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HSC Board (Unit # Five)

Lesson # 1: Sheihk Kamal: Life of an Achiever

01. Kamal had a colorful (Kvjvi&dzj& = D‡ËRbvq c~Y©) life marked by liveliness and creativity.
(Kvgv‡ji wQ‡jv GKwU D‡ËRbvq fiv Rxeb hv D”QjZv I m„RbkxjZvi Øviv ˆewkó¨gwÛZ wQ‡jv|)

k‡ãi A_©
liveliness (jvB&f&-wj-‡bm&) = D”QjZv |
marked by (gvi&K&W& evB&) xyz = xyz Øviv ˆewkó¨gwÐZ |

02. He was also interested in classical music, and became a student of Chhayanaut to
learn Sitar under the tutelage of Ustad Ful Mohammad. (wZwb K¬vwmKvj m½x‡Zi cÖwZI
AvMÖnx wQ‡jb, Ges Qvqvb‡Ui GKRb wkÿv_©x n‡qwQ‡jb ‡mZvi wkL‡Z I¯Ív` dzj †gvnv¤§‡`i
AwffveK‡Z¡i Aax‡b|)

k‡ãi A_©
sitar (wmUvi&) = fviZxq ev`¨hš¿we‡kl = †mZvi| tutelage (wUD&‡Uj¨vR&) = AwffveKZ¡|

03. He took part in stage (‡÷B&R& = gÂ) performance of Kabar written by prominent
playwright Shaheed Munir Chowdhury. (wZwb wewkó bvU¨Kvi knx` gywbi †PŠayix KZ…©K wjwLZ
ÔKeiÕ bvUKwUi g‡Â Awfb‡q Ask wb‡qwQ‡jb|)

k‡ãi A_©
performance (cvi&di&g¨vb&m&) = gÂvwfbq| prominent (cÖwgb¨vb&U&) = wewkó / cÖavb|
playwright (‡cøivB&U&) = whwb bvUK †j‡Lb = bvU¨Kvi|

04. And who doesn’t know that Sheikh Kamal was the founder of Abahoni Krira
Chokro that introduced modern football in our country? (Ges †K Rv‡b bv †h †kL Kvgvj
wQ‡jb cÖwZôvZv Avevnbx µxovP‡µi hv Avgv‡`i †`‡k AvaywbK dzUe‡ji m~Pbv K‡iwQ‡jv?)

k‡ãi A_©
founder (dvDÛvi&) = cÖwZôvZv| introduce (Bb&UªwWD&m&) xyz = xyz m~Pbv / Pvjy Kiv|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
05. He was the eldest (Gj&‡Wm&U& = mevi eo = †R¨ôZg) son of a prime Minister and later
(‡jB&Uvi& = cieZ©x‡Z) of a President. Yet, (B‡qU& = Zv m‡Ë¡I) his life was very simple. He
didn’t take any advantage of his father’s name and office (Awdm = c` / Mw`). (wZwb
wQ‡jb GKRb cÖavbgš¿x I cieZ©x‡Z GKRb †cÖwm‡W‡›Ui †R¨ôZg cyÎ| Zv m‡Ë¡I, Zvi Rxeb wQ‡jv LyeB
mvaviY| wZwb Zvi wcZvi bvg-hk I Mw` †_‡K †Kv‡bv myweav †bb wb|)

k‡ãi A_©
take advantage of (‡UB&K& A¨vW&fvb&‡UR& Ad&) xyz = xyz ‡_‡K myweav †bqv|

06. As he loved to spend time with his friends at Tungipara in his childhood, he loved
to do the same during his college and university days. (‡hgb wZwb ˆkk‡e Uzw½cvov‡Z Zvi
eÜz-evÜe‡`i m‡½ mgq KvUv‡Z fv‡jvevm‡Zb, †Zgwb Zvi K‡jR I wek^we`¨vj‡qi w`b¸‡jv‡ZI wZwb
GKB wRwbm, gv‡b, eÜz-ev܇ei m‡½ mgq KvUv‡Z fv‡jvevm‡Zb|)

07. He groomed himself up as a young man who earned success by dint of

perseverance and commitment. (wZwb GKRb hyeK wn‡m‡e wb‡R‡K cÖ¯‘Z K‡ib whwb mdjZv
AR©b K‡iwQ‡jb Aa¨emvq I commitment-Gi Øviv|)

k‡ãi A_©
groom oneself up (MÖƒg& Iqvb&‡mj&d& Avc&) = wb‡R‡K cÖ¯‘Z Kiv |
perseverance (cvi&wmwfqvi¨vb&m&) = Aa¨emvq |
by dint of (evB& wWb&U& Ad&) xyz = xyz-Gi e‡j / Øviv |
commitment (KwgU&‡gb&U&) = K‡Vvi cwikÖg Kivi Ges mgq I kw³‡K †Kv‡bv Kg©Kv‡Ð wb‡qvwRZ Kivi B”Qv|

08. This tall young many who carried himself with dignity (wWM&wbwU = gh©v`v) and
possessed (c‡hm& = AwaKvix nIqv) remarkable traits (‡UªB&U& = ˆewkó¨) of leadership
became the ADC of General Ataul Goni Osmani, the Commander in Chief of
Bangladesh Armed Forces during the liberation war. [GB j¤^v hyeKwU whwb wb‡R‡K
gh©v`vi ms‡M GwM‡q wb‡q wM‡qwQ‡jb Ges †bZ…Z¡ †`qvi AvKl©Yxq PvwiwÎK ˆewk󨸇jvi AwaKvix wQ‡jb
(wZwb) †Rbv‡ij AvZvDj Mwb Imgvbxi ADC n‡qwQ‡jb whwb wQ‡jb gyw³hy‡×i mgq evsjv‡`k mk¯¿
evwnbxi me©vwabvqK|]

k‡ãi A_©
remarkable (wigvi&K¨ve&j&) = AvKl©Yxq| commander in chief (KgvÛvi& Bb& Pxd&) = me©vwabvqK|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
09. After independence, Sheikh Kamal could easily remain in Bangladesh Army and
pass a secure (wmwKD&i& = wbwðšÍ) life but he preferred to engage himself in country
building and organizing the young forces to that end (Gb&W& = jÿ¨). (¯^vaxbZvi ci, †kL
Kvgvj mn‡RB evsjv‡`k †mbvevwnbx‡Z †_‡K †h‡Z cvi‡Zb Ges GKwU wbwðšÍ Rxeb AwZevwnZ Ki‡Z
cvi‡Zb wKš‘ wZwb cQ›` K‡iwQ‡jb wb‡R‡K wb‡qvwRZ ivL‡Z †`k MV‡b Ges †mB j‡ÿ¨ hye kw³‡K
msMwVZ Ki‡Z|)

k‡ãi A_©
to that end (Vz `¨vU& GÛ) = †mB j‡ÿ¨| organise (Ai&MvbvB&h&) = msMwVZ Kiv |
engage oneself in (Gb&‡MB&R& Iqvb&‡mj&d& Bb&) xyz = xyz-G wb‡R‡K wb‡qvwRZ Kiv |

