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Solidarity : An element of human association that emphasizes the cohesive social bond that

holds a group together, which is valued and understood by all group members (Douwes, et al.
2018). The concept of solidarity is part of the effort to create an orderly social situation. In
everyday life, solidarity is used as a guide to unite differences. In this case, the concept of
solidarity with disabilities is to acknowledge together the existence of people with disabilities
and support them in fulfilling their rights as human beings in general.
Douwes, R., Stuttaford, M., & London, L. (2018). Social solidarity, human rights, and
collective action: considerations in the implementation of the National health insurance in
South Africa. Health and human rights, 20(2), 185.
Psychological insecurity : Insecurity is a feeling of inadequacy and lack of self-confidence
accompanied by illusions and anxiety about goals, abilities, and relationships with other
people. While, psychological insecurity is the contrasting feeling of expecting risk or danger
to oneself. However, Maslow et al.’s measure contained items (e.g.,selfishness) other than
psychological insecurity (Taormina & Sun, 2015).
Taormina, R. J., & Sun, R. (2015). Antecedents and outcomes of psychological insecurity and
interpersonal trust among Chinese people. Psychological Thought, 8(2).

Respect for diversity : understanding that human beings are equal participants in a common
ethical world by virtue of their human status, all the while recognizing each individual’s
uniqueness and differences (Unicef, 2021). In this case, respect for diversity is about mutual
respect and respect between people equally. The human value of mutual respect for diversity
must also be carried out when meeting and interacting with persons with disabilities.
Unicef. (2021). Mission #9 - Respect for Diversity. Retrivied from

Social Protection : Social protection is all efforts that aim to prevent, reduce, and deal with
lifelong risks and challenges from social shocks and vulnerabilities faced by all
citizens.Furthermore, social protection for disability is essential prerequisite to ensure a
sufficient income enabling a decent standard of living for people with disabilities and their
families (Baptias & Marlier, 2020).
Baptista, I., & Marlier, E. (2020). Access to essential services for people on low incomes in
Europe: An analysis of policies in 35 countries. European Social Policy Network (ESPN).

Access to public transportation : the opportunity to use the service. This may be interpreted
in terms of proximity to and the cost of using transport services (Murray, et al. 1998). Persons
with disabilities are entitled to equal services in various aspects including transportation
services. Furthermore, if context access to public transportation for disability. It can be
defined how is opportunity disability to use the service of transportation.
Murray, A. T., Davis, R., Stimson, R. J., & Ferreira, L. (1998). Public transportation
access. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 3(5), 319-328.

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