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QUIZ 1: INTRODUCTION TO DEVELOPMENTAL 5. Gina's eyesight is getting worse.

It makes her think

PSYCHOLOGY about how she's getting older, which makes her think
that she doesn't have very long left to live. Her thoughts
about aging and dying to make her feel depressed and
1. One of the three (3) broad domains in Human make her want to withdraw from others. The
development refers to the growth of the body organs underlined statement falls under which of the
and the functioning of physiological systems. following?
Physical Development Physical Development domain
Cognitive Development Cognitive Development domain
Psychosocial Development Psychosocial Development domain
None of the choices None of the choices

2. An argument in a developmental perspective that 6. Eye color and skin pigmentation that are present at
poses an idea that development is mostly affected by an birth and determined by inherited genes are concepts
individual's biological inheritance or environmental that falls under which of the following choices?
Nature vs nurture issue
Nature vs nurture issue
Continuity vs discontinuity issue
Continuity vs discontinuity issue
Stability and change issue
Stability and change issue
Early vs later experience issue
Early vs later experience issue

7. One of the three (3) broad domains in Human

3. Gina's eyesight is getting worse. It makes her think development referring to personal and interpersonal
about how she's getting older, which makes her think aspects of development such as emotions and
that she doesn't have very long left to live. Her thoughts personality traits.
about aging and dying make her feel depressed and
make her want to withdraw from others. The Physical Development
underlined statement falls under to which of the
following? Cognitive Development
Psychosocial Development
Physical Development domain
Cognitive Development domain None of the choices

Psychosocial Development domain

None of the choices 8. A characteristic of life span development that talks
about no age periods dominates development, rather,
people continue to develop throughout their lives.
4. Which of the following developmental change falls Development is Lifelong
under the physical development domain?
Development is Multidimensional
Development is Plastic
Development is Multidirectional
9. A characteristic of life span development that talks 13. As a toddler, Timmy doesn't really understand
about change happening across many different aspects what's going on when his parents argue or when he
of human life (Biological, Cognitive, Socioemotional) sees someone cry. And even if he does understand, he
and how these three interact with each other. doesn't know what to do. But as he gets older, his
ability to understand and navigate complex social
Three broad domains of lifespan development situations will grow. The situation is an example of
Development is Multidimensional which of the following?

Development is Multidirectional Development is plastic

Development is Plastic Development is multidimensional

Development is multidirectional

10. Which of the following is true about the Development is Life-long

Development is Lifelong characteristic?
Development occurs throughout a lifetime. 14. One of the three (3) broad domains in Human
Development happens across different aspects of life. development refers to changes in perception, language,
learning, memory, and problem-solving.
Different components of development can grow and
shrink during different points in a person’s Physical Development
development. Cognitive Development
Elements of development are heavily focused on the Psychosocial Development
potential and its limits.
None of the choices

11. "Physical stamina gradually decreases with age, but

accumulated knowledge and wisdom tends to gradually 15. This context of development tells us that biological
increase" is an example of which characteristic of the and environmental factors have a strong correlation
developmental process? with chronological age, such as puberty or menopause.
Development is plastic Normative age-graded influences
Development is multidimensional Normative history-graded influences
Development is multidirectional Non-normative influences
Development is Life-long Three broad domains of development

12. Language and having a regional accent are the best 16. This context of development is unpredictable and
examples that can be seen in which of the following not tied to a certain developmental time of a person
concepts hence, the unique experiences of an individual play an
important role.
Nature vs nurture issue
Normative age-graded influences
Continuity vs discontinuity issue
Normative history-graded influences
Stability and change issue
Non-normative influences
Early vs later experience issue
Three broad domains of development
17. Which of the following is true about the 21. In this period of development, psychological
Development is Lifelong characteristic? activities such as language, sensorimotor coordination
and symbolic thought are being utilized the most.
Development occurs throughout lifetime.
Prenatal period
Development happens across different aspects of life.
Different components of development can grow and
shrink during different points in a person’s Early childhood
Middle childhood
Elements of development is heavily focus on the
potentials and its limits.
22. At the age of 13, Lisa experiences odd changes in
her body. She started to have her monthly
18. All choices serve as contemporary concern of menstruation and it feels overwhelming for her.
development, except? Because of this, she started to become conscious about
everything, from her thoughts, words, actions, and body
Health and Wellbeing even in front of her close friends. Speaking of which, her
Socioeconomic status relationship with her friends is also affected negatively.
Every time she has her monthly period, she isolates
Ethnicity herself and withdraws herself from others. Which of the
None of the choices following lifespan characteristics bestdescribese the
situation of Lisa?
Development is plastic
19. This characteristic of development refers to the
brain and its remarkable ability to change with Development is multidimensional
experience through the lifespan. Development is multidirectional
Development is plastic Development is Multidisciplinary
Development is multidimensional
Development is multidirectional 23. This context of development associated with a
Development is Multidisciplinary specific time period that defines the broader
environmental and cultural context.
Normative age-graded influences
20. A 75-year-old man might aim not to improve his
memory or his golf swing but to maintain his Normative history-graded influences
independence and his ability to play golf at all. Which of Non-normative influences
the following life span characteristics is appropriate to
describe the statement? Three broad domains of development

Development is plastic
Development involves maintenance and regulation 24. It is the transition from childhood to adulthood.

