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End Semester (II Sem.)Examination, June, 2017

Program: B.Sc. Agriculture
Subject Code: 13A.160

Section A

Unit I
1. Write a short note on prokaryotic microbes.
2. Write down the Whittaker 5 kingdom classification.
3. What are different shapes of bacteria. Explain.
4. Define chemoautotrophy and photoautotrophy.
5. Define generation time in bacteria?
6. Write about the different arrangement of bacterial flagella?

Unit II
7. List and define different methods for gene transfer in bacteria.
8. Explain Genetic Recombination.
9. What is Plasmid. What are its characteristics features.
10. What is Transposons. Explain
11. What is episome. What are the different enzymes involved in modifying a plasmid. Explain
12. What is insertional inactivation in plasmid. Explain
13. What is Conjugation. Explain

Unit III

14. How are microbes useful in soil fertility and crop production.
15. Write down a short note on Mycorrhiza.
16. What is meant by Ammonification?
17. Explain Nitrification.
18. Explain Denitrification.
19. Distinguish between symbiotic and non symbiotic nitrogen fixation?
Unit IV
20. Write the advantages of biofertilizers.
21. Write the disadvantages of biofertilizers.
22. Name any two biofertilizers and any two biopesticides.
23. What is biopesticides? What are the benefits of biopesticides.
24. Explain the term biodegradation.
25. How biofertilizers are helpful in shaping an environment friendly form of modern agriculture.

Section B
Unit I
1. What is the scope of microbiology in Agriculture.
2. Give an account of characteristic features of the major group of microorganisms.
3. What are the different modes of bacterial reproduction? Explain.
4. Explain the terms:-
 Halophiles
 Psychroplies
 Mesophiles
 Thermophiles

Unit II
5. What are the different types of Plasmid. Explain in details.
6. What is Bacteriophage. Explain the lytic cycle in bacteria ? Explain.
7. Explain the method of transformation in bacteria.
8. Explain the Class I and Class II transposons. Give diagrams.

Unit III
9. In what ways microbes are useful in carbon cycle.
10. Write down the role of microbes in sulphur cycle.
11. Explain Mineralization and Immobilization.
12. Describe the process by which Rhizobium spp. invade the root system of a leguminous plant.

Unit IV

13. Give a brief description of Rhizosphere. Also mention the role of microorganisms involved in
14. Give a brief description of Phyllosphere. Also mention the role of microorganisms involved in
15. Give a brief account on the role of microorganisms involved in biofuel production.

Section C
1. Explain the structure of bacterial cell with the aid of a neatly labeled diagram. Write down the
function/roles of all the components of bacterial cell.
2. Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell? Draw the neat labeled diagram of
3. In what ways are fungi important to humans? Differentiate between yeast and mold.
4. Explain all the three methods of Gene Transfer in Bacteria in details. Supplement the answers
with suitable diagrams.
5. Explain the different phases of Bacterial Growth Curve with diagrammatic representation.
6. Explain Ti plasmid and pBR322 plasmid in details with diagrammatic representation.
7. Explain the process of Symbiotic Biological Nitrogen Fixation in details. Mention the overall
reaction of the process.
8. Give detailed information about Cyanobacteria and Azolla.
9. Give an account of how microbes are helpful in humam welfare.
10. What is peptidoglycan. Explain? Differentiate between Gram positive and Gram negative

Prepared by: Prof. EKTA Reviewed By:

Disclaimer:- This is a Sample Question Paper. The Question in End term examination
will differ from the sample Question paper. This sample paper is meant for practice only.

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