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Suggested Reading List (2023)

Dear Children
Summer vacation is the perfect time to read.
We are sharing a reading list for you to explore this summer.
1. A Girl Who Never Makes Mistakes by Mark Pett & Gary Rubenstein. (Realistic
Fiction based on growth mindset) The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes

Beatrice Bottomwell has NEVER (not once!) made a mistake...

Meet Beatrice Bottomwell: a nine-year-old girl who has never
(not once!) made a mistake. She never forgets her math
homework, she never wears mismatched socks, and she
ALWAYS wins the yearly talent show at school. In fact, Beatrice
holds the record of perfection in her hometown, where she is
known as The Girl Who Never Makes Mistakes. Life for Beatrice
is sailing along pretty smoothly until she does the unthinkable, she makes her first mistake.
And in a very public way!

2. A Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson (Fiction; Adventure)

The Snail and the Whale

A snail longs to see the world and hitches a lift on a whale's tail.
Together they go on an amazing journey, past icebergs and
volcanoes, sharks and penguins, and the snail feels very small in
the vastness of the world. But when the whale is beached in a
bay, it's the tiny snail who saves the day.

3. The Cherry Tree by Ruskin Bond (Fiction-Short Story) The Cherry Tree

Rakesh plants a cherry seedling in his garden and watches it grow. As

seasons go by, the small tree survives heavy monsoon showers, a
hungry goat that eats most of the leaves and a grass cutter who splits it
into two with one sweep. At last, on his ninth birthday, Rakesh is
rewarded with a miraculous sight—the first pink blossoms of his
precious cherry tree! This beautifully illustrated edition brings alive the magical charm
of one of Ruskin Bond’s most unforgettable tales.

4. At Least a Fish by Anushka Ravishankar (Fiction)

At least a Fish

Zain and Ana lead a life riddled with anxieties and questions. Do
fish like spinach? Is the dragon in the pond lonely? If you dig a hole
that’s deep enough, will you fall right through to China? Can magic
medallions make you invisible? Rambling through random and
exciting childhood events, these books are about the mad adventure
of being children. The thin line dividing fantasy and reality is
crossed and recrossed as dumb dogs, nosy twins, dead fish and live
dragons wander in and out of the world of Zain and Ana. The first
book in the series At Least a Fish is about what happens when Ana
asks for a puppy

5. National Geographic- Kids- Level-2 (book based on any animal of the child’s
choice) (Nonfiction; Informative) National Geographic Kids-level-2

This high-interest series of beginning readers, developed in

consultation with early education experts, pairs magnificent National
Geographic Photographs with lively text by skilled children’s book
authors. Written to maximize interest, reading success, and the value
of nonfiction, each book is clearly marked from Pre-Reader to Level
3 with brief explanations of skill levels on the back.

6. Tine and the Faraway Mountain by Shikha Tripathi (Non-Fiction Biography

Tine and the Faraway Mountain

Tine lived in the small town of Echali in the Mishmi hills of

Arunachal Pradesh as a child. She was always drawn to the
distant mountains. She always heard the sounds of
“Whooshoo! Whooshoo!”. It was as if the mountains called
out to her. She loved to climb. She was fearless and strong.
Her family moved to the town of Roing as there was no
school in Echali. Her life was turned upside down. The sound
of the mountains reduced to a faint whisper. A decade later, Tine finished her schooling and the
mountains called out to her again. Was she able to go back to the mountains? How did she
manage to climb Mount Everest? What were the challenges and obstacles that she had to face?
How did she prepare for the climb? The book talks about all of this and celebrates the spirit of
this mountaineer who dreamt big and achieved her goals. The power of dreams and believing in
oneself is portrayed so nicely. The last page has additional information about Tine.

7. The RainBow Fish by Marcus Pfister (Fiction, Picture book, Modern Classic)
The Rainbow Fish

The Rainbow Fish is an international bestseller and a modern classic. Eye-

catching foil stamping, glittering on every page, offers instant child-appeal,
but it is the universal message at the heart of this simple story about a beautiful
fish, who learns to make friends by sharing his most prized possessions, that
gives the book its lasting value.