10. This is unfortunate that just after10 days of his 26 birthday and only after a month
of his marriage with Sultana Kamal, a Dhaka University Blue in athletics, his life
was cut short by a group of cowardly (KvIAvi&W&-wj = fxiæ ¯^fv‡ei / Kvcyiæl) killers. [GUv
`yf©vM¨RbK †h Zvi 26Zg Rb¥w`‡bi wVK 10 w`b ci Ges myjZvbv Kvgvj, whwb wQ‡jb XvKv
wek^we`¨vj‡qi †Ljvayjvq cvi`wk©Zvi Rb¨ Blue DcvwacÖvß GKRb wkÿv_©x, Zvi ms‡M Zvi (‡kL Kvgvj)
weev‡ni gvÎ GK gvm ci, GK`j Kvcyiæl NvZK Zvi RxebKvj‡K mswÿß K‡i †`q|]

k‡ãi A_©
Blue (eøy) = wek^we`¨vj‡q †Ljvayjvq `ÿZvi Rb¨ wkÿv_©x‡K cÖ`Ë Dcvwa |
cut short (KvU& ki&U&) = (Amy¯’Zv / g„Zz¨ cÖf…wZ Øviv) K¨vwiqvi / Avqy mswÿß K‡i †`qv |

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
Lesson # 2: Affectionate, Lively and Always Smiling Sheikh Kamal
01. When I first met Sheikh Kamal at the end of 1969, he was already known
everywhere in the country as the eldest son of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman, the undisputed leader of Bengalis, the man we love to think of as Friend
of Bengal. (1969 mv‡ji †k‡li w`‡K hLb Avgvi †kL Kvgv‡ji m‡½ cÖ_g mvÿvr nq, ZLb wZwb
B‡Zvg‡a¨B †`‡ki me©Î cwiwPZ n‡qwQ‡jb e½eÜz †kL gywRei ingv‡bi †R¨ôZg cyÎ wn‡m‡e, whwb wQ‡jb
evOvwj‡`i Awemsevw`Z †bZv, †h gvbylwU‡K Avgiv evsjvi eÜz wn‡m‡e fve‡Z fv‡jvevwm|)

k‡ãi A_©
undisputed (Avb&wWm&wcD&‡UW&) = hv‡K wb‡q dispute ev ZK©weZ‡K©i †Kv‡bv AeKvk †bB = Awemsevw`Z|

02. I, on the other hand, was the son of middle-class parents and not exceptional in
any sense (‡mb&m& = A_©). (Avwg, Aciw`‡K, ga¨weË gv-evevi mšÍvb Ges †Kv‡bv A‡_©B AmvaviY
wQjvg bv|)

k‡ãi A_©
exceptional (GK&‡mc&kbvj&) = e¨wZµgx / AmvaviY| in any sense = †Kv‡bv A‡_©B|

03. And yet when I was introduced to him in front of the entry (Gb&wUª = cÖ‡ekc_) to Kala
Bhaban or the Arts Building of the University of Dhaka by a mutual (wgD&PzAvj& =
cvi¯úwiK) friend, he greeted (MÖxU& = Af¨_©bv Kiv) me with the friendliest of smiles and
a warm (Iqvg© = AvšÍwiK) handshake. (Ges Zv m‡Ë¡I, hLb XvKv wek^we`¨vj‡qi Arts wewìs ev
Kjv fe‡bi cÖ‡ekc‡_i mvg‡b GKRb cvi¯úwiK eÜzi gva¨‡g Zvi m‡½ Avgv‡K cwiPq Kwi‡q †`qv
n‡qwQ‡jv, wZwb Avgv‡K me‡P‡q eÜzZ¡c~Y© nvwm I GKwU AvšÍwiK Kig`©‡bi Øviv Af¨_©bv Rvwb‡qwQ‡jb|)

k‡ãi A_©
mutual friend (wgD&PzAvj& †d«Û) = †h e¨w³ `yBR‡biB eÜz = cvi¯úwiK eÜz|

04. He was hugely (wnD&R&wj) = AZ¨šÍ) popular in his own right by then.
(wZwb H mg‡qi g‡a¨B Zvi wbR ¸‡Y AZ¨šÍ RbwcÖq wQ‡jb|)

k‡ãi A_©
in his own right = Zvi wbR¸‡Y|
(Bb& wnh& ID&b& ivB&U&)

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
05. These qualities never deserted (‡Whvi&U& = Z¨vM Kiv / †Q‡o hvIqv) him.
(GB ¸Y¸‡jv KL‡bv Zv‡K †Q‡o hvq wb, g‡b me mgq Zvi g‡a¨ GB ¸Y¸‡jv wQ‡jv|)

06. He was also known to be a tireless organizer  in student politics, of course, but
also in the sports and cultural arenas. (wZwb GKRb K¬vwšÍnxb msMVK wn‡m‡eI cwiwPZ
wQ‡jbÑ QvÎ ivRbxwZ‡Z Aek¨B, †LjvLyjv I mvs¯‹…wZK †ÿθ‡jv‡ZI|)

k‡ãi A_©
tireless (UvB&Avi&‡jm&) = K¬vwšÍnxb | organizer (Ai&MvbvB-hvi&) = msMVK |
of course (Ad& †Kvi&m&) = Aek¨B | arena (A¨vixbv) = †ÿÎ |

07. Even now I remember vividly (wfwfW&-wj = my¯úófv‡e) a number of occasions when I
met him up close (‡K¬Šh& = KvQvKvwQ). (GgbwK GL‡bv Avgvi KZ¸‡jv mg‡qi K_v my¯úóf‡e g‡b
c‡o hLb Avwg Lye KvQ ‡_‡K Zvi ms‡M mvÿvr K‡iwQjvg|)

k‡ãi A_©
occasion (A‡KB&Sb&) = †Kv‡bv wbw`©ó NUbvi mgq |
meet up (gxU& Avc&) = Av‡M †_‡K w`bÿY wVK K‡i mvÿvr Kiv |

08. I was reinforced in the belief I had at the end of our first meeting- he had the gift
(wMd&U& = mnRvZ ¸Y) of friendship and I was one of his friends. (Avgv‡`i cÖ_g mvÿvr-Gi
†k‡l Zvi m¤ú‡K© Avgvi †h wek^vm R‡b¥wQ‡jv †mUv Av‡iv kw³kvjx n‡qwQ‡jvÑ Zvi g‡a¨ wQ‡jv eÜz‡Z¡i
mnRvZ ¸Y Ges Avwg wQjvg Zvi eÜz‡`i g‡a¨ GKRb|)

k‡ãi A_©
reinforce (ix-Bb&-‡dvi&m&) = (‡Kv‡bv Abyf~wZ / aviYv / wek^vm) Av‡iv kw³kvjx Kiv|

09. And I could see by the end of the trip that he was good at everything  playing
cricket, cracking jokes (‡RvD&K& = †KŠZzK), music, making friends and having a good
time! (Ges Avwg åg‡Yi †k‡l †`L‡Z †cjvg †h wZwb wQ‡jb me e¨vcv‡iB `ÿ Ñ wµ‡KU †Ljv, †KŠZzK
ejv, msMxZ, eÜz evbv‡bv Ges mgq‡K Dc‡fvM Kiv!)

k‡ãi A_©
crack a joke (µ¨vK& G †RvD&K&) = †KŠZzK ejv| have a good time = mgq‡K Dc‡fvM Kiv|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
10. Kamal, I found out in the next few years, made friends instinctively (Bb&m&-wUO&K-& wUf&-wj
= mnRvZfv‡e). [c‡ii K‡qK eQ‡i Avwg Avwe®‹vi Kijvg, Kvgvj mnRvZfv‡eB eÜz evbv‡Zb|]

k‡ãi A_©
find out (dvB&b&W& AvD&U&) = (Kv‡iv m¤ú‡K© / †Kv‡bv wKQz m¤ú‡K©) Rvb‡Z cviv / Avwe®‹vi Kiv|