Development is multidirectional Puberty

Development is Multidisciplinary Adolescence

None of the choices
25. children go from only being able to think in very 29. A developmental issue that argues whether we
literal terms to being able to think abstractly. The become older versions of our early experiences or we
statement is an example of which of the following develop into someone different from who we were at
choices? an earlier point in development.
Nature vs nurture issue Nature vs nurture issue
Continuity vs discontinuity issue Continuity vs discontinuity issue
Stability and change issue Stability and change issue
Early vs later experience issue Early vs later experience issue

26. Someone who used to be a very timid child may 30. A child learns to crawl, and then to stand, and then
grow to be a person who is comfortable with taking to walk. The statement is the best example of?
risks. The statement is the best example of?
Nature vs nurture issue
Nature vs nurture issue
Continuity vs discontinuity issue
Continuity vs discontinuity issue
Stability and change issue
Stability and change issue
Early vs later experience issue
Early vs later experience issue

27. Events like Great Depression, WWII, COVID19

pandemic, technological advantage, and the likes can
influence the development and identity of the people
who experiences the mentioned examples. Which of
the following choice is appropriate to describe the
Normative history-graded influences
Normative age-graded influence
Development is contextual
Non-normative influence

28. A developmental issue that argues about the extent

to which development involves gradual and cumulative
change or distinct change.
Nature vs nurture issue
Continuity vs discontinuity issue
Stability and change issue
Early vs later experience issue
QUIZ 2: THEORIES OF DEVELOPMENT 5. Which is an example of a situation in which the
autonomy versus shame and doubt stage reigns?
1. In Erikson's psychosocial theory, resolutions to
developmental crisis depend on the interaction a. A highschooler trying out new fashions and
between the individual and: hairstyles
b. A preschooler insisting on picking out her own
a. Its ecosystem clothes, no matter how mismatched they are
b. Its social environment c. An elementary student completing a
c. Its community challenging math assignment
d. Himself/herself d. A toddler as plain as watching Everything
Everywhere all at Once
Freud was adopted and is genetically predisposed 6. In Erikson's Psychosocial Stage Theory, he says that
toward alcoholism. However, his adoptive family does each developmental stage of life consists of a crisis that
not drink; they actively avoid alcohol for religious must be overcome. How many stages does he outline in
reasons. Given Freud's genetic potential according to this theory?
Erik Erikson's psychosocial development theory, a. 4 stages
Freud/Freud's b. 8 stages
a. will most certainly become an alcoholic later in c. 6 stages
life. d. 10 stages
b. may drink without worry as an adult because
of his early upbringing. 7. What do people face during each psychosocial stage
c. alcoholism might not appear in his phenotype. that can serve as a turning point in development?
d. alcoholism may alter his genotype.
a. Turmoil
b. Conflict
3. According to Freud, who is most likely to be in the c. Epiphany
genital stage? d. Disaster
a. A 6-month-old girl
b. A 16-year-old boy 8. According to the psychosocial theory of
c. A 7-year-old girl development, If a child struggles to do well in school,
d. A 1-year-old boy what problem might emerge?
a. Develop a poor self-identity
4. Piaget suggested that children progress through b. Struggle with feelings of inferiority
several distinct developmental stages. The order of c. Begin to mistrust the people around him
these stages is: d. Recognize that the society, indeed, as bare as it
a. sensori-motor, pre-operational, formal is, should adjust to fit its needs
operational, concrete operational
b. sensori-motor, pre-operational, concrete 9. According to one of our specifically discussed
operational, formal operational theories, this is the stage that occurs between birth and
c. sensori-motor, concrete operational, pre- one year of age is
operational, formal operational concerned with:
d. sensori-motor, formal operational, pre-
operational, concrete operational a. Identity vs. Role Confusion
b. Trust vs. Mistrust
c. Reflexes
d. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
10. Which stage of development, according to Erikson's 15. Which of the following is true about fixation in Anal
Psychosocial Stages of Development, best fits an stage?
individual who must acquire critical academic abilities
and perform favorably in comparison to peers in order a. Anally fixated individual tends to develop
pessimistic behavior later in life.
to become competent?
b. Anally fixated individual tends to develop
a. Initiative vs Guilt narcissistic personality if unresolved problems
b. Industry vs Inferiority lingers.
