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This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.

Gerund: yendo
Participle: ido
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
voy fui iba iría iré
vas fuiste ibas irías irás
va fue iba iría irá
vamos fuimos íbamos iríamos iremos
vais fuisteis ibais iríais iréis
van fueron iban irían irán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
vaya fuere fuera fuese -
vayas fueres fueras fueses ve
vaya fuere fuera fuese vaya
vayamos fuéremos fuéramos fuésemos vayamos
vayáis fuereis fuerais fueseis id
vayan fueren fueran fuesen vayan
This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: viniendo
Participle: venido
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
vengo vine vendrán vendría vendré
vienes viniste venías vendrías vendrás
viene vino venía vendría vendrá
venimos vinimos veníamos vendríamos vendremos
venís vinisteis veníais vendríais vendréis
vienen vinieron venían vendrían vendrán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperative
venga viniere viniera viniese -
vengas vinieres vinieras vinieses ven
venga viniere viniera viniese venga
vengamos viniéremos viniéramos viniésemos vengamos
vengáis viniereis vinierais vinieseis venid
vengan vinieren vinieran viniesen vengan
DAR = to give
This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: dando Participle: dado
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
doy di daba daría daré
das diste dabas darías darás
da dio daba daría dará
damos dimos dábamos daríamos daremos
dais disteis dabais daríais daréis
dan dieron daban darían darán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
dé diere diera diese -
des dieres dieras dieses da
dé diere diera diese dé
demos diéremos diéramos diésemos demos
deis diereis dierais dieseis dad
den dieren dieran diesen den
SER = to be
This verb cannot be reflexive.
Gerund: siendo
Participle: sido
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
soy fui era sería seré
eres fuiste eras serías serás
es fue era sería será
somos fuimos éramos seríamos seremos
sois fuisteis erais seríais seréis
son fueron eran serían serán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperative
sea fuere fuera fuese -
seas fueres fueras fueses sé
sea fuere fuera fuese sea
seamos fuéremos fuéramos fuésemos seamos
seáis fuereis fuerais fueseis sed
sean fueren fueran fuesen sean
This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: diciendo
Participle: dicho
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
digo dije decía diría diré
dices dijiste decías dirías dirás
dice dijo decía diría dirá
decimos dijimos decíamos diríamos diremos
decís dijisteis decíais diríais diréis
dicen dijeron decían dirían dirá
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
diga dijere dijera dijese -
digas dijeres dijeras dijeses di
diga dijere dijera dijese diga
digamos dijéremos dijéramos dijésemos digamos
digáis dijereis dijerais dijeseis decid
digan dijeren dijeran dijesen digan
This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: durmiendo
Participle: dormido
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
duermo dormí dormía dormiría dormiré
duermes dormiste dormías dormirías dormirás
duerme durmió dormía dormiría dormirá
dormimos dormimos dormíamos dormiríamos dormiremos
dormís dormisteis dormíais dormiríais dormiréis
duermen durmieron dormían dormirían dormirán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
duerma durmiere durmiera durmiese -
duermas durmieres durmieras durmieses duerme
duerma durmiere durmiera durmiese duerma
durmamos durmiéremos durmiéramos durmiésemos durmamos
durmáis durmiereis durmierais durmieseis dormid
duerman durmieren durmieran durmiesen duerman
This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: haciendo
Participle: hecho
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
hago hice hacía haría haré
haces hiciste hacías harías harás
hace hizo hacía haría hará
hacemos hicimos hacíamos haríamos haremos
hacéis hicisteis hacíais haríais haréis
hacen hicieron hacían harían harán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
haga hiciere hiciera hiciese -
hagas hicieres hicieras hicieses haz
haga hiciere hiciera hiciese haga
hagamos hiciéremos hiciéramos hiciésemos hagamos
hagáis hiciereis hicierais hicieseis haced
hagan hicieren hicieran hiciesen hagan
This verb cannot be reflexive.
Gerund: oyendo
Participle: oído
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
oigo oí oía oiría oiré
oyes oíste oías oirías oirás
oye oyó oía oiría oirá
oímos oímos oíamos oiríamos oiremos
oís oísteis oíais oiríais oiréis
oyen oyeron oían oirían oirán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
oiga oyere oyera oyese -
oigas oyeres oyeras oyeses oye
oiga oyere oyera oyese oiga
oigamos oyéremos oyéramos oyésemos oigamos
oigáis oyereis oyerais oyeseis oíd
oigan oyeren oyeran oyesen oigan
This verb cannot be reflexive.
Gerund: pidiendo
Participle: pedido
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
pido pedí pedía pediría pediré
pides pediste pedías pedirías pedirás
pide pidió pedía pediría pedirá
pedimos pedimos pedíamos pediríamos pediremos
pedís pedisteis pedíais pediríais pediréis
piden pidieron pedían pedirían pedirán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
pida pidiere pidiera pidiese -
pidas pidieres pidieras pidieses pide
pida pidiere pidiera pidiese pida
pidamos pidiéremos pidiéramos pidiésemos pidamos
pidáis pidiereis pidierais pidieseis pedid
pidan pidieren pidieran pidiesen pidan

This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: poniendo
Participle: puesto
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
pongo puse ponía pondría pondré
pones pusiste ponías pondrías pondrás
pone puso ponía pondría pondrá
ponemos pusimos poníamos pondríamos pondremos
ponéis pusisteis poníais pondríais pondréis
ponen pusieron ponían pondrían pondrán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
ponga pusiere pusiera pusiese -
pongas pusieres pusieras pusieses pon
ponga pusiere pusiera pusiese ponga
pongamos pusiéremos pusiéramos pusiésemos pongamos
pongáis pusiereis pusierais pusieseis poned
pongan pusieren pusieran pusiesen pongan
This verb cannot be reflexive.
Gerund: queriendo
Participle: querido,quisto
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
quiero quise quería querría querré
quieres quisiste querías querrías querrás
quiere quiso quería querría querrá
queremos quisimos queríamos querríamos querremos
queréis quisisteis queríais querríais querréis
quieren quisieron querían querrían querrían
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
quiera quisiere quisiera quisiese -
quieras quisieres quisieras quisieses quiere
quiera quisiere quisiera quisiese quiera
queramos quisiéremos quisiéramos quisiésemos queramos
queráis quisiereis quisierais quisieseis quered
quieran quisieren quisieran quisiesen quieran
This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: sabiendo
Participle: sabido
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
sé supe sabía sabría sabré
sabes supiste sabías sabrías sabrás
sabe supo sabía sabría sabrá
sabemos supimos sabíamos sabríamos sabremos
sabéis supisteis sabíais sabríais sabréis
saben supieron sabían sabrían sabrán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
sepa supiere supiera supiese -
sepas supieres supieras supieses sabe
sepa supiere supiera supiese sepa
sepamos supiéremos supiéramos supiésemos sepamos
sepáis supiereis supierais supieseis sabed
sepan supieren supieran supiesen sepan

This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: teniendo
Participle: tenido
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
tengo tuve tenía tendría tendré
tienes tuviste tenías tendrías tendrás
tiene tuvo tenía tendría tendrá
tenemos tuvimos teníamos tendríamos tendremos
tenéis tuvisteis teníais tendríais tendréis
tienen tuvieron tenían tendrían tendrán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
tenga tuviese tuviera tuviese -
tengas tuvieses tuvieras tuvieses ten
tenga tuviese tuviera tuviese tenga
tengamos tuviésemos tuviéramos tuviésemos tengamos
tengáis tuvieseis tuvierais tuvieseis tened
tengan tuviesen tuvieran tuviesen tengan
This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: trayendo
Participle: traído º
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
traigo traje traía traería traeré
traes trajiste traías traerías traerás
trae trajo traía traería traerá
traemos trajimos traíamos traeríamos traeremos
traéis trajisteis traíais traeríais traeréis
traen trajeron traían traerían traerán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
traiga trajere trajera trajese -
traigas trajeres trajeras trajeses trae
traiga trajere trajera trajese traiga
traigamos trajéremos trajéramos trajésemos traigamos
traigáis trajereis trajerais trajeseis traed
traigan trajeren trajeran trajesen traigan
This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: viendo
Participle: visto
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
veo vi veía vería veré
ves viste veías verías verás
ve vio veía vería verá
vemos vimos veíamos veríamos veremos
veis visteis veíais veríais veréis
ven vieron veían verían verán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
vea viere viera viese -
veas vieres vieras vieses ve
vea viere viera viese vea
veamos viéremos viéramos viésemos veamos
veáis viereis vierais vieseis ved
vean vieren vieran viesen vean

