Malaysian SMEs Development Future and Chal - 2016 - Procedia - Social and Behav

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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 224 (2016) 254 – 262

6th International Research Symposium in Service Management, IRSSM-6 2015, 11-15 August
2015, UiTM Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia

Malaysian SMEs Development: Future and Challenges on Going

Haslinda Musaa, Muruga Chinniahb*
a, b
Faculty of Technology Management and Technopreneurship, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Durian Tu nggal, 76100, Melaka,


M alaysian Small M edium-sized Enterprises (SM Es) is largest business establishment and vital component of the country’s
economic development. However, limited studies were examined on their development, challenges and future green prospects,
especially in service sector. Therefore this article examines the development of SM Es in M alaysia, challenges and opportunities
of green practices among SM Es which is play a vital role in the nation growth. The uniqueness of this paper focuses on green
practices which is important for SM Es to progress and competitive in domestically and globally. The key messages from these
studies examined in this paper are that M alaysian SM Es contribute to the largest business establishment in M alaysia especially
service sector and majority of them are in micro size establishment. Nevertheless, there are wide recognition in the literatu re
about the factors hinder SM Es from expanding, this is mainly because high cost of raw materials, high initial cost of investment
and shortage of skilled labour. The concept of green environment is still at infancy stage in M alaysian SM Es. Environmental
management literature mostly published in the developed countries has proven that ISO 14001 Environmental M anagement
System (EM S) implementation has a positive and significant relationship with SM Es performance. This study is important
indicator to encourage other SM Es which has no green pract ices in place to consider joining the green bandwagon, especially
SM Es service sectors. The studies focused are conditioned by the search strategy used. In addition, other key words could be
including in future studies such as performance, customer satisfaction, financial performance, environmental and green supply
chain management in order to expand this search. The main contribution of this paper is to identify the development of SM Es in
M alaysia and future research proposals with regards to the benefit of the green practices (ISO 14001 standards) in M alaysian
SM Es service sector.
© 2016
2016TheTheAuthors. Published
Authors. by by
Published Elsevier Ltd.Ltd.
Elsevier This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Universiti Teknologi M ARA Sarawak.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Universiti Teknologi MARA Sarawak
Keywords: SMEs; development; challenges; green practices; ISO 14001; EMS; Malaysia

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +6-062-833-107, +6-012-690-8921; fax: +6-062-833-131.

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1877-0428 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Universiti Teknologi MARA Sarawak
Haslinda Musa and Muruga Chinniah / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 224 (2016) 254 – 262 255

1. Introduction

Small and mediu m enterprises (SM Es) p lay a v ital role in the Malaysia economy and are considered to be the
backbone of industrial development in the country. SMEs in Malaysia are on track to contribute 41% to the
country's GDP by 2020 co mpared to 32% in 2012, and the local SM Es are now suppliers for mu lt i-national
companies (M NCs) in the global chain. With the exposure and skills obtained, many entrepreneurs have raised their
companies' ability to penetrate the export market (Business News, 2014). The SM Es in Malaysia are categorized
into service, manufacturing, agricu lture, mining and quarrying and construction. SMEs recorded a strong growth of
6.0 per cent, wh ile GDP grew at 5.6 per cent in 2012. The prime movers fo r SM Es were the services, manufacturing
and construction and these sectors underpinned the expansion of GDP in 2012 (Depart ment of Statistic s, Malaysia,
Many SMEs around the world have little knowledge about environmental management and do not understand the
concept of environmental management. Therefo re, it is very difficult for SM Es to see a clear link between EMS
implementation and the benefits it offers (Weerasiri & Zhengang, 2012). Although previous research have tended to
focus main ly on the impact of large companies on the environment, it has been suggested that the estimated
collective impact of s mall-mediu m enterprises (SMEs) on the environ ment is substantial (Hillary, 2000) and could
outweigh the comb ined environ mental impact of large co mpanies. Therefore, it may be argued that greater attention
should be given to the SME sector in the social and environ mental management literatures (Moorthy, 2012).
However, based on Yacob et al. (2013) majority of SM Es in Malaysia have not yet given enough attention to this
issue unless they are energy intensive ventures or wish to present a clean and green image. In fact, the Malaysian
government is fostering a wide range of small to med iu m businesses in the country to exp lore the development of
green technology, through its Economic Transformat ion Programme (ETP). In addition, the government is
encouraging the adoption of green technology, as declared under the National Key Economic A rea (NKEA) (Yacob
et al., 2013).
This literature-based paper starts by defining the SMEs and the background of SMEs in Malaysia. It then
explores the roles of the SM Es in the economic develop ment of Malaysia and major challenges faced in going
green. The discussion leads to a consideration of the importance of g reen practices taking into account the SMEs.
The final section concludes by underscoring the importance of SM Es in economic develop ment and the notion of
SMEs which has remained largely untested.