c. Trust vs Mistrust c. Anally fixated individual tends to develop
d. Identity vs Role Confusion destructive behavior (self or to others) later in
d. All of the above
11. A 39-year-old guy leaves his lucrative marketing
position to devote himself to his kids and train to be a
school counselor. According to Erikson, what stage is 16. Which of the following statements is true about the
this? Oedipus Complex?
a. Initiative vs Guilt a. It refers to sexual confusion that parents have a
b. Generativity vs Stagnation significant role to address.
c. Ego Integrity vs Despair b. It refers to the recognition that the boy's desire
d. Industry vs Inferiority for his mother is unacceptable.
c. It refers to the sexual tension that the boy
feels towards his mother.
12. A teenager joining a local school band would be an d. None of the choices
example of what psychosocial stage?
a. Trust vs. Mistrust 17. The following statements are true about Oedipus
b. Identity vs. Role confusion complex, except?
c. Initiative vs. guilt
d. Industry vs. inferiority a. The boy thinks that everyone has a penis.
b. The child fears that he will be punished by the
father by having sexual desire towards his
13. Which of the following is true about Generativity vs. mother.
Stagnation stage? c. The boy begins to view their father as a rival for
a. Individual in this stage focuses on the his mother's affections.
development of the self. d. None of the choices
b. Individual in this stage focuses on mentoring
the younger generation. 18. Which of the following is true about the Phallic
c. Individual in this stage focuses on intimate stage?
d. All of the choices a. During this stage, the child develops the idea
of their potential partners in life. It is heavily
influenced by pleasant characteristics that
14. This is defined as an area of the body that is his/her parents possess.
particularly sensitive to stimulation, hence, pleasure- b. During this stage, the child is conscious about
seeking energies are focused on. the manifestation of sexual tensions he/she
a. Id feel.
b. Erogenous zone c. During this stage, sexual tensions is directed to
c. Libido heterosexual pleasure, rather than self-
d. Psychosexual stages pleasure.
d. None of the choices
a. Stage 1
b. Stage 2
c. Stage 3
19. Which of the following is true about Castration d. Stage 4
Anxiety? 24. "a bully being bullied." Rona thinks that Susan
deserved to be bullied by higher grade in their school
a. It refers to sexual confusion that parents have a because she is a bully
significant role to address.
b. It refers to the recognition that the boy's herself. Which of the following stages of moral
desire for his mother is unacceptable. development Rona's reasoning falls under?
c. It refers to It refers to the sexual tension that a. Stage 3
the boy feels towards his mother. b. Stage 4
d. The boy begins to view their father as a rival for c. Stage 5
his mother's affections. d. Stage 6

20. The following task are important in establishing 25. There are people that continue to fight for the
Autonomy in the second stage of psychosocial LGBTQIA+ rights even they are not part of the
development, except? community itself. Which of the following stages this
a. Learning to control one's body function, moral reasoning falls under?
including toilet training plays a major role. a. Stage 3
b. Gaining control over food and toy preferences, b. Stage 4
as well as clothing selection is highlighted. c. Stage 5
c. Exploration during play leads to a healthy d. Stage 6
development during this stage.
d. None of the choices
26. Judy maintains her 1.5 GWA because she doesn't
want to lose her scholarship. Which of the following
21. Which of the following basic virtue that a child stages this moral reasoning falls under?
needs to have during Industry vs. Inferiority?
a. Stage 1
a. Purpose b. Stage 2
b. Competency c. Stage 3
c. Fidelity d. Stage 4
d. Hard work

27. "This might be right because a lot of people is doing

22. Mary's allowances for the week are running low. it" is an example of which stages in moral
Later that day, while walking home, she found a lost development?
wallet. She thought to herself, she is blessed because
her money for the week is running low. Which of the a. Stage 3
following stages of moral development Mary's b. Stage 4
reasoning falls under? c. Stage 5
d. Stage 6
a. Stage 3
b. Stage 4
c. Stage 5 28. Integrity - doing the right thing, even when no one is
d. Stage 6 looking. Analyzing this definition, this reasoning falls
under which stages of moral development?
23. Even if he doesn't want to, John still obeys his father a. Stage 3
to buy him some alcoholic drink because he fears being b. Stage 4
punished. Which of the following stages of moral c. Stage 5
development John's reasoning falls under? d. Stage 6
29. At This level in Moral Development theory, an
individual begins to internalize the moral standards of
valued adult role models, hence authority is not
a. Level 1: Pre-conventional
b. Level 2: Conventional
c. Level 3: Post-conventional