This verb cannot be reflexive.
Gerund: leyendo
Participle: leído
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
leo leí leía leería leeré
lees leíste leías leerías leerás
lee leyó leía leería leerá
leemos leímos leíamos leeríamos leeremos
leéis leísteis leíais leeríais leeréis
leen leyeron leían leerían leerán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 ImperativeImperative
lea leyere leyera leyese -
leas leyeres leyeras leyeses lee
lea leyere leyera leyese lea
leamos leyéremos leyéramos leyésemos leamos
leáis leyereis leyerais leyeseis leed
lean leyeren leyeran leyesen lean
This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: saliendo
Participle: salido
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
salgo salí salía saldría saldré
sales saliste salías saldrías saldrás
sale salió salía saldría saldrá
salimos salimos salíamos saldríamos saldremos
salís salisteis salíais saldríais saldréis
salen salieron salían saldrían saldrán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
salga saliere saliera saliese -
salgas salieres salieras salieses sal
salga saliere saliera saliese salga
salgamos saliéremos saliéramos saliésemos salgamos
salgáis saliereis salierais salieseis salid
salgan salieren salieran saliesen salgan
This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: estando
Participle: estado
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
estoy estuve estaba estaría estaré
estás estuviste estabas estarías estarás
está estuvo estaba estaría estará
estamos estuvimos estábamos estaríamos estaremos
estáis estuvisteis estabais estaríais estaréis
están estuvieron estaban estarían estarán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
esté estuviere estuviera estuviese -
estés estuvieres estuvieras estuvieses está
esté estuviere estuviera estuviese esté
estemos estuviéremos estuviéramos estuviésemos estemos
estéis estuviereis estuvierais estuvieseis estad
estén estuvieren estuvieran estuviesen estén

This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: hablando
Participle: hablado
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
hablo hablé hablaba hablaría hablaré
hablas hablaste hablabas hablarías hablarás
habla habló hablaba hablaría hablará
hablamos hablamos hablábamos hablaríamos hablaremos
habláis hablasteis hablabais hablaríais hablaréis
hablan hablaron hablaban hablarían hablarán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
hable hablare hablara hablase -
hables hablares hablaras hablases habla
hable hablare hablara hablase hable
hablemos habláremos habláramos hablásemos hablemos
habléis hablareis hablarais hablaseis hablad
hablen hablaren hablaran hablasen hablen
This can be reflexive depending on the meaning.
Gerund: comiendo
Participle: comido
Present Preterit Imperfect Conditional Future
como comí comía comería comeré
comes comiste comías comerías comerás
come comió comía comería comerá
comemos comimos comíamos comeríamos comeremos
coméis comisteis comíais comeríais comeréis
comen comieron comían comerían comerán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2
coma comiere comiera comiese
comas comieres comieras comieses
coma comiere comiera comiese
comamos comiéremos comiéramos comiésemos
comáis comiereis comierais comieseis
coman comieren comieran comiesen
This verb cannot be reflexive.
Gerund: viviendo
Participle: vivido
Present Preterit Imperfect Imperfect Future
vivo viví vivía vivía viviré
vives viviste vivías vivías vivirás
vive vivió vivía vivía vivirá
vivimos vivimos vivíamos vivíamos viviremos
vivís vivisteis vivíais vivíais viviréis
viven vivieron vivían vivían vivirán
Present Subjunctive Future Subjuntive Imperfect Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive #2 Imperative
viva viviere viviera viviese -
vivas vivieres vivieras vivieses vive
viva viviere viviera viviese viva
vivamos viviéremos viviéramos viviésemos vivamos
viváis viviereis vivierais vivieseis vivid
vivan vivieren vivieran viviesen vivan
Present Tense
Usually the first tense everyone learns when learning a new language, the present tense (el presente) opens up many doors to communication providing a
manner to ask questions, describe someone, regular activities, abilities, and present actions.The present tense in Spanish is used to express several English
equivalents which may seem unnatural at first, but with practice, using the present tense will seem like second nature.
1. Habitual Actions
Habitual actions are the activities that a person does every day (or very often) for a long period of time. Daily routines, responsibilities, and job-related
activities can be expressed this way.
Me levanto a las seis y media cada mañana. (I get up at six thirty every morning.)
2. Single Present Tense Events
In English and Spanish, this is usually expressed using the present progressive, but it is possible to use the present tense in Spanish as well.
¿Qué haces? (What are you doing?)
Limpio la cocina. (I´m cleaning the kitchen.)
3. Timeless Events/Universal Truths
These are phrases that are not connected to a specific time, but are generally known. These can be facts, or generally accepted opinions.
Uno más uno son dos. (One plus one is two.)
4. Hypothetical Situations
When introduced by si, the present tense expresses a hypothetical situation and reaction.
Si llega Marcos, salgo. (If Marcos arrives, I leave.)
5. Past Tense Events that Continue to the Present
There are certain situations that may have begun in the past, but are still going on in the present. These are expressed using:Time Affects Us Now
hace + time + que + present tense verb
Hace tres años que esperamos tu llamada. (We´ve been waiting three years for your call.)
Hace una semana que pinta este cuadro. (He´s been painting this painting for a week.)
Spelling-Changing Verbs-Spanish has several verbs whose spelling changes in order to preserve the pronunciation presented in the infinitive. Below you
will find several rules for when the spelling changes in a verb conjugation. If memorizing the rules is too confusing or just too much information, remember
that most spellings only changes to preserve the original pronunciation of the infinitive. If you hear a G sound in the infinitive, make sure the spelling
reflects that same sound in all the conjugations.
1. Verbs ending in -ger or -gir
In the first person singular, the g changes to a j to preserve the [h] (IPA /x/) sound.
Example Conjugations
proteger - to protect fingir - to pretend
protejo finjo
protegemos fingimos
protege finges
protegen fingís
proteges finge
protegéis fingen
Some Common g -> j Verbs
acoger-to greet
escoger-to choose
resurgir-to re-emerge
afligir-to afflict
exigir-to demand
rugir-to roar
coger-to catch, grab
fingir-to prentend
sumergir-to submurge
corregir-to correct
infringir-to infringe
surgir-to emerge
dirigir-to direct
proteger-to protect
urgir-to urge
emerger-to emerge
recoger-to pick up
encoger-to shrink
restringir-to restrain
2. Verbs that end in -guir
In the first person singular, the gu changes to g to preserve the /g/ sound (and prevent a /w/ sound by creating a [uo] combination).
Example Conjugations
distinguir - to distinguish-distingo,distinguimos,distingues,distinguís,distingue,distinguen
Some Common -gu -> g Verbs
distinguir-to distinguish
perseguir-to pursue/go after
conseguir-to come by/get
proseguir-to proceed
erguir-to build
seguir-to follow
extinguir-to extinguish
3. Verbs that end in -uir (without a g)
Between vowels, an unstressed i always changes to a y.
Conjugation Example
concluir - to conclude-concluyo,concluimos,concluyes,concluís,concluye,concluyen
Some Common i -> y Verbs
argüir-to argue
destruir-to destroy
influir-to influence
atribuir-to argue
diluir-to dilute
intuir-to intuit
constituir-to constitute
disminuir-to diminish
obstruir-to obstruct
construir-to construct
distribuir-to distribute
recluir-to confine
contribuir-to contribute
huir-to run away
reconstruir-to reconstruct
destituir-to dismiss
incluir-to include
sustituir-to substitute
4. Verbs that end in -cer or -cir
If the stem ends in a consonant, the c changes to a z in the first person singular to preserve the /s/ or [th]sound (IPA [?]) and prevent the /k/ sound of the
[co] combination.)
Conjugation Example
fruncir - to frown-frunzo,fruncimos,frunces,fruncís,frunce,fruncen
Some Common c -> z Verbs
convencer-to convince
fruncir - to frown
ejercer-to exert-
vencer- to vanquish
esparcir-to disperse
zurcir- to darn
If the stem ends in a vowel, a z is added before the c.
Conjugation Example
conocer - to know-conozco,conocemos,conoces,conocéis,conoce,conocen
Some Common c -> zc Verbs
aborrecer-to detest
deducir-to deduce
producir-to produce
agradecer-to thank
desaparecer-to disappear
nacer-to be born
aparecer-to appear
desconocer-to ignore
apetecer-to feel an urge for
establecer-to establish
reconocer-to recognize
complacer-to satisfy
inducir-to induce
reducir-to reduce
conducir-to drive
introducir-to introduce
restablecer-to restore
conocer-to know/meet
merecer-to deserve
rejuvenecer-to rejuvenate
crecer-to grow
obedecer-to obey
traducir-to translate
Other Verbs that Add g in the 1st Person
asir -> asgo-to seize
salir -> salgo-to leave
oír -> oigo-to hear
tener -> tengo-to have
poner -> pongo-to put
valer -> valgo-to cost
Stem-Changing Verbs
In all three conjugations of verbs (-ar, -er, and -ir) there are some verbs whose vowels change within the stem. These stem-changes occur in all persons
except nosotros and vosotros. These two persons maintain the regular stem. There are six varieties of stem-changes: o->ue, e -> ie, e -> i, i -> ie, u -> ue, o
-> hue. Each of these is described below with examples.
1. e to ie
This is the most common stem change for Spanish verbs.
Conjugation Example
quiero - to want-quiero,queremos,quieres,queréis,quiere,quieren
Some Common e -> ie Verbs
acertar-to guess
divertirse-to have fun
pensar (en)-to think (about)
atender-to attend to
empezar-to begin
perder-to lose
atravesar-to cross
encender-to light/ignite, to turn on
preferir-to prefer
calentar-to warm
encerrar-to enclose
querer-to want
cerrar-to close
entender-to understand
recomendar-to recommend
comenzar-to begin
fregar-to scrub/wash
remendar-to mend/patch
confesar-to confess
gobernar-to govern
sentar (se)-to sit down
conseguir--to get
helar-to freeze
sentir-to feel
defender-to defend
mentir-to lie
sugerir-to suggest
descender-to descend
negar-to deny
tropezar (con)-to stumble (into, across)
despertar (se)-to wake up
nevar-to snow
1. o to ue
This is the 2nd most common stem change after i->ie.
Conjugation Example
soñar - to dream-sueño.Soñamos.Sueñas.Soñáis.Sueña.sueñan
Some Common o -> ue Verbs
absolver-to absolve
doler-to hurt
recordar-to remember
acordarse (de)-to go to bed
dormir-to sleep
remover-to remove
almorzar-to have lunch
encontrar-to find
resolver-to resolve
aprobar-to approve
envolver-to wrap
retorcer-to twist
cocer-to boil/bake
llover-to rain
revolver-to mix/shake
colgar-to hang (up)
morder-to bite
rogar-to beg
conmover-to move (emotionally)
moler-to grind
soler-to be accustomed to
contar-to count
morir-to die
sonar-to sound
costar-to cost
mostrar-to show
soñar-to dream
demoler-to demolish
mover-to move
torcer-to twist
demostrar-to demonstrate/prove
poder-to be able to
tronar-to thunder
devolver-to return (something)
probar-to taste, to prove
volar-to fly
disolver-to dissolve
promover-to promote
3. e to i
Conjugation Example
repetir - to repeat-repito,repetimos,repites,repetís,repite,repiten
Some Common e -> i Verbs
conseguir-to get
repetir-to repeat
corregir-to correct
reírse (de)-to laugh/to make fun of
despedir-to fire/to say goodbye
seguir-to follow
elegir-to elect
servir-to serve
impedir-to impede
sonreírse-to smile
medir-to measure
vestirse-to get dressed
perseguir--to follow
4. i to ie
There are only only two commonly used verbs whose stem changes from i to ie:
Conjugation Examples
adquirir - to acquire inquirir - to inquire
adquiero inquiero
adquirimos inquirimos
adquieres inquieres
adquirís inquirís
adquiere inquiere
adquieren Inquieren
5. u to ue
There is only one commonly used verb whose stem changes from u to ue, and it is a very common verb.
Conjugation Example
jugar - to play-juego,jugamos,juegas,jugáis,juega,juegan
6. o to hue
There is only one commonly used verb whose stem changes from o to hue.
Conjugation Example
oler - to smell-huelo,olemos,hueles,oléis,huele,huelen,
Irregular Verbs
Irregular verbs can fall into two categories in the present indicative: irregular in the yo form, or irregular in all forms.
Irregular in the Yo Form
As in every language there will be verbs that do not seem to follow any of the rules. Irregular verbs are verbs that violate conjugation rules for one or more
persons and do not fall into any of the stem-changing or spelling-changing categories. And unfortunately, these are usually the most useful and regularly
used words in the language. The following words are irregular only in the yo form. They are regular in all other conjugations.
caber saber traer ver caer dar
quepo sé traigo veo caigo doy
The compounds of these verbs are also irregular in the yo form:componer, deshacer, disponer, distraer, proponer, rehacer, reponer, suponer

