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HSC Board (Unit # Four)

Lesson # 5: Say ‘No’ to Bullying

01. “Bullying is an ongoing (Ab&‡MvBO& = Pjgvb) and deliberate misuse of power in
relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that
intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm.” [Bullying (eywjO&) n‡”Q
m¤úK©¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GKwU Pjgvb I B”QvK…Z ÿgZvi Ace¨envi evi evi †gŠwLK, kvixwiK Ges / A_ev
mvgvwRK AvPi‡Yi gva¨‡g hvi D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv kvixwiK, mvgvwRK Ges / A_ev gb¯ÍvwË¡K ÿwZ NUv‡bv|]

k‡ãi A_©
Bully (eywj) = mej KZ…©K `ye©j‡K fq †`Lv‡bv ev cxob Kiv| deliberate (‡Wwjev‡iB&U&) = B”QvK…Z|

02. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power,
over one or more persons who feels unable to stop it from happening. [GUv m¤ú„³
Ki‡Z cv‡i GKRb e¨w³ ev GKwU `j‡K Zv‡`i ÿgZvi wKsev DcjwäK…Z ÿgZvi Ace¨envi Ki‡Z,
GK ev G‡Ki AwaK e¨w³i Dci hviv GUvi NUv‡K _vgv‡bvi e¨vcv‡i (wb‡R‡`i‡K) Aÿg g‡b K‡i|]

k‡ãi A_©
involve (Bb&fj&f&) = m¤ú„³ Kiv| perceived (cvi&mxf&W&) = DcjwäK…Z|


01. 35% of school students experience bullying in Bangladesh: UNICEF [evsjv‡`‡k

¯‹z‡ji wkÿv_©x‡`i g‡a¨ 35% wkÿv_©xi bullying Gi AwfÁZv nq: BDwb‡md (UNICEF)|]

02. In Bangladesh, 35 percent students aged between 13 and 15 reported being

bullied one or more days in 30 days or involved in a physical fight at least once in
12 months in 2014, says a news report. (GKwU msev` cÖwZ‡e`‡b ejv nq, evsjv‡`‡k 2014
mv‡j 35 kZvsk wkÿv_©x hv‡`i eqm 13 ‡_‡K 15-Gi g‡a¨ Zviv wi‡cvU© K‡iwQ‡jv Zv‡`i‡K 30 w`‡bi
g‡a¨ GK ev G‡Ki AwaK w`b cxob Kiv n‡qwQ‡jv wKsev Zviv m¤ú„³ n‡qwQ‡jv kvixwiK jovB‡q 12
gv‡mi g‡a¨ Kgc‡ÿ GKevi|)

HSC Board (Unit # Four)
03. Globally, half of students aged between 13 and 15 worldwide – around 150
million- report having experienced peer-to-peer violence such as physical fights
or forms (di&g& = aib / iƒc) of bullying, from their peers in and around school,
according to the report released (wijxm&W& = cÖKvwkZ) by UNICEF. (UNICEF KZ©„K
cÖKvwkZ cÖwZ‡e`b Abyhvqx, cy‡iv we‡k^i K_v we‡ePbv Ki‡j, mviv c„w_ex Ry‡o †h me wkÿv_©xi eqm 13
†_‡K 15-Gi g‡a¨ Zv‡`i A‡a©K Ñ cÖvq 150 wgwjq‡bi KvQvKvwQ Ñ Zviv ¯‹z‡ji g‡a¨ I Gi Pvicv‡k
mgeqmx‡`i wns¯ª AvPiY †hgb kvixwiK jovB wKsev Zv‡`i mgeqmx wkÿv_©x‡`i KvQ †_‡K wewfbœ ai‡bi
cxo‡bi wkKvi n‡q‡Q e‡j wi‡cvU© K‡i|)

k‡ãi A_©
worldwide (Iqvi&j&W&IqvB&W&) = mviv c„w_ex Ry‡o |
peer (wcAvi&) = mgeqmx wKsev mgvb mvgvwRK gh©v`vm¤úbœ |