30. This level in Moral Development theory, individual

judgement is based on self-chosen principles and moral
reasoning is based on individual rights and justice.
a. Level 1: Pre-conventional
b. Level 2: Conventional
c. Level 3: Post-conventional
QUIZ3: PRE-NATAL PERIOD A kind of genetic principle occurs when the expression
of a gene has different effects depending on whether
By the end of the Germinal period, the fertilized egg the mother or the father passed on the gene. Later on,
becomes a __ and plants itself in the wall of the uterus. forming a chemical process that “silences” one member
✓Blastocyst (after implantation occurs, blastocyst of the gene pair.
called an EMBRYO) ✓Genetic imprinting
Germinal Cell Dominant-Recessive Gene Principle
Zygote Polygenic inheritance
Fertilized egg Sex-Linked gene

Which of the following is not considered a teratogen? The process of this infertility treatment involves the
Parents removal of the Ova from the woman's body, fertilizing it
outside the womb (in the laboratory) then placed back
Infection into the uterus.
✓Drugs Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection
Chemicals ✓In-vitro fertilization
Intrauterine insemination
How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have? Artificial insemination
24 Out of the desire to have offspring, a same-sex couple
made an arrangement with a young woman in her mid-
20s to become pregnant using one of the couple's
25 sperm. The young woman agreed to carry the child for
nine months and she will be genetically related to the
child. Which of the following ideas in conception took
This happens when the male sperm cell and the female place?
egg cell unite to form a new organism. All of the choices
Germinal Period
Gestational carrier
✓Conception Adoption
Embryonic stage

After the union of the sperm and the egg cell, the _ is
In the __ stage, feet and hands were formed. Facial formed within hours.
features are also forming. Fertilized egg
Germinal stage None of the choices
Embryonic stage Fetus
✓Fetal stage
___ is the process by which a cell replicates its Which of the following infertility treatments is done
chromosomes and then segregates them, producing through the injection of sperm into the woman's
two identical nuclei in preparation for cell division. uterus?
None of the choices Intrauterine insemination

✓Mitosis In-vitro fertilization

Fertilization Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection

Meiosis ✓Artificial insemination

A type of gene that is expressed in observed and Which of the following statements is not true?
measurable characteristics.
DNAs are complex molecules that makeup genes.
none of the choices
A genotype cell is characterized by the observable traits
DNA of an individual.

✓Phenotype ✓Genes are considered complete blueprint for the

creation of a person.

Genes are durable in addition to being collaborative.

Which of the following stages of prenatal development
Mitosis, meiosis, and fertilization are the three is considered the most vulnerable to teratogens?
processes by which the genes are able to be handed
down from one generation to the next and end up in all Babyhood
of the trillion cells in the body.
Fetal stage
✓The statement is true.
✓Embryonic stage
The underlined statement is false.
Germinal stage
Only the underlined statement is true.
The statement is false.
Which of the following is true about the sex
Which of the following statements is true about X and Y chromosomes' name is taken from their shape,
Teratogens? which are very much X and Y alike.
Teratogens are nutrients essential to a developing fetus ✓X chromosomes are much larger than the Y
during pregnancy. chromosomes, therefore a lot of characteristic is
passed on from the mother.
✓Teratogens is any disease, drugs, or other
environmental that can harm a developing fetus. none of the choices
Teratogens are hormones produced by the body to help Y chromosomes are much larger than the X
aid the development of the fetus. chromosomes, therefore a lot of characteristic is passed
on from the father.
Teratogens are the new form of organisms aiming to
rule over an individual
This procedure involves the insertion of a catheter
through the cervix into the uterus to deposit a sperm
Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection
In-vitro fertilization

✓Intrauterine insemination
Artificial insemination

A woman who has a fertilized egg from another woman

implanted in her womb, so as to bear a child on behalf
of the other woman. Which of the following new
methods in conception does the statement falls under?
All of the choices

✓Gestational carrier

Considered the most successful form of infertility

treatment. It only requires one sperm which is injected
directly into the egg and the fertilized egg is transferred
to the uterus.
Intrauterine insemination

✓Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection

Artificial insemination
In-vitro fertilization
QUIZ 4: INFANCY PERIOD 5. A child sees a new type of dog they've never seen
before but recognizes it as a dog. This statement is an
1. Complete the phrase: The neonatal period is the first example of which of the following proposed concept of
___ weeks of a child's life. Jean Piaget?
a. 4 weeks a. Assimilation
b. 2 weeks b. Accommodation
c. 3 weeks c. Schema
d. 6 weeks d. Equilibration

2. Noam Chomsky proposed that language development 6. A child with an insecure-avoidant attachment style is
is primarily due to: likely to exhibit which of the following behaviors when
a. Operant conditioning separated from their caregiver?