2. Definition of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

2.1. Profile of SMEs in Malaysia

A review of the definition was undertaken in 2013 at the 14th National SM E Develop ment Council (NSDC)
meet ing because of developments in the economy since 2005 such as price inflation, structural changes and change
in business trends. The new definition was simplified as follows in Table 1.

T able 1. New definition of SMEs in Malaysia by size of operation.

Category Microenterprises Small Medium

Sales turnover from RM 300,000 to Sales turnover from RM 15
Sales turnover of less than
less than RM 15 million OR full- million to not exceeding RM 50
Manufacturing RM 300,000 OR less than
time employees from 5 to less than million OR full-time employees
5 full-time employees.
75. from 75 to not exceeding 200.
Sales turnover from RM 3
Sales turnover of less than Sales turnover from RM 300,000 to
million to not exceeding RM 20
Services & other sectors RM 300,000 OR less than less than RM 3 million OR full-time
million OR full-time employees
5 full-time employees. employees from 5 to less than 30.
from 30 to not exceeding 75.
Sources: National SME Development Council (NSDC) (SME Corp. Malaysia, 2013).
256 Haslinda Musa and Muruga Chinniah / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 224 (2016) 254 – 262

2.1.1. Number of SME by size in sectors

According to Census Report on SMEs 2011, there was a total of 645,136 SM Es operating their businesses in
Malaysia, representing 97.3% of total business establishments. The results showed that 90% of the establishment
was in the service sector, 5.9% in the manufacturing sector and 3.0% in the construction sector. The remaining was
in the agriculture sector, 1.0% and mining & quarrying, 0.1%. The Census 2011 covered all sectors in the economy
namely, (1) service, (2) manufacturing, (3) agriculture, (4) min ing and quarrying and (5) construction as compare d
to only three sectors which were covered in the census of 2005, namely manufacturing and s ervices and agriculture.
The census 2011 showed that the percentage of micro establishments remained the same as compare d to the
census in 2005. Overall, the majority of SM Es or 77.0% were micro -sized establishments followed by s mall
establishments, 20.0% and med iu m-sized establishment, 3.0%. SM Es in the services sector was the largest, with
more than 580,000 establishment representing 98.2%, fo llo wed by SM Es in the manufacturing sector, 95.4%.
Meanwhile SM Es in the construction sector represented 87.1% of the total establishments in that sector. Table 2
shows the detail of establishments by size in sectors .

T able 2. Distribution of SMEs establishment by size in sectors.

Micro Small Medium T otal SMEs Large T otal
Number % Number % Number % Number % Firms Establishments
Manufacturing 21,619 57.1 18,934 36.8 2,308 6.1 37,861 5.9 1,808 39,669
Services 462,420 79.6 106,061 18.3 12,504 2.1 580,985 90.1 10,898 591,883
Agriculture 3,775 56.3 1,941 28.9 992 14.8 6,708 1.0 2,121 8,829
Construction 8,587 44.5 6,725 34.9 3,971 20.6 19,283 3.0 2,857 22,140
Mining & quarrying 57 19.1 126 42.1 116 38.8 299 0.05 119 418
T otal SMEs 496,458 128,787 19,891 645,136 17,803 662,939
Source: SMEs Census 2011by Department of Statistics, Malaysia.

