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RESEARCH TOPIC: Teacher maintaining time management handling 300 students per day

WHO: Teachers

WHAT: time management

WHEN: SY 2022-2023

WHERE: Antipolo National High School

WHY: To know how they handle over 300 students per day

HOW: To know how they were able to teach a large number of students under their care


"Racing Against the Clock: A Study on Time Management strategy of High School Teachers Handling
300 Students at Antipolo National High School during the SY 2022-2023"


1.What strategy do teachers use to manage their time effectively while coping with huge count of junior high
school students? And how do these strategies impact student learning outcomes and overall teacher job

2.How do teachers who handle over 300 students per day manage their time in relation to checking student
outputs and do they have enough time for their own personal and professional development?

3.As a teacher who handles over 300 students per day, what are the challenges you face in managing your time
and how do you solve them? there a role does technology play in supporting teachers' time management strategies when handling a large
number of students?


1.What is the general situation/circumstance that makes you develop your research proposal?

The circumstances that gave rise to this research proposal are all about the difficult task that secondary
school teachers face in managing their time while dealing with more than 300 students daily at Antipolo
National High School for SY 2022-2023. That circumstance." this makes it difficult for teachers." to manage
their time effectively, as their students.” Ensuring that academic success for is important for ensuring job
satisfaction for themselves so the research aims to investigate time management strategies used by
secondary school teachers to manage them work, and the impact of these on students’ learning outcome
strategies and teachers’ job satisfaction.

2.Why is your study important? Who or what industry will benefit? How?

As the researcher conducting this study, I think this is important for several reasons. First, identifying the
scheduling strategies secondary school teachers use to manage their teching while dealing with more than
300 students per day could help other schools and educational institutions facing the similar challenges
second, this research can contribute to improving the quality of education provided by schools. Time
management can improve student learning outcomes and increase teachers’ job satisfaction.

lastly, I believe this research can contribute to the profession as a whole. Understanding the time management
strategies used by secondary school teachers can inform the development of effective professional
development programs for teachers to enhance their skills in time management. This can ultimately lead to
better teaching practices and a more satisfying learning experience.

3.What would be the potential contribution, outcome, output, or insight of your research? Explain.

By exploring the impact of effective time management strategies on student learning outcomes, this study
can provide insights into how teachers can enhance their teaching practices to improve academic success
among their students.

Foreign Literature Paragraph:

According to Lee and Liang (2019), time management is important in teaching and learning. Their vision aims to
investigate the relationship between time management behaviors and academic achievement among college college
students. The observational context is a Chinese university, and the respondents have been 328 college undergraduates.
The researchers used the Time Control Conduct Scale and self-reported academic achievement for data collection. The
findings of take a look at indicated that time management practices were significantly positively associated with teaching
achievement. The researchers concluded that point-based behavior is important for academic achievement and
recommended that universities provide schooling and help students develop powerful time management skills.

This article is great for the proposed research on teacher time management because it emphasizes the importance of
time management in academic achievement. It provides insight into the potential impact of time management practices on
student learning outcomes and can inform the development of powerful time management strategies for teachers

Local Literature Paragraph:

According to Gonzales (2018), time management is one of the most vital factors affecting teachers’ process pleasure
inside the Philippines. Gonzales performed a qualitative have a look at to explore teachers’ experiences with their time
control and the way it affected their process satisfaction. The have a look at become carried out in a public standard
faculty. The findings of the look at indicated that point control is a major source of pressure for teachers, and time
management techniques had been crucial for their task delight. The have a look at recommended that faculties offer
support and training for instructors to increase powerful time management capabilities.

This observe is relevant to the proposed studies on teachers’ time control as it gives insights into the challenges teachers
face in handling their time inside the community placing. It emphasizes the significance of supporting and education
teachers to develop powerful time management and might probably tell the improvement of professional development
programs for teachers.

Uniqueness of my study explination:

The uniqueness of this study is that it focuses on the specific cases of high school teachers interacting with a large
number of students (300 or more) in Antipolo National High School during the academic year 2022-2023. Although there
may be existing research on the use of time management strategies for teachers, this study narrows the gap in
addressing the challenges and strategies teachers face specifically during this particular school and academic year.

