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To find out what happened at Wyatt’s rebellion

Marriage treaty 1554

Mary married Philip and introduced a treaty saying Philip would be called King, but he:
• had no power of his own
• had to follow English law
• would have no claim to the throne if Mary died and had no children.

People were not happy with this

• Plans were already taking place in the Spring 1554 for uprisings.
• When the marriage treaty was published in January 1554, people wanted to rebel
even more.
• Thomas Wyatt, a wealthy Kent landowner was the only one to create a reasonable
sized army very quickly.

Wyatt’s rebellion
• Wyatt and his troops marched to London, determined to remove Mary from the throne and
put Edward Courtenay, the great grandson of Edward IV in her place.
• The idea was that Edward would then marry Mary’s sister Elizabeth, thus keeping the crown
in the Tudor family.
• It meant that the Protestant religion would continue.
• He slightly delayed his march which allowed Mary to prepare her troops. They were waiting
for him and his men.
• Around 3000 rebels marched to London, overcame the small force of royal soldiers and
paraded through the city.
• Many citizens in London remained loyal to Mary
• After some violent fighting, it was over.
• Mary’s men had defeated the rebellion

What happened after the treaty?

• Wyatt was tried for treason and executed.
• His head was put on a spike over a gate into London.
• About 120 rebels were hanged and left to rot.
• Lady Jane Grey, although had nothing to do with the rebellion, was brought to London and
• Mary put Elizabeth in the tower of London.

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