Procurement Plan

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Public Disclosure Authorized

Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD)

Prepared by: National Procurement Commission –
Public Disclosure Authorized
Public Disclosure Authorized
Public Disclosure Authorized

Page 1 of 13
1. Project Overview

Timor Leste
Full Project Name:
Timor Leste Water Supply and Sanitation Project
Total Finance ($):
Project Number:
Implementing Agency Ministry of Public Works (MPW) -

Summary of Project
Development Objectives The project development objectives are to increase
access to improved water and sanitation services in
project areas and strengthen capacity of sector
institutions to improve service delivery.

Project components:
- Component 1: Water Supply and Sanitation
Infrastructure Development (Cost: IDA –
US$22.5 million). This component will finance
the construction and supervision of (i) a new
water supply system, (ii) a fecal sludge
treatment plant and (iii) community based
DEWATS (Decentralized Wastewater Treatment
- Component 2: Infrastructure Sustainability
Support (Cost: IDA – US$1.5 million; Counterpart
financing). This component is designed to
ensure the sustainability of water and
sanitation-related investments funded under
Component 1. All related infrastructure
sustainability support activities will be
implemented in synchrony with the
infrastructure development component. The
new water supply system and fecal sludge
treatment plant will be operated by BTL-EP Beé
Timor-Leste, Empresa Pública.
- Component 3: Institutional Strengthening and
Project Management (Cost: IDA - US$1 million).
This component aims to support the MPW-led
sector stakeholders’ collaborative platform to
develop and implement the sector institutional
reforms road map to improve service delivery
and sustainability and finances technical
assistance, equipment, and operational costs
associated with the implementation and
supervision of the project activities.

1 Overview of Country, Borrower and Marketplace

a. Operational Context

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East Timor or Timor-Leste, officially the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste is a country
in Maritime Southeast Asia. The country's size is about 15,410 km2 (5,400 sq mi).

Timor-Leste has made enormous progress in its fifteen years of independence. It has
established a vibrant democracy and set up a model structure for managing its wealth of
resources. The Government's earlier focus on maintaining stability has given way to
prioritisation of economic and social development. The Government's Strategic
Development Plan (SDP), released in June 2011, articulates a vision for using petroleum
wealth to develop the economy and alleviate poverty. The improvement of Water Supply
and Sanitation Services throught project is also consistent with the said SDP.

The Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 (SDP) plots a path for Timor-Leste to spend
its resource wealth to bring about equitable development for all Timorese. In doing so, it
articulates a strong government commitment to reducing poverty in Timor-Leste and
increase access to improved water and sanitation services to the people of Democratic
Republic of Timor-Leste.

The Government acknowledges that 'good governance and a professional, capable and
responsive public sector are essential for the delivery of government services and the
implementation of the Strategic Development Plan. Whilst services are delivered by Line
Ministries, they are dependent on central agency systems, including financial
management systems for transferring and acquitting money and determining the budget;
central systems for managing the workforce; and increasingly centralised systems for
construction of infrastructure. The interdependence of these systems means that meeting
SDP targets for improving services like roads, power, water, health, education, sanitation,
ports and airports is heavily dependent on the linked to improvements in central agency
systems for an effective and efficient delivery of the public service.

There are 11 Decree Laws that set out procurement rules and procedures in Timor Leste
and can be downloaded from Ministry of Finance website. Procurement Decree Law No.
10/2005 (Legal Procurement Regime) was established in November 2005 that set the
general rules for budget execution, particularly the acquisition of aiming at the purchase
of goods and consultancy services and civil construction or execution of works,
encouraging the application of transparency, economy and efficiency in procurement
procedures. Good governance in Public Funds is one of the priorities of the government of
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, the effective financial management of public
expenditure in the country, along with the quality of its infrastructures and services,
becomes of paramount importance to this nation.

Operational Context in Timor Leste: Typically, Line Ministries must apply for funds from
the Infrastructure Fund for projects. Applications are appraised by the Major Projects
Secretariat, decided upon by the Council for the Administration of Infrastructure Fund
(CAFI) for projects whose estimated values are less than 5 Million, and Council of
Ministers (COM) for projects whose estimated values are above 5 Million, procured by the
NPC, and delivered by commercial contractors and consultants under the supervision of
the National Development Agency (ADN), concerned Line Ministry and the Major Projects
Secretariat (MPS).