In addition, the study aims to investigate the impact of these time management strategies on students’ academic
achievement and teachers’ job satisfaction. Considering these two important factors

Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy:

Teachers have loads of work. Because of that, we propose to have a guide for their time management. With that, we can
help them to support the balance of being a teacher, at the same time, have a life as a member of his/her family. And also
teachers can use a simple and basic techniques/strategies like creating a schedule to monitor their time and less their
work. The teachers who participate in professional development training can improve their time management and
organization skills. To conclude that, this will increase the teacher productivity and free up more time for them to
concentrate on the other things, not related to teaching.

Scope and Limitation:

The scope of this study is focused on teachers at Antipolo National High School and their strategies for maintaining
effective time management while handling a large number of students on a daily basis. Specifically, the study will target
teachers who have been teaching for 5-10 years, aiming to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences and insights
over an extended period of time. However, it is important to acknowledge that not all teachers from the school will be
included in the study, which may limit the representation of perspectives and potentially exclude teachers with alternative
or potentially more innovative ideas that could contribute to the research.

Research Methodology:

Research design: qualitative

In this proposal, Qualitative Research will be used because we can explore the experience of teachers throughly and to
assess what more information we can get to them that is related to our proposal. Because some part of our research has
a supporting evidence such as Gonzalez who was performed a Qualitative approach to explore teacher's experience's
with their time control and the way it affected their process satisfaction.


1. Who or what will be the sample for your study?

- The sample for our study will focused on teachers.

2. Why did you choose this sample?

- we chose teachers as the sample because our study focuses on understanding the strategies they use in managing a
large number of students in their daily work.

3. How many teachers will be included in the sample?

- we plan to include 5 to 10 teachers in our sample.

4. How will you select your sample?

- we will select the sample based on the number of years the teachers have been teaching in Antipolo NHS, specifically
targeting those who have been teaching for 5 to 10 years. By choosing teachers with this level of experience, we aim to
understand how they have overcome the challenges associated with handling a large number of students and learn about
their problem solving approaches

Data Gathering Method:

Interviews: Speaking with the teachers in-depth during interviews will yield insightful qualitative information about their
experiences. We can utilize semi-structured interviews to ensure that important time management-related issues are
covered while allowing for freedom in our questioning. To get in-depth responses, we can ask follow-up questioning
questions. This approach has been heavily utilized in educational research to comprehend the opinions and experiences
of teachers (Reference: Mertler, C. A. (2017). Introduction to Educational Research. SAGE Publications.).

Ethical Issues:

Consider your respondents:

• Do you need to obtain informed consent from the parents, DSWD, and other agencies?

- No, but what we need to do is obtain permission from the teachers we plan to interview.

• Do you need to get the name of your respondents?

- Since we respect the respondents' privacy and are aware that we cannot violate on it, it is up to them whether or not they
choose to provide their identities.

• Do you need to label your subjects (schools, barangays, region, etc.)?

-Yes, as it gives us the chance to look at variances or differences across teachers of various grade levels, which can be
crucial for analyzing patterns or trends in the data. However, as I previously stated, we should respect the responders'
privacy, and it is acceptable for us if they refuse to provide their name.

Data Analysis Plan:

Through triangulation, the researcher will seek convergence of information across the interviews. Identifying time
management strategies that are consistently mentioned by multiple teachers provides a stronger foundation for
understanding their effectiveness. Conversely, any inconsistencies or variations in the data will be carefully examined, as
they can offer valuable insights into the challenges and diverse approaches faced by teachers in handling a large number
of students.

Additionally, the use of multiple data sources, such as interviews, observations, and possibly surveys or documents, will
further enhance triangulation. By corroborating findings from different sources, the researcher can establish a more robust
and credible basis for drawing conclusions.

Creswell, J. W., & Miller, D. L. (2000). Determining Validity in Qualitative Inquiry. Theory into Practice,

This article by Creswell and Miller discusses the concept of validity in qualitative it emphasizes the importance of using
triangulation as a means to enhance validity.

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