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STD - 10

 Pointing out Portia’s wit, describe how she turns the table against Shylock.
(MUST INCLUDE PICTURES/ILLUSTRATIONS) To be done in cardboard file.
Revise entire Act III (The Merchant of Venice)

Test paper 2 & 3 (Total English book)
(1) पर गभग 300 :-
(i) ग l र पर प र l
(2) पर गभग 120 प :-
(i) र प l
(ii) प भग र र प l

Q1. A body at rest is acted upon by a force F such that it acquires a speed of 'v' while moving with an
acceleration 'a'. Show that work done by the force on the body is given by 1/2(F/a)v².
Q2. Define kinetic energy, potential energy and work done. Also state the law of conservation of energy.
Q3. State the energy changes in an oscillating pendulum.
Q4. Define the term torque.
Q5. Explain the motion of planet around the sun in a circular path.
Q6. What are
(i) centripetal force
(ii)centrifugal force
Q7. On what factor does the position of centre of gravity of a body depends. Explain your answer with an
Q8. A small pebble tied at one end of a string is placed near the periphery of a circular disc, at the centre of
which the other end of the string is tied. The disc is rotating about an axis passing through its centre.
(i) What will be your observation when you are standing outside the disc? Explain.
(ii) What will be your observation when you are standing at the centre of the disc? Explain.
Q9. State two conditions of a body acted upon by several forces to be in equilibrium.
Q10. Draw sketch diagrams and indicate the position of the centre of gravity of
(i)a cylinder.
(ii) rectangular lamina
(iii) a thin disc
(iv) triangular lamina
11. A bullet of mass 5g travels with a speed of 500 m/s. If it penetrates a fixed target which offers a resistive
force of 1000 N to the motion of the bullet, find
a) initial kinetic energy of bullet and
b) the distance through which the bullet has penetrated.
12. Calculate the kinetic energy of a body of mass 0.2 kg and momentum 20 kg m/s.
13. A body is pivoted at a point. A force of 20 N is applied at a distance of 20 cm from the pivot. Find the
moment of force about the pivot.
14. A uniform half meter rule balances horizontally on a knife at 29 cm mark when a weight of 20 gf is
suspended from one end
a) Draw a diagram of the arrangement.
b) What is the weight of the metre rule?
15. A car is of weight 1800 kg. The distance between its front and back axles is 1.8 m. Its centre of gravity is
1.05 m behind the front axle. Determine the force exerted by the level ground on each front and each back
16. Determine the horse power of an engine, which lifts 4000 m3 of water from depth of 50 m in 40
min.[Density of depth =100kg/m3, g=10m/s2]
17. Calculate the work required to be done to stop a car of 1500 kg moving at a speed of 60 km/hr.
18. Determine decrease in kinetic the kinetic energy of a moving body, its velocity reduces to 1/3rd of its initial
19. When a boy of mass 40 kg runs up height of 50 steps each 10 cm high in 5 s. What is work done and power
20. A stone of mass 500 g is thrown vertically upwards a velocity of 15 m/s. Calculate PE at highest point of its