b. Observational learning a. They will cry inconsolably and cling to the caregiver
when they return.
c. Socialization 
b. They will show little or no distress and ignore the
d. Innate abilities caregiver when they return.
c. They will alternate between seeking and rejecting the
3. Which of the following is not true about the sensory caregiver when they return.
development of infants? d. They will show signs of confusion and disorientation
a. Newborns can show a preference for sour flavors when the caregiver returns.
over sweet and salty.
b. Newborns are tactilely perceptive and can identify
other people's scents from their mothers.  7. A child who understands that a four-legged creature
c. A newborn can tell the difference between extremely is called a dog. Then, the child encounters a cat and
similar sounds, and they can even tell the difference refers to it as a dog until corrected by a parent. After
between a known and unfamiliar voice. being corrected, the child can distinguish between a
d. At birth, vision is the sense that is least developed. dog and a cat. This statement is an example of which of
the following proposed concept of Jean Piaget?
4. B.F Skinner proposed that language development a. Assimilation
occurs through which of the following processes? b. Accommodation
a. Classical conditioning c. Schema
b. Operant conditioning d. Equilibration

c. Observational learning
d. Socialization 8. Liam is a 5-year-old boy who appears indifferent to
his mother's departure and returns when dropped off at
preschool. He does not seek comfort or attention from
his mother and is just as likely to approach a stranger as
he is his mother. Which of the following is a possible
explanation for Liam's behavior?
a. Liam may have a secure attachment style
b. Liam may have a disorganized attachment style
c. Liam may have an insecure-resistant attachment style
d. Liam may have an insecure-avoidant attachment
9. Which of the following statements is not true? 12. Which of the following perspectives had indicated
that infantile amnesia is caused by the baby brain's
a. Accommodation can be an accessible way of immaturity, particularly in those regions that are
incorporating new information during development, important for the development of autobiographical
whether a child or an adult is learning something new. memory, including the hippocampus?
b. Schemas can be necessary for the learning process a. Biological perspective
because they are like a shortcut in our minds to the
information we need. b. Cognitive perspective
c. As children, when we learn something new, we c. Social perspective
associate that new information with current beliefs of
d. Psychological perspective
the world, assimilating the information and building a
knowledge base.
d. None of the choices 13. Which of the following choice is the proponent of
the Language Acquisition Device (LAD)?
a. Noam Chomsky
10. Max is a 3-year-old boy who is happy and confident
when playing with his parents, and he easily engages b. B.F. Skinner
with new people. When his parents leave him with a
babysitter or drop him off at preschool, he may become c. Lev Vygotsky
a little upset, but he is quickly reassured by the d. Social pragmatics
caregiver and continues to play happily. Which of the
following is a possible explanation for Max's behavior?
a. Max may have an avoidant attachment style 14. Which of the following perspectives highlights the
child's active participation in language development as a
b. Max may have an insecure-resistant attachment style result of their desire to communicate.
c. Max may have an insecure-avoidant attachment style a. Noam Chomsky
d. Max may have a secure attachment style b. B.F. Skinner
c. Lev Vygotsky
11. Which of the following sensorimotor substages is d. Social pragmatics
the one where newborns learn to employ simple
symbols and create lasting mental representations?
a. Internalization of schemes. 15. Which of the following appropriately defines
insecure-resistant attachment?
b. Tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity.
a. Needs not consistently met; the child has insecurity
c. Coordination of circular reactions. and fear of being alone.
d. Secondary circular reactions. b. No attachment; needs are not met; the child is
neither curious nor clingy.
c. The child neither plays nor responds.
d. All of the choices.
16. Which of the following situations demonstrates the 19. Which of the following situations demonstrates the
normal functioning of an infant's sucking reflex? normal functioning of an infant's rooting reflex?
a. The infant suckles on a bottle or breast when hungry a. The infant turns their head and opens their mouth
and stops when full. when their cheek is touched.
b. The infant does not suckle on a bottle or breast when b. The infant does not respond when their cheek is
hungry and cries persistently. touched.
c. The infant continues to suckle on a bottle or breast c. The infant cries when their cheek is touched.
even after being full.
d. The infant closes their mouth when their cheek is
d. The infant does not suckle on a bottle or breast and touched
does not cry when hungry.

