Waive Off

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(Whofig ouned Goaenrment of Karnataka Undertaking)

O/o GeDeral MaDager (M&Cl
smart Grid & Electric vehicle Ceu
l:tcom BESCOM, corPorate oflice,
K.R.Circle, Bangalore-56oool

No: BESCOM/ GMIM&C)/DGM(SG&EVI I BC-53 I 2OL9 -2O -t Date:

Sub: Power supply for Electric Vehicle charging station in BESCOM

premises - Waive-off of Deposits & Other Charges.
Ref: 1. DWA No. SGEV 05 Dated: 05.03.2019
2. DWA No. SGEV 06 Dated: 05.03.2019
3. Minutes of Meeting Dated 26.03.2019
4. Note approved by Director (Technical), dated 14'l l.2Ol9

In line witll the EV&ES policy, BESCOM has awarded the work for providing 12
DC fast charging stations and 100 AC slow chargers across Bengaluru cit5r as per
DWA cited under ref. 1 & 2 respectively to M/s Delta Electronics India Pvt. Ltd.

Arranging of power supply to the EV charging stations is not included in the

scope of the work of the DWAs and has to be taken up by BESCOM in
accordance with the MoM cited under ref. 3.

Approval was accorded vide note cited under ref. 4 for waiving off all the Deposits
& Charges incurred for arranging power supply to EV Charging Stations.

Hence the order,


No: BESCoM/cM(M&ct/DGM(sc&Evl/Bc-s3/2o1e -2o lcgs i+ate: |{ NQV 201 9

Approval is hereby accorded to waive off all the Deposits & Charges required for
availing power supply to EV Charging Stations set-up by BESCOM at the
BESCOM Office premises through DWAs cited under ref. 1 & 2. AII the Sub-
Division officers covered under DWA vide ref. 1 and 2 shall make necessar5r
arrangements for arranging power supply to EV Charging Stations immediately,
on top priority.

General Manager (M&Cf
BESCOM, Bangalore

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Copy submitted for information to:
1. The Chief Engineer (Ele), BMANZ, BESCOM
2. The Chief Engineer (Ele), BMASZ, BESCOM
3. The Chief Engineer (Ele), BRAZ, BESCOM
Copy with Compliments to:
1. Superintending Engineer (Ele), North Circle, BESCOM
2. Superintending Engineer (Ele), South Circle, BESCOM
3. Superintending Engineer (Ele), East Circle, BESCOM
4. Superintending Engineer (Ele), West Circle, BESCOM
5. Superintending Engineer (Ele), Ramanagara Circle, BESCOM
6. Superintending Engineer (Ele), Bangalore Rural Circle, BESCOM
7. GM (lCT & MIS), Corporate Office, BESCOM
8. GM (Revenue), Corporate Office, BESCOM
Copy to:
l. All EEs, O&M Divisions, North/ East/West/ South/ Ramanagar/Bangalore
Rural Circles, BESCOM
2. All AEEs, O&M Sub-Divisions, Norrh/East/West/South lRamanagar/
Bangalore Rural Circles, BESCOM
3. PS to MD / DT to place it before MD / DT table.

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