Present Simple - Stevie

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Hello everybody! My name ____________ (be) Stevie

and this ____________ (be) my family.

My mother's name ____________ (be) Louis. She

____________ (be) a housewife and she ____________
(be) 35 years old. She ____________ (get up) at 7
o’clock every morning and ____________ (prepare)
breakfast for the whole family but she ____________ (not like) feeding the dog. My
mother and I ____________ (go) to school together.

My father's name ____________ (be) Peter. He ____________ (be) 35 years old

and he ____________ (work) at a factory. The factory ____________ (make) cars.
He always ____________ (take) a shower at 7:30 and ____________ (leave) home
at 8:30. He ____________ (get on) the bus and ____________ (arrive) at the factory
at 9 o'clock.

I have got a brother and a sister. Their names ____________ (be) Meg and Chris.
Meg ____________ (be) 13 years old and she ____________ (be) a college
student. She ____________ (be) very intelligent. She ____________ (study) 5 hours
a day. She ____________ (not have) much time to play.

Chris ____________ (be) 15 years old and he ____________ (be) a high school
student. He ____________ (not be) very intelligent. He ____________ (fail) all his
exams. He always____________ (meet) his friends and ____________ (ride) his
bicycle. He never ____________ (do) his homework.

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