04. The data include 122 countries, representing 51 per cent of the global population
of children between 13 and 15. (WvUvq 122-wU †`k‡K AšÍf©~³ Kiv nq, †hUv wek^e¨vcx 13 †_‡K
15 eQi eqmx wkï‡`i RbmsL¨vi 51 kZvsk‡K cÖwZwbwaZ¡ K‡i|)

05. The report finds that students experience other forms of violence at school, such
as attack in classrooms or physical punishment by teachers. (wi‡cv‡U© †`Lv hvq †h
wkÿv_©xiv ¯‹z‡j Ab¨vb¨ ai‡bi wns¯ª AvPi‡Yi AwfÁZv jvf K‡i, †hgbÑ †kÖwYKÿ¸‡jv‡Z AvµgY wKsev
wkÿK‡`i Øviv ˆ`wnK kvw¯Í|)

k‡ãi A_©
violence (fvB&Ij¨vb&m&) = wns¯ª AvPiY| physical (wdwhK¨vj&) = ˆ`wnK / kvixwiK|

06. About 720 million school-age children live in countries where they are not fully
protected by law against forms of physical punishment at school, according to the
report. (wi‡cvU© Abyhvqx, cÖvq 720 wgwjqb ¯‹zjeqmx wkïiv H †`k¸‡jv‡Z evm K‡i †hLv‡b ¯‹z‡j wewfbœ
ai‡bi ˆ`wnK kvw¯Íi weiæ‡× Zv‡`i‡K AvBb Øviv cy‡ivcywifv‡e wbivcËv †`qv nq bv|)

k‡ãi A_©
protect (cÖ‡UK&U&) = wbivcËvweavb Kiv| fully (dzj&wj) = cy‡ivcywifv‡e|

07. “Education is the key to building peaceful societies, and yet, for millions of children
around the world, school itself is not safe,” said UNICEF Executive Director
Henrietta Fore. (UNICEF-Gi wbe©vnx cwiPvjK Henrietta Fore e‡jb, Òwkÿv n‡jv kvwšÍc~Y©
mgvR MV‡bi PvweKvwV, Ges Zv m‡Ë¡I mviv wek^ Ry‡o jÿ jÿ wkï‡`i Rb¨ ¯‹zjB wbivc` bq|Ó)

HSC Board (Unit # Four)
08. “Every day, students face multiple dangers, including fighting, pressure to join
gangs, bullying  both in person and online  violent discipline, sexual
harassment and armed violence. (Ò cÖwZw`b wkïiv m¤§yLxb nq eûwea wec‡`i, hvi g‡a¨ AšÍf©~³
n‡jv jovB, Acivax `j¸‡jv‡Z †hvM †`qvi Rb¨ Pvc, me‡ji Øviv cxob ev fq cÖ`k©b Ñ kvixwiKfv‡e
Dcw¯’Z †_‡K Ges AbjvB‡b Ñ wns¯ª AvPi‡Yi Øviv k„•Ljvweavb Kiv, †hŠb nqivwb Ges mk¯¿ mwnsmZv|)

k‡ãi A_©
multiple (gvwëc&j&) = eûwea | in person (Bb& cvi&mb&) = kvixwiKfv‡e Dcw¯’Z †_‡K |
harassment (n¨vivm&‡gb&U&) = nqivwb | armed (Avi&g&W&) = mk¯¿ |

