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MODERATOR : Good Morning Everyone

we going to talk about hometown that is adaut village, not to express my feelings to her
….. shirt
My name is rio her my friend alvando, Gilbert , Alex, marco and Gibe
we have divided we talk into four parts.
presentation we wll take about ten minutes.
After my talk there’ll be time for one questions.

GILBERT : Adaut Village is a village located in Maluku Province, Tanimbar Archipelago Regency,
Sellaru District
This village has a population of about three thousand more
This village uses the language of one of the 3 regional languages in the Tanimbar Islands,
namely Yamdena
The majority of the people of this village embrace Protestant Christianity
The natural resources of this village are mangrove forests, seagrass beds, coral reefs,
algae and fish. There are one hundred and forty three species of fish here.

ALVANDO : There are several tourist attractions in this village

the first is Nuyanat beach, we can go to this place using a spit or a sea motorbike for
around fiveteen minutes from Adaut village
both Angwarmasse Island, we can go to this place by using the spit, about twentyfive
minutes from the sea village
third, torontubun beach, if you want to go to this place, you can use the spit for the sea
route with a time of twentyfive minutes and a motorbike or car for the land route with
about two hours
the fourth is Wefulmaman beach, we can visit this place with a distance of about one
hour using a motorbike or car

ALEX : found a cranium in a traditional village which is located in a kora alcove

This niche is located in a rust area that stretches along the coast of the Fulmanan
peninsula to the west of Adaut Village, this location can be reached by sea motorbike for
approximately twenty minutes. The environmental characteristics of this area are
marked by a stretch of reef limestone walls that stretch for more than two kilometers.

MARCO : The results of the observationscarried out along the Kora niche that runs along the
coast found scattered skulls evenly. Some of the skulls appear to be intact, while some
of the skulls are only left just the fragment. Resident information stated that in the
northern part The peninsula also contains similar traditional burial loci. Results
observations made by the team found no indication of artifactual accompanying
this set of skulls.

GIBE : Tanimbar traditional clothes consist of woven Tanimbar ikat cloth, plus accessories on
the head, symbolizing the majesty of the dignity of the Tanimbar women, while gold on
the forehead symbolizes splendor, authority and prosperity. The necklace worn around
the neck, in the Tanimbar language symbolizes true motherhood and the gentleness of a
Tanimbar woman. The bracelet on the arm symbolizes loyalty, resilience and position in
society. While the belt is a cloth attached with golden knick-knacks symbolizing
authority and responsibility

MODERATOR : To Friends who want to ask us welcome

Thank you
I'm sorry if I haven't had time to express my feelings, maybe later I'll wait
for the right time

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