Preterit tenses
The Preterit is used to describe completed actions in the past at specific points in time.
1. To Indicate Single Events Took Place in the Past
2. To Indicate an Action that Happened at or for a Specific Amount of Time
These actions are completed at a definite moment in the past. They are easy to spot since they usually have a time frame in the sentence.
3. To Narrate Individual Events.This is common in relating a story line where there are multiple actions presented.
Me levanté, me vestí, y salí para la fiesta. (I got up, got dressed, and left for the party.)
4. To Indicate the Beginning or End of an Action in the Past
Empezó a nevar. (It began to snow.)
Verbs that are Preterit by Nature
casarse-to get married
graduarse-to graduate
cumplir años-to turn a certain age
llegar-to arrive
darse cuenta de-to realize
morir-to die
decidir-to decide
nacer-to be born
descubrir-to discover
salir-to leave
Irregular Preterit
There are really only three "really irregular" verbs in the preterit tense. These are irregular in both their stems and their endings. Dar, ser, ir.
Twins in the Preterit- Ser and ir share the exact same forms in the preterit.
There are several "somewhat irregular" verbs in the preterit tense. These are irregular in their stems, and follow a separate ending set with no tildes: -e, -iste,
-o, -imos, -isteis, -ieron. They are grouped together according to the following stem changes:
UV (andar, estar, tener)
andar estar estar
anduve estuve estuve
anduviste estuviste estuviste
anduvo estuvo estuvo
anduvimos estuvimos estuvimos
anduvisteis estuvisteis estuvisteis
anduvieron estuvieron estuvieron
(caber, haber, poder, poner, saber)
caber haber poder poner saber
cupe hube pude puse supe
cupiste hubiste pudiste pusiste supiste
cupo hubo pudo puso supo
cupimos hubimos pudimos pusimos supimos
cupisteis hubisteis pudisteis pusisteis supisteis
cupieron hubieron pudieron pusieron supieron
(hacer, querer, venir) In the 3rd person singular for hacer, the c changes to a z to maintain pronunciation.
conducir traducir traer decir
conduje traduje traje dije
condujiste tradujiste trajiste dijiste
condujo tradujo trajo dijo
condujimos tradujimos trajimos dijimos
condujisteis tradujisteis trajisteis dijisteis
condujeron tradujeron trajeron* dijeron
Spelling Changes
To preserve the consonant sounds in the infinitives, several verbs change the spelling in the stem. Endings are regular.-car, -gar, and -zar verbs.To maintain
the /k/, /g/, and /s/ sounds in the first person singular, the [c], [g], and [z] change to [qu], [gu], and [c] respectively. All other persons and all endings are
Conjugation Examples
buscar (to look for) jugar (to play) cruzar (to cross)
busqué jugó crucé
buscaste jugaste cruzaste
buscó jugué cruzó
buscamos jugamos cruzamos
buscasteis jugasteis cruzasteis
buscaron jugaron cruzaron
Some Common -car, -gar, and -z Verbs
-car verbs-acercar,educar,aparcar,empacar,atacar,pecar,buscar,roncar,colocar,sacar,edificar,tocar
-gar verbs-agregar,entregar,apagar,jugar,cargar,llegar,castigar,negar,conjugar,pagar,enjuagar,pegar
-zar verbs-abrazar,gozar,almorzar,lanzar,aterrorizar,memorizar,comenzar,organizar,danzar,rezar,destrozar,tropezar
-caer, -eer, -oer, -oír, and uir verbs
To prevent the creation of a triphthong, the i changes to a y in the 3rd person singular and plural of these verbs.
Conjugation Examples
caer (to fall) oír (to listen) concluir (to conclude) leer (to read) roer (to gnaw)
caí oí concluí leí roí
caíste oíste concluíste leíste roíste
cayó oyó conculyó leyó royó
caímos oímos concluímos leímos roímos
caísteis oísteis concluísteis leísteis roísteis
cayeron oyeron concluyeron leyeron royeron
Some Common -caer, -eer, -oer, -oír, and -uír Verbs
-caer verbs-decaer,recaer
-eer verbs-creer,poseer,proveer,releer
-oer verbs-corroer
-oír verbs-entreoír
-uir verbs-contribuir,influir,destruir,obstruir,diluir,disminuir,sustituir,destituir,intuir,atribuir,distribuir,constituir,huir,construir,incluir
Stem Changes
Stem-changing -ir verbs (e->ie, e->i, and o->u) in the present tense keep the e or o of the infinitive in preterit conjugations except for 3rd person singular
and plural where they change:e->i and o->u in the 3rd person
Conjugation Examples
sentir (to feel) pedir (to lose) dormir (to sleep)
sentí pedí dormí
sentiste pediste dormiste
sintió pidió dormiste
sentimos pedimos dormimos
sentisteis pedisteis dormisteis
sintieron pidieron durmieron
Verbs that Change Meaning in the Preterit
Due to a change in when an action happens, some verbs' English meaning changes from the present tense to the preterit.
Supe la verdad. (I found out the truth.)
Tuvo una carta. (He received a letter.)