Instruction - The following homework has to be done in your chemistry notebook.
Q1.Draw Electron Dot Diagram and structure of:-
A) Sodium Chloride
B) Calcium Chloride
C) Magnesium Oxide
D) Hydrogen
E) Nitrogen
F) Water
G) Ammonia
H) Carbon Tetrachloride
I) Methane
J) Chlorine
Q2. What is the difference between:-
A) Ionic Compounds and Polar Covalent Compounds
B) Ionic Compounds and Covalent Compounds
C) Polar Covalent Compounds and Non-Polar Covalent Compounds
Q3. Draw and discuss the formation of Hydronium ion and Ammonium ion.
Q4. Distinguish by adding Sodium Hydroxide solution and Ammonium Hydroxide solution to:-
A) Calcium salt solution and Lead salt solution
B) Lead Nitrate solution and Zinc Nitrate solution
Q5.What is observed when hot concentrated Caustic Soda solution is added to :-
A) Zinc
B) Aluminium
Write balanced equations for the above.
Q6. Name :-
A) A yellow monoxide that dissolves in hot and concentrated Caustic Alkali.
B) A white insoluble oxide that dissolves when fused with Caustic Soda or Caustic Potash.
C) A compound containing Zinc in the anion.
History topic: Gandhian era
1. Causes
(a) Non Co-operation Movement
(i) Rowlatt Act
(ii) Jallianwala Bagh tragedy
(iii) Khilafat Movement
(b) Civil Disobedience Movement
(i) Simon Commision
(ii) Declaration of Purna Swaraj
(c) Quit India Movement
(i) Failure of Cripps Mission
(ii) Japanese Threat
2. Lord Mountbatten
(a) Any 5 main points of Mountbatten Plan
3. Indian Independence Act, 1947
(a) Any 5 provisions of Indian Independence Act, 1947
4. Bibliography
(a) References
(b) Time taken
 Stick 5 relevant pictures (Mahatma Gandhi pg74, Jallianwala Bagh pg75, Demonstration against Simon
Comission pg79, Cripps with Gandhiji pg90, Nehru and Jinnah with Lord Mountbatten pg106)

Civics topic: Union Parliament

1. Parliamentary Procedures
(a) Session
(b) Quorum
(c) Question Hour
(d) Zero Hour
2. Powers of the Parliament
(a) Any three legislative powers
(b) Any three financial powers
(c) Any three executive powers
3. Exclusive Powers
(a) Rajya Sabha
(b) Lok Sabha
4. Bibliography
(a) References
(b) Time Taken
 Stick 5 relevant pictures (Parliament structure, Inside Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, Present Speaker of Lok
Sabha, Present Chairman of Rajya Sabha)

 Use a big practical hard bound notebook
 It should be covered in BROWN PAPER and LABELLED
 The Certificate page should be properly filled
TOPIC:- Development of tourism industry in India.
NOTE:- Kindly follow the instructions discussed in the class related to this project topic.

(All topics must start in a separate page.)
(i) Content / lndex
(ii) Acknowledgement
(iii) Methodology
(a) Introduction
(b) Monthly Income of Family
(c) Monthly Expenditure of Family
(d) Family Size
(e) Savings
(iv) Conclusion
(v) Reference

Q1. Write a program to input any 50 numbers (including positive and negative).
Perform the following tasks:
(a) Count the positive numbers
(b) Count the negative numbers
(c) Sum of positive numbers
(d) Sum of negative numbers

2. Write a program to enter any 50 numbers and check whether they are divisible by 5 or not. If divisible then
perform the following tasks:
(a) Display all the numbers ending with the digit 5.
(b) Count those numbers ending with 0 (zero).

Q3. Write a program to input a number and count the number of digits. The program further checks whether the
number contains odd number of digits or even number of digits.
Sample Input: 749
Sample Output: Number of digits=3
The number contains odd number of digits.

Q4. Write a program to input a number and display the new number after reversing the digits of the original
number. The program also displays the absolute difference between the original number and the reversed
Sample Input: 194
Sample Output: 491
Absolute Difference= 297

Q5. Write a menu driven program to accept a number from the user and check whether it is a Prime number or
an Armstrong number.
(a) Prime number: (A number is said to be prime, if it is only divisible by 1 and itself)
Example: 3,5,7,11
(b) Armstrong number(A positive integer is called an Armstrong number of order n if abcd... = an + bn + cn +
dn + ... In case of an Armstrong number of 3 digits, the sum of cubes of each digits is equal to the number itself.
For example: 153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 // 153 is an Armstrong number.
Q6. Write a program in Java to display the following pattern (write two different programs)
a) 1 b) 54321
22 4321
333 321
4444 21
55555 1

Short questions of Ch-1: 1 to 20.
Ch-2: 1 to 15.
☆ Market equilibrium.
☆ Inflation.

Practice the exercises of the following chapters in your notebook:
Chp 2 - Structure of chromosomes
Chp 3 - Genetics

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