The process of procurement is governed by Procurement Policies and Regulations of

Multilateral/Bilateral Development Banks for procurement financed by external resources,
and by various government procurement laws and regulations for procurement financed
from the government's own resources, under NPC responsibility.

Key Conclusions

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The Council for the Administration of Infrastructure Fund (CAFI) will be the Executing
Agency (EA) and the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) will be the Implementing Agency (IA)
through the PMU (Project Management Unit). The PMU will implement the project
and will be in charge of planning, contract administration, financial management
(FM), supervision of environmental and social safeguards, and monitoring.

BTL-EP will be responsible for operation and maintenance of this project after completion
of construction.

NPC will have the responsibility for the entire procurement process.

Procurement through Request for Proposals (RFP) and Requests for Bids (RFB) will be the
most appropriate types of selection in the local context.

b. Client Capability and PIU Assessment

The PMU will be in charge under the MPW to implement the project activities with
adequate staff and funds throughout the implementation of the project. Key PMU
professional staff will include, among others, a project coordinator, a water supply
engineer, an urban sanitation specialist, a water operation specialist, a social and
gender specialist, an environmental specialist, a financial management specialist,
a procurement specialist, and monitoring specialists all of whom with experience,
qualifications, and terms of reference satisfactory to the Association

The National Procurement Commission (NPC) is a central procurement institution,

responsible for conducting and managing the procurement process for the government in
Timor Leste. NPC was established in March 2011 by Decree-Law 14/2011 to oversee
donor-funded as well as government funded infrastructure projects. NPC is headed by a
Director and seconded by the Vice Director. NPC benefits from having three international
procurement specialists and one national procurement advisors; those are well
experienced in the World Bank (WB) and UN procurement procedures. NPC prides itself
with its procurement officers composed of one national procurement coordinator, nine
national procurement officers and five national procurement assistants. NPC has a quality
control officer, who ensures the quality of procurement processes and documents.

As of this date, NPC has procured more than 50 contracts for Civil Works, Consultancy
Services Contracts, Operation and Maintenance and Design and Build funded by the
World Bank (WB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), European Union (EU), Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Export—Import Bank of China. More than 300
contracts funded by government have been procured by NPC.

NPC procurement staffs are fully familiar with the recent introduction of the WB
Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing (IPF) Borrowers (July 2016
Revised in November 2017, August 2018 and July 2019). From last 2 years, NPC procured
14 projects-funded by WB, ADB, EU and KfW, including 7 for civil works, 8 for consultants
and 1 for Operation and Maintenance.

NPC strictly follows the Bank's Core Procurement Principles like Value for money;
Economy; Efficiency; Integrity; Fit for purpose; Transparency; and Fairness, which gives
the assurance that the Bank's financing will be used for the intended purposes.

Complaints Management & Dispute Resolution: The bidders and consultants that are
considered to be affected during the course of the procurement procedure have the right
to present a claim to the NPC and other Public Authorities in accordance with Chapter V

Page 4 of 13
(Claims and Appeals) of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Government Decree-Law
No. 10 / 2005 of the Procurement Legal Regime (PLR). Furthermore, the procurement
complaints handling procedures in the World Bank's Procurement Regulations and
bidding documents will apply under the proposed Bank-financed project.

Bank hands-on support: The World Bank task team, based in Jakarta (Indonesia) and Dili
(Timor-Leste) had always provided the day-to-day support to NPC to review Expression of
Interests Reports, Request for Proposals, Invitation for Bid, Bidding Documents,
Evaluation Reports and in other matters as per Bank prior review process. Bank this
support will be continued for upcoming projects too.

Key Conclusions

MPW has experienced in implementing donors funded projects. Expansion and

Rehabilitation of Manatuto Water Supply System, Expansion and Rehabilitation of Pante
Makassar Water Supply System funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB) was
implemented by MPW in 2014 - 2015 and the implementation of current active Operation
& Maintenance and Training Services for Water Supply System in Manatuto funded by
ADB is in progress. The project contracts with value 1 million and above were procured by
the NPC.