11. But it was also clear he cultivated (Kvj&wU‡fB&U& = Kv‡iv eÜzZ¡ cvIqvi Rb¨ †Póv Kiv)
friends. (wKš‘ GUvI wQ‡jv cwi®‹vi †h wZwb eÜz‡`i eÜzZ¡ †c‡Z †Póv Ki‡Zb|)

12. And so whenever he met, he would seem to go out of his way to greet you before
you could greet him. (Ges Kv‡RB hLbB wZwb mvÿvr Ki‡Zb, Avcwb Zv‡K m¤¢vlY Ki‡Z cvivi
Av‡MB wZwbB cÖ_‡g Avcbv‡K m¤¢vlY Ávcb Kivi Rb¨ we‡kliKg †Póv Ki‡Zb e‡j g‡b n‡Zv|)

k‡ãi A_©
seem (mxg&) = g‡b nIqv| greet (MÖxU&) m¤¢vlY Ávcb Kiv |
go out of one’s way to do xyz = xyz Kivi Rb¨ we‡kl iKg †Póv Kiv |
(‡MvD& AvD&U& Ad& Iqvb&m& I‡qB& Vz Wz)

13. He had a trademark smile, warm (Iqvg&© = AvšÍwiK) and welcoming.

(Zvi wQ‡jv GKUv ¯^vZš¿¨m~PK nvwm, AvšÍwiK Ges eÜzZ¡c~Y©|)

k‡ãi A_©
trademark (‡Uª&B&W&-gvi&K&) = ¯^vZš¿¨m~PK ˆewkó¨| welcoming (I‡qj&Kvwgs) = eÜzZ¡c~Y©|
trademark smile = ‘trademark smile’ ej‡Z Ggb smile ev nvwm‡K eySv‡bv nq hvi g‡a¨
GKUv ¯^vZš¿¨m~PK ˆewkó¨ Av‡Q, gv‡b †h nvwmUv Ab¨‡`i †_‡K wfbœ| A_©vr, Gi wbR¯^ GKUv ¯^KxqZv Av‡Q|

14. Soon, I found out that whenever we were in groups, whether in the Arts building
or outside, he would become the life of any group, the center of attention,
inevitably and naturally. [kÖxNªB Avwg (Zvi m¤ú‡K©) Rvb‡Z cvijvg †h hLbB Avgiv `‡ji g‡a¨
_vKZvg, †mUv ‡nvK AvU©m wewìs‡qi g‡a¨ ev evB‡i, wZwb n‡q †h‡Zb †h †Kv‡bv `‡ji cÖvY, g‡bv‡hv‡Mi
†K›`ªwe›`y, Aek¨¤¢vexiƒ‡c Ges ¯^vfvweKfv‡eB|]

k‡ãi A_©
inevitably (Bb&-Gwf-U¨ve&-wj) = hv bv N‡U cv‡i bv A_©vr, NU‡eB = Aek¨¤¢vexiƒ‡c|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
15. And yet, when he talked to you, he made you feel that you were important, and
worth his company. (Ges Zv m‡Ë¡I, hLb wZwb Avcbvi ms‡M K_v ej‡Zb, wZwb Avcbvi g‡a¨ GB
Abyf~wZ RvwM‡q Zzj‡Zb †h Avcwb ¸iæZ¡c~Y©, Ges Zvi mvnP‡h©i †hvM¨|)

k‡ãi A_©
worth (IAvi&_&) xyz = xyz-Gi †hvM¨| company (Kvg&c¨vwb) = m½ / mvnPh©|

16. In late February 1969 Bangabandhu was released (wijxm& = gyw³ †`qv) from jail and
a month later Ayub Khan was replaced by Yahya Khan, another dictator, but one
who was seemingly planning to lay the path down for democracy. [1969 mv‡j
†deªæqvwi gv‡mi †k‡li w`‡K e½eÜz‡K †Rj †_‡K gyw³ †`qv n‡qwQ‡jv Ges Zvi GK gvm ci AvBqye
Lvb‡K mwi‡q Zvi RvqMvq emv‡bv n‡jv Bqvwnqv Lvb‡K, whwb wQ‡jb Av‡iKRb ˆ¯^ikvmK, wKš‘ Ggb
GKRb e¨w³ whwb AvcvZ`„wó‡Z MYZ‡š¿i Rb¨ c_ myMg Ki‡Z cwiKíbv KiwQ‡jb|]

k‡ãi A_©
replace (wi‡cøB&m&) = GKRb‡K mwi‡q Zvi c‡` Ab¨Rb‡K emv‡bv |
dictator (wWK&-‡U-‡Uvi&) = ˆ¯^ikvmK| seemingly (mxwgs-wj) = AvcvZ`„wó‡Z |
lay the path down for xyz = xyz-Gi Rb¨ c_ myMg Ki‡Z cwiKíbv Kiv |
(‡jB& `¨v cv_& WvD&b& di&)

17. This Khan pledged to hold genuine elections to the national as well as the
provincial assemblies on the basis of universal suffrage; election fever (dxfvi& =
D‡ËRbv) gripped the country. (GB Lvb mwZ¨Kv‡ii wbe©vPb Av‡qvRb Kivi cÖwZkÖæwZ w`‡qwQ‡jv
RvZxq Ges cÖv‡`wkK cwil`mg~‡n mve©Rbxb †fvUvwaKv‡ii wfwˇZ; wbe©vPbx D‡ËRbv †`kwU‡Z cÖejfv‡e
cÖfve †d‡jwQ‡jv|)

k‡ãi A_©
pledge (‡cøR&) = cÖwZkÖæwZ †`qv| provincial (cÖwfb&k&j&) = cÖv‡`wkK |
assembly (A¨v‡mg&e&-wj) = cwil` | universal (BD-wb-fvi&-mvj&) = mve©Rbxb |
suffrage (mvd&‡iR&) = †fvUvwaKvi | grip (wMÖc&) = cÖejfv‡e cÖfve †djv |

18. Once again, he regaled us on the way and back with his lively presence, chatting,
joking and singing. (Av‡Mi g‡Zv GeviI wZwb Avgv‡`i‡K hvIqvi c‡_ Ges †divi c‡_ Avb›`
w`‡qwQ‡jb Zvi cÖvYešÍ Dcw¯’wZ, †LvkMí, iwmKZv Kiv Ges Mvb MvIqvi Øviv|)

k‡ãi A_©
regale (wi‡MB&j&) = Avb›` `vb Kiv| lively (jvBf&wj) = cÖvYešÍ|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
19. With his golden (‡Mvj&‡Wb& = PgrKvi) voice, eloquence, gift (wMd&U& = mnRvZ ¸Y) for
rhetoric and making complex things clear with vivid (wWwfW& = cÖvYešÍ) images and
passionate arguments, Bangabandhu stirred (÷vi& = D‡ËwRZ Kiv) us all. (Zvi PgrKvi
Kɯ^i, evM¥xZv, AjsKvieûj kã I cÖvYešÍ images Z_v wPÎK‡íi gva¨‡g RwUj welq¸‡jv‡K ¯úó
Kivi Zvi mnRvZ ¸Y Ges Av‡eMc~Y© hyw³i Øviv, e½eÜz Avgv‡`i mevB‡K D‡ËwRZ K‡iwQ‡jb|)

k‡ãi A_©
rhetoric (‡i‡UvwiK&) = AjsKvieûj kã| passionate (c¨vk‡bU&) = Av‡eMc~Y©|
eloquence (B‡jv‡Kv‡qb&m&) = fv‡jv e³…Zv †`qvi ÿgZv = evM¥xZv| image (B‡gR&) = (KweZv /
eY©bv cÖf…wZ‡Z) KíbvcÖm~Z kã ev k㸔Q hvi Øviv †jLK cvVK ev †kÖvZvi g‡b Qwe ˆZwi K‡ib = wPÎKí|