20. Which of the following gross motor skills is typically

17. Which of the following situations may indicate an achieved by a 5-month-old infant?
issue with an infant's sucking reflex?
a. Rolling over from front to back
a. The infant suckles on a bottle or breast and
occasionally takes a break to look around. b. Sitting without support
c. Crawling on hands and knees
b. The infant sucks weakly on a bottle or breast and falls
asleep during feedings. d. Standing with support
c. The infant pulls away from the bottle or breast and
cries during feedings.
21. Which of the following situations demonstrates the
d. The infant continues to suckle on a bottle or breast normal functioning of an infant's fine motor skills?
even after being full.
a. The infant picks up a small toy and transfers it from
one hand to the other.
18. Which of the following situations demonstrates the b. The infant consistently drops objects when
normal functioning of an infant's palmar reflex? attempting to pick them up.
a. The infant opens their hand and grasps an object c. The infant is unable to hold objects with their fingers
when it is placed in their palm. and palm.
b. The infant's fingers remain closed when an object is d. The infant shows no interest in picking up or
placed in their palm. manipulating objects.
c. The infant's hand trembles and shakes when an
object is placed in their palm.
22. Which of the following is a common symptom of
d. The infant's hand moves away from the object when infantile marasmus?
it is placed in their palm.
a. Rapid weight gain
b. Swollen abdomen
c. High fever
d. Hyperactivity
23. According to Jean Piaget, a schema is a mental 26. A child who is in the sensorimotor stage of cognitive
structure that organizes information and guides development is playing with a toy car. At first, the child
cognitive processes. Schemas can be modified by two puts the car in their mouth, but later learns to push it
processes: assimilation and accommodation. Which of across the floor. What substage of the sensorimotor
the following scenarios best illustrates the process of stage is the child in?
a. Substage 1: Simple reflexes
a. A child learns that birds can fly and applies this
b. Substage 2: First habits and primary circular
knowledge to other animals with wings, such as bats
and butterflies. reactions
c. Substage 3: Secondary circular reactions
b. A child who knows how to ride a tricycle adapts to
riding a bicycle by learning how to balance without the d. Substage 4: Coordination of secondary circular
extra wheel. reactions
c. A child who loves dogs encounters a cat for the first
time and calls it a dog, until someone corrects him and
teaches him the word cat. 27. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates an
infant's lack of object permanence in the sensorimotor
d. A child who can count to ten learns how to count to stage?
twenty by adding one more number after ten.
a. An infant cries when his mother leaves the room but
stops when she returns.
24. When a child sees a cat for the first time, they might b. An infant smiles when he sees his reflection in a
assimilate it into their existing schema of dogs. If the mirror but does not recognize himself.
child later sees a cat and recognizes it as a cat, what has
happened? c. An infant reach for a toy that is partially hidden
under a blanket but ignores it when it is completely
a. Accommodation covered.
b. Equilibration d. An infant follows a moving object with his eyes but
c. Assimilation loses interest when it disappears.

d. Disequilibrium
28. Jessica is a 6-year-old girl who has difficulty trusting
her caregivers. She often appears anxious and
25. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates distressed when her parents leave her with a babysitter
Piaget's concept of organization? or drop her off at school. Which of the following is a
possible explanation for Jessica's behavior?
a. A child learns to classify animals into different
categories based on their characteristics. a. Jessica may have a secure attachment style
b. A child modifies his existing schema of birds to b. Jessica may have an avoidant attachment style
accommodate the new information that penguins are
c. Jessica may have an insecure-resistant attachment
c. A child uses trial and error to solve a puzzle by testing
d. Jessica may have an insecure-avoidant attachment
different pieces until they fit.
d. A child imitates the actions of his older sibling to gain
social approval
29. A child with an insecure-resistant attachment style is QUIZ 5: CHILDHOOD PERIOD: EARLY CHILDHOOD
likely to exhibit which of the following behaviors when
separated from and reunited with their caregiver? 1. Which of the following scenarios best describes a
child in Jean Piaget's preoperational stage?
a. The child will show little distress when separated and
ignore the caregiver when reunited. a. 5-year-old Timmy understands that 2+2=4 but can't
comprehend that 4-2=2.
b. The child will show intense distress when separated
and seek comfort from the caregiver when reunited. b. 7-year-old Emily can understand that her sister has
the same amount of cookies as her, even though her
c. The child will show intense distress when separated sister's cookies are bigger.
and resist or reject the caregiver when reunited.
c. 3-year-old Alex believes that the moon follows him
d. The child will show no consistent pattern of behavior wherever he goes.
and appear confused or disoriented.
d. 9-year-old Jessica can understand that a glass of
water poured into a differently shaped container still
has the same amount of water.
30. According to Piaget, this refers to actions or mental
representations that organize knowledge.
a. Assimilation 2. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates a
child's performance on the conservation of liquid task in
b. Accommodation the preoperational stage?
c. Schema a. Anna sees two identical glasses filled with the same
d. Organization amount of water. She says that both glasses have the
same amount of water.
b. Ben sees two identical glasses filled with the same
amount of water. He watches as one glass is poured
into a taller and narrower glass. He says that the taller
glass has more water than the original glass.
c. Cara sees two identical glasses filled with the same
amount of water. She watches as one glass is poured
into a shorter and wider glass. She says that the shorter
glass has less water than the original glass.
d. David sees two identical glasses filled with the same
amount of water. He watches as one glass is poured
into a taller and narrower glass. He says that both
glasses have the same amount of water.