NPC has already proven its capability in undertaking procurement activities for past
seven years. NPC has lots of previous experience of implementing World Bank-funded
projects and shown excellent absorptive capacity in procurement management services
and done procurement of more than US$30.0 million, Works and Consultancy Contracts
funded by WB from last 2 years. It has also been rated highly in terms of achieving its
objectives, meeting, and in many cases, surpassing targeted outputs and outcomes.
Procurement staff has contributed to building the capacity of line ministries, contractors
and consultants through technical assistance and presentations in Pre-Bid/Proposal

This Timor Leste Water Supply and Sanitation Project will financed IDA Credit and as per
Government rules this credit/loan is categorised as infrastructure fund and all the
procurement implementation and accountability will be under the NPC's responsibility.
c. Market Analysis

Market for construction and supervision services is a combination of countries in

particular South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand, North America, Europe and other
countries of Asia. There is high probability of repeat contractors and consultants having
participated in previous similar assignments funded by the World Bank, Asian
Development Bank and Government of Timor Leste.

NPC publishes tender announcements at dgMarket, Devex, UNDB and two web sites of
Government of Timor-Leste and in at least two selected newspapers in Timor-Leste.

Additional market engagement exercises can be conducted to increase competition. This

will include possible advertisement in the professional journals abroad, also distributing it
to contractor’s and consultant's associations and dissemination among the trade sections
of the foreign embassies in Timor Leste.

Name of the Founded by Total number of Nationalities

Project Firm Submitted

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Consulting Services RDTL 11 Indonesia, Thailand,
for Feasibility Study Timor-Leste, Korea,
of Surface Water Malaysia, Portugal
Resource and China
Development Project
for the water Supply
of the Dili
Metropolitan Area

Consultant Services RDTL 7 Korea, Portugal,

for Detailed Timor-Leste,
Engineering Design Indonesia and
of Dili Urban Water Malaysia

Consultant Services RDTL 7 Korea, Portugal,

for Detailed Timor-Leste,
Engineering Design Indonesia and
of Timor-leste four Thailand
Municipal Capitals
Water Supply &
Sanitation Project

Operation & ADB 4 Portugal, Timor-

Maintenance and Leste, and China
Training Services for
Water Supply
System in Manatuto

The Expansion and ADB 5 Korea, Australia,

Rehabilitation of Indonesia, Timor-
Pante makasar Leste
Water Supply

Consulting Services RDTL 8 Indonesia, Thailand,

for Pre-Feasibility Timor-Leste,
Study of Ground Malaysia, Portugal
Water Resource and China
Development Project
for the water Supply
of the Dili
Metropolitan Area

Operation & ADB 4 Portugal, Timor-

Maintenance and Leste and China
Training Services for
Water Supply
System in Manatuto

There are also several local construction and consultant companies in Timor-Leste,
although the market for them is not matured compared to the international firms. Local
firms are used mainly by international firms as sub-consultants/subcontractors to
undertake survey works, site investigations, social and environmental services and minor
construction works.

Page 6 of 13
It is expected that Chinese, Indonesian, Korean, Timorese, Malaysians, Portuguese,
Australian and other experienced firms from the region will bid for the Timor Leste Water
Supply and Sanitation Project.

Key Conclusions
There is a high probability of repeat consultants/bidders, i.e., companies which bid on
previous similar works/consulting assignments funded under the Government of Timor-
Leste, World Bank and Asian Development Bank.
In addition to, advertisements in dgMarket, Devex, UNDB and Timor Leste government
web sites and tender publication in two newspapers in Timor Leste, an intensive supplier
market outreach and bidder engagement exercises will be conducted to increase
participation and competition. This will include possible advertisement in professional
journals abroad and dissemination among the trade sections of the foreign embassies in
Timor Leste including Australia, New Zealand, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Brazil,
Cuba, Malaysia, Brunei, Portugal, Philippines, Thailand and USA, among others.
Based on experience, there is adequate capacity for construction and supervision of
water supply and sanitation projects in the country. NPC, so far, has not faced any
capacity related issue for hiring good contractors and consultants. However, due to the
delays in Government settling the environmental, safeguard issues contractor for civil
works usually will face delay in getting the confirmation to commence the work.
Consequently, the supervision consultant effectiveness will also be delayed. Contract
variations and amendment occur due to unavoidable circumstances i.e. natural disasters,
new works/scope of work.
For water supply and sanitation works, the Timor Leste market for international and local
firms which are experienced in construction, supervision and maintenance works similar
to the project activities is very much developed. Considering the nature of contract and
technical complexity of the proposed work, the construction and supervision of Timor
Leste Water Supply and Sanitation Project can be easily delivered by the combination of
international and local contracting and consulting firms.
2 Procurement Risk Analysis