20. It was another day with Kamal that I would treasure. (GUv wQ‡jv Kvgv‡ji mv‡_ Avmvi
Ab¨ GKwU w`b †hUv‡K Avwg AZ¨šÍ g~j¨evb e‡j mh‡Zœ jvjb Ki‡ev|)

k‡ãi A_©
treasure (‡UªSvi&) = AZ¨šÍ g~j¨evb e‡j mh‡Zœ jvjb Kiv|

21. One other day that I will treasure forever (d‡ifvi&) = wPiw`b) was sometime in 1970,
when the Bengalees were gearing up for the National Assembly elections. (Aci
GKwU w`b †hUv‡K Avwg wPiw`b mh‡Zœ jvjb Ki‡ev †mUv wQ‡jv 1970 mv‡ji †Kv‡bv GK mgq hLb
evOvwjiv RvZxq cwil` wbe©vP‡bi Rb¨ cÖ¯‘wZ wbw”Q‡jv|)

k‡ãi A_©
sometime (mvg&-UvB&g&) = †Kv‡bv GK mgq |
gear up for (wMqvi& Avc& di&) xyz = xyz-Gi Rb¨ wb‡R‡K cÖ¯‘Z Kiv |

22. I remember him waving affectionately, (A¨v‡dK&-k-b¨vU&-wj = †¯œnc~Y©fv‡e) warmth for

Kamal’s friends written all over his smiling face. (Avgvi Zv‡K g‡b c‡o wZwb †¯œnc~Y©fv‡e
Avgv‡`i D‡Ï‡k¨ nvZ bvov‡”Qb, Zvi nvwmLywk gy‡Li me©Î Kvgv‡ji eÜz‡`i Rb¨ DòZvi Qvc ¯úó|)

k‡ãi A_©
wave (I‡qB&f&) = nvZ bvov‡bv| warmth (Iqvi&g&_&) = DòZv|
written (wi‡Ub&) = (‡Kv‡bv Abyf~wZ m¤ú‡K©) †Pv‡L gy‡L ¯úó Qvc c‡o‡Q Ggb|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
23. Nevertheless, even in brief (eªxd& = mswÿß) exchanges Kamal, now the son of the
Prime Minister of Bangladesh, made me feel that I was close to him, for he would
not only exchange pleasantries but would also ask about me caringly (‡Kqvwiswj =
mü`qZvi m‡½) and in the friendliest of manner. (Zv m‡Ë¡I, GgbwK mswÿß K_vevZ©vi g‡a¨I
Kvgvj, whwb ZLb evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavbgš¿xi cyÎ, Avgvi g‡a¨ GB Abyf~wZ RvwM‡q Zzj‡Zb †h Avwg Zvi
Kv‡Qi gvbyl, †h‡nZz wZwb ïaygvÎ nvm¨‡KŠZzKB wewbgq Ki‡Zb bv, eis wZwb Avgvi K_v wR‡Ám Ki‡Zb
mü`qZvi ms‡M Ges AZ¨šÍ eÜzZ¡c~Y© AvPiY cÖ`k©b K‡i|)

k‡ãi A_©
exchanges (GK&m‡& Pb&‡Rm&) = K_vevZ©v / Av‡jvPbv| pleasantry (‡cø‡hb&wUª) = nvm¨‡KŠZzK|

24. Friendliness came naturally to Sheikh Kamal and more often than not, he would
greet you with a smile before you could do so. (eÜz‡Z¡i ¸YwU †kL Kvgv‡ji g‡a¨
¯^vfvweKfv‡eB P‡j G‡mwQ‡jv Ges mPivPi wZwb GKUv nvwm w`‡q Avcbv‡K m¤¢vlY Ávcb Ki‡Zb Avcwb
Zvi cÖwZ GgbwU Ki‡Z cvivi Av‡MB|)

k‡ãi A_©
more often than not = cÖvqB / mPivPi|

25. The idea was that we would find the encounter (Gb&KvD&›Uvi& = nVvr K‡i WvKv wgwUs)
inspirational and our Vice-Chancellor would get to meet a cross-section of the
top performing students of a particular year to hear from them how the university
could augment (AM&‡g›U = evov‡bv / e„w× Kiv) its academic facilities for future
students. (aviYvUv wQ‡jv GB †h Avgiv GB encounter A_©vr, AvKw¯§Kfv‡e WvKv wgwUsUv‡K
Aby‡cÖiYv`vqK wn‡m‡e cv‡ev Ges Avgv‡`i fvBm-P¨v‡Ýji wewfbœ †kÖwYi cÖwZwbwaZ¡Kvix GKwU we‡kl
erm‡ii me‡P‡q fv‡jv †iRvë K‡i‡Q Ggb wkÿv_©x‡`i ms‡M mvÿvr Kivi GKUv my‡hvM cv‡eb Zv‡`i
wbKU †_‡K GUv ïb‡Z †h Kxfv‡e wek^we`¨vjq fwel¨r wkÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ Gi GKv‡WwgK my‡hvM-
myweav¸‡jv‡K Av‡iv evov‡Z cv‡i|)

k‡ãi A_©
inspirational (Bb&m&‡c‡iB&kbvj&) = Aby‡cÖiYv`vqK |
get to do (‡MU& Vz Wz) = xyz Kivi my‡hvM cvIqv |
cross-section (µm&-‡mK&kb&) = wewfbœ †kÖwYi cÖwZwbwa |
top performing (Uc& cvi&di&wgs) = ‡miv K…wZZ¡ AR©bKvix |

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
26. As always, he greeted me with his characteristic warm (IAvi&g& = fv‡jvevmvc~Y©) smile
and wanted to know where I was heading to. (memg‡qi g‡Zv, wZwb Avgv‡K Zvi
ˆewkó¨m~PK fv‡jvevmvc~Y© nvwmi Øviv m¤¢vlY Rvbv‡jb Ges Rvb‡Z PvB‡jb Avwg †Kvb w`‡K AMÖmi nw”Q|)

k‡ãi A_©
characteristic (K¨v‡iK&Uvwim&wUK&) = ˆewkó¨m~PK| head to (‡nW& Vz) xyz = xyz-Gi w`‡K AMÖmi nIqv|

27. That was typical of kamal. He was the son of Bangabandhu, the Prime Minister of
Bangladesh, and he still had time to spare (‡¯úqvi& = KvD‡K mgq w`‡Z cviv) for a
friend! (IUvB wQ‡jv Kvgv‡ji Pwi‡Îi ¯^vfvweK ˆewkó¨| wZwb wQ‡jb e½eÜzi cyÎ, whwb evsjv‡`‡ki
cÖavbgš¿x, Ges ZviciI GKRb eÜz‡K †`Iqvi gZ mgq Zvi nv‡Z wQ‡jv!)