3. Which of the following scenarios best describes a

child in Jean Piaget's egocentric stage?
a. 5-year-old Johnny is able to understand that his
mother has different opinions than his own.
b. 7-year-old Lily is able to understand that her best
friend has different preferences than her.
c. 3-year-old Sarah is unable to understand why her
father is sad when she's happy.
d. 9-year-old Mark can put himself in someone else's
shoes and understand how they feel.
4. Which of the following scenarios best describes a 8. Which of the following scenarios best describes an
child in Jean Piaget's animistic stage? example of scaffolding according to Lev Vygotsky's
a. 4-year-old Max understands that his toy car is not
actually alive. a. Ms. Kim teaches her 3rd-grade class about fractions
by showing them examples and then allowing them to
b. 6-year-old Emma believes that her teddy bear can solve similar problems independently.
understand everything she says.
b. Mr. Patel gives his 5th-grade students a difficult math
c. 8-year-old Sam knows that a rock can't feel pain when problem and tells them to work on it together in small
he kicks it. groups.
d. 10-year-old Hannah understands that the clouds in c. Ms. Jones helps her kindergarten student, Jack,
the sky are not following her. write a sentence by first writing the sentence for him
and then having him trace over it.

5. This refers to Piaget’s one of the sub-stages of d. Mr. Smith reads a story to his 2nd-grade class and
preoperational thought, in which children begin to use then asks them to summarize it in their own words.
primitive reasoning and want to know the answers to all
sorts of questions.
9. Which of the following is a key feature of scaffolding
a. Preoperational substage according to Lev Vygotsky's theory?
b. Intuitive thought substage a. Providing information to students in small,
c. Symbolic thought substage manageable chunks.

d. Centration substage b. Encouraging students to work independently to solve

c. Gradually reducing support as students become
6. This refers to Piaget’s sub-stage of preoperational more proficient.
thought, in which the child gains the ability to mentally
represent an object that is not present. d. Telling students exactly what to do without allowing
for any flexibility.
a. Preoperational substage
b. Intuitive thought substage
10. Which of the following best describes Lev Vygotsky's
c. Symbolic thought substage Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)?
d. Centration substage a. The level of performance a student can achieve
without any help or support from an adult or a more
knowledgeable peer.
7. COMPLETE THE PHRASE: The ______ is a term used in
Lev Vygotsky's theory to describe the range of tasks that b. The range of tasks that a student can perform
a student can perform with the help of an adult or a independently without any assistance.
more knowledgeable peer but cannot yet perform c. The difference between what a student can do
independently. independently and what they can do with the help of
a. Social Constructivist Theory an adult or a more knowledgeable peer.

b. Scaffolding d. The level of achievement a student is expected to

reach based on their age and grade level.
c. Zone of Proximal Development
d. None of the choices
11. What is executive attention? d. mastering fine motor skills such as cutting and
a. The ability to focus on multiple tasks at the same
time. 15. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the
concept of reversibility according to Jean Piaget?
b. The ability to focus on one task while ignoring
distractions. a. Rachel can count from 1 to 10, but struggles to count
backward from 10 to 1.
c. The ability to remember information for a short
period of time. b. Jack understands that if you add two numbers, the
sum will be the same regardless of the order in which
d. The ability to recall information from long-term they are added.
c. Laura believes that a tall, narrow glass contains more
water than a short, wide glass with the same amount of
12. Which of the following situations best illustrates water.
sustained attention? d. Sarah can remember the sequence of events in a
a. Sarah is watching TV and keeps changing channels story she read but struggles to understand the
every few minutes to find something interesting to underlying moral or lesson.
b. James is reading a book but keeps getting distracted 16. Kids now understand that if you break a candy bar
by his phone notifications and social media alerts. up into smaller pieces it is still the same amount as
c. Emily is working on a project and has been focused when the candy was whole. Which of the following
on it for the past hour without any breaks. choices best describes the situation?