09. Violence is an unforgettable lesson that no child needs to learn.”

(mwnsmZv n‡”Q †fvjv hvq bv Ggb GKwU wkÿv †hUv †Kv‡bv wkïiB †kLvi cÖ‡qvRb ‡bB|Ó)

k‡ãi A_©
unforgettable (Avb&-di&-‡M-U¨ve&j&) = forget ev †fvjv hvq bv Ggb|

10. On the other hand, 17 million young adolescents in 39 industrialised countries have
admitted bullying others at school, according to the report. (Aciw`‡K, wi‡cvU© Abyhvqx,
39-wU wk‡ívbœZ †`‡ki 17 wgwjqb Aíeqmx wK‡kvi ¯‹z‡j Ab¨‡`i‡K cxob K‡i‡Q e‡j ¯^xKvi K‡i‡Q|)

k‡ãi A_©
young (Bqvs) = Aíeqmx| adolescent (A¨v‡Wv‡jm&b&U&) = wK‡kvi| admit (A¨vW&wgU&) = ¯^xKvi Kiv|

11. While (IqvB&j& = hw`I) girls and boys are equally at risk of bullying, girls are more
likely (jvB&K&wj& = m¤¢ve¨) to become victims of psychological forms of bullying and
boys are more at risk of physical violence and threats. (hw`I †g‡qiv Ges †Q‡jiv
mgvbfv‡e cxo‡bi SzuwKi g‡a¨ _v‡K, wKš‘ †g‡q‡`i AwaKZi m¤¢vebv _v‡K cxo‡bi gb¯ÍvwË¡K aib¸‡jvi
wkKvi nIqvi Ges †Q‡jiv ˆ`wnK mwnsmZv I ûgwKi SzuwKi g‡a¨ †ewk _v‡K|)

12. The report notes that violence involving weapons (I‡qcb&) = A¯¿) in schools, such
as knives and guns, continues to claim lives. (wi‡cv‡U© jÿ¨ Kiv nq †h, ¯‹zj¸‡jv‡Z mwnsmZv
†hLv‡b A¯¿ †hgb Qzwi Ges e›`y‡Ki e¨envi RwoZ †m¸‡jv cÖvYnvwb NUv‡Z _v‡K|)

k‡ãi A_©
claim lives (‡K¬Bg& jvB&f&m&) = cÖvYnvwb / g„Zz¨ NUv‡bv| [‘life’ (Rxeb)-Gi plural n‡jv ‘lives’ (jvB&f&m&)|]

HSC Board (Unit # Four)
13. It also says that in an increasingly digital world, bullies are disseminating violent,
hurtful and humiliating (wnD&wg-wj-GB&-wUs = AcgvbRbK) content with the click of a
button. [G‡Z Av‡iv ejv nq †h GKwU µgea©gvb wWwRUvj we‡k^, bullies (eywjh&-hviv `ye©j‡K fq †`Lvq
I cxob K‡i)-iv †evZv‡gi GKUv Pv‡cB mwnsm, cxov`vqK I AcgvbRbK welqe¯‘ Qwo‡q w`‡”Q|]

k‡ãi A_©
disseminate (wW‡mwg‡bB&U&) = (msev` / Z_¨ cÖf…wZ) Qov‡bv |
hurtful (nvU©dzj&) = cxov ev hš¿Yv †`q Ggb = cxov`vqK |


01. A few examples of cyber bullying are  causing someone harm by posting unwanted
or private information, threatening a person by sending mean message via email,
social networking websites, text or audio messages, spreading rumours (wiD&gvi& =
¸Re) via email or social networking sites, sharing private/embarrassing (Gg&e¨vivwms =
weeªZKi) pictures, creating fake (‡dB&K& = f~qv) profiles, etc. [cyber (mvB&evi&) bullying-Gi
Aí K‡qKwU D`vniY n‡jv  Kv‡iv ÿwZmvab Kiv AbvKvw•ÿZ wKsev e¨w³MZ †Mvcbxq Z_¨ †cv÷ Kivi
Øviv, GKRb e¨w³‡K ûgwK cÖ`vb Kiv B‡gBj, mvgvwRK †bUIqvwK©s I‡qemvBUmg~n, †U·U wKsev AwWI
†g‡m‡Ri gva¨‡g N„Y¨ †g‡mR cvVv‡bvi Øviv, B‡gBj wKsev mvgvwRK †bUIqvwK©s mvBU¸‡jvi gva¨‡g ¸Re
Qov‡bv, e¨w³MZ weeªZKi Qwe †kqvi Kiv; f~qv †cÖvdvBj ˆZwi Kiv BZ¨vw`|]

k‡ãi A_©
cyber (mvB&evi&) = B‡jKUªwbK †hvMv‡hvM †bUIqvK© we‡kl K‡i B›Uvi‡b‡Ui ms‡M m¤úwK©Z|