Malaysian SMEs have evolved fro m a co mmod ity-based to a manufacturing sector producing a variety of
consumer goods. SMEs serve the growth of employ ment for a growing labor market and new ‘technopreneurial’
opportunities especially in the Selangor (19.5%), W.P. Kuala Lu mpur and W.P. Putrajaya (13.1%), Johor (10.7%),
Perak (9.3%), Sarawak (6.8%), Sabah (6.3%) and Penang (6.3%) (Ch in Yee Whah, 2006 & SM E Corp. Malaysia,
2011). The Census findings also showed that most of the SM Es were concentrated in Selangor, WP Kuala Lu mpur,
Johor, and Perak, representing more than 50%. Meanwhile, SM Es in Sabah and Sarawak represented 13.1% o f the
total SMEs in Malaysia.

2.1.2. Contribution of SMEs to overall GDP by k ey economic activity (%)

SMEs contribution to GDP has increased fro m 29.4% in 2005 to 32.3% in 2011. For the period of 2006 to 2011,
growth of SMEs surpassed the overall economic gro wth. Table 3 indicates the share of SMEs GDP to overall GDP
was 32.4% in 2012. SM E businesses form a very large part of Malaysia’s economy. But their contribution to GDP is
still slightly lacking compared to those of developed countries. Thus, many SM E development programs have been
introduced to grow local SM Es, focusing on areas like Innovation & Technology Adaptat ion, Hu man Cap ital
Development, Access to Financing, Market Access and Infrastructure by Malaysia government.
Haslinda Musa and Muruga Chinniah / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 224 (2016) 254 – 262 257

T able 3. Distribution of SMEs to overall GDP by sectors in years.

% Share to GDP
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011e 2012p
Manufacturing 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.3
Services 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Agriculture 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9
Construction 8.1 8.1 8.2 7.8 7.4 7.7 7.9 7.9
Mining & quarrying 17.0 17.2 18.2 19.1 19.9 19.8 20.1 20.2
Plus: Import duties 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4
Share of SME GDP to overall GDP 29.4 29.6 30.6 31.0 31.6 31.8 32.3 32.4
Note: e: estimate p: preliminary. Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia.

2.2. Distribution of SMEs by service, manufacturing, agriculture, mining and quarrying

2.2.1. SME in service

According to SMEs Census 2011, there were 580,985 establishments in the services sector which constitute 90.1
per cent of the SM Es are classified in Serv ices sector consists of sub - sectors such as telecommunicat ion, private
education, healthcare, finance, insurance, professional & bu siness services, wholesale & retail t rade, restaurants and
accommodation. As shown in Table 4, below, the wholesale and retail trade & repair of motor vehicles and
motorcycles service sector has the highest concentration of SMEs, with a total of 289,798 (49.9 per cent), followed
by food and beverage service, which accounts for 142,721 (24.6 per cent), transportation and storage 40,025 (6.9 per
cent), Personal service and other act ivities 36,721 (6.3 per cent) and professional, scientific and technical service
19,054 (3.3 per cent). The list of activit ies for the transportation and communication sub -sector service such as
logistics and forwarding service, storage and warehousing, road haulage, sea and inland transport, highway
operations, courier service, public bus transport, car parking service (Omar & Arokiasamy, 2009; Saleh & Ndubisi,
2006). Meanwhile, a pro fessional sub-sector service is defied under the Malaysian Standard Industrial Classificat ion
such as (1) Non-Technical related: legal, accounting, business and management consultancy, advertising and (2)
Technical related: architectural, engineering, surveying and other technical activities.

T able 4. Distribution of SMEs in services sectors by sub- sector and size.

