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1.Penal-of or relating to punishment given by law

2.Conviction-the fact of being officially being found to be guilty of a particular crime or the act of officially finding
someone guilty
3.Tackle-to try to deal with something or someone
4.Non-custodial(of a punishment)-that does not involve a person being sent to prison
5.Remission- a period of time when an illness is less severe or it is not affecting someone
6.Impose-to officially force a rule,tax,punishment etc. to obeyed or received
7.Compensate-to pay someone money in exchange for something that has been lost for damaged or for some
8.Repay-to pay back or to reward someone or something
9.Suspend-to stop something from being active,either temporarily or permanently
10.Make amend-to do something good to show that you are sorry about something you have done
11.Offence- an illegal act:a crime
12.Lenient-not as severe or strong in punishment or judgement as would be expected
13.Reluctant-not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it
14.Cost-effective- if an activity is cost-effective it is good value for the amount of money paid
15.Straightforward-easy to understand or simple
16.Surface-if a feeling or information surfaces,it becomes known
17.Whereby-by which way or method
18.Tagging-the act of putt a small piece of paper,cloth,or metal on something in order to identify
19.Probation-a period of time when a criminal behave well and not commit any more crimes in order to avoid being
sent to prison
20.Whereabouts-a place where a person or thing is
21.Extend-to add to something in order to make it bigger or longer
22.Initiative-a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem
23.Contradictory-if two or more facts,pieces of advice,etc. are contradictory,they are very different from each
24.Embark-to go onto a ship
25.Close(something)down-if a business or organization closes down or someone closes it down,its stop
26.Proportionally-in a way that keeps the same relationship between numbers or amounts;as a propotion
29.A good-many,larger amount
31.A grim-worried and serious or sad
33.Brief-used to express how quickly time goes past
34.Commit-do something illegal or considered wrong
35.Sum of money-an amount of money

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