Risk Description Description of Mitigation Risk

Minimal/incomplete Terms of Reference (TOR) for Consulting MPW
TORs Services to clearly specify duration,

Well described and complete scope and content

of tasks,

Well planned schedule of deliverables,

Linked payments against services provided,

Well planned number of experts/months by field

of expertise,

Clear regime of deliverables review and


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Cost estimate risk Detailed, complete cost estimates based on MPW
updated market analysis to align estimates with
market value for Services; thus, reducing risk of
unresponsive proposals and bids,

The estimates will be updated to get to the

realistic market prices before start of

Impractical Improve forecasting, planning and consultation NPC/MPW

timeframe with users,

Consideration of higher approvals in


Improve communication with potential


Improve procurement plan with realistic


Variation in Proactive contract management and efficient MPW

Quantities deliverables control to identify any expected risk
of contract amendments and avoid/minimize

Provide active stakeholder participation to

ensure that changes in the scope of work are
minimized or avoided, and to ensure that
necessary government support and facilitation
required is provided,

Advance market research and consultation

during contract design to identify any expected

Contract based on admeasurement,

Project Location Encourage Bidders and consultants to visit site MPW

to familiarize themselves with the nature of

Risk of Evaluation carried out to verify reasonableness NPC

contractor/consultant of price and timeliness of proposals and
failure due to technical and financial capacity of
unreasonable contractors/consultants, including analysis to
high/low offer identify abnormally high/low bids leading to
rejection/acceptance of unreasonable proposals,

Failure to secure Proper use of World Bank standard bidding NPC

mandatory conditions documents such as Request for Bids for Works
in documents and Request for Proposals for Consultant

The Civil Works (CW) and Construction

Supervision (CS) projects are of high-contract

Page 8 of 13
values (more than USD 5Million) and require
approval of the recommendation to award
contract by the Council of Ministers and then
approval by the Audit Court on the entire
procurement process and contract,

Thus, NPC includes certain clauses in the

standard WB documents, subject to WB
approval. Inclusions are as follows:

Bank Guarantee requirements of Law of -11 in

Section IX -Particular Conditions; additional
paragraphs to cover approvals of Audit
Court in Section X

Notification of Award; inclusion of contract

amount in Contract Agreement

Series of contract Proactive contract management and efficient MPW/

amendments during deliverables control to identify any Supervisio
contract expected risk of contract amendments and n
implementation avoid/minimize them, Consultant
Ensure that changes in the scope of work are
minimized or avoided,

Contract management to avoid/minimize risk of

variation orders in Works will be done
through strict supervisionby qualified engineers
to: (i) identify valid deviations in quantities
between the B0Q and actual number of
construction units; (ii) identify missing items that
are to be added for the correct functioning of the
completed works; and (iii) careful review
and approval of proposed changes by
contractors, where justified, to avoid/minimize
variation orders to the maximum extent

Risks related to Inclusion of provisions on fraud, collusion and MPW/NPC

fraud, collusion and corruption other prohibited practices and
corruption the consequences of committing such acts in the
tender documents,

Declarations of integrity or no corruption

warranties indicating that bidders have not and
will not engage in corruption in connection to the

Defining the procedures in the tender

documents for taking legal action and the
modality and degree of sanctioning to be applied
to procurement officials in cases of violating
codes of conduct/ethics,

Establish effective and transparent complaint

Page 9 of 13
handling mechanism,

Adopt open (international) bidding procedures,

Increased publicity to encourage greater

participation and interest from the market,

Unbiased technical specifications and TOR,

Publicize tenders timely and allow sufficient time

to bidders/consultants to prepare bids/proposals,

Force Majeure Contingency planning, MPW

Provision of reserve materials available on

Design of works factor in climate resilient


Project beneficiaries Besides regular monitoring and MPW/WB/

having inadequate evaluation, build and/or transfer of knowledge Consultant
knowledge to for community to maintain project tangible
manage/maintenance outcome i.e. positive economic impact on the
asset economy by improving access to safe, reliable,
and sustainable water supplies to the economy,
including individuals, industry, commerce, and