Imperfect Past
The imperfect tense (el imperfecto) is one of the several past tenses in Spanish. It is used mainly to describe past habitual actions or to set the scene in the
past. Below you will find when to use it as well as how to conjugate it for regular and irregular verbs.The imperfect can generally translate to be what
someone was doing or used to do.It sets the background knowledge or scenery for a story.
1. Actions Repeated Habitually
These are the activities that you did over and over for a long period of undetermined time.
Almorzábamos cada día. (We used to eat lunch together every day.)
Todos los sábados las mujeres iban de compras. (Every Saturday the ladies would go shopping.)
2. Actions that Set the Stage for other Actions
The imperfect verb is interrupted by a preterit verb.
Estaba durmiendo cuando el teléfono soñó. (I was sleeping when the telephone rang.)
3. Telling Time and Dates in the Past
Eran las tres de la tarde. (It was three o´clock in the afternoon.)
Era el jueves, el 9 mayo. (It was Thurday, the 19th of May.)
4. Describing a Scene or Person in the Past
La niña tenía 4 años. (The little girl was 4 years old.)
Mi profesor era alto y tenía el pelo ondulado. (My professor was tall and had wavy hair.)
El campo era bella. (The countryside was beautiful.)
Hacía calor esa noche. (It was hot that night.)
5. Describing Mental/Emotional States or Desires in the Past
Sentía feliz con mi trabajo nuevo. (I was happy with my new job.)
Quería mudarme a otro país. (I wanted to move to another country.)
Irregular Imperfect
There are only three verbs with irregular conjugations in the imperfect. No stem-changes, no spelling-changes, only these three:ir,ser,ver

The conditional (el condicional) tense in Spanish is used to express what "would" happen in the future. It is more of a possibility, or hypothetical situation,
than the future tense. The formation is very similar to that of the future tense in that one set of endings is added to the infinitive to create a new tense and
the irregular stems are the same as those in the future tense.
Copy Cat Endings-The endings for the conditional tense are the same as those for the -er and -ir forms of the imperfect tense. Remember the conditional
adds the endings to the infinitive and the imperfect adds them to the stem.
Conditional - Yo escribiría unas cartas. (I would write some letters.)
Irregular Conditional
The conditional has the same irregular verbs as the simple future which fall into 3 distinct categories:
1. Take off infinitive vowel and add d.The e or i from the infinitive is removed and replaced with the letter d instead.
Conjugation Example
tener (to have)
tendría | tendríamos
tendrías | tendríais
tendría | tendrían
Other Verbs like Tener are poner (pondría), valer (valdría), salir (saldría), venir (vendría)
2. Take off the infinitive vowel
The vowel is removed from the infinitive ending. No letters are added to the stem.
Conjugation Example
poder (to be able to)
podría | podríamos
podrías | podríais
podría | podrían
Other Verbs like Poder are caber (cabría), haber (habría), querer (querría), saber (sabría)
3. Irregular stems
Some verbs just have irregular stems that must be memorized. Fortunately, there are only 2. They are Decir and hacer

Future Tense
There are two ways to form the future tense in Spanish: the informal future (el futuro informal) and the simple future (el futuro simple).
The Informal Future-The informal future is used mostly in spoken Spanish to express future actions. It is formed by the verb ir (bold) conjugated in the
present indicative, the preposition a (italics), and the infinitive of the action to be performed. The loose translation would be that someone "is going to ___|\
1.Informal Future Formula-ir + a + infinitive
Yo voy a viajar por España. (I am going to travel through Spain.)
Tú vas a cantar. (You are going to sing.)
Usted va a ser famoso. (You are going to be famous.)
Él va a montar en monopatín. (He is going to skateboard.)
Ella va a comprar un coche nuevo. (She is going to buy a new car.)
Nosotros vamos a cenar a las nueve. (We are going to eat dinner at 9 o´clock.)
Vosotros vais a jugar al fútbol esta tarde. (You are going to play soccer this afternoon.)
Ustedes van a estudiar mucho. (You are going to study a lot.)
Ellos van a dormir en el primer piso. (They are going to sleep on the first floor.)
Ellas van a bailar. (They are going to dance.)
2.The Simple Future-The loose translation of the simple future would be that someone "will" or "shall" do something. It is also used to express the
possibility of what someone "might" or "may" be doing in the present. The simple future, unlike the informal future, is only one word created by adding
endings to the infinitive of a verb. All verb conjugations have the same endings:
Irregular Simple Future
The simple future has relatively few irregular verbs which fall into 3 distinct categories:
1. Take off infinitive vowel and add d.The e or i from the infinitive is removed and replaced with the letter d instead.
Conjugation Example
tener (to have)-tendré,tendremos,tendrás,tendréis,tendrá,tendrán
Other Verbs like Tener-poner (pondré), valer (valdré), salir (saldré), venir (vendré)
Ud. tendrá un profesor bueno en esa clase. (You will have a good professor in that class.)
Yo pondré el pastel en la mesa. (I will put the cake on the table.)
2. Take off the infinitive vowel.The vowel is removed from the infinitive ending. No letters are added to the stem.
Conjugation Example
poder (to be able to)-podré,podremos,podrás,podréis,podrá,podrán
Other Verbs like Poder-caber (cabré), haber (habré), querer (querré), saber (sabré)
Tú podrás hablar español muy pronto. (You will be able to speak Spanish very soon.)
Nosotros querremos visitar muchas ciudades. (We will want to visit lots of cities.)
3. Irregular stems
Some verbs just have irregular stems that must be memorized. Fortunately, there are only two.
Irregular Conjugations
decir (to tell)- diré dirás dirá diremos diréis dirán
hacer (to haré harás hará haremos haréis harán
make/to do)
Vosotros diréis el cuento de tu viaje a Argentina. (You will tell your story of your trip to Argentina.)
Ellos harán el pastel para mamá. (They will make the cake for mom.)

