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Kasturi Sinha kasturisinha13@gmail.


Objective To build career in organization,and give my best to help organization through my skills.

More Section Fresher/Intern

Education Mother International School 2012

Class 10 - 6.8 CGPA

Central Model School 2 0 1 22 - 2 00 1 6

Class 11-12 - 58%(Compartmental)

Acharya Polytechnic 2 0 1 66 - 2 00 1 9
Diploma - 61.9%

Cambridge Institute Of Technology 2 00 2 0 - 2 3

BTech/B.E - 7.01 CGPA

More Section Friendly

Group work



Projects AES algorithm

•A Key Schedule algorithm is used to calculate all the round keys from the key.

•So the initial key is used to create many different round keys which will be used in the corresponding round of
the encryption.

Home Automation

•In today's era, technology can enhance human life.

•Technology is evolving decade by decade.

• Automation was a science fiction earlier but not today.

•By combining latest technology with home, we can build an awesome home.

• With the Arduino uno and Windows 10, we can build a home automation system that is capable of operating home devices automaticall

Covid 19 Database Management

•Applying digital strategy is proven to be one way to reduce infection rate of COVID-19.

•As a fundamental part this project, database is capable to create a data repository to predict uncertainty of the

Dictonary Application

For Students, Teachers and any individual across the world, Dictionary plays a significant role in their life in
variety of ways.
For instance, with the help of dictionaries, Students can understand their subjects better, improve their
communication, and improve their grades by using the words correctly.
For medical professionals, a dictionary consisting of medical terms, sorted alphabetically, will be helpful for
quick reference.
The first ever dictionaries are in the form of books, available even now in any bookstore.
But they consume lot of time in searching and the risk of losing them or pages being torn-out is high.
With the evolution of technology, it is now much easier to search the unfamiliar words on search engines such
as google, etc., with an active internet connection.
This advancement is much efficient than the custom book-form, yet is far from the best. This is because of
some factors like battery consumption, internet charges, etc., that are evident with using search engines.
Thus, the need for developing an android dictionary app is in excess.
There are some offline dictionary apps that exist before which fulfill the basic requirement of providing
meaning for a word or they’re just limited to few features.
But they do not provide more features altogether in one app that would help user understand better.
This helps them improve their language and expand their domain of vocabulary.
This offline app is developed by using Kotlin for back-end and XML for front-end development, API for
database, and with Android Studio as IDE.

Scan Me: QR code using IOT and Cloud platform

•In this project we develop E-Authentication System using QR code for the Students.

•The use of QR code-based technologies and applications has become prevalent in recent years where QR codes
are accepted to be a practical and intriguing data representation / processing mechanism amongst worldwide

•The aim of this study is to design and implement an alternative for identity authentication system by using QR
codes and to make the relevant mechanism and process that could be more user-friendly and practical than
physical mechanisms used with similar purposes today.

•The proposed model in this project has been designed in order to enable the verification and validation steps
with several security and networking options.

•The model has been implemented by developing an identity verification system where the pseudo-randomly
generated alphanumerical QR code which is used for the verification.

•The proposed model is being developed using Python language with symmetrical and asymmetrical
cryptography standards for database encryption / hashing and network infrastructure and it would be tested as a
prototype where promising results are observed regarding the efficiency, speed and security requirements.

Language Python Java HTML,CSS,JavaSript C/C++ DBMS

More Section Python Certification(2019-2020)

Microsoft AI Development(2020)

AWS Cloud

More Section IOT internship(2018)

ML Internship(2023)

Skills Python Kotlin SQL Database Cloud Android Development Data Structures

Interests Data Science Web Development NLP Data Mining and Data Warehouse Big Data

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