3 Procurement Objective

1 Achieve Value for Money through open, transparent and compliant procurement

2 Ensure timely and efficient award of contracts in line with the Procurement Plan;

3 Awarding contracts to qualified, experienced, capable bidders so that contracts are

executed in original allotted time and without cost overrun;

4 Recommended Procurement Approach for the Project

• Contract and Estimated Cost: USD 25.0 Million

Attribute Selected Justification Summary/Logic

Specifications Conformance Technical requirements and tender documents
are clearly specified and well planned for works
execution and acceptance of the works

Terms of Reference Conformance Terms of Reference (ToR) are clearly specified

and well planned for construction supervision
consultancy works

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Sustainability Yes As per World Bank’s procurement
Requirements regulations/standard procurement documents
for works

As per World Bank’s procurement

regulations/standard RFP for construction
supervision consultancy services and as per
government of Timor-Leste norms

Contract Type Unit World Bank works contract given in Request for
Rates/Admeasure Bids (without prequalification – July 2019 - 1
ment envelope process) will be used
Consultant Time Based Contract for Supervision Services
Pricing and costing Schedule of Rates/ Payment is made to the contractor based on the
mechanism Admeasurement actual quantities and contractual unit price

Time and Time based consultancy contract , where the

reimbursable payment is made to consultant based on agreed
expenditures rates and time spent plus reasonable incurred
reimbursable expenses

Supplier Yes As per World Bank procurement

Relationship regulations/standard procurement documents
for works

Collaborative Government of Timor-Leste expects a fruitful

and trustworthy relationship with the consultant
during the whole duration of the project with
mutual trust, openness and transparency.

Price Adjustments Adjustable Price Contract duration will ?

Contract Price will be adjusted based on prevalent market
indices for currency, labour and material at pre-
decided time intervals.

Form of Contract World Bank’s Bank's Standard Contract Terms and Conditions
(Terms and standard form of as provided in Request for Bids (RFB) for Works
Conditions) contract for works (without prequalification) [July 2019] or as
agreed with the Bank will be adopted

Time Based Form of Contract inclusive GCC and SCC as

Contract provided in World Bank's Standard Request for
Proposals (RFPs) dated October 2017 or as
agreed with the Bank) will be adopted with
inclusion of affected Sections as required by
procurement law of Timor-Leste, subject to WB

Selection Method Requests for Bids Request for Bids - Works (without
(RFB) prequalification) [July 2019] (1 envelope
process) will be used

Quality and Cost Common consultant services for construction

Based Selection supervision
Selection N/A

Page 11 of 13
Market Approach Open
Pre / Post Post-Qualification Pre-qualification is not justified for works of
Qualification simple and standard nature. Appropriate
qualification requirements should be specified in
the Request for Bids (RFB) document to verify
that a Bidder that would be recommended for
contract award has the capability and resources
to effectively carry out the contract.

Shortlisting Shortlisted firms will be invited to submit

technical and financial proposals

Evaluation Non-rated criteria: Rated criteria is not appropriate for works of

Selection Method Substantially simple and standardized nature. The bid of the
responsive and bidder that meets the qualification criteria and
lowest evaluated whose bid has been determined to be
cost substantially responsive and provided lowest
evaluated cost will be selected.

Quality and Cost Financial proposals of technically qualified

consultants with minimum qualifying marks will
be opened.
The weights given to the Technical (T) and
Financial (P) Proposals will be established at the
time of preparation of the RFP.

Evaluation of Costs Adjusted Bid Price Adjustments of Bid price include arithmetic
correction, any discounts, and other
adjustments specified in the Request for Bids
(RFB) document for evaluation purposes.

Adjusted Proposal Adjustments of proposal price include arithmetic

Price correction, any discounts, and other
adjustments specified in the request for
proposal (RFP) document for evaluation

Domestic No
Non-Rated Criteria Mandatory Non Rated criteria are used.
The bidder that meets the qualification criteria
and whose bid has been determined to be (i)
substantially responsive to the bidding
document, and (ii) the lowest evaluated cost
(lowest evaluated bid) is selected.

Rated Criteria Technical As per WB's standard RFP.