Sub sector Micro Small Medium T otal SMEs
Wholesale and retail trade & repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 228,113 55,048 6,637 289,798
Food and beverage services 117,020 24,459 1,242 142,721
T ransportation and storage 34,790 3,901 1,334 40,025
Personal services and other activities 34,427 2,218 76 36,721
Professional, scientific and technical services 10,777 7,384 893 19,054
Administrative and support service 7,543 2,661 405 10,609
Human health and social work 6,257 2,617 166 9,040
Real estate activities 6,107 1,833 240 8,180
Education 5,672 1,923 343 7,938
Art, entertainment and recreation 5,174 874 169 6,217
Financial services 3,973 1,129 254 5,356
Accommodation 1,448 985 384 2,817
Information and communication 722 873 285 1,880
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 381 112 29 522
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 16 44 47 107
T otal 462,420 106,061 12,504 580,985
Source: SME Census 2011by Department of Statistics, Malaysia.
258 Haslinda Musa and Muruga Chinniah / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 224 (2016) 254 – 262

2.2.2. SME in manufacturing

As shown in Table 5, SM Es in the Malaysian manufacturing sector are a mix between the processing and
production of raw materials, for instance, food, beverage, textiles, petroleum, wood, rubber and the assembling and
manufacturing of electrical of electronics application and components, among others. Malaysian SMEs account for
more than 95.4 per cent of the total manufacturing establishment in the country. Ho wever, co mpared to other sectors
SMEs account for only 5.9 per cent of the establishment by micro -enterprises (57.1 per cent) followed by small
sized category (36.8 per cent) and lastly mediu m sized category (6.1 per cent). SM Es were mainly in the textiles and
wearing apparel, food and beverage, products, fabricated metal p roducts, and printing and reproduction of recorded
med ia. The details of the manufacturing sub sectors and the number o f establishments pointed out in Table 5 belo w.
In term of geographical location, the majority of manufacturing co mpany in Malaysia were found to be located in
West Coast of Malaysia, which is industrialised and has ports facilities.

T able 5. Distribution of SMEs in manufacturing sectors by sub- sector and size.

Sub Sector Micro Small Medium T otal SMEs
T extiles & Wearing Apparel 9,123 872 52 10,047
F & B Products 3,278 2,233 505 6,016
Fabricated Metal Products 2,070 1,698 190 3,958
Printing & Reproduction of Recorded Media 1,717 1,145 56 2,918
Machinery & Equipment (Including Repair & Installation of Machinery & 841 1,178 97 2,116
Furniture 886 847 110 1,843
Rubber & Plastics Products 322 1,126 308 1,756
Wood & Wood Products 499 791 158 1,448
Non-Metallic Mineral Products 484 758 131 1,373
Basic Metal 431 543 109 1,083
E & E Products 231 639 198 1,068
Chemicals & Chemical Products 271 534 156 961
Paper & Paper Products 283 442 103 828
Furniture 886 847 110 1,843
Rubber & Plastics Products 322 1,126 308 1,756
Motor Vehicles, T railers & Semi-Trailers and Other Transport Equipment 242 440 77 759
Leather & Related Products 219 151 6 376
Basic Pharmaceutical Product & Pharmaceutical Preparations 60 115 17 192
Coke & Refined Petroleum Products 19 39 5 63
T obacco Products 30 27 3 60
Others 613 356 27 996
T otal 21,619 13,934 2,308 37,861
Source: SME Census 2011by Department of Statistics, Malaysia.

2.2.3. SME in agriculture

In the agriculture sector, total SMEs account for 6,708 enterprises establishment, 70.5 per cent were in the crop,
followed by livestock 13.4 per cent, fisheries 11.64 per cent and 4.50 per cent forestry and logging. About 56.3 per
cent of SMEs are categorised in the micro category. Refer Table 6, for detailed nu mber of firm and proportions. In
terms of geographical location, the majority of agricu ltural farms in Malaysia were found to be located in the Johor
994 establishment or 14.8 per cent, followed by Perak 964 establishment (14.3 per cent) and Selangor account for
834 (12.4 per cent) establishment. The concentration of SM Es in the state has a close relationship with the dominant
economic activity.
Haslinda Musa and Muruga Chinniah / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 224 (2016) 254 – 262 259

T able 6. Distribution of SMEs in agriculture sectors by sub- sector and size.