Present Perfect
The present perfect (el pretérito perfecto) is a combination of the past participle and the present indicative of the verb haber. The present perfect describes
an action that happened in the past and continues or repeats into the present or an action that happened in the recent past. There are three other perfect
tenses in the indicative: past perfect, future perfect, and conditional perfect.The present perfect describes what a person "has" done, but notice that tener is
not used even though it means "to have." It is formed by combining haber (conjugated to the subject of the sentence) and the past participle.
Present Perfect Formula-Present indicative haber + past participle
Yo he visto las montañas de Perú. (I have seen the mountains of Perú.)
Tú has ido a Colombia. (You have been to Colombia.)
Usted ha escrito un poema bonito. (You have written a pretty poem.)
Él ha dormido 10 horas. (He has slept 10 hours.)
Ella ha dicho que es una princesa. (She has said that she is a princess.)
Nosotros hemos vuelto para comprar la leche. (We have returned to buy milk.)
Vosotros habéis cantado muy bien. (You have sung very well.)
Ustedes han hecho un pastel delicioso. (You have made a delicious cake.)
Ellos han bailado en 12 países. (They have danced in 12 countries.)
Ellas han oído la verdad. (They have heard the truth.)

Past Perfect
The past perfect (el pluscuamperfecto), also known as the plu perfect is a combination of the past participle and the imperfect of the verb haber. The past
perfect describes an action in the past that happened before another action in the past. There are three other perfect tenses in the indicative: present
perfect, future perfect, and the conditional perfect.
The past perfect describes what a person "had" done before something else happened in the past. Notice that tener is not used even though it means "to
have." It is formed by combining haber (conjugated to the imperfect tense) and the past participle.
Past Perfect Formula-imperfect haber + past participle
Yo había visto ya mi primo. (I had already seen my cousin.)
Tú habías cantado en la fiesta cuando llegué. (You had already sang at the party when I arrived.)
Usted había leído antes de él. (You had read the book before him.)
Él había sacado su gorro cuando entró en mi casa. (He had taken off his hat before entering my house.)
Ella había comido antes de ir al cine. (She had eaten before going to the movies.)
Nosotros nos habíamos sentado cuando el tren salió. (We had sat down when the train left.)
Vosostros no habíais oído la canción antes de ahora. (You had not heard the song before now.)
Ustedes habían vuelto cuando ellos salieron. (You had returned when they left.)
Ellos habían puesto los pasteles en la mesa. (They had put the cakes on the table.)
Ellas habían hablado mucho cuando la fiesta terminó. (They had talked a lot when the party ended.)
Preterit Perfect
The preterit perfect (el pretérito anterior), while uncommon, is a combination of the past participle and the preterit of the verb haber. It is primarily used in
formal or literary occasions and is included as a reference here for recognition purposes. The preterit perfect describes an action in the past that happened
immediately before another action in the past. There are four other perfect tenses in the indicative: present perfect, future perfect, past perfect, and the
conditional perfect.The past perfect describes what a person "had" done immediately before something else happened in the past. Notice that tener is not
used even though it means "to have." It is formed by combining haber (conjugated to the preterit tense) and the past participle.
Past Perfect Formula-preterit haber + past participle
En cuanto yo hube visto mi primo, salió. (As soon as I had seen my cousin, he left.)
Cuando tú hubiste llegado en la fiesta, cantamos la can (As soon as you had arrived at the party, we sang the song.)
Tan pronto usted hubo leído el libro, entendió mi misión. (As soon as you had read the book, you understood my mission.)
Cuando él lo hubo estudiado mejor, decidí participar en la discusión. Él hubo sacado su gorro cuando entró en mi casa. (When he had studied it better, he
decided to participate in the discussion.)
Cuando ella hubo salido, empecé a llorar. (When she had left, I began to cry.)
Después de nosotros hubimos comido, sirvió el postre. (After we had eaten, he served dessert.)
Apenas vosotros hubisteis terminado cuando sonó el timbre. (You had just finished when the bell rang.)
Tan pronto ustedes nos hubieron llamado, salimos de la oficina. (As soon as you had called us, we left.)
Ellos hubieron cerrado la tienda cuando llegamos. (They had closed the store when we arrived.)
Cuando ellas hubieron terminado de bailar, todos aplaudieron. (When they had finished dancing, everyone applauded

Future Perfect
The future perfect tense (el futuro compuesto) is a combination of the past participle and the simple future of the verb haber. The future perfect is used to
express an action that "will have been" completed at a certain point in the future. There are three other perfect tenses in the indicative: present perfect, past
perfect, and conditional perfect.
The future perfect describes what a person "will have" done at some point in the future. It can also indicate probability (what "might have" or "probably
have" happened). It is formed by combining haber (conjugated in the simple future) with the past participle. Note that tener is not used even though it
means "to have."
Future Perfect Formula:simple future haber + past participle
Yo habré terminado mi trabajo para diciembre. (I will have finished my work by December.)
Tú ya habrás pedido cuando yo llegue. (You will have already ordered when I arrive.)
Usted habrá estudiado español por tres años para este mayo. (You will have studied three years of Spanish by this May.)
Él habrá ido a otro café. (He might have gone to another cafe.)
Para la próxima semana, ella habrá salido de Atlanta. (By next week, she will have left Atlanta.)
Nosotros habremos dado la luz a nuestro hijo para junio. (We will have had our son by June.)
Vosotros habréis puesto las sillas en la sala para mañana. (You will have put the chairs in the living room by tomorrow.)
Ustedes habrán venido a mi casa a las ocho. (You will have arrived at my house by 8 o´clock.)
Ellos habrán tenido hambre para la noche. (They may have been hungry by the evening.)
Ellas se habrán recuperado para mañana. (They will have recovered by tomorrow.)
Conditional Perfect
The conditional perfect (el condicional anterior) is a combination of the past participle and the conditional of the verb haber. The conditional perfect
describes an action in the past that "would have" happened but did not due to some other event. It can also be used to express probability of an action that
has already been completed. There are three other perfect tenses in the indicative: present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect. It is formed by
combining haber (conjugated to the conditional) with the past participle. Notice that tener is not used even though it means "to have."
Conditional Perfect Formula:conditional haber + past participle
Yo habría comprado los regalos pero no tenía tiempo. (I would have bought the gifts, but I didn´t have time.)
Tú habrías llegado pero el autobus nunca llegó. (You would have come, but the bus never arrived.)
Usted habría terminado el examen pero estaba cansado. (You would have finished the exam, but you were tired.)
Él habría leído el libro pero el teléfono soñó. (He would have finished the book, but the telephone rang.)
Ella habría sido balarina pero le rompió la pierna. (She would have been a dancer but she broke her leg.)
Nosotros habríamos cenado en ese restaurante pero estaba cerrado. (We would have eaten at that restaurant, but it was closed.)
Vosotros habríais bailado pero la música era horrible. (You would have danced, but the music was terrible.)
Ustedes habrían viajado conmigo pero estaba enferma. (You would have traveled with me, but I was sick.)
Ellos habrían puesto el coche en el garaje, pero estaba lleno. (They would have put the car in the garage, but it was full.)
Ellas habrían jugado al fútbol ayer, pero llovió. (They would have played soccer yesterday, but it rained.)