k‡ãi A_©
typical (wUwcK¨vj&) = ‡Kv‡bv we‡kl ai‡bi e¨w³/e¯‘/`‡ji ¯^vfvweK ˆewkó¨mg~n ev ¸Yvejxi AwaKvix Ggb|

28. All of us were stunned (÷vb& = ¯Íw¤¢Z / nZf¤^ Kiv) by the events of August 15, 1975.
(1975 mv‡ji 15-B AvM‡÷i NUbvejxi Øviv Avgiv mK‡jB ¯Íw¤¢Z n‡q wM‡qwQjvg|)

29. The renegade murderous soldiers had left the nation drift for the immediate future
and we had lost the father of our nation. (`jZ¨vMx NvZK ˆmb¨iv RvwZ‡K jÿ¨nxb K‡i w`‡jv
ZvrÿwYK fwel¨‡Zi Rb¨ Ges Avgiv RvwZi wcZv‡K nvivjvg|)

k‡ãi A_©
renegade (‡iwb‡MB&W&) = `jZ¨vMx / wek^vmNvZK| drift (wWªd&U&) = jÿ¨nxb|

30. Affectionate, lively and always smiling Kamal would no more greet us, batch
mates and make us feel blessed in having him as a friend! (‡cÖggq, AvKl©Yxq Ges
m`vnvm¨ Kvgvj Avi Avgv‡`i‡K, e¨v‡Pi m½x‡`i‡K m¤¢vlY Rvbv‡e bv, Ges Zv‡K GKRb eÜz wn‡m‡e
†c‡q Avgiv †h †mŠfvM¨evb n‡qwQ †mB Abyf~wZ Avgv‡`i g‡b Avi RvMv‡e bv!)

k‡ãi A_©
lovely (jvf&wj) = AvKl©Yxq| mate (‡gB&U&) = eÜz / m½x| blessed (‡eøm&W&) = †mŠfvM¨evb|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
Lesson # 3: Brojen Das: On conquering the English Channel
01. He was a legendary (‡j‡Rb&Wvwi = wKse`šÍx) swimmer who became the first person from
Asia to swim across the English Channel in 1958. (wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb wKse`šÍx mvuZviæ whwb
Gwkqv †_‡K cÖ_g e¨w³ n‡qwQ‡jb whwb 1958 mv‡j mvuZvi w`‡q Bswjk P¨v‡bj AwZµg K‡iwQ‡jb|)

02. The government of Bangladesh honoured him with the National Sports award in
1976 and Swadhinata Padak (posthumously) in 1999. [evsjv‡`k miKvi Zv‡K RvZxq
µxov cyi¯‹vi Øviv m¤§vwbZ K‡iwQ‡jv 1976 mv‡j Ges ¯^vaxbZv c`‡K (gi‡YvËiKv‡j) 1999 mv‡j|]

k‡ãi A_©
posthumously (cm&-wUD&-gvm&-wj) = gi‡YvËiKv‡j|

03. Following is an abridged version (fvm©b& = eY©bv) of a memoir (‡ggIqvi& = ¯§„wZK_v) by

Brojen Das in which he gives a captivating account of his record-breaking
performance in the English Channel. (wb‡P †`qv n‡jv eª‡Rb `vm KZ©„K wjwLZ ¯§„wZK_vi GKwU
ms‡ÿwcZ eY©bv hvi g‡a¨ wZwb Bswjk P¨v‡b‡j Zvi †iKW©-f½Kvix K…wZ‡Z¡i GKwU wegy»Kvix eY©bv †`b|)

k‡ãi A_©
following (d‡jvB&O&) = wb¤œewY©Z| performance (cvi&di&-g¨vb&m&) = K…wZZ¡ |
abridged (A¨vweªRW
& &) = ms‡ÿc Kiv n‡q‡Q Ggb = ms‡ÿwcZ |
captivating (K¨vc&wU‡fB&wUO&) = gy» K‡i Ggb = wegy»Kvix |

I had not failed (‡dB&j& = wbivk Kiv) my country.
(Avwg Avgvi †`k‡K wbivk Kwi bvB|)
04. I could hear very faint voices as if coming from the other side of the world.
(Avwg ïb‡Z cvw”Qjvg LyeB A¯úó Kɯ^i †hb †m¸‡jv c„w_exi Aci cvk †_‡K Avm‡Q|)

k‡ãi A_©

faint (‡dB&b&U&) = A¯úó| as if (A¨vh& Bd&) = †hb|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
05. I was feeling tired and exhausted and was encountering stiff (w÷d&) = KwVb)
opposition (Acwhkb& = evav / cÖwZ‡iva) from the strong tide (UvB&W& = †¯ªvZ). (Avwg K¬všÍ Ges
Avgvi mg¯Í kw³ wbt‡kwlZ Ggb Abyfe KiwQjvg Ges kw³kvjx †¯ªv‡Zi KwVb evavi m¤§yLxb nw”Qjvg|)

k‡ãi A_©
exhausted (‡qM&hm&‡UW&) = mg¯Í kw³ wbt‡kl n‡q G‡m‡Q Ggb |
encounter (Gb&KvD&›Uvi&) = gy‡LvgywL / m¤§yLxb nIqv |

06. I looked towards my accompanying motorboat carrying my manager Quazi

Mohammad Ali, skipper Len Hutchinson and the official observer, Mr. J. U.
Wood. (Avwg ZvKvjvg Avgvi mnMvgx †gvUi‡ev‡Ui w`‡K †hUv enb KiwQ‡jv Avgvi g¨v‡bRvi KvRx
†gvnv¤§` Avjx, †ev‡Ui K¨v‡Þb Len Hutchinson Ges miKvwi ch©‡eÿK Mr. J.U. Wood-‡K|)

k‡ãi A_©
accompanying (A¨vKvg&‡cwbs) = mnMvgx| skipper (w¯‹cvi&) = †QvULv‡Uv †bŠKvi K¨v‡Þb|

ev‡K¨i e¨vL¨v
Dc‡ii ev‡K¨ ..... motorboat carrying my manager .... GB AskUzKz Av‡iv †f‡½ wjL‡j n‡Zv: ....
motorboat which was carrying my manager ..... wKš‘ standard Bswj‡k which was-‡K ev`
w`‡q ïay carrying wjL‡Z n‡e| GUv‡K MÖvgv‡ii fvlvq present participle ejv nq|
07. As I looked up, I could see flashes (d¬¨v‡kk& = Av‡jvi SjKvwb). I realized I was very
close to the shore (‡kvi& = Zxi). (hLb Avwg Dc‡ii w`‡K ZvKvjvg, Avwg Av‡jvi SjKvwb †`L‡Z
cviwQjvg| Avwg Dcjwä Kijvg Avwg Zx‡ii Lye wbK‡U|)
08. They told me that if I put the last ounce (AvD&b&m& = †Kv‡bvwKQzi AwZ mvgvb¨ cwigvY) of
energy into my swimming, I would set (‡mU& = ¯’vcb Kiv) a new world record for
France to England swim. (Zviv Avgv‡K ej‡jv †h hw` Avwg kix‡ii ‡kl kw³UzKz Avgvi mvuZv‡i
†`B, Zvn‡j d«vÝ †_‡K Bsj¨vÛ ch©šÍ mvuZv‡i Avwg GKwU bZzb wek^‡iKW© ¯’vcb Ki‡ev|)

k‡ãi A_©
last ounce of energy = kix‡ii †kl kw³UzKz hv GKR‡bi Aewkó Av‡Q|
(jvm&U& AvDÝ Ad& GbvwR©)

09. This electrified me. (GUv Avgv‡K fxlYfv‡e D‡ËwRZ K‡iwQ‡jv|)

k‡ãi A_©
electrify (B‡jK&-wUª-dvB&) = fxlYfv‡e D‡ËwRZ Kiv|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
10. The goal for which I had been striving (÷ªvB&f& = cÖvYc‡Y †Póv Kiv) for the past four years
could be mine. (†h j‡ÿ¨i Rb¨ Avwg MZ PviwU eQi cÖvYc‡Y †Póv KiwQjvg ‡mUv Avgvi n‡Z cv‡i|)
mvivsk evK¨
The goal could be mine.