8. Birdywood Buzz- The Vulture Returns by Shamim Padamsee (Picture book,

Fiction; story build around actual bird species; their looks and characteristics)

The great Mor Khan is coming from the city to choose actors for his
new film. The birds of the jungle are in a flutter. How do they bag a
role? The smart city crow steps in to help – and also settle scores with
Vulture. In this zippy take on filmdom, the bird-loving author
cleverly casts actual bird species and builds the story around their
looks. Rich visuals and zany text combine realism with a dash of
comedy and a splash of over-the-top movie magic

10. Bean Thirteen- by Matthew McElligott (Picture book based on equal sharing)

In Bean Thirteen, two insect buddies have collected 13 beans

for dinner and would like to divide their loot evenly but it never
works out. No matter what they do, they always have 'bean 13'
left over. They invite a friend over, thinking dividing the beans
by three will solve the problem. When it doesn't, they invite
more friends over, but they can't seem to escape that left over
11. Somebody Crunched Colin-Author: Sarah Roberts (picture book based on
plastic pollution)

Colin is no ordinary flower. Colin smells appealing - just like

the other flowers around him. The only trouble is, he crackles
and crunches and flutters in the wind. Because Colin is a crisp
packet! A powerful message about plastic pollution and
recycling from environmental expert Sarah Roberts.

12. शेर चला बाल कटाने - लेखक: स्वाति शोम िूतलका प्रकाशन

आप अपने बाल कटवाने के ललए सैलनू तो ज़रूर गए होंगे !

झबरीले बालों वाला शेर भी जाता होगा ......
ऐसे ही एक बाल काटने वाले सैलनू के बाहर ललखा था :
अंदर आइए , बाल कटवाइए ,
स्टाइल आप का, कैं ची हमारी ....
तो एक शेर अपने बाल करवाने अदं र जाता है । लेलकन अदं र क्या होता है ,
लेलकन सब कहााँ हैं? और ये दसू रे शेर कौन हैं जो उसे घरू ते हैं?
ठीक है, कहानी के अंत तक हम जानते हैं लक शेरों के बाल क्यों नहीं कटते !

13. तमनू और उसके बाल - लेखक : गायत्री बाशी प्रकाशन : िूतलका

लचल़िया का घोंसला?
दो सींग वाली गाय?
नहीं यह लमनु के बाल हैं और उसे अपने बाल लबलकुल पसदं नहीं! उसकी
मााँ, उसके लपता, उसकी दादी उसके बालों को संभालने और साँवारने की खूब
कोलशश करते हैं। पर दादाजी हैं लक उन्हें कोई मतलब नहीं !
पर लमनु अपने दादाजी की ही मदद से अपने बालों के खालसयत पहचानती है
14. कैसा – कैसा लक वह और उसके बाल क्या - क्या हो सकते हैं!
14. कै सा – कै सा खाना - लेखक : प्रभाि प्रकाशन : जुगनू प्रकाशन – एकिारा टर स्ट

क्या आप जानते हैं , एक शब्द का अलग- अलग जगह अलग- अलग

मतलब हो सकता है ! ब़िी मज़ेदार बात है न!
जैसे : खाना- खाना खाना ! लकतना खाना और क्या क्या खाना ? खा गए न
चक्कर !
इसी बात को प्रभात ने इस लकताब में ब़िी को चतुराई से कहा है लजसे राशी
ने जाना
आप भी जालनए!
15. घर आया मेरा भोलू लेखक : कतििा पुण्यमूतिि प्रकाशन : िूतलका प्रकाशन

‘घर आया मेरा भोल’ू राजस्थान के एक रेलगस्तानी गााँव में रहने वाले बढू े बेनी
उसके प्यारे ऊाँट - भोलू की लदल को छू लेने वाली कहानी है। बेनी राम के
पास काम नहीं है क्योंलक अब ऊाँट गा़िी की जगह मोटर गाल़ियों ने ले ली
है। काम नहीं तो पैसे नहीं! बेनी राम अपने भोलू को बेचने का फै सला करता
है, लेलकन भोलू अपने माललक से बहुत प्यार करता है और उसके लबना नहीं
रह सकता। एक लदन भोलू कुछ ऐसा करता है लजससे बेनी राम और भोलू की
परे शानी हमेशा के ललए दरू हो जाती है!
Kindly note the highlighted books are identified for the book club.
Do read at least 2/3 of these books.
Also read Gopi Diaries: Coming home received along with your book set.
Do read the other titles during the year as many of these stories will be take up
in class as well.
With love
Your Teachers

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