Evaluation criteria
with scoring

5 Preferred arrangement for low value, low risk activities (if applicable)

Not Applicable

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6 Summary of PPSD to be inform the Bank’s preparation of the PAD

Council for Administration of Infrastructure Fund (CAFI) is the Executing Agency (EA) of
the Timor Leste Water Supply and Sanitation Project.
The selection of contractors and consultants for Timor Leste Water Supply and Sanitation
Project are the major contracts to be procured under the responsibility of the NPC.
Procurement by NPC is carried out through Procurement Committees under the
supervision of Director and the Vice Director of NPC. The Procurement Committees in turn
reports directly to the Director and the Vice Director of NPC on all procurement matters.
NPC will prepare all tender documents based on the World Bank's Procurement
Regulations and obtain the prior review and no objection of these documents from the
World Bank. The procurement risks and mitigation measures are indicated in Article 3
Description Estimated Bank Procurement Selection Evaluation
and Cost Oversight Approach/ Method Method
Category (USD) and

Construction Unknown at Prior Open Request for Non-Rated

of Water this stage Review (International) Bids (RFB)
Supply and Competition without
Substantial Responsive
Sanitation prequalification
and Lowest
Infrastructure Evaluated

Supervision Unknown at Prior Open Request for Quality and

of Water this stage Review (International) Proposal (RFP) Cost
Supply and Competition Weighted
High Quality and
Sanitation Cost Based
Infrastructure Selection

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Timor-Leste : Timor Leste Water Supply and Sanitation Project
General Information
Country: Timor-Leste 2021-12-20
Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:
Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID: P167901 GPN Date: 2022-04-11
Project Name: Timor Leste Water Supply and Sanitation Project
Loan / Credit No: IDA / 65590
Ministry of Public Works Transport and Communication
Executing Agency(ies):

Activity Reference No. / Estimated Actual Am Bid Evaluation Report
Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Contract Complet
Description Component Review Type Method Amount (U ount (US$ and Recommendation Signed Contract
o. h cess (Y/N) isk ocument Type atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes ion
S$) ) for Award
Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned
Request for Bids -
TLWATSAN - CW01 / The Co Works (without pr
Component 1: Water Supply
nstruction of the Baucau Mun Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E equalification) SP 27,650,000.0 Pending Imp 2023-12-2
IDA / 65590 and Sanitation Infrastructure Prior Request for Bids 0.00 2023-01-24 2023-01-29 2023-03-12 2023-05-25 2023-06-29
icipal Capital Water Supply a l nvelope D - Applying contr 0 lementation 6
nd Sanitation System actor disqualificia

TLWATSAN - CW02 / The Co

Component 1: Water Supply
nstruction of Community-bas Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Other (with field f Pending Imp 2022-10-2
IDA / 65590 and Sanitation Infrastructure Post Open - National 500,000.00 0.00 2022-03-06 2022-05-01
ed Decentralized Sewerage N tions nvelope or explanation) lementation 8
etwork and Treatment Syste
ms - Pilot Project

Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report
Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion
o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes
for Award
Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual


Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report
Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion
o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes
for Award
Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation
Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technic
Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Neg Signed Contract Contract Completion
o. h unt (US$) (US$) Notice equest for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes al Proposal
otiated Contract
Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

TLWATSAN -CS304 / Externa Component 3: Institutional s Consultant Qualifi

IDA / 65590 Post Open - National 180,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2023-01-03 2023-01-24 2023-03-09 2023-04-08 2023-05-13 2023-11-09
l Financial Auditor trengthening and Project Ma cation Selection

TLWATSAN - CS01 / The Proj

ect Supervision Consultant (P Component 2: Infrastructure Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa Pending Impleme
IDA / 65590 Prior 3,542,275.00 0.00 2023-01-24 2023-02-14 2023-03-30 2023-04-27 2023-05-27 2023-07-01 2023-08-05 2024-08-04
SC) for the Baucau Municipal Sustainability Support Based Selection l ntation
Capital Water Supply & Sanit
ation Project

TLWATSAN-CS03 / Project M
Component 3: Institutional s
anagement Consultant (PMC) Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa Pending Impleme
IDA / 65590 trengthening and Project Ma Prior 1,393,845.00 0.00 2023-01-24 2023-02-14 2023-03-30 2023-04-27 2023-05-27 2023-07-01 2023-08-05 2024-08-04
Support for the Baucau Muni Based Selection l ntation
cipal Capital Water Supply an
d Sanitation Project

Activity Reference No. /
Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont
Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Signed Contract Contract Completion
o. h unt (US$) (US$) d/Selected Consultant ract
Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

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