11. The aim, which goaded (‡MvD&W& = ZvwoZ Kiv) me to swim the Channel six times, each
time risking my life and reputation, was so close. [jÿ¨ †hUv Avgv‡K ZvwoZ K‡iwQ‡jv 6
evi P¨v‡bjwU‡Z mvuZvi KvU‡Z, cÖwZevi Avgvi Rxeb I mybv‡gi SzuwK wb‡q, (‡mUv) wQ‡jv GZ wbK‡U|]
mvivsk evK¨
The aim was so close.

12. The Channel, with its cold biting water, the winds, the waves and the tides does not
make things easier. (P¨v‡bjwU, mv‡_ Gi fxlY VvÐv Kó`vqK cvwb, evZvm, †XD Ges †¯ªvZ
cwiw¯’wZ‡K mnRZi K‡i bv|)
mvivsk evK¨
The channel does not make things easier.

k‡ãi A_©
biting (evB&wUO&) = fxlY VvÐv I hš¿Yv`vqK| things (w_O&m&) = cwiw¯’wZ / NUbv|

13. The unpredictable weather changes for the worse after a swimmer jumps in.
(GKRb mvuZviæ cvwbi g‡a¨ Svuc †`qvi ci AwbwðZ AvenvIqv cwiewZ©Z nq cwiw¯’wZ‡K Av‡iv Lvivc
Ae¯’vi w`‡K wb‡q hvIqvi Rb¨|)

k‡ãi A_©
unpredictable (Avb&-‡cÖwWK&-U¨ve&j&) = Av‡M †_‡K wbwðZ K‡i ejv hvq bv Ggb = AwbwðZ|
for the worse (di& `¨v IAvi&m&) = Av‡iv g›` ev Lvivc Ae¯’vq|

14. It has never, to my knowledge, changed for the better for anyone yet (B‡qU& = GLb
ch©šÍ)... (GUv KL‡bv, Avgvi Rvbvg‡Z, GL‡bv ch©šÍ Kv‡iv Rb¨ cwiw¯’wZ‡K Av‡iv fv‡jv Ae¯’vi w`‡K
wb‡q hvIqvi Rb¨ cwiewZ©Z nq wb|)

k‡ãi A_©
to my knowledge (Vz gvB& b‡jR&) = Avgvi Rvbvg‡Z |
for the better (di& `¨v †eUvi&) = Av‡iv fv‡jv Ae¯’vq |

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
15. Apart from stamina and practice of long distance swimming, one must have the
grit, determination and courage to subdue the Channel. (`xN© mgq a‡i cwikÖg Kivi
ÿgZv Ges j¤^v `~i‡Z¡ mvuZvi KvUvi Abykxjb QvovI, GKRb e¨w³i Aek¨B _vK‡Z n‡e mvnm I
mwnòzZvi ¸Y, `„p msKí Ges g‡bvej P¨v‡bj‡K e‡k Avbvi Rb¨|)

k‡ãi A_©
Apart from (A¨vcvi&U& d«g&) xyz = xyz Qvov| grit (wMÖU&) = mvnm I mwnòzZvi ¸Y |
subdue (mve&wWD&) xyz = xyz-‡K civf~Z Kiv / e‡k Avbv |

16. Weather and ill (Bj& = Aïf) luck have conspired and joined hands many a time
(g¨vwb A¨v VvB&g& = eûevi) to defeat Channel swimmers. (AvenvIqv Ges Aïf wbqwZ PµvšÍ
K‡i‡Q Ges nvZ wgwj‡q‡Q eûevi P¨v‡b‡ji mvuZviæ‡`i civwRZ Ki‡Z|)

k‡ãi A_©
luck (jvK&) = wbqwZ / fvM¨| conspire (Kb&m&cvB&Avi&) = PµvšÍ Kiv|
join hands (RB&b& n¨vÛm&) = GKm‡½ KvR Kivi Rb¨ nvZ wgjv‡bv|

17. Although very tired after swimming for 11 hours and 48 minutes, I could not fall
asleep. (11 N›Uv 48 wgwbU a‡i mvuZvi KvUvi ci hw`I Avwg Lye K¬všÍ wQjvg, wKš‘ Avwg Nywg‡q co‡Z
cvijvg bv|)

18. The thought that I had once again failed my country, friends and fans was
disturbing me. [GB wPšÍvUv †h Avwg AZx‡Zi gZ GeviI Avgvi †`k‡K, eÜz‡`i‡K Ges f³‡`i‡K
wbivk K‡iwQ (‡mUv) Avgv‡K A¯^w¯Í w`w”Q‡jv|]

k‡ãi A_©
thought (_U&) = wPšÍv| once again (Iqvb&m& A¨v‡MB&b&) = Av‡Mi gZ GeviI|

19. After only fours sleep the following night, I decided to try again- for the sixth time. I
had fixed the tentative date for September 20. On that day I took the ferry to Calais.
(c‡ii ivw·Z gvÎ Pvi N›Uv Ny‡gi ci, Avwg Avevi †Póv Kivi wm×všÍ wbjvg Ñ lôev‡ii gZ| Avwg
AvcvZZ GKwU ZvwiL wba©viY Kijvg: 20 †k †m‡Þ¤^i| Hw`b Avwg Calais-Gi D‡Ï‡k¨ †dwi wbjvg|)

k‡ãi A_©
tentative (‡Ub&U¨vwUf&) = AvcvZZ w¯’i Kiv n‡q‡Q Ggb|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)

Sea sick
20. I get sea-sick in the ferry and also during swimming if there are breakers or waves.
(Avwg mgy`ªcxwoZ n‡q cwo †dwi‡Z Ges mvuZvi KvUvi mgqI hw` breakers wKsev †XD _v‡K|)

k‡ãi A_©
breaker (‡eªB&Kvi&) = f~wgi Dci AvQ‡o cov mv`v †dbvhy³ wekvj †XD |
seasick (mxwmK&) = mgy‡`ª åg‡Yi mgq Amy¯’ ev ewg-ewg fve Abyfe K‡i Ggb = mgy`ªcxwoZ |

21. This sea-sickness was the main cause of my failure to set a world record on
September 8/9 or even in 1960. (GB mgy`ªcxovB wQ‡jv †m‡Þ¤^‡ii 8/9 Zvwi‡L ev GgbwK 1960
mv‡jI wek^‡iKW© ¯’vc‡b Avgvi e¨_©Zvi cÖavb KviY|)