Present Subjunctive
The present subjunctive (el presente de subjuntivo) functions much like the present indicative time-wise except it deals with situations of doubt, desire,
emotion, and is generally subjective while the present indicative is true, real, and objective. In some cases, it can also refer to the future. If you are familiar
with all the spelling-changes, stem-changes, and irregular verbs in the "yo" form of the indicative, then you already know most of the spelling-changes,
stem-changes, and irregular verbs in the subjunctive too. For specifics on when to use the subjunctive instead of the indicative, see the subjunctive
To conjugate a verb in the present subjunctive, you must first remember what the indicative present yo form is. In the present subjunctive, instead of
forming a stem from the infinitive, the stem is formed from the yo form of the present indicative. For many verbs, this will be the same as the infinitive stem,
but for many others (all the spelling-changes, stem-changing, and irregulars), it will be very different.
Irregular in Present Indicative = Irregular in Present Subjunctive
If the stem is irregular in the yo form of the present indicative, it is also irregular in the subjunctive for all forms (including all stem-changing -ir verbs).
caber salir traer lucir valer ver parecer tener hacer poner conocer caer
quepo salgo traigo luzco valgo veo parezco tengo hago pongo conozco caigo
quep- salg- traig- luzc- valg- ve- parezc- teng- hag- pong- conozc- caig-
To the end of this new stem, add the appropriate ending depending on the subject of the verb and infinitive ending of the verb. There are only two ending
sets for the present subjunctive; one for -ar verbs and one for both -er and -ir verbs.Copy Cat Endings--ar endings are the same as -er endings in the
present indicative except in the yo form. -er and -ir endings are the same as -ar endings in the present indicative except in the yo form.There are only 6
truly irregular verbs in the subjunctive. All other "irregulars" are only irregular in the stem or in spelling.
Irregular Present Subjunctive
yo tú usted, él, nosotros vosotros ustedes,
ella ellos, ellas
dar dé des dé demos deis den
estar esté estés esté estemos estéis estén
haber haya hayas haya hayamos hayáis hayan
ir vaya vayas vaya vayamos vayáis vayan
saber sepa sepas sepa sepamos sepáis sepan
ser sea seas sea seamos seáis sean
The tilde on dé is used to distinguish it from the preposition de, unless a pronoun is attached to the end as it deme (give me), where it is omitted.
All e-'ie and o-'ue stem-changing -ar and -er verbs in the present indicative follow the same rules in the present subjunctive: all forms follow the stem
change except for nosotros and vosotros (these use the infinitive stem).
volar - vuele, vueles, vuele, volemos, voléis, vuelen
querer - quiera, quieras, quiera, queramos, queráis, quieran
All e-'ie and o-'ue stem-changing -ir verbs in the present indicative follow the same rules in the present subjunctive except the nosotros and vosotros
forms where the e changes to i and the o changes to u.
preferir prefiera prefieras prefiera prefiramos prefiráis prefieran
dormir duerma duermas duerma durmimos duerman
All e-'i stem-changing -ir verbs in the present indicative maintain the stem-change in all forms.
pedir - pida pidas pida pidamos pidáis pidan
servir - sirva sirvas sirva sirvamos sirváis sirvan
All spelling changes in the preterit indicative are maintained in the present subjunctive. This is to maintain pronunciation of the infinitive. All verbs ending in
-ger and -gir change the g to a j in all forms.
escoger - escoja, escojas, escoja, escojamos, escojáis, escojan
exigir - exija, exijas, exija, exijamos, exijáis, exijan All verbs ending in -car, -gar, and -zar change to qu, gu, and c respectively.
explicar - explique, expliques, explique, expliquemos, expliquéis, expliquen
llegar - llegue, llegues, llegue, lleguemos, lleguéis, lleguen
empezar - empiece, empieces, empiece, empecemos, empecéis, empiecen

Future Subjunctive
The future subjunctive (el futuro del subjuntivo) is a form rarely used in modern Spanish. In the past was used in all cases that WEIRDO verb (independent
phrase) was in the present or future and referred to a hypothetical future or present action. Nowadays, the present subjunctive takes over all the cases that
you would have used the future perfect, but you may still see it in literature or legal documents, so it is good to be able to recognize it.Irregular Future
Subjunctive-Any verb that is irregular in the 3rd person plural of the preterit will maintain that irregularity in the future subjunctive.
caber ser leer tradu tener traer pode decir poner dor prefe estar quer habe saber hacer sentir ir pedir dar
cir r mir rir er r
cupie fuero leyer tradu tuvie trajer pudi dijer pusier dur prefir estuv quisi hubi supie hicier sintie fuero pidie dieron
ron n on jeron ron on eron on on mier ieron ieron eron eron ron on ron n ron
cupie fue- leye- tradu tuvie traje- pudi dije- pusie- dur prefir estuv quisi hubi supie hicie- sintie fue- pidie die-
- je- - e- mie- ie- ie e- e- - - -
The future subjunctive endings are very similar to imperfect subjunctive endings. The only difference is where the imperfect subjunctive uses an a, the future
subjunctive uses an e.
No creo que vinieren mis abuelos. (I don´t believe my grandparents will come.)
Espero que me diere un regalo bueno. (I hope that she will give me a good gift.)
El que recibiere la mayoría de los votos será presidente. (The one who receives the most votes will be president

Imperfect Subjunctive
The imperfect/past subjunctive (el pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo) follows all the same rules as the present subjunctive for when to use it. The only
difference is timing. Use the imperfect subjunctive when the WEIRDO verb (independent clause) is in the imperfect or the preterit or refers to a previous
experience. To conjugate a verb in the imperfect subjunctive, you must first remember the 3rd person plural of the preterit. Instead of using the infinitive for
a stem, the imperfect subjunctive uses the 3rd person plural of the preterit (without the -ron).
Imperfect Subjunctive Stem Formula:imperfect subjunctive stem = 3rd person plural preterit (without the -ron)
Irregular Imperfect Subjunctive-All verbs that are irregular in the 3rd person preterit maintain the same irregularity in the imperfect subjunctive (i.e. te
3rd person preterite
imperfect subjunctive stem
caber pedir dar poder leer estar quere haber saber hacer sentir ir ser traduc tener traer decir poner dormi
r ir r
cupier pidier diero pudie leyero estuvi quisie hubie supier hicier sintier fuero fuero traduj tuvier trajer dijero pusier durmi
on on n ron n eron ron ron on on on n n eron on on n on eron
cupie- pidie- die- pudie leye- estuvi quisie hubie supie- hicie- sintie- fue- fue- traduj tuvie- traje- dije- pusie- durmi
- e - - e- e-
While all conjugations (-ar, -er, -ir) have the same endings in the imperfect subjunctive, there are two options for endings for the imperfect subjunctive.
1. The Independent Clause is in the Past
If the WEIRDO verb (independent clause) is in the preterite or the imperfect, then the subjunctive verb that follows will also be imperfect.
Quería que vinieras/vinieses a mi fiesta. (I wanted you to come to my party.)
Tenía miedo de que no lloviera/lloviese. (I was scared it wouldn´t rain.)
2. The Independent Clause Refers to a Previous Occurrence
This is used to express current emotions, doubts, etc. about something that happened in the past.
Es bueno que (él) se casara/casase. (It´s good that he got married.)
No me parece que el viaje fuera/fuese largo. (It doesn´t seem to me that they journey was long.)
3. To Indicate Unlikely Events
Use Ojalá or ojalá que to express the idea of hoping for something that is unlikely to happen or are impossible.
Ojalá que nevara/nevase en Panamá mañana. (I hope it snows in Panama tomorrow.)
Ojalá mi hermano se casara/casase. (I wish my brother would get married.)
4. If Clauses
When introduced with si (if) the imperfect subjunctive can support an independent clause which introduces a dependent conditional clause. These are
usually situations that are not very likely.
Si yo fuera/fuese reina, viajaría por todo el mundo. (If I were queen, I would travel all over the world.)
Pintaría más seguido si tuviera/tuviese más tiempo. (I would paint more often if I had more time.)

Present Perfect Subjunctive

The present perfect subjunctive (el pretérito perfecto de subjuntivo) functions the same as the present perfect indicative, except that it follows all the rules
for the subjunctive. It is used to describe an action that happened in the past and continues or repeats into the present or an action that "has" happened in
the recent past. It can also describe an action that "will have" happened by a certain point as the present perfect subjunctive has replaced the future perfect
subjunctive.The present perfect subjunctive is a combination of the past participle and the present subjunctive of the verb haber.
Present Perfect Subjunctive Formula:present subjunctive haber + past participle
Mi profesor duda que yo haya leído el libro. (My professor doubts that I have read the book.)
Me alegro de que hayas idoa España. (I am happy that you have gone to Spain.)
Me asusto de que usted me haya llamado. (I am surprised that you have called me.)
Ella no cree que él haya comprado un anillo. (She doesn´t believe that he has bought a ring.)
Lamentamos que ella no haya podido venir a la fiesta. (We regret that she was unable to come to the party.)
Es bueno que hayamos hablado. (It is good that we have talked.)
Quiero que hayáis escrito 5 páginas para el lunes. (I want you to have written 5 pages by Monday.)
Es posible que ustedes hayan vuelto para marzo. (It is possible that you will have returned by March.)
Me encanta que ellos me hayan escrito. (I am delighted that they have written.)
Me enoja de que ella no hayan bailado bien. (I am mad that they have not danced well.)