02. In Bangladesh, cyber bullying is not just an act to be scorned at but is an offence
punishable under the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Act
2006. [evsjv‡`‡k cyber bullying ïaygvÎ N„Yv cÖKvk Kivi g‡Zv GKwU AvPiY bq, eis Z_¨ I
†hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ (ICT) AvBb 2006-Gi Aax‡b kvw¯Í‡hvM¨ GKwU Aciva|]

k‡ãi A_©
scorn (‡¯‹vi&b&) = N„Yv cÖKvk Kiv | offence (A‡db&m&) = Aciva |
punishable (cvwbk¨ve&j&) = kvw¯Í‡hvM¨ | Act (A¨v±) = AvBb |

HSC Board (Unit # Four)
03. The Act, inter alia, provides that a person who deliberately publishes, in a
website or in electronic form, any material which is fake and obscene (Ae&mxb& =
Akøxj) or has the effect of corrupting persons who are likely to read, see or hear
the material or causes to prejudice the image of a person or may hurt religious
belief or instigate against any person, then the person publishing the material will
be guilty of an offence under the Act. [inter alia bvgK AvBbwU‡Z cwi®‹vifv‡e ejv n‡q‡Q †h
GKRb e¨w³ †h B”QvK…Zfv‡e cÖKvk K‡i GKwU I‡qemvB‡U ev B‡jKUªwbK iƒ‡c, †Kv‡bv wRwbm †hUv f~qv
I Akøxj ev †hUv Hme e¨w³‡`i Dci A‰bwZK cÖfve †d‡j hv‡`i H wRwbmwU covi, †`Lvi wKsev ïbvi
m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q A_ev (‡hUv) GKRb e¨w³i fveg~wZ©‡K ÿzYœ K‡i wKsev ag©xq wek^vm‡K AvNvZ Ki‡Z cv‡i
ev †h †Kv‡bv e¨w³i weiæ‡× DmKvwb w`‡Z cv‡i, Zvn‡j †h e¨w³ GB ai‡bi wRwbm cÖKvk K‡i (‡m) H
AvB‡bi Aax‡b GKwU Aciv‡ai `v‡q ‡`vlx mve¨¯Í n‡e|]

k‡ãi A_©
provide (‡cÖvfvB&W&) = (AvBb) cwi®‹vifv‡e ejv| deliberately (‡Wwjevi¨vU&wj) = B”QvK…Zfv‡e |
corrupt (Kivc&U&) = Kv‡iv Dci Lvivc cÖfve †d‡j Zv‡K A‰bwZK ev Amr AvPi‡Y eva¨ Kiv |

04. Victims of cyber crimes (including cyber bullying) can lodge a complaint to the
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) by calling at +
880-29611111 or by emailing at [mvBevi& Acivamg~‡ni Kvi‡Y †fvMvwšÍi
wkKvi e¨w³iv (hvi g‡a¨ AšÍf©~³ i‡q‡Q cyber bullying A_©vr B›Uvi‡bU e¨envi K‡i fq †`Lv‡bv I
cxob Kiv) GKwU Awf‡hvM `v‡qi Ki‡Z cv‡i evsjv‡`k †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM wbqš¿Y Kwgk‡bi (BTRC) wbKU
+ 880-29611111 b¤^‡i Kj Kivi Øviv wKsev GB wVKvbvq †gBj Kivi Øviv|]

k‡ãi A_©
lodge (jR&) = h_vh_ KZ©„cÿ‡K Rvbv‡bv| compliant (Kg&‡cøB&b&U&) = Awf‡hvM|

