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MONITORING LEARNERS PROGRESS GRADE 5 - YEAR: 2021° MARKING SCHEME @ © @. @) ENGLISH Task 3 ) Saturday i) Father ii) Halfpast eight iv) Game warden ¥) Driver 3) Monday i) Changes ii) Headteacher’s ¥v) Yellow ¥) Class teacher Task 4. He has locked the door He tsabus driver ‘He has anew car We are good friends Full : Entrance Enemy Narrow.” They bought oxen. We saw sheep in forests Deerare wild animals flock “ ‘bouquet pride library gang ‘convoy cobbler carpenter mason SWAHILI ‘Viatu vyao vimeraruka Watoto wale — wanakula MATHEMATICS 10, 20, 30, 40; 50; 60, 70, 80,90 © 120 Nine ‘thousand eight hundred and seventy four 2600 3792 462 15 23 Ye "le. ty Ny ‘Thousands 2000 3105 690 38cm 76 em, 5. 40. 20 minutes past 1 Obtuse 3348 540 2 Rectangle 64 4275 106m 26cm Sh. 333 ptttk oO SeIaw PENS Been ae 30. 17. 181 SOCIAL STUDIES Cooland wet Frame, title, key, compass 4 Somalia ‘Turkana Kenya Victoria Daily changes in the atmosphere Average changes in the atmosphere overa long period of time ‘monuments Proverbs, stories, riddles ‘Headteacher, prefect, deputy headteacher Ensuring the school is clean Ensuring the school is safe -Ensuring leamers are following setrules -Punishing learners who break laws Nilotes, Cushites, Bantus, Semites CRE -We should use our abilities well We should be honest -We should be hardworking “Taking care of God’s creation -oberying God’s commandments -Poverty -Lack of parental care - Death of parents ~Peer influence -We should be obedient = We should follow God’s commands ~ We should tell the truth always Sin separates us from God Mother, father, children -Reading to learn God's word Reading in school whenleaming CRE Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts Faith, courage ‘Shem, Ham, Japheth Carmel Pat SCIENCE AND TE: 1. Beans, maize, pawpaw, rice 2. -Weargloves -Do not taste plants you do not know -Wash hands after handling plants Mushroom, toadstool, mould 4, food -Used to make medicine 5.(@) Animals with backbone () Animals without backbone 6. Nose, tongue, eyes, ears, skin 7. Molar wy 8. Bilharzia, Cholera, Dysentry, Typhoid 9. Laptop, smartphone, computer, tablet 10. -Uscofsymbolstorepresentinformation 11. Solid, liquid, gas 12, Lighttravelsina straight line 13. |. H- Trachea K - Lungs L- Diaphragm 14, Lice, bedbugs GRICULTURE 1. Canying away of top soil by water or wind 2. Building gabions “Mulching Plantiigtrees: 3. Using drip tigation. -Digging dams for collecting water ~Tuming off taps when notin use 4. Passion fruits 5. “Weeding ~Fencing - Spraying using chemicals Pruning 6. (@) Milk, meat, hide (®) Milk, matton, mohair (©) Eas, meat @ Matton, wool 7.@) sand (b) clay ©) toa @clay + |3. Ruler, wax crayons, rag, soap, 1. The period just bi adolescence 2. -Voice breaks “Shoulders broaden -Wet dreams -Growth of pubic hair 3. Size Colour Cost 4, -Makeus active -We accomplish what we are expected in time -Enablesusavoid conflict 5. -Makes us lazy -Leads io conficts Work comp ~Affects ourmental growth 6. Disease that can easily spread from one person to another 7. Mop, broom, dustpan, rag 8. Tuberculosis, Cholera, Commoncold 9. Buyingimportantitems frst -Buy durable items -Buy items that are not costly + buyitems that are not expiring soon ‘Check condition of tem “before buying. 11. Any group with carbohydrate, protein and vitemins Broom, dustbin, dustpan 12, ARTAND CRAFT 1. Pencil, ruler, sharpener, rubber, Paper, still life objects ‘2. Award good drawing ‘water, peneil, drawing paper, dark paint 4. Purple, green, orange, violet, yellow 5. Smeating paint ona surface Songs sang g vorship Be Mungu twaomba ulinde: Jumuiya Afrika Mashariki Tuwezeshe kuishi kwa amani_ ‘Tutimize na malengo yetu 3. -Sang by a particular community -Sang in venacular language }-Accompanied by traditional instruments 4, -Do not crowd together -Use props that eannot cause accidents }-Do not hit one another }-Remove objects that can cause accidents where folk songs are j being performed 5. Kayamba, tambourine, shaker, drum, marimba, orutu, nyatiti }6. Award good drawing HYSICALAND HEALTH EDUCATION 1. -Makes muscles strong Improves our stamina }-Improves blood flow - Enables us to relax = Improves heart beat 2. -Ensure there are no sharp objects. = Do not be very close to each other 3. Sticks, pipes > }4. -Do not use sharp objects as [batons - Be careful when cutting the batons -Thomy sticks should be avoided - Clean hands after improvising fabaton 5. Award good drawing 6. To skip with legs ay }7. ~The rope should be long 3.(@)Jembe (b) Slasher 6. Award good drawing - There should be no objects that ). _ -ean be practised where there are “Jean cause accident no fais x Music 8. -Improves the heart rate helps us to get vegetables 1,@) Songs that praisesanation or _|-Helps in weight loss helps usto save money because we leaders }-Improves blood circulation ‘can get vegetables without buying (©) Songs that soothe a baby to sleep | Helps in attaining balance, 0. Cabbage, kale, carrot, beans (©)Schgssang when accompanied by eeeeition sei in vi |- Helps to keep away lit le 1. Removal ofa seedlingfrom anursery Oma ingisesatfecing | HEPEIOR festy/ PG2 Grade Smarking scheme

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