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Sensory receptors may be classified:

 By function for example, nociceptor

(pain) or mechanoreceptor
 By structure, for example, encapsulated
or nonencapsulated (so-called free)
 By a combination of both structure and
 By anatomic location, for example
exteroceptors (skin receptors),
proprioceptors (muscle, tendon, joint
receptors), and visceroceptors
(receptors in internal body organs.)

 Sensory receptors provide information

about the location, intensity, and
duration of peripheral stimulus.
 They are designed to change
(transduce) one kind of energy to
Central Modulation of Pain
another (i.e., touch to electrochemical
 Opiate medications such as morphine nerve impulse)
are likely to exert their analgesic effects  Each receptor possesses a different
through receptors found in widespread sensitivity and different adaptive
locations throughout the nervous properties based on its response to
system, including receptors located on continuous monotonic stimulation.
peripheral nerves and neurons in the  Receptors may adapt quickly or slowly.
spinal dorsal horn.  Quickly (fast) adapting receptors (phasic
 Opiate receptors and endogenous receptors) produce impulse that
opiate peptides such as enkephalin, B- gradually decrease in strength in
endorphin, and dynorphin, are found in response to constant and unvarying
particularly high concentrations at key stimuli.
points in the pain modulatory  Slowly adapting receptors (tonic
pathways. receptors) continue their response level
 Enkephalin- and dynorphin-containing throughout their activation and the
neurons are concentrated in the duration of stimulation.
periaqueductal gray, RVM, and spinal  Fast adapting receptors thus detect
cord dorsal horn, while B-endorphin- transient and rapidly changing stimuli,
containing neurons are concentrated in whereas slow adapting receptors detect
regions of the hypothalamus that a sustained stimulus.
project to the periaqueductal gray.
 Slowly adapting receptors are of two
 Type I receptors have
no spontaneous
discharge at rest and
more sensitive to
vertical displacement.
 Type II receptors
maintain a slow regular
discharge at rest and
more sensitive to
 are the axonal endings designed for
sensory reception
 widest distribution throughout the
body and is most numerous in the skin  Merkel’s corpuscles are slowly adapting
 mucous membranes, deep fascia, type I mechanoreceptors that are
muscles, and visceral organs distributed in the germinal layer
 The distal arborizations are located in (stratum basale) of the epidermis.
the epithelium between the cells, the  Groups of 5 or 10 are interspersed
epithelium of the skin, the cornea, and among the basal layer cells.
the mucous membranes lining the  Unmyelinated free nerve endings form
digestive and urinary tracts, as well as in an axonal expansion (e.g., Merkel’s
all the visceral organs and blood disk) that is closely applied to a
vessels. modified epidermal cell (Markel’s cell).
 Certain specialized epithelial cells  Merkel’s cells are found in glabrous skin
(neuroepithelium), such as those found in outer sheaths of the hairs in hairy
in taste buds, olfactory epithelium, and skin.
the cochlear and vestibular organs (hair  Found in areas of transition between
cells), receive free (receptor) endings. hairy skin and mucous membrane.
 Tendons, joint capsules, periosteum,  Synapse like junctions have been
and deep fascia observed between Merkel’s disks and
 Pain, touch, pressure, and tension, and Merkel’s cells; their functional
respond indirectly through so-called significance is uncertain.
neuroepithelia to sound, smell, taste,  Receptor subserves the sensory
and position sense. modality of constant touch or pressure
 May be myelinated or unmyelinated and is responsible for the tactile gnosis
of static objects.
 Important for Braille reading
 The discharge frequency of Merkel’s
corpuscles is temperature-dependent.
 Cooling the skin increase the discharge hand, plantar surface of the foot, toes,
frequency, and warming inhibits the nipples, and lips.
discharge rate.
 Rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors

 ENCAPSULATED NERVE ENDNGS  Sensory modality subserved by

Meissner’s corpuscles is low-frequency
 This group of receptors include the (30 to 40 Hz) flutter-vibration and
corpuscles of Meissner, Vater-Pacini, moving touch.
Golgi-Mazzoni, and Ruffini
 Under sustained pressure, and impulse
 The so-called end bulbs is produced at the onset, removal, or
change of magnitude of the stimulus.
 The neuromuscular spindles; and the
tendon organ of Golgi  Meissner’s corpuscles are thus best
suited to signal direction and velocity of
 MEISSNER’S TACTILE CORPUSCLES moving objects on the skin.

