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L. R. Gay, P. L.

Diehl, 9780023408106, 1992, Research Methods for Business and

Management, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992, MD Shields
MD Shields. Research, business research, Research
methods, Business and Management, global research
and development, business, management, businesses,
Methods, Method, Business research methods, mixed
methods, research philosophy, Business process management, electronic Journal of Business Research
Methods, case study research, analytical methods, international business, Qualitative research methods

Research Methods for Business and Management

Research in Education
Research and Statistics Made Meaningful in Counseling and Student Affairs
Educational Research
Fundamentals of Educational Research
Research Methods in Education
Essentials of Nursing Research: Methods, Appraisal, and Utilization, Volume 1
Research Methods: The Essential Knowledge Base
Handbook in Research and Evaluation

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