Assignment 2023

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CSI2112 - Project Methods and Professionalism

General Guidelines
● Work in 2-3 member groups.
● This assignment consists of 2 parts.
o Part 1: The first part is to research and understand the problems, challenges and issues
related to the trusted integration and sharing of medical data regarding people
attempting to enter or leave Sri Lanka.
o o Part 2: The second part is to write a project proposal that details a secure solution to
the challenge of medical records and vaccination that can be relied upon to protect Sri
● Deadlines as follows:
o Part 1: 2nd May 2023
o Part 2: 17th June 2023

Following is a case study extracted from a student research paper.

Case Study
The Background

Medical data has never been regarded as a more vulnerable. The requirement to record the
medical needs of people in Sri Lanka in 2022 represent a complex problem. On the one hand,
the need to protect the population from the spread of Covid 19 has meant that governments
have been forced to access restricted data in order to reduce the spread of further outbreaks.
Systems that track those who are infected with the newly found Omicron variant are used
globally to reduce the impact of the Covid disease. On the other hand, citizens are worried that
their personal and private records have been included in the task to reduce Covid spread.

The Sri Lankan government recognises that individual privacy and the needs of the community
are at an impasse. Many people are concerned that their individual rights have been over-ruled
by the public need to protect the population of Sri Lanka. The challenge for Sri Lanka is to
engage with private and public sources to secure the privacy of individuals whilst also meeting
the overarching needs for its citizens. This requires innovative thinking from within the
government and its private partners on key medical data, contact tracing, and in the area of the
movement of people across borders and across international lines.
The Challenge for the Sri Lankan Government

An enormous part of the challenge in terms of Project management and Project effectiveness is
the question of confidentiality, integrity and assurance. As the world comes to understand the
needs of individual countries, the ongoing movement of people in and out of Sri Lanka has
become a critical problem for the government, the industry and workforce, and the people of
Sri Lanka. Many security analysts are concerned that different Covid apps are not secure,
ineffective, and that some systems are affecting the security and privacy of people. Other
groups remain adamant that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of individuals. There
needs to be a greater level of technology-based integration and management of these critical
data exchanges.
This project is particularly concerned with protecting and securing the use of private and
medical data of individuals. In particular the government of Sri Lanka is concerned that
neighbouring countries such as India and Pakistan may represent a threat if the control of
suitable people is not taken into consideration. Should people be allowed to move across
borders and lockdown areas if they cannot demonstrate key details about vaccinations.
Your project will look at a range of challenges that involve an understanding of these
background issues.
The challenge for this Project is to provide a method of integrating a networked, manageable
system for the movement of people in order to record those who are fully vaccinated, their
families, and their movements. Across the world many countries are refusing entry across
borders because people from some countries may represent a grave risk to the populations of
their own country. Sri Lanka is very concerned about the work being carried out to identify
which variant of Covid may be driving outbreaks. It is looking to investigate smart ways to share
data and medical records with the co-operation of many different partners and stakeholders,
whilst maintaining a high level of trust and technology acceptance.
The search is on for a project management team who can propose and document a project that
can establish a reliable system of software to optimise the collected data that is assisting with
key decisions regarding Covid 19.
At the same time, this project must work to protect the individual rights of people and their
families. The successful project management team will incorporate a plan to create better levels
of trust, security, isolation, communication, and cooperation between medical workers,
hospitals and government departments so that Sri Lanka can protect its data and generate the
best possible protective outcomes for the people of Sri Lanka.
Your team has been selected to put forward a proposal to “Medical Records Management” an
important project looking after a new platform to the critical exchange of medical records,
vaccination records, and the movement of people across borders. This is a project that must be
secure from outside influences, be protected from competing commercial interests, and must
be accessible by authorised departments, scientists, and medical records experts so that it can
be used in decision making process for managing the disease in Sri Lanka.
Following are main areas where this project seeks to operate:
1. The project should develop a reliable system of managing the records and verification
that cannot be fooled by people looking to gain access to Sri Lanka because they may be
coming from a less-safe country or area.
2. It must include identity management, privacy for individuals, and connectivity with
global records including passport records.
3. The solution should allow different stakeholders to access all necessary information in a
safe and secure manner.
4. Records should manage through established hardware systems and networks such as
cloud services.
5. The data information should be protected so that both domestic and foreign actors
cannot unfairly manipulate data in the public domain.
6. Data should be detail enough and easy to handle so that it can be incorporate in the
decision making process so that Sri Lanka can take important decision regarding the
Part 1 – Research Report

The report needs to show that you have researched the problems and challenges for the secure
exchange of medical, vaccination, and hospital records in Sri Lanka. Report should cover the
following areas (not limited to):

1. Process of handling the medical records in a trustworthy manner.

2. How to avoid that some people are manipulating or the areas of disparity, and fraud,
and deception.
3. Steps that can be taken to protect the security and privacy of medical and hospital
information and data.
4. Most likely threats to medical Covid outcomes in Sri Lanka.
5. What consequences occur in different parts of Sri Lanka and its borders (at airports and
by other transport means), that could be assisted with an optimised approach such as
6. Different roles that different stakeholders need to play in secure data management –
such as government, health sector, independent researchers and other institutes such as
medical research institute of University of Sri Jayawardanapura.
7. Background study on data protection laws.
8. How to avoid the incidents such as data losses happened in recent NMRA incident.
9. Existing public/private partnerships already exist in terms of data sharing.
10. Different risks associated in handling foreign and domestic influences.

Report should have following areas

● Abstract
● A Table of Contents
● References with Harvard Referencing Standards
● Report must be 2000 words or less (not including references).
● All graphs, charts and tables must be numbered and labelled.
Part 2 - Proposal

The proposal needs to use the information from your report as the basis for creating a project
proposal that addresses the key issues that you identify in the part 1 research report. This is a
pitch by your group to provide a project management solution. Some guidelines – should not be
limited to;

1. The proposal should be written as a project proposal that is a Public / Private partnership.
That means that it should integrate some elements from existing Government structures
with some elements from the private sector and industry.
2. Should define the scope very well including the scope statement.
3. The proposal should provide a solution that addresses the challenges in terms of an
integrated data system that shares information across systems between all stakeholders
including private industry, medical sources and the Sri Lankan government.
4. The proposal should include a Risk Register. Team should identify at least 5 risks. It should
present the risks in the form of a Risk Matrix. Probability and the severity should be
given. Identify the top 3 risks and outline a high-level assessment with risk mitigation
5. Allocated budget for the project is Rs. 10,000,000/=. Conducting a benefits calculation
would be an added advantage.
6. Project duration is 12 months. Define the start and end dates.
7. The written proposal must show a Work Breakdown Structure
8. Use MS Project / Excel / Or any other tool to create a project plan and a GANTT
9. Proposal should define and identify the project team members such as project experts,
software engineers, quality assurance engineers, business analysts, database experts,
security experts, medical professionals etc.
10. All personnel salaries and wages must be included in the written budget expenses
(take hypothetical figures).
11. Hardware, software, office rental, office furniture, travel and sundry expenses and all
outgoing expenses should be considered and procurement plan should be discussed.
12. Should include a communication plan.
13. Should include a quality management plan.

The proposal must include:

● Abstract
● A Table of Contents
● References with Harvard Referencing Standards.
● Background
● Scope / Scope Planning
● Project Planning (Budget, Time, Resources, Procurement, Quality etc.)
● Project Risks
● Report must be 2000 words or less (not including references).
● All graphs, charts and tables must be numbered and labelled.

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