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Government of Pakistan

Pakistan Public Work Department

No.CEM/AB/ 75 Dated 12 / 05 /2023


Sealed bids are invited on item rate basis under single stage, single envelope procedure from
well reputed firms, authorized dealers having manufacturer’s authorization certificate and registered
with Sales Tax, income Tax department, PEC registration for the year 2022-23. The tender documents
can be purchased from the Office of the undersigned upto 01-06-2023 during Office hours. The tender
fee PKR 5,000 (non-refundable) in the shape of Pay order with the application for each tender in favour
of Executive Engineer Central E/M Division Pak PWD Peshawar. The tender should reach in the office
of undersigned on 02-06-2023 upto 10:30 A.M and will be opened on the same day at 11:00.A.M. in
presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who care to attend. Tender documents will be
sold on Production of fixed bid security Rs.0.70 (M) in the shape of CDR issued from any scheduled
bank of Pakistan with application and remaining CDR will be provided with financial bid (pay order
will not be entertained). Name of bidder and A/C No, Branch name/Bank should be clearly given at the
face of CDR in favour of the Executive Engineer Central E/M Division Pak PWD Peshawar. Technical
Proposal shall comprise of document given in the eligibility criteria of tender documents. Evaluation
committee will determine responsiveness of each technical bid. The financial bids of only responsive
bidders will be considered and announced.

1. Financial Proposals for each project shall be submitted in separate envelop..

2. Any disfiguring/over writing, manipulation in the Tender/ BOQ shall be liable to
3. All the bids will be scrutinized by the evolution committee. Incomplete and conditional
bids shall not be acceptable.
4. Under Rule 33(1) of PPRA Rule 2004, the undersigned reserves the right to accept or
reject any or all bids proposals at any time prior to acceptance of a bid or proposal.
5. Other terms and condition i.e qualification criteria is enclosed in the bidding documents
6. If for any reason or due to unavoidable circumstances the tenders could not be received
and opened on the above given dates the next date of receiving and opening of tenders
will be 05-06-2023 at 10:30 AM and 11:00 respectively.

Sl. Name of work Estimated Earnest Tender Time of

No. cost money cost completion
1 Boring of Tube Wells, Installation of Solar
Energy Based pressure pumps + Electrification
Item rate 3% of bid As per
at various Places of North Waziristan Tribal 5000
Basis Amount work order
District Phase-I

2 Boring of Tube Wells, Installation of Solar

Energy Based pressure pumps + Electrification Item rate
3% of bid As per
at various Places of North Waziristan Tribal Basis 5000
Amount work order
District Phase-II

Executive Engineer
Central E/M Division
Pak.P.W.D. Peshawar
Ph: No.0919212924

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