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BADJI MOKHTAR-ANNABA UNIVESITY ‫جامعة باجي مختار – عنابـــــــــــــــة‬



How to write an Abstract?

Based on English scientific writing methodology: IMRaD

Background From 2 to 3 sentences (History/ Horizon of the topic)

Methods This is the longest section in an abstract:
(M) - Must be clear to enable reader understanding what? was done and
Results The most important part of an abstract :
(R) - Should contains much detail on the finding
- Scores, rates, metrics. For evaluation and comparison with related
works in literature.
Conclusions Must contain important take-home message.
(D: Slightly) All findings must be cited even the most unexpected ones.
Important remakes
Tense Present tense (Depending on Disciplines, Premier Journals )
Size Around 250 word
Vocabulary Quality of words, Technical words ,Repetition, Clear sentences

2021/2020 M1 IATI 1

BADJI MOKHTAR-ANNABA UNIVESITY ‫جامعة باجي مختار – عنابـــــــــــــــة‬

Abstract of an article: CT Liver Tumor Segmentation Hybrid Approach using
Neutrosophic Sets, Fast Fuzzy C-Means and Adaptive Watershed Algorithm *
Liver tumor segmentation from computed tomography (CT) images is a critical and challenging
task. Due to the fuzziness in the liver pixel range, the neighboring organs of the liver with the same
intensity, high noise and large variance of tumors. The segmentation process is necessary for the
detection, identification, and measurement of objects in CT images. We perform an extensive
review of the CT liver segmentation literature. Furthermore, in this paper, an improved
segmentation approach based on watershed algorithm, neutrosophic sets (NS), and fast fuzzy c-
mean clustering algorithm (FFCM) for CT liver tumor segmentation is proposed. To increase the
contrast of the liver CT images, the intensity values are adjusted and high frequencies are removed
using histogram equalization and median filter approach. It is followed by transforming the CT
image to NS domain, which is described using three subsets (percentage of truth T, the percentage
of indeterminacy I, and percentage of falsity F). The obtained NS image is enhanced by adaptive
threshold and morphological operators to focus on liver parenchyma . The enhanced NS image
passed to a watershed algorithm for post-segmentation process and liver parenchyma is extracted
using the connected component algorithm. Finally, the liver tumors are segmented from the
segmented liver using fast fuzzy c-mean (FFCM). A quantitative analysis is carried out to evaluate
segmentation results using six different indices. The results show that the overall accuracy offered
by the employed neutrosophic sets is accurate, less time consuming, less sensitive to noise and
performs better on non-uniform CT images.

Ahmed M. Anter, Aboul Ella Hassenian,“CT liver tumor segmentation hybrid approach using
neutrosophic sets, fast fuzzy c-means and adaptive watershed algorithm”, Artificial Intelligence
in Medicine,Volume 97,2019,Pages 105-117,ISSN 0933-3657,

Analyze this Abstract regarding:

1-Tense, Passive and Active voice;
2-How many words;
3- Vocabulary;
4- Employ the previous table to analyze the general form of the Abstract.
5- Discuss any other points you think it is important to be mentioned.

2021/2020 M1 IATI 2

BADJI MOKHTAR-ANNABA UNIVESITY ‫جامعة باجي مختار – عنابـــــــــــــــة‬

Liver tumor segmentation from computed tomography (CT) images is a critical and challenging
task. Due to the fuzziness in the liver pixel range, the neighboring organs of the liver with the same
intensity, high noise and large variance of tumors. The segmentation process is necessary for the
detection, identification, and measurement of objects in CT images. We perform an extensive
review of the CT liver segmentation literature. Furthermore, in this paper, an improved
segmentation approach based on watershed algorithm, neutrosophic sets (NS), and fast fuzzy c-
mean clustering algorithm (FFCM) for CT liver tumor segmentation is proposed. To increase the
contrast of the liver CT images, the intensity values are adjusted and high frequencies are removed
using histogram equalization and median filter approach. It is followed by transforming the CT
image to NS domain, which is described using three subsets (percentage of truth T, the percentage
of indeterminacy I, and percentage of falsity F). The obtained NS image is enhanced by adaptive
threshold and morphological operators to focus on liver parenchyma. The enhanced NS image
passed to a watershed algorithm for post-segmentation process and liver parenchyma is extracted
using the connected component algorithm. Finally, the liver tumors are segmented from the
segmented liver using fast fuzzy c-mean (FFCM). A quantitative analysis is carried out to evaluate
segmentation results using six different indices. The results show that the overall accuracy offered
by the employed neutrosophic sets is accurate, less time consuming, less sensitive to noise and
performs better on non-uniform CT images.
Tense Present simple
Simple past: passed (1st action)
Active and Passive Voice Putting first the important things.
What is the subject? :WE
How many words 251
Vocabulary No repetition
“The” use (How many unnecessary “The”. Why it was there? Is
there any necessary “The”?)
General Form
Background Liver tumor segmentation from computed tomography (CT) images
is a critical and challenging task. Due to the fuzziness in the liver
pixel range, the neighboring organs of the liver with the same
intensity, high noise and large variance of tumors. The segmentation
process is necessary for the detection, identification, and
measurement of objects in CT images. Three sentences
Methods We perform an extensive review of the CT liver segmentation
literature. Furthermore, in this paper, an improved segmentation

2021/2020 M1 IATI 3

BADJI MOKHTAR-ANNABA UNIVESITY ‫جامعة باجي مختار – عنابـــــــــــــــة‬

approach based on watershed algorithm, neutrosophic sets (NS), and

fast fuzzy c-mean clustering algorithm (FFCM) for CT liver tumor
segmentation is proposed. To increase the contrast of the liver CT
images, the intensity values are adjusted and high frequencies are
removed using histogram equalization and median filter approach. It
is followed by transforming the CT image to NS domain, which is
described using three subsets (percentage of truth T, the percentage of
indeterminacy I, and percentage of falsity F). The obtained NS image
is enhanced by adaptive threshold and morphological operators to
focus on liver parenchyma. The enhanced NS image passed to a
watershed algorithm for post-segmentation process and liver
parenchyma is extracted using the connected component algorithm.
Finally, the liver tumors are segmented from the segmented liver
using fast fuzzy c-mean (FFCM).
- What? How?
- Presence of some long sentences
Results/ Conclusions A quantitative analysis is carried out to evaluate segmentation results
using six different indices. The results show that the overall accuracy
offered by the employed neutrosophic sets is accurate, less time
consuming, less sensitive to noise and performs better on non-uniform
CT images.
- Results and conclusions are fused,
- No evaluation scores are mentioned,
Other remarks - Abbreviations: 1st are mentioned between brackets after that we can
mention them normally: Case of (FFCM).
- Capitals. Abbreviations and some other words (Names,
Constitutions, Countries,…)

The best Abstract is the one with recommendations from the most
prestigious journals.

2021/2020 M1 IATI 4

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