(A) (B) (C) (D)

20. Packing fraction in 2-D hexagonal arrangement is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)


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This Sec on contains 5 Numerical Value Type Ques ons. The answer to each ques on is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
For each ques on, enter the correct numerical value of the answer. If the answer is a decimal numerical value,
then round-off the value to TWO decimal places. If the answer is an Integer value, then do not add zero in the
decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the  sign for posi ve values. However, for nega ve values, Θ sign
should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08)

21. A non-stoichiometric compound consist of iron in both and form and sulphur is present
as sulphide ions. Calculate cation vacancies as a percentage of initially present in the sample.

[Express your answer as & fill x in the OMR sheet]

22. An element X (Atomic mass = 125 g/mole) crystallises in simple cubic structure. If diameter of the
largest atom which can be placed without disturbing unit cell is 366 pm. Find the density of pure element

X in . [Given: ] [Fill your answer by multiplying it with 300.]

23. If of an aqueous solution containing 0.73 g of a protein A is isotonic with one litre of another
aqueous solution containing 1.65 g of a protein B, at 298 K, the ratio of the molecular masses of A and B
is ______ (to the nearest integer).

24. The vapour pressure of an aqueous solution is found to be 750 torr at certain temperature ‘T’. If ‘T’ is the
temperature at which pure water boils under atmospheric pressure and same solution show elevation in

boiling point find the atmospheric pressure in torr

25. At 300K, the vapour pressure of an ideal solution containing 3mole of A and 2 mole of B is 600 torr. At
the same temperature, if 1.5 mole of A & 0.5 mole of C (non-volatile) are added to this solution the

vapour pressure of solution increases by 30 torr. What is the value of in torr ?


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This sec on contains 20 Mul ple Choice Ques ons. Each ques on has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.

1. The domain of the function where denotes greatest integer function :

(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. Let and for then

is :

(A) (B) (C) (D)

3. If then range of is given by :

(A) (B) (C) (D) (–2, 1)

4. The number of integral values of in the domain of function defined as

is :
(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8

5. Let then is :

(A) (B) (C) (D)

6. Which of the following is periodic with fundamental period ?

(A) where [.] denotes G.I.F.

(C) where {.} denotes fractional part function

7. Let then which among the followings is not true.

(A) (B)

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(C) (D)

8. Let be a function defined as , where and . Then


(A) Invertible and (B) Not invertible

(C) Invertible and (D) Invertible and

9. Let . If , then x is equal to:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

10. Domain of the function , is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)
11. If f (x)=ax+ b and g( x )=cx +d, then f (g( x))=g( f ( x )) is equivalent to
(A) f (a)=g(c) (B) f (b)=g(b) (C) f ( d )= g ( b ) (D) f (c)=g(a)
−1 ( ¿3−x)
12. The domain of the function f (x)=sin ¿ is
ln(¿∨x∨−2) ¿
(A) [2, 4] (B) (2, 3)  (3, 4] (C) [2,∞ ) (D) (−∞, −3)∪[2, ∞)
13. The range of f (x)=sec ( 4 )
cos2 x ,−∞ <x< ∞ is

(A) [ 1, √ 2 ] (B) ¿
(C) [−√ 2 , −1 ] ∪ [ 1 , √ 2 ] (D) ¿∪ ¿
1 2
14. If g ( x )= x 2+ x −2 and gof ( x)=2 x −5 x +2, then f ( x ) is
(A) 2 x−3 (B) 2 x+3 (C) 2 x 2+3 x +1 (D) 2 x 2−3 x −1
15. If f (x)= , x ≠−1. Then, for what value of α is f (f (x))=x
x +1
(A) √2 (B) −√ 2 (C) 1 (D) –1
16. Let f :(2,3)→(0,1) be defined by f (x)=x −[ x ] then f −1 ( x) equals
(A) x−2 (B) x +1 (C) x−1 (D) x +2

17. The value of is

(A) (B) (C) (D)

18. If then is equal to

(A) (B) (C) (D)

19. The value of the expression is equal to

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(A) (B) (C) (D) 0

20. If the equation has atleast one real solution, where

then one possible value of (a + b) can be equal to

(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these

This Sec on contains 5 Numerical Value Type Ques ons. The answer to each ques on is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
For each ques on, enter the correct numerical value of the answer. If the answer is a decimal numerical value,
then round-off the value to TWO decimal places. If the answer is an Integer value, then do not add zero in the
decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the  sign for posi ve values. However, for nega ve values, Θ sign
should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08)

1. If is an even periodic function with period 10. In [0, 5],

then is :

2. Let be a periodic function such that: then

3. The number of values of which sa sfies the system of equa ons


4. Number of solu ons of is equal to

5. The total number of solu ons(s) of the equa on in is/are equal to

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