05. BTRC is supposed to take necessary actions within 24 hours and the perpetrators
will be brought to justice within 3 days after the complaint is filed (dvB&j& = bw_e×
Kiv). [AvBb Abyhvqx BTRC Aek¨B 24 N›Uvi g‡a¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v †b‡e Ges Awf‡hvM bw_e× Kivi
ci 3 w`‡bi wfZ‡i Aciva msNUbKvix‡`i‡K †MÖdZvi K‡i wePv‡ii KvVMovq `vuo Kiv‡bv n‡e|]

k‡ãi A_©
be supposed to do something = AvBb ev wbqg Abyhvqx †Kv‡bv wKQy Ki‡Z eva¨ _vKv|
perpetrator (cvi&-wc-‡UªB&Ui&) = Aciva msNUbKvix| justice (Rvm&wUm&) = wePvie¨e¯’v|
bring somebody to justice = KvD‡K Aciv‡ai Rb¨ †MÖdZvi Kiv I Av`vj‡Z wePv‡ii KvVMovq `vuo Kiv‡bv|

HSC Board (Unit # Four)
06. Furthermore, if the harassment (n¨vivm&‡g›U = nqivwb) amounts to criminal
intimidation (threatening someone with injury to his / her person, reputation,
property etc.), then the perpetrator may be liable to punishment as per the Penal
Code (cxbvj& ‡KŠW& = `Ûwewa) 1860. [AwaKš‘, hw` nqivwbUv wµwgbvj fxwZcÖ`k©‡bi mgch©v‡q P‡j
hvq (‡Kv‡bv e¨w³‡K kvixwiKfv‡e, Zvi mybvg, m¤ú` cÖf…wZ ÿwZ Kivi ûgwK †`qv), Zvn‡j Aciva
msNUbKvix kvw¯Íi Aax‡b P‡j Avm‡Z cv‡i `Ûwewa 1860 Abymv‡i|]

k‡ãi A_©
amount to (A¨vgvDb&U& Vz) xyz = xyz-Gi mgch©v‡q nIqv |
intimidation (Bb&-wU-wg-‡WB&-kb&) = fxwZcÖ`k©b |
his / her person (wnh& / nvi& cvi&mb&) = †Kv‡bv e¨w³i ˆ`wnK ev kvixwiK |
be liable to (we jvB&A¨ve&j& Vz) xyz = xyz-Gi Aaxb nIqv |
†hgb: be liable to fine / punishment (Rwigvbv / kvw¯Íi Aaxb nIqv) |

07. If we take Facebook, for example, photos and comments can be reported and the
particular user can be blocked. [hw` Avgiv, D`vniY¯^iƒc facebook-Gi K_v awi, †m‡ÿ‡Î
d‡Uv Ges gšÍe¨¸‡jvi wel‡q wi‡cvU© Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i Ges H we‡kl user A_©vr, facebook
e¨enviKvix‡K block A_©vr AvUKv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i, gv‡b †m Avi facebook-G XzK‡Z cvi‡e bv|]

08. Similar reporting systems are in place in most other popular social media
websites or applications. (GKB ai‡bi wi‡cvwUs wm‡÷g Ab¨vb¨ †ewkifvM RbwcÖq mvgvwRK
†hvMv‡hvM gva¨g I‡qemvBU I A¨vwcø‡Kkb¸‡jv‡Z KvR Ki‡Q|)

k‡ãi A_©
media (gxwWAv) = †hvMv‡hvMgva¨g| in place (Bb& †cøB&m&) = KvR Ki‡Q |
application (A¨vwcø‡KB&kb&) = †Kv‡bv we‡kl Kvh©mva‡bi Rb¨ wbwg©Z Kw¤úDUvi †cÖvMÖvg ev mdU&Iq¨vi&|

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