 Meissner’s corpuscles are elongated,  VATER-PACINI CORPUSCLES

rounded bodies of spirals of receptor
endings that are fitted into dermal  Vater-Pacini , more commonly known as
papillae beneath the epidermis they are Pacinian, corpuscles are the largest and
about 100 um in diameter. most widely distributed encapsulated
receptor organs.
 A Meissner’s corpuscle possesses a
connective tissue sheath that encloses  Range up to 4 mm in length but usually
the spiral stacks of horizontally are smaller, they are the only
arranged epithelioid cells. macroscopic receptor organ in the
 The endoneurium is continuous with
the capsule.  The capsule is elliptical in shape and is
composed of concentric lamellae of
 When the myelin sheath terminates, flattened cells (fibroblasts) supported
the axon (A beta fiber) arborizes among by collagenous tissue that invests the
the epithelial cells. unmyelinated distal segment of a large
myelinated (A beta) axon.
 For one to four myelinated axons, as
well as unmyelinated axons, enter the  The interlamellar spaces are filled with
capsule. fluid.

 Meissner’s corpuscles are distributed  Provided with their own blood supply,
widely in the skin but are found in the which also makes them unique.
greatest numbers in the hairless
(glabrous) skin f the finger, palm of the
 Histologically, when cut or sectioned, and more than 1000 can be found in a
they look like a divided onion to which single finger.
they have been likened.
 Vater-Pacini corpuscles are
mechanoreceptors that are sensitive to  Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscles are quickly
vibration. adapting receptor organs that are
lamellated (like the Pacinian corpuscles)
 Maximally responsive at 250 to 300 Hz
 Distributed in the subcutaneous tissue
 Corpuscles are rapidly adapting of the hands, on the surface of the
receptors that respond only transiently tendons, in the periosteum adjacent to
to on vibration and off vibration or at joints, and elsewhere.
the end of a step-wise change in
stimulus position.  Detection of vibration with a maximal
response under 200 Hz
 The recovery cycle of this receptor is
very short (5 to 6 ms)  RUFFINI’S CORPUSCLES

 Rapid adaptation of Pacinian corpuscles  Elongated and complex

is a function of the connective tissue
capsule that surrounds the central  Found in the dermis of the skin,
neural elements. especially the fingertips, but are widely
distributed, especially in joint capsules
 The removal of the connective tissue
capsule transforms a Pacinian corpuscle  Receptor endings within the capsule
from a rapidly adapting receptor to a ramify extensively among the
slowly adapting one. supporting connective tissue bundles

 Distributed profusely in the  Type II slowly adapting

subcutaneous connective tissue of the mechanoreceptors have been
hands and feet. associated with sensations of pressure
and touch as a velocity and position
 Found in the eternal genitalia, nipples, detector
mammary glands, pancreas and other
viscera, mesenteries, linings of the  Discharge of Ruffini’s corpuscles is
pleural and abdominal cavities, wall of temperature-dependent increasing with
the blood vessels, periosteum, skin cooling and decreasing with skin
ligaments, joint capsules, and muscles. warming.

 Of the estimated 2 x 19 Pacinian  Three types of Ruffini’s corpuscles have

corpuscles in he human skin, more than been identified in joint capsules, based
one-third are in the digits of the hand on their position-related discharge.
 All three maintain constant baseline
output, but each type responds

 One type responds maximally at

extreme flexion, another type at
extreme extension, and a third midway
between flexion and extension of the


 The end bulbs resemble the corpuscles

of Golgi-Mazzoni

 Have a connective tissue capsule

enclosing a gelatinous core in which
terminal, unmyelinated endings
arborize extensively.

 The end bulbs of Krause have been

associated with sensations of
temperature (cold) and are located
strategically and distributed widely.

 The structural complexity of these end

bubs varies remarkably, as does their

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