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Roll for weather!

To determine the temperature in degrees Celsius roll a d20 and add or remove the modifier for
climate and season.


Climate Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Arctic -20 -15 -20 -30
Cold temperate 0 +10 0 -10
Warm temperate +5 +15 +5 -5
Tropical +15 +20 +15 +15
Desert +20 +25 +20 +15
Subterranean -10 -10 -10 -10
Night time

Climate Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Arctic -25 -20 -25 -40
Cold temperate -5 +5 -5 -20
Warm temperate 0 +10 0 -10
Tropical +15 +15 +15 +15
Desert -15 -15 -15 -20
Subterranean -10 -10 -10 -10
For temperatures below zero characters will need to make constitution checks regularly to avoid
taking ice damage if they are not wearing cold weather clothes. The DCs and damage are as follows:

Temperatures Save DC Damage

0 to -4 DC 5 1D4 cold damage
-5 to -9 DC 5 1D6 cold damage
-10 to -14 DC 10 1D8 cold damage
-15 to -19 DC 15 1D8 cold damage
-20 to -24 DC 20 1D10 cold damage
-25 to -29 DC 20 2D8 cold damage
-30 to -34 DC 25 3D8 cold damage
-35 to -39 DC 25 3D10 cold damage and a lingering cold injury
Precipitation and cloud coverage!

Precipitation falling at temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius will fall as snow

Number Precipitation Number Precipitation

1 Clear sky 11 Overcast
2 Clear sky 12 Overcast
3 Clear sky 13 Overcast
4 Clear sky 14 Overcast
5 Clear sky 15 Overcast
6 Partial cloud cover 16 Light drizzle/dusting of snow
7 Partial cloud cover 17 Showers
8 Partial cloud cover 18 Moderate rain/snow
9 Partial cloud cover 19 Heavy rain/snow
10 Partial cloud cover 20 Monsoon/Blizzard
Moderate rain/snow, heavy rain/snow and monsoon/blizzard cause difficult terrain.
Monsoon/Blizzard causes poor visibility.
Special weather effects and natural phenomena:

Roll a D20 and on a 1 or a 2 select roll again for a special weather effect and natural phenomena.

Numbe Environment Effect

1 Lightning strikes Roll for (or choose) a target that the lightning will strike. The character
must make a DC15 dex save or take 3d8 lightning damage, creatures in
metal armour roll with disadvantage. You can save this lightning strike
until it will be the most dramatic.
2 Lightning strikes Roll for (or choose) a target that the lightning will strike. The character
must make a DC15 dex save or take 3d8 lightning damage, creatures in
metal armour roll with disadvantage. You can save this lightning strike
until it will be the most dramatic.
3 Meteor shower A rain of meteors streak across the sky. Is it an omen. One thing is
known for sure, there is now meteorite metal nearby.
4 Hailstones While out in the hail creatures must make DC 10 con saves or take 1d4
bludgeoning damage while pelted with ice.
5 Aroura borealis These twisting coloured lights churning across the sky are beautiful
and impressive.
6 Bioluminescence The characters are witness to a bioluminescent phenomenon suited to
the environment. This can be insects, plankton, algae or plants.
7 Distant thunder The characters can hear the coming of a distant storm, dark skies sit on
the horizon and loom closer.
8 Eclipse The world falls dark as something passes in front of the sun. for a
moment all light is obscured and it becomes dark. At DMs discretion
characters and NPCs may freak out.
9 Tornados A tornado tears through the surrounding environment causing damage
to property. This may effect the economy and refugees from this event
may become bandits and thieves to survive. Players caught in the
actual tornado will need to make a DC 20 dex or strength save or take
3d10 bludgeoning damage.
10 Hurricane winds A hurricane tears through the surrounding environment causing
damage to property. This may effect the economy and refugees from
this event may become bandits and thieves to survive.
11 Floods The floods fill the fields, destroying homes, crops and killing livestock.
Much of the land will be unpassable or become difficult terrain, even
after the floods retreat. May effect economy and encounter types.
12 Cicada swarm Contrary to a swarm of locusts, this means prosperity! Cicadas provide
an excellent source of food not only to animals but people, and their
abundance will cause an ecological boom. It will, however, be loud.
13 Rainbow Double rainbow! What does it mean?
14 Earthquake A modest earthquake shakes the ground, causing confusion and fear
amongst the common people who fear the end is nigh. Property
damage may cause changes to economy and the amount of bandits.
15 Light mist A light eerie mist hangs over the valleys and roads.
16 Light mist A light eerie mist hangs over the valleys and roads.
17 Medium mist A medium mist causes the area to be lightly obscured.
18 Medium mist A medium mist causes the area to be lightly obscured.
19 Heavy fog The area is heavily obscured by a thick, opaque fog.
20 Heavy fog The area is heavily obscured by a thick, opaque fog.

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