Past Perfect Subjunctive

Also known as the pluperfect subjunctive (el pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo), indicates a completed action that "had" happened before another action in
the past in all cases the subjunctive would be used. It is also used with the conditional perfect independent clauses to indicate hypothetical situations (what
"will have happened) to replace the little used future perfect subjunctive). It is very similar to the past perfect of the indicative in that it is a combination of
the past participle and the verb haber, but this time, haber is in the imperfect subjunctive instead of the imperfect indicative. To form the past perfect
subjunctive, combine the imperfect subjunctive of the verb haber with the past participle. Remember that the imperfect subjunctive can have two different
forms (hubiera/hubiese).
Past Perfect Subjunctive Formula:imperfect subjunctive of haber + past participle
Pablo dudó que yo hubiera/hubiese ido a Perú. (Pablo doubted that I had been to Peru.)
Mi madre no creyó que hubieras/hubieses limpiado el cuarto. (My mother did not believe that you had cleaned the room.)
Yo dudaba que usted hubiera/hubiese sido profesor. (I doubted that you had been a professor.)
El juez no pensó que el testigo hubiera/hubiese mintido. (The judge didn´t think the witness had lied.)
Si le hubiera dado el dinero, ella se hubiera/hubiese comprado un vestido nuevo. (If he had given her the money, she would have bought a new dress.)
Mi jefe esperaba que hubiéramos/hubiésemos podido terminar el proyecto. (My boss hoped that we had been able to finish the project.)
Yo querría que vosotros hubierais/hubieseis incluido. (I would have wanted that you were included.)
Fue increíble que ellos hubieran/hubiesen corrido 30 kilómetros. (It was incredible that they had run 30 kilometers.)
Mi abuela esperaba que se hubieran/hubiesen casado para ahora. (My grandmother hoped that they had been married by now.)
Si yo hubiera ido, ellas hubieran/hubiesen ido también. (If I had gone, they would have gone too.)

Future Perfect Subjunctive

Like the future subjunctive, the future perfect subjunctive (el futuro compuesto del subjuntivo) is rarely used in modern day Spanish. But as you may see in
literature and legal documents, it is definitely a useful tense to be able to recognize. It is used to indicate actions that "will have" happened in the future at
a certain point. Nowadays, the future perfect subjunctive is replaced by the past perfect subjunctive in most cases and the present perfect subjunctive in
others.The future perfect subjunctive is formed by combining the future subjunctive form of the verb haber with the past participle.
Future Perfect Subjunctive Formula:future subjunctive of haber + past participle
Because the future perfect subjunctive is so rarely used, each example is followed by an example of sentence using the past perfect subjunctive as it is used
in modern Spanish.
Cuando tengo 50 años, hubiere viajado por todo el mundo. (When I am 50, I will have traveled the entire world.)
Cuando tengo 50 años, hubiera viajado por todo el mundo.
Tú hubieras vendio si hubieres tenido un coche. (You would have come if you had had a car.)
Tú hubieras venido si hubieras tenido un coche.
Él no sabe si hubiere ganado la elección hasta el lunes. (He doesn´t know if he will have won the election until Monday.)
Él no sabe si hubiera ganado la elección hasta el lunes.
No creemos que nosotros hubiéremos comprado una casa. (We don´t believe that we will have bought a new house.)
No creemos que nosotros hubiéramos comprado una casa.
Quiero que vosotros hubiereis limpiado toda la casa para las seis. (I want you to have cleaned the whole house by 6 o´clock.)
Quiero que vosotros hubierais limpiado toda la casa para las seis.
Es posible que ellos hubieren cantado por 4 horas. (It is possbile that they will have sung for 4 hours.)
Es posible que ellos hubieran cantado por 4 horas.

Affirmative Informal Commands

For the familiar affirmative commands, use the 3rd person singular form of the present indicative.
Compra la camisa. (Buy the shirt.)
¡Aprende español! (Learn Spanish!)
¡Escribe el ensayo! (Write the essay!)
Tú commands are the singular form of informal commands. To tell a friend, family member, classmate, child, or pet to do something, use the affirmative tú
command. To tell one of those same people not to do something, use the negative tú command.
Irregular Affirmative Informal Commands
All irregular 3rd person singular present indicative verbs maintain that irregularity in the affirmative informal command except the following 8 verbs which
have a special irregular form in the affirmative command.
decir salir hacer ser ir tener poner venir
di sal Haz Sé Ve Ten Pon Ven