22. The night rest at the Cap Gris Nez hotel did me immense good.
(Cap Gris Nez ‡nv‡U‡j iv‡Zi wekÖvgUv Avgvi wekvj DcKvi K‡iwQ‡jv|)

k‡ãi A_©
good (M~W&) = DcKvi, do good = DcKvi Kiv| immense (B‡gb&m&) = wekvj|

23. I felt on top of the world. (Avwg cig myLx Abyfe K‡iwQjvg|)

k‡ãi A_©
on top of the world (Ab& Uc& Ad& `¨v Iqvi&j&W&) = cig myLx|

24. I jumped into the water within 12 days of my 5th swim, a record in itself, after
saying a little prayer, asking God to give me good weather all through and to
crown me with success. (ïiæ †_‡K †kl ch©šÍ Avgv‡K fv‡jv AvenvIqv †`qvi Rb¨ Ges Avgvi
cÖ‡Póv‡K mdjZvi Øviv c~YZ© v †`qvi Rb¨ m„wóKZ©vi Kv‡Q wgbwZ K‡i mvgvb¨ cÖv_©bv Kivi ci, Avwg
Avgvi cÂg mvuZv‡ii 12 w`‡bi wfZ‡i cvwbi g‡a¨ Suvc w`jvg, †hUv wQ‡jv wb‡RB GKUv †iKW©|)

k‡ãi A_©

all through (Aj& _~ª) = ïiæ †_‡K †kl ch©šÍ / AvMv†Mvov |

crown with (µvD&b& DB&_&) xyz = xyz Øviv c~Y©Zv †`qv |
crown with success = mdjZvi Øviv (Kv‡iv cÖ‡Póv‡K) c~Y©Zv ‡`qv |

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
25. Nearly the whole of Cap Gris Nez village had turned out to wish me luck and see
me enter the water for the sixth time. (cÖvq cy‡iv cap Gris Nez MÖv‡gi †jvKRb Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jv
Avgv‡K ïf Kvgbv Kivi Rb¨ Ges lô ev‡ii gZ Avgvi cvwbi g‡a¨ cÖ‡ek Kiv †`L‡Z|)

k‡ãi A_©
turn out (Uvi&b& AvD&U&) = †Kv‡bv cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi Abyôv‡b Dcw¯’Z _vKv|

Plunge And After

(cvwb‡Z Suvc †`qv Ges Zvici)
26. Once in water, you get oblivious of time, distance or direction. (GKevi cvwb‡Z cÖ‡ek
Kivi ci Avcwb mgq, `~iZ¡ wKsev w`K‡K fz‡j hv‡eb, gv‡b, G¸‡jv‡K mwVKfv‡e Dcjwä Ki‡Z
cvi‡eb bv|)

k‡ãi A_©
Once (Iqvb&m&) = GKevi| oblivious (Ae&wjwfAvm& Ad&) xyz = xyz-‡K fz‡j hvIqv|

27. The only thought which kept me worried, was that I must make it and that I must get
good weather all the way. (GKgvÎ wPšÍv †hUv Avgv‡K `ywðšÍvMÖ¯Í K‡i †i‡LwQ‡jv †mUv wQ‡jv GB †h
Avgv‡K Aek¨B mgqg‡Zv Zx‡i †cuŠQv‡bvi e¨vcv‡i mdj n‡Z n‡e Ges Avgv‡K Aek¨B mvivUv c_ fv‡jv
AvenvIqv †c‡Z n‡e|)

k‡ãi A_©
worried (IwiW&) = `ywðšÍvMÖ¯Í| make it = †Kv‡bv ¯’v‡b mgqg‡Zv †cuŠQv‡bvi e¨vcv‡i mdj nIqv|

28. The second half of the swim is always very difficult. And if even little (wjU&j& = Lye
mvgvb¨) waves develop, it saps the ebbing energy of the swimmer all the more.
(mvuZv‡ii wØZxq A‡a©K AskUv memgq LyeB KwVb nq| Ges hw` GgbwK Lye mvgvb¨ †XDI Av‡m, Zvn‡j
†mUv mvuZviæi µgvš^‡q K‡g Avmv kw³‡K Av‡iv †ewk K‡i wbt‡kl K‡i †`q|)

k‡ãi A_©
develop (‡W‡fjc&) = †Kv‡bv wKQz NUv ev †Kv‡bv we‡kl w`‡K †gvo †bqv |
sap (m¨vc&) = Rxebxkw³ wbt‡kl K‡i †`qv |
ebbing (Gwes) = µgvš^‡q K‡g Avm‡Q Ggb |

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
29. Taking a lesson form my previous swims I kept my speed at a steady (‡÷wW = wbqwgZ)
pace (‡cB&m& = †eM) for I knew I would need every ounce of my energy towards the
close. [Avgvi c~e©eZ©x mvuZvi¸‡jv †_‡K GKUv wkÿv wb‡q Avwg Avgvi MwZ‡K GKUv wbqwgZ †e‡M
ivLjvg †h‡nZz Avwg RvbZvg Avgvi cÖ‡qvRb n‡e Avgvi kix‡ii meUzKz kw³ (MšÍ‡e¨i) †k‡li w`‡K|]

k‡ãi A_©
previous (wcÖwfqvm&) = c~e©eZ©x| close (‡K¬vD&h&) = †kl / mgvwß |
every ounce of energy = kix‡ii meUzKz kw³ hv GKR‡bi Av‡Q |

30. I felt hungry and famished and shouted for my manager. (Avwg ÿzavZ© Ges cÖPÐ ÿzavq
wb‡R‡K g„ZcÖvq Abyfe Kijvg Ges Avgvi g¨v‡bRv‡ii D‡Ï‡k¨ wPrKvi K‡i DVjvg|)

k‡ãi A_©
famished (d¨vwgk&W&) = cÖPÐ ÿzavq g„ZcÖvq nIqvi `kv|

31. In reply, I was told that I could not afford to waste 10 minutes in having the feed!
If I have to break the record, I must swim on with all my might. (Dˇi Avgv‡K ejv n‡jv
†h Lvevi †L‡Z wM‡q 10 wgwbU bó Kivi g‡Zv mgq Avgvi nv‡Z †bB! hw` Avgv‡K †iKW© fvO‡Z nq,
Zvn‡j Avgv‡K Aek¨B Avgvi me©kw³ w`‡q mvuZvi KvUv Pvwj‡q †h‡Z n‡e|)

k‡ãi A_©
afford (A¨v‡dvi&W&) = †Kv‡bv wKQz Kivi Rb¨ mgq ev A_© nv‡Z _vKv |
might (gvB&U&) = kw³| feed (dxW&) = Lvevi| waste (I‡qB&m&U&) = bó Kiv |

Last Efforts
32. After the feed I really got my teeth into the strokes ... I was squeezing (¯‹zCh& = †P‡c
aiv) my body for the last drop (Wªc& = we›`y / †duvUv) of energy I could get out of it .....
and edged on inch by inch. (LveviUv MÖnY Kivi ci, Avwg mwZ¨B strokes A_©vr, mvuZv‡i cvwb‡Z
Avgvi nvZ gvivi g‡a¨ cÖPzi cÖqvm I Drmvn Lu‡y R ‡cjvg .... Avwg Avgvi kixiUv‡K †P‡c aiwQjvg kw³i
†kl we›`yUvi Rb¨ †hUv Avwg GUv (Avgvi †`n) †_‡K †ei K‡i Avb‡Z cvwi ... Ges GK GK Bw K‡i
ax‡i ax‡i wKbvi †Nu‡l GwM‡q ‡h‡Z jvMjvg|)

k‡ãi A_©
get my teeth into xyz = xyz-Gi g‡a¨ cÖPzi efforts Z_v cÖ‡Póv I Drmvn †hvM Kiv |
(‡MU& gvB& Ux_& Bb&Uz edge on (GR& Ab&) = edge ev wKbvi †Nu‡l ax‡i ax‡i GwM‡q Pjv |
out of (AvD&U& Ad&) xyz = xyz-Gi ga¨ †_‡K| stroke (‡÷ªvD&K&) = (muvZv‡ii mgq) cvwb‡Z nvZ gviv |