Sub Sector Micro Small Medium T otal SMEs
Crops 2,678 1,413 634 4,725
Livestock 613 179 108 900
Fisheries 452 261 68 781
Forestry and logging 32 88 182 302
T otal 3,775 1,941 992 6,708
Source: SME Census 2011by Department of Statistics, Malaysia.

2.2.4. SME in mining and quarrying

As in Table 7, total SM Es in min ing and quarrying account for 299 enterprises establishment, 83.6 per cent were
in the stone quarrying and 16.4 per cent in mineral min ing. About 42.1 per cent of SM Es are categoris ed in the small
category. Refer Table 7, for detailed number o f firm and size. In term of geog raphical location, the majo rity of
mining and quarry ing firm in Malaysia were found to be located in the Perak report 84 e stablishment or 28.1 per
cent. The state government revealed that Perak has the most number of quarries in the country and also known as the
biggest producer of cement in the country. Royalties fro m tin -min ing and quarry activities have increased ten times
to RM 54.1 mil in 2012 (co mpared to RM 5.6 mil a year before) after the state adopted the new State Mineral

T able 7. Distribution of SMEs in mining & quarrying sectors by sub- sector and size.
Sub Sector Micro Small Medium T otal SMEs
Stone quarrying 51 104 95 250
Mineral mining 6 22 21 49
T otal 57 126 116 299
Source: SME Census 2011 by Department of Statistics, Malaysia.

3. Challenges of SMEs going green

Based on a summary of findings of the first quarter 2014 SM E survey by SME Co rp. Malaysia, factors that
hinder SM Es fro m expanding o r investing were high cost of raw materials (49%), high init ial cost of investment
(31%) and shortage of skilled labour (29%). In 1Q 2014, about 74% of respondents cited that the current rising cost
led to an increase in operating cost of their firms, which require a b igger amount of loans to operate their current
business operation (55%). Meanwhile, 78% of the firms were moderately labour intensive (SM E Co rporation
Malaysia, 2014).
SMEs are often constrained by many problems such as the lack of skilled workers and technical know-how, little
or no innovations through research and development (R & D), limited economic of scale, and difficulty in shaking
off tradit ional methods of operation. Many SMEs place insufficient attention to upgrading the skill and knowledge
of their workforce, or are reluctant to take advantage of training programmers’ sponsored by the government. The
shortage of a technically skilled workforce will not attract MNCs and their investment. (Ch in Yee Whah, 2006). The
majority of SM Es in Malaysia have not yet given enough attention to the green issues and the challenges of
environmental initiatives in SMEs are relatively under-researched (Worthington & Patton, 2005).
There is a wide recognition in the literature about the challenges and barriers facing Malaysian SM Es. Wan
(2003) highlighted many challenges facing SM Es in a globalised environment, for examp le, lack of financing, low
productivity, lack of managerial capabilities, access to management and technology, and heavy regulatory burdens,
among many others.
Ting (2004) h ighlighted many challenges that are still facing Malaysian SM Es. He identified five key challenges:
lack of access to finance, human resource constraints, limited or inability to adopt technology, lack of informat ion
on potential markets and customers and global competition. He also argued that there is a high risk that SMEs will
260 Haslinda Musa and Muruga Chinniah / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 224 (2016) 254 – 262

