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Dr Claire Warden (nee Altree)

School of Performing Arts LPAC University of Lincoln Brayford Pool Lincoln LN6 7TS Email: Website:

The University of Edinburgh Sep 2004-Aug 2007 PhD in Drama, English Literature and Politics University of Edinburgh Scholarship Thesis: Tradition, Innovation and Politics: the stage work of Ewan MacColl and Theatre Workshop Supervisors: Dr Olga Taxidou, Dr Roger Savage Examiners: Prof Terry Eagleton, Dr Simon Malpas The University of Edinburgh MSc in Writing and Cultural Politics The University of Wales, Aberystwyth. BA (Hons) English Literature (first class) 2002 Undergraduate departmental prize. Sep 2003-Sep 2004

Sep 1999-June 2002

Faculty Positions
University of Lincoln Jan 2010Lecturer in Drama Module coordinator: Study Skills, Dissertation, Modern European Drama, Documentary Theatre Lecturer/Tutor: Reading Performance, The Musical First Year Coordinator Responsibility for departmental response to plagiarism Currently working towards Higher Education Academy Fellowship (due for completion November 2011)

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The University of Edinburgh Sept 2009-Dec 2009 Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow Tutor: Introduction to English Literature, Introduction to Drama, Canadian Literature Lecturer: Research Methods (designed), European Theatre (designed) Queen Margaret University Jan 2007-June 2008 Visiting Lecturer Lecturer/Tutor: Twentieth-Century Performance (designed), Critical Theory (designed), Analysing Performance (designed). Scottish Universities International Summer School Tutor British and Irish Modernism The University of Edinburgh Guest Lecturer Theatre History Politics of Performance The University of Edinburgh Tutor in English Literature Introduction to English Literature July 2006, 2007, 2008

Feb 2006-2008

Sep 2005-June 2008

Administrative Experience
Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes Dialogues of Enlightenment University of Edinburgh Involved in the organisation team for this conference Teaching Assistant (TA) Representative Department of English Literature University of Edinburgh 11-13 June 2009

Jan-June 2008

Teaching Course April 2005 Effective Tutoring course at Edinburghs Centre for Teaching, Learning and Assessment.

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Key Research Interests

My research interests largely focus on Twentieth-century theatre and particularly the connections between British theatre, the Continental European and American avantgardes. I am also interested in many other aspects of Modernist aesthetics, including music and poetry, and the way the disciplines interact with one another. Dramaturgy and the relationship between performance, text and historical context are also central to my research. I am currently working on a number of new projects, including a paper on James Elroy Fleckers play, Hassan and an article on performing the avant-garde archive based on a version of Elmer Rices The Adding Machine (University of Lincoln 2011).

Research Experience
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities Postdoctoral Research Fellow British Avant-Garde Theatre Theatre Workshop Archivist and Researcher Archive accepted by the National Library of Scotland Consultant for website Programme Notes for Marat/Sade (Nov 2008) June 2009-Aug 2009

Aug 2008-Oct 2008

Co-founder and Editor Autumn 2006-Spring 2007 Forum: University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture and the Arts Researcher 29th May 2004 National Library of Scotland Association for Scottish Literary Studies conference - City of Everywhere: Edinburgh and contemporary writing

Publishing Record Books

British Avant-Garde Theatre. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2011/2 [forthcoming].

Chapters in Books
Dirty Old Town: the ambivalent Northern city in Ewan MacColls Landscape with Chimneys in Katharine Cockin (ed.) The Literary North. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2012 [forthcoming].

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Articles in Refereed Journals

Ewan MacColl, the brilliant young Scots dramatist: Regional myth-making and Theatre Workshop. International Journal of Scottish Theatre and Screen 4:1 (September 2011). Online: Reappropriating the Pace-Egging tradition: Ewan MacColls St George and the Dragon. Modern Drama 53:2 (Summer 2010): 232-243. The shadows fly before the rush of light: Expressionist experimentation and political efficacy in Ewan MacColls The Other Animals. New Theatre Quarterly (February 2008): 317-325.

Escape, Romance and Politics: the dialogue between the country and the city in British 1930s theatre ASTR/CORD conference Embodying Power: Work Over Time. Seattle, Washington, November 2010 [seminar paper]. Ewan MacColl, the brilliant young Scots dramatist: Regional myth-making and Theatre Workshop. Regional Spaces, National Stages: Performances beyond London, 1945-2010. University of Reading, September 2010 [panel paper]. Not a minutes silence but a lifetime of struggle: Edinburgh Theatre Workshops political carnivalesque. What Happens Now? 21st Century Writing in English. University of Lincoln, July 2010 [panel paper]. The human body which we shape and mould like a potter his clay: Rudolf Labans influence on the aesthetic project of Theatre Workshop. Europa! Europa? First bi-annual conference of the European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies, University of Ghent, Belgium, May 2008 [panel paper]. The Divided Self: fragmentation of the psyche in Ewan MacColls The Other Animals Second International Conference on Consciousness. Theatre, Literature and the Arts, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, May 2007 [panel paper]. Dirty Old Town: the presentation of Salford in the theatre of Ewan MacColl. The Literary North, University of Hull, May 2006 [panel paper].

Research Notes
Politics, War and Adaptation: Ewan MacColls Operation Olive Branch. Comparative Drama 44/45 (Spring 2011): 536-538.

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Book/Performance Reviews
Contributor to the Routledge Annotated Bibliography of English Studies. London: Routledge, ongoing. Review of Troilus and Cressida. Shakespeare Bulletin (Spring 2007): 121-123. Review of Terry Eagletons Holy Terror Forum: University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture and the Arts (Spring 2006)

Performance Experience
Grade 7 Singing Grade 5 Music Theory First Soprano with Rudsambee Company of Singers (2005-10)

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