d. Tom is playing a video game and keeps pausing to a. Kids have gained conservation.
check his phone and respond to messages. b. Kids learned decentration.
c. Kids showed decreasing egocentrism.
13. Which of the following parenting styles best d. Kids have to understand the concept of reversibility.
describes authoritarian parenting?
a. John encourages his child to express their opinions
and ideas freely and discusses the consequences of 17. Which of the following scenarios best describes an
their actions with them. example of an authoritative parenting style?
b. Mary sets clear rules and expectations for her child a. James sets rules and boundaries for his children but is
but allows them to have a say in decisions that affect unresponsive to their needs and does not provide much
them. emotional support.
c. David is very strict with his child and often punishes b. Tina is very lenient with her children and rarely sets
them harshly for even minor mistakes or misbehavior. any rules or boundaries for them.
d. Sarah is very permissive with her child and rarely sets c. David sets rules and boundaries for his children but
any rules or boundaries for them. also explains the reasoning behind them and is
responsive to their needs.
d. Maria is very strict with her children and often uses
14. Which of the following is a typical developmental punishment as a means of discipline without
milestone in middle childhood? explanation.
a. Learning to walk independently
b. Beginning to use complex sentence structures
c. Developing an interest in romantic relationships
c. The entire statement is false
18. According to Piaget, this is the ability to focus on d. The entire statement is true
many parts of a problem.
22. Industry vs. inferiority is the fourth stage of Erik
a. Centration Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, which
occurs during middle childhood between the ages of 6
b. Decentration and 12.
c. Reversibility a. The underlined statement is false
d. Conservation b. The underline statement is true
c. The entire statement is false
19. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the d. The entire statement is true
concept of industry vs. inferiority according to Erik
Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?
a. Maria, a 2-year-old child, is learning to walk and falls 23. Which of the following is a characteristic of middle
down often but keeps trying until she succeeds. childhood (ages 6-12)?
b. John, a 16-year-old student, feels uncertain about his a. Rapid physical growth and development
future career prospects and lacks confidence in his
b. Increased peer pressure and conformity
c. Emily, a 9-year-old student, enjoys playing soccer c. Declining cognitive abilities and memory
and feels a sense of pride and accomplishment when d. Emerging identity and self-concept
she scores a goal.
d. David, a 70-year-old retiree, feels a sense of
accomplishment and fulfillment from his successful 24. Middle childhood is the developmental stage
career and the relationships he has built. between early childhood and adolescence, typically
lasting from ages 6 to 12. Which of the following is NOT
a characteristic of middle childhood?
20. During early childhood, there is wide variation in the a. Increased independence from parents
number of hours of sleep recommended per day. For
example, two-year-olds may need 10-12 hours per day. b. Rapid physical growth and development

a. The underlined statement is false c. Development of logical thinking and problem-solving

b. The underline statement is true
d. Increased peer influence and social skills
c. The entire statement is false
d. The entire statement is true
25. Which of the following is an example of inductive
21. In symbolic thought substage, young children use A) All swans are white because I have seen only white
scribble designs to represent people, houses, cars, swans.
clouds, and so on; they begin to use language and
engage in pretend play. However, although young B) If it rains, then the grass will be wet because it is a
children make distinct progress during this sub-stage, logical consequence.
their thought still has important limitations: C) Either John or Mary will come to the party because
egocentrism and animism. they are the only ones invited.
a. The underlined statement is false D) Socrates is mortal because he is a human being and
b. The underline statement is true all human beings are mortal.
29. Which of the following statements best describes
Lev Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)?
26. Which of the following is a key developmental
milestone for early childhood (ages 3-5)? a. The range of abilities an individual can perform with
the guidance of an expert but cannot yet perform on
a. Learning to befriend peers. their own.
b. Developing a sense of self b. The difference between what a learner can do
c. Forming abstract concepts independently and what they can do with the help or
guidance of someone less knowledgeable or capable.
d. Solving complex problems
c. The region where the learner is most sensitive to
learning and can achieve their potential development
27. Which of the following statements best describes through social interaction and problem-solving.
the socio-emotional development of early childhood? d. The distance between the actual developmental
a. Early childhood is a period of rapid and stable level as determined by independent problem solving
emotional growth. and the level of potential development as determined
through problem solving under adult guidance or in
b. Early childhood is a period of slow and fluctuating collaboration with more capable peers.
emotional growth.
c. Early childhood is a period of rapid and fluctuating
emotional growth. 30. Which of the following choices is the framework of
the Jean Piaget’s theory?
d. Early childhood is a period of slow and stable
emotional growth. a. Social constructivist
b. Cognitive constructivist

28. Which of the following statements best describes c. Empirical constructivist

the socio-emotional development of middle childhood d. Information processing constructivist
(ages 6 to 12)?
a. Children in this stage are more likely to experience
negative emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness.
b. Children in this stage are more likely to form close
friendships with peers who share similar interests and
c. Children in this stage are more likely to develop a
sense of identity based on their physical appearance
and abilities.
d. Children in this stage are more likely to seek approval
from adults rather than from their peers.

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