be wiped out if they do not increase their competitiveness in the new, rapidly changing world of globalisation.
Pertaining to the perspective of the owners / managers of SM Es, there are three main barriers preventing them
fro m engaging in good environmental practices. They are as follows: the characteristics of SM Es in general,
resource availability (includ ing financial, human and time), and, lastly, their personal interest and knowledge of (or
lack of) environ mental management (Yacob & Moorthy, 2012). Many owners/managers of SM Es do not see
environmental issues, or the need to act in an environ mentally responsible way, as a significant issue for their
business (Condon, 2004; Revell and Blackburn 2007; Studer et al., 2006). So me have an overall lack of knowledge
about effective environ mental and sustainability issues (Tilbury et al., 2005) or of specific pract ices that they can
implement (Walker et al., 2007) and are fearfu l of doing things wrong (NCBS, 2006). They lack an understanding of
both environmental problems and risks and of the potential benefits of environ mental imp rovements (Revell &
Rutherfoord, 2003). They lack the expert ise and confidence of doing something that is not the core business as most
SME owners/managers are good technicians but poor managers (Red mond et al., 2008). Many owners/managers
either perceive that their business has no impact on the environment (McKeiver & Gadenne, 2005) or consider the
impact to be s mall and therefore insignificant (Tilley, 1999). The final deterrent is that they see environmental
responsibility as too costly (Bustamante & Jennings, 2006; Lekas, 2006; Nutek, 2003; Bubna et al., 1999).

4. Future green SMEs

Presently, there is a boost in small and mediu m enterprises (SM Es) showing interest in the imp lementation of
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS). SM Es are keen on environmental impact and
simu ltaneously determined to gain a variety of benefits through the imp lementation o f ISO14001 EM S. Ho wever,
the imp lementation of ISO 14001 Environment Management System (EM S) among SM Es in Malaysia is still s mall
as only 118 SM Es are certified with ISO 14001 as up to 2009 (Goh Yen Nee, 2011). ISO 14001 is an international
standard which specifies requirements for Env iron mental Management Systems. It is the most widely used standard
for Environ mental Management Systems around the world. Organizations implementing Environ mental
Management Systems in accordance with the requirements of this standard are required to systematically identify
and manage the environmental aspects and impacts resulting fro m their activ ities, products or service. ISO 14001 is
applicable to all types of organizat ions, large or s mall, whether in the private or public sector. SIRIM QAS
International offers Environ mental Management System Certificat ion based on the ISO 14001:2004. Furthermo re,
the apparent impact of g lobal warming and climate change are co mpelling the big and small businesses to rethink
and revise their co mmercial strategies and showing interest in imp lementing green strategy to improve their business
sustainability and survival (Hillary, 2000).
Tari, Molina-azo rin and Heras (2013) suggest 13 benefits which most analysed (including environmental
performance with regard to the ISO 14001 standard) by scholars. Benefits of the ISO 14001 can be classified into
several performance dimensions as market share, expo rts, sales and sales growth, profitability, imp rovement in
competitive position/competitive advantage, improvement in systematization (improved documentation, work
procedures, clarity o f work, improvement in responsibilities), efficiency (productivity, savings in costs, reduction in
mistakes and rework, shorter lead t ime, improved management control), imp roved quality in p roduct/service,
improved image, imp rovements in emp loyee results (motivation, satisfaction, teams, co mmunication, knowledge),
improved customer satisfaction (reduction in co mplaints, etc.), improved relationships with suppliers, improved
relationships with authorities and other stakeholders and environmental performance. Other benefits which have also
merited g reat attention are improved image, imp rovement in customer satisfaction, improved staff results, improved
competitive edge and improved relations with stakeholders.
A considerable amount of literature has been published on the benefits of ISO 14001 standard on people,
operational and stakeholder performance. Supported by previous published studies, the benefits of ISO 14001 may
be divided into two main categories as in Table 8.
Consequently, the implementation of the ISO 14001 standard has clear benefits on certain issues, such as
efficiency, employees, systematization, customers and other stakeholders. In general terms, certified firms imp rove
people, operational, and stakeholder performance. Therefore, although the standard does create internal and external
Haslinda Musa and Muruga Chinniah / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 224 (2016) 254 – 262 261

benefit and has positive effect on people, operational and stakeholder performance, the relat ionship between these
standards and financial performance is not so clear (Tarí, Molina-azorín, & Heras, 2013).