Negative Informal Commands

Negative informal commands are very different from affirmative informal commands. They are actually more similar to the formal commands in that they
use the tú form of the present subjunctive of each verb. And always make sure you have a no in front of the verb. This makes it negative.
No compres la camisa. (Do not buy the shirt.)
¡No aprendas español. (Do not learn Spanish!)
¡No escribas el ensayo! (Do not write the essay!)
Another way to form the negative informal command is to -s to the end of the negative formal command.
Alternative Negative Tú Command Formations
iComprar-no compre Ud,no compres
Aprender-no aprenda Ud,no aprendas
Escribir-no escriba Ud,no escribas
There are no irregular negative informal commands. If a verb is irregular in the present subjunctive, it maintains the same irregular in the negative informal
command as well.
Affirmative Formal Commands
These commands are used when addressing people in a formal manner. Use this when addressing people you do not know well, people older than you, or
people that you generally show respect (boss, teacher, priest, etc.) For all countries other than Spain, use these commands to address any group of people.
All Ud. (usted) and Uds. (ustedes) commands are the same as the Ud. and Uds. present subjunctive forms.
Hablar comer vivir
hable coma viva
hable coma viva
hablen coman vivan
hablen coman vivan
Pague la cuenta, por favor. (Pay the bill, please.)
Sea amable. (Be nice.)
Abra la ventana. (Open the window.)
Damas y caballeros, pasen por aquí. (Ladies and gentlemen, go this way.)
Vengan más temprano mañana. (Come earlier tomorrow.)
Estudiantes, abran sus libros. (Students, open your books.)
This command is used when the speaker suggests an action to be performed by a group of people that includes the speaker. There are two ways to form
nosotros commands in Spanish: the ir form and the subjunctive form.
The Ir Nosotros Command Form
It is very common to use the present indicative nosotros form of the verb ir to command a group to which you are a part.
Vamos a nadar. (Let´s go swim.)
Vamos a salir. (Let´s leave.)
Vamos al restaurante. (Let´s go to the restaurant.)
The Subjunctive Nosotros Command FormThe subjunctive form is more common in informal speech among friends. To form the subjunctive nosotros
command, simply state the verb in the nosotros form of the present subjunctive.
Tomemos un taxi. (Let´s take a taxi.)
Comamos aquí. (Let´s eat here.)
Vayamos al restaurante. (Let´s go to the restaurant.)
When attaching nos or se to the end of affirmative nosotros commands,drop the final -s before attaching the pronoun.
Sentemos + nos = Sentémonos aquí. (Let´s sit here.)
Hagamos + se + la = Hagámosela (Let´s make it for her.)
Negative Nosotros Commands
For negative nosotros commands, there is only one form: the present subjunctive.
No nademos. (Let´s not swim.) ,No salgamos. (Let´s not leave.)
Pronoun Placement-Reflexive, object, and indirect object pronouns precede negative pronouns.
No los comamos. (Let´s not eat them.)
These impersonal commands are given in a general sense and apply to all listeners or readers. They are mostly used in signs, instructions, or recipes. While
the ustedes command could also be used in the same situations, the infinitive command has more of a sense of generality when it comes to the audience.
Infinitive Commands
To form the infinitive command, simply use the infinitive.Do not conjugate it!
No fumar. (No smoking.)
Ver las notas abajo. (See the notes below.)
Batir los huevos. (Beat the eggs.)
Present Perfect Past Perfect Preterite Perfect Future Perfect Conditional Past Perfect Future Perfect Present Perfect
Perfect Subjunctive Subjunctive Subjunctive
he vivido había vivido hube vivido habré vivido habría vivido hubiera vivido hubiere vivido haya vivido
has vivido habías vivido hubiste vivido habrás vivido habrías vivido hubieras vivido hubieres vivido hayas vivido
ha vivido había vivido hubo vivido habrá vivido habría vivido hubiera vivido hubiere vivido haya vivido
hemos vivido habíamos vivido hubimos vivido habremos vivido habríamos vivido hubiéramos hubiéremos hayamos vivido
vivido vivido
habéis vivido habíais vivido hubisteis vivido habréis vivido habríais vivido hubierais vivido hubiereis vivido hayáis vivido
han vivido habían vivido hubieron vivido habrán vivido habrían vivido hubieran vivido hubieren vivido hayan vivido
Loving Hut
Calle de los Reyes, 11 (at C/ del Alamo, Plaza de España) 34-91-5590217 Vegan, Chinese, Indian, Thai
Part of International chain of vegan food restaurants opened by followers of Supreme Master Ching Hai, an advocate for vegetarian living. Maybe the only
vegan restaurant in Madrid, España. Reservations required. Open Mon-Sat 1:30-4pm and 8:30-12pm, closed Sun.
Ceres -Topete 32 (at metro: Alvarado) - 15537728
Also store with a small supply of goods. Open Mon-Sat 13.30-16.00, closed Sunday.
EcoCentro -C/de Esquilache 4 (at Rio Rosas and Cuatro Caminos metro) - 5535502
Lacto, Ovo, Vegan-friendly, Take-out.A combination vegetarian deli and health food store, small but varied. There is a full service restaurant in the
basement of the Deli. To find it one must go the back of the deli, walk down the stairs. 15 Euros for a full, three-course meal as of Apr 2010. Food is mostly
vegan and changes often, prices moderate to expensive. Shop sells a small selection of organics, soy and rice milk, and soy analogs such as tempeh in
addition to various herbal remedies, incense, New Age books, jewelry, and imported goods. Also offers a variety of classes on various topics. Open 9.30-
00.30, full restaurant menu from 13.00-17.00, and 21.00-24.00.
El Estragon -Plaza de la Paja 10 (at near metro La Latina/off a quiet square by the Palacio Real). +34-913658982
Ovo, Lacto, Spanish, International, Beer / Wine.Small Madrid vegetarian restaurant. Serving vegetarian food and desserts in a nice environment. Limited
vegan options. Open 13:30-16:30 and 20:30-midnight.
El Granero de Lavapies -Argumosa 10 (at near Reina Sofia Museum) - 914677611
Ovo, Lacto, Vegan-friendly, Beer/Wine.Menu of the day, seitan, tofu, and more. Confirmed open Feb 2010. Open lunchtime only and Friday evening.
El Resturante Vegetariano - Tribunal -C/de Marques de Santa Ana 34 (at Tribunal metro) - 5320927
Lacto, Ovo, Vegan-friendly, Salad bar.Open Tue-Sat 1.30-4pm and 9-11.30pm, Sun lunch only.
El Vergel -Pso de la Florida 53 (at Metro: Principe Pio, near Plaza de España and Casa de Campo park) - 34-915471952
Ovo, Lacto, Vegan-friendly, Spanish, International, Beer/Wine. Popular restaurant offers a large menu with vegan options clearly marked. Non smoking.
Accepts visa card. Also a large health food store upstairs. Open 10.00-00.00, menu from 13.30-24.00.
Isla del Tesoro -Manuela Malasaña, 3 (at Metro: Bilbao) - 915931440
Lacto, Indian, Thai, International, Beer/Wine.Large portions. Reservation suggested. Open 13.30-16.00 and 21.00-23.30, closed Mon, Sun night, and August
La Bio Tika -3 Amor de Dios (at metro: Anton Martin) - 4290780
Vegan-friendly, Macrobiotic.Menu of the day. Also a small store that sells a few basic vegetarian goods.
La Mazorca -Paseo Infanta Isabel 21 (at across street from Atocha train station) - 5017013
Non smoking. Accepts Visa card. Open 13:30-16:00, 21:00-23:30, closed Sunday and Monday nights.
Mamina -Calle Valverde, 42 (28004) (at Fuencarril/Colon) - 91-522-49-09
Vegan-friendly, International, Beer/Wine, Take-out, Spanish/International.Vegetarian dishes with some vegan options, nice size restaurant with interesting
decor, about ten tables, some sofas. Accepts credit cards. Open Mon-Sun 1:30-4:30pm, 9pm-?.
Maoz - Mayor-4 Calle Mayor (28013) - 34-647408731
Ovo, Lacto, Vegan-friendly, Middle Eastern, Fast food, Take-out.Falafel bar with self-service salad bar. Mostly takeaway. May be cash only. Nearest Metro is
Sol. Open 11am-2.30am.
Menudavida -Calle del Barco 45 (28004) - 620788763
Vegan-friendly, Organic, International, Macrobiotic, Beer/Wine, Take-out.Small place that seats only 5 people. Serves international fusion cuisine
(Vietnamese, North African, Japanese). Open Wed-Mon 1:30-5pm, 8-11pm, closed Tue.
Sopa -Calle de Nieremberg, 23 (28002) - 914-131-719
Vegan-friendly, Western, International, Macrobiotic, Juice bar, Beer/Wine, Take-out, Delivery.Wi-fi. Smoke-free. Soup cafe, organic grocery, fashion and
jewellery in the same space. Housemade food with the best organic ingredients available. Accepts credit cards. Open Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 11am-9pm,
closed Sun.
Vegetarian Art -Calle Fernán González, 77 (28009) (at /near El Retiro park; Ibiza underground station) - 91-409-77-22
Vegan-friendly, International, No smoking.Daily menu from Tues-Fri for 10 euros, and dinner menu from Tues-Thurs for 12 euros. Children menu available.
Natural fruit juices. Menu includes vegan and gluten-free indications.
Viva la Vida - Huertas -Calle de las Huertas 57 (at Metro: Anton Martin)- 913697254 Ovo, Lacto, Vegan-friendly, Spanish, International, Fast food, Buffet,
Take-out. Small shop with a buffet table spread that may include chickpea salad, seitan, vegetable lasagna, curry, albondigas, vegetarian Spanish food, and
others. Also a dessert station. Pay for food by weight. Suitable for quick takeaway. Formerly named Organic Market and Buffet. Accepts credit cards. Open
daily 11h a 24h.
Viva la Vida - Latina -Costanilla de San Andrés 16 +34-913663349
Ovo, Lacto, Vegan-friendly, Spanish, International, Fast food, Buffet, Take-out. Newer and larger location in the Plaza de la Paja. L,My X de 12.00-24.00. J,V,S
y D de 11.00-02.00.
Yerbabuena -Bordadores, 3 (at Calle Mayor, off Plaza Mayor in Central Madrid, near Metro: Sol and Opera) - 915480811
Ovo, Lacto, Vegan-friendly, Spanish, Beer/Wine.Restaurante vegetariano. Offers vegetarian haute cuisine. A large menu with many vegan options or dishes
that may be made vegan. Accepts credit cards. Open 11am-midnight.
Health Food Stores, Vegan Shops, Vegan Bakeries, Vegetarian B&Bs, Veg Catering, Veg*n Organizations: (
El Granero-Calle de San Ildefonso/San Eugeneo (at Metro: Antón Martín) - 916580201
Nutricion y Dieterica. Vegan items, seitan, puré de Almendra, Ume-pase, genmai-su, tofu, soya-milk, and more.
Herbolario-Calle de la Fe, 9 - 915272833
There's also a fruteria next door.
Herbolario los Austrias -calle del Angel 12 (28005) (at near royal palace) - 34-913640116
Stocks organic food products, organic cosmetics, and dietary supplements.
Natura Si -calle Doctor Fleming 1 (28036) - 914583254
Natural food supermarket. Has organic vegetables, household cleaning products, health and beauty products, and more.
Planeta Vegano-Calle Ave María, 42, Lavapiés (28012) - 34-912502002
All vegan store selling vegan food, vegan cheeses, vegan sausages, vegan supplements, vegan cosmetics, t-shirts, books, biological and ecological products.
Open Mon-Sat 10:00-20:30.
Salud Madrid -Jose Ortega Y Gasset (at between Montesa and Alacantara) 915278929
Large, well-stocked supermarket. Has packages drid goods as well as refridgerated foods. Also another location at Plaza Santa Maria de la Cabeza 3.
Zentai -Felipe Campos 3 (at Principe de Vergara) - 34-915648899
Well-stocked store featuring selections in ecological organic products and foods from packaged dried pasta, snack foods, supplements, wine, some fresh
fruits and vegetables to books and music CDs.

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