T able 8. Benefits of ISO 14001 standard.

Authors / years Internal benefits External benefits
Poksinska Cost reductions, environmental improvements, increased Improved corporate image, increased market share,
Dahlgaard and productivity, increased profit margin, improved internal increased customer satisfaction, increased on-time
Eklund (2003) procedures, and improved employee morale. delivery to customers.
Hillary (2004) a. Organizational a. Commercial
Quality of management, quality of training, working Gaining new customers/business and satisfying existing
conditions and safety, quality of environmental information, customers, gaining competitive/marketing advantage,
legal compliance, encouragement of innovation, improved staying in business, developing more environmentally
procedures, strategic overview of environmental friendly products.
responsibility. b. Environmental
b. Financial Improved environmental performance, assured legal
Cost savings from material, energy and waste reductions. compliance, increased energy and material efficiencies,
c. People reduced pollution.
c. Communication
Increased employee motivation, enhanced skills, better
company image among employees, forum for dialogue Positive public image, better customer relationships,
between staff and management. better cooperation and relationships with regulators and
administrative bodies, improved communication with
stakeholders, setting an example for other companies in a
Zeng, T ian and a. Internal benefits a. Supplier relations
Shi (2005)
Enhanced efficiency, well-defined responsibility, enhanced Better relations with suppliers, more stringent control over
environmental awareness, standardization of environmental suppliers, promoting ISO 14001 certification to suppliers,
management. enhanced environmental awareness of suppliers
b. Corporate management
Complaints, improved profitability, savings in resources and
reduced wastage, increased social recognition.
c. Marketing effects
Enlarged market share, confidence from customers,
improved corporate image.
Link and Naveh a. Business performance a. Environmental performance
(2006) Annual gross profit margin, investment in R&D, sales, sales Pollution emission, use of recycled materials and other
per employee and business with foreign organizations. environmental aspects.
Gavronski, a. Production benefits a. Market benefits
Ferrer and Paiva
Resource usage reduction, optimization of process flows, Competitive advantages, positive effects on the market
(2008) production costs reduction, better employee motivation. and with customers, opportunity to set an example for
b. Financial benefits
Opportunity to obtain investment funds from governmental b. Societal benefits
organizations, access to special credit with reduced interest Improved corporate image for society in general, reduced
rates, reduction of insurance premiums. environmental liability, improved cooperation from
environmental authorities.

5. Conclusion

This paper has set a context and rationale for research into green practices within SM Es. Our d iscussion has
focused on the background and challenges of SMEs and the important benefits of green practices. In the context of
our discussion it can be surmised, that green practices is fundamental for small sized firms to have a more
262 Haslinda Musa and Muruga Chinniah / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 224 (2016) 254 – 262

competitive edge domestically and internationally. The adaptation of green practices may well pro mote the positive
development of employees and also enhance productivity and profitability of SM Es for long term survival. ISO
14001standard imp lementation has a positive and significant relat ionship with SM E’s operation and business
performance and has also been extensively analyzed in the academic literature. In general, the benefits of EMS can
be classified into internal and external. Internal benefits include improvements in corporate processes having
positive effects on operational and people issues. Nevertheless, external benefits have greater effects on customers
and society in general (Tarí et al., 2013). In Malaysia, the adoption of EM S/ green p ractices is very well-received in
the manufacturing sector. It is reco mmended that this framework is extended to other sectors, mainly services,
agriculture, construction and min ing and quarrying. Co rrespondingly, it has also been shown that the size of firms
does have a significant influence where s maller firms have tended to experience greater imp rovements in recycling
performance compared to large firms (Babaki et al., 2004). Th is study provides insights into the definition,
background and role of SMEs, challenges faced by the SMEs and the perspectives of green practices.


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