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
33. I could see the record, like the proverbial (‡cÖvfvi&weAvj& = cÖev`Z~j¨) carrot, dangling
before my swollen eyes. (Avwg †iKW©Uv †`L‡Z cviwQjvg, cÖev`Z~j¨ carrot Z_v cyi¯‹v‡ii g‡Zv,
†hUv Szj‡Q Avgvi dz‡j hvIqv †PvL¸‡jvi mvg‡b|)

k‡ãi A_©
carrot (K¨vi&U&) = KvD‡K †Kv‡bv wKQz Ki‡Z ivwR Kiv‡bvi Rb¨ †h reward ev cyi¯‹v‡ii cÖwZkÖæwZ †`qv nq|
dangle (W¨vO&M&j&) = †Svjv / †`vjv| swollen (‡mv‡jb&) = dz‡j D‡V‡Q Ggb|

34. I kept pulling (cyj& = Uvbv) myself on ........ a little more, just a little more ...... the
momentum (gy‡gb&Uvg& = MwZ‡eM) was building up-then I felt rocks, sharp and craggy.
(Avwg wb‡R‡K †U‡b wb‡q Pjjvg ........ Av‡iKUz, †Kej Av‡iKUz .... MwZ‡eM µgvš^‡q ax‡i ax‡i e„w×
cvw”Q‡jv Ñ Zvici Avwg Abyfe Kijvg cv_i, aviv‡jv I Ge‡ov‡_e‡ov .......|)

k‡ãi A_©
build up (wej&W& Avc&) = ax‡i axi µgvš^‡q e„w× cvIqv |
craggy (µ¨vwM) = Agm„Y / Ge‡ov‡_e‡ov |

35. Then a big rock appeared before me. And that was it .... the shore it was ... the
time: 4.35 a.m. GMT: I had broken the world record by 15 minutes. [Zvici GKUv
eo cv_i Avgvi mvg‡b Avm‡jv| Ges IUvB wQ‡jv GUv ..... Zxi wQ‡jv GUv ..... mgqUv (wQ‡jv) †fvi
4.35: Avwg wek^‡iKW© †f‡OwQjvg 15 wgwbU Av‡M mvuZvi †kl K‡i|]

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
Lesson # 4: Scaling a Mountain Peak or Riding Your Dream?
01. Nishat Mazumder, a Bangladeshi woman in her early (Avi&wj = ïiæi w`‡K) forties, is
a sports icon. [wbkvZ gRyg`vi, GKRb evsjv‡`kx gwnjv whwb Zvi early forties-G, gv‡b hvi eqm
40-49, GB eqmmxgvi ïiæi w`‡K, (wZwb) n‡jb GKRb weL¨vZ I cÖkswmZ wµqvwe`|]

k‡ãi A_©
forties (di&Uxh&) = (msL¨v / weqm / ZvcgvÎv m¤ú‡K©) 40 †_‡K 49-Gi g‡a¨ |
icon (AvB&Kb&) = weL¨vZ e¨w³ ev wRwbm hv‡K gvbyl fxlY cÖksmv K‡i Ges †Kv‡bv
aviYv ev wek^v‡mi cÖZxK e‡j g‡b K‡i |

02. She is not very tall or well built, or does not have a charming princess look; but
this apparently (A¨vcv‡ib&U&wj = evwn¨Kfv‡e) ordinary girl has three things that she can
be proud of. (wZwb Lye †ewk j¤^v bb wKsev myMwVZI bb, ev ivRKb¨vi g‡Zv AvKl©Yxq †PnvivI Zvi
†bB; wKš‘ evwn¨Kfv‡e †`L‡Z mvaviY GB †g‡qwUi wZbwU wRwbm i‡q‡Q hv wb‡q †m Mwe©Z n‡Z cv‡i|)
03. These are: she has extraordinarily supportive parents who accepted her dreams
as real; her father was a freedom fighter in the Liberation War of Bangladesh in
1971, and she scaled the highest peak (cxK& = ce©ZP~ov) in the world as the first
Bangladeshi girl in 2012. (G¸wj n‡jv: Zvi Av‡Q Abb¨mvaviYiƒ‡c supportive (mv‡cvi&wUf& =
mvnvh¨ I Drmvn `vb K‡i Ggb) evev-gv hviv Zvi ¯^cœ¸‡jv‡K ev¯Íe wn‡m‡e MÖnY K‡i wb‡qwQ‡jb; Zvi
evev wQ‡jb 1971 mv‡ji evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy‡× GKRb gyw³‡hv×v, Ges wZwb 2012 mv‡j cÖ_g evsjv‡`kx
†g‡q wn‡m‡e we‡k^i m‡e©v”P ce©ZP~ovq Av‡ivnY K‡iwQ‡jb|)

k‡ãi A_©
scale (‡¯‹B&j&) = Av‡ivnY Kiv| extraordinarily (GK&m-& Uªv-Ai&-wW-bvwiwj) = Abb¨mvaviYiƒ‡c|

04. For us, Nishat’s life comes across as especially significant because it tells us how
the influence of one person can motivate someone to dream big. (Avgv‡`i Rb¨ wbkv‡Zi
Rxeb we‡klfv‡e ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wn‡m‡e GKUv impression Z_v aviYvi m„wó K‡i KviY GUv Avgv‡`i‡K e‡j
Kxfv‡e GKRb e¨w³i cÖfve KvD‡K DØy× Ki‡Z cv‡i eo eo ¯^cœ †`L‡Z|)

k‡ãi A_©
come across (Kvg& A¨vµm&) = we‡kl GK ai‡bi aviYv †`qv| motivate (gwU‡fB&U&) = DØy× Kiv|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
05. Ashura Mazumder, Nishat’s mother, is a hardworking and understanding woman,
who has been a pillar (wcjvi& = ¯Í¤¢) of support for her family in the direst of
situations. (wbkv‡Zi gv, Avïiv gRyg`vi n‡jb GKRb cwikÖgx I mngwg©Zvc~Y© bvix, whwb fqvenZg
cwiw¯’wZ¸‡jv‡Z cwiev‡ii Rb¨ GKwU k³ Aej¤^b n‡q Av‡Qb|)

k‡ãi A_©
understanding (Avb&Wvi&÷¨vb&wWO&) = A‡b¨i Abyf~wZ I `„wófw½‡K †ev‡S Ggb = mngwg©Zvc~Y©|
support (mv‡cvU©) = Aej¤^b / AvkÖq| direst (WvB&Av‡im&U&) = fqvenZg |

06. Nishal learned from her mother how to keep mental strength in calamitous
(K¨vjvwgUvm& = Pig wech©qKi) moments of life. (wbkvZ Zvi gv‡qi KvQ †_‡K wk‡LwQ‡jv Kxfv‡e
Rxe‡bi Pig wech©qKi gyûZ©¸‡jv‡K gvbwmK kw³ a‡i ivL‡Z nq|)

07. Christopher Reeve, the actor who played the role of Superman in the film said in
a speech he gave at the Democratic National Convention in 1996-“So many of
our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when
we summon the will (DB&j& = B”Qvkw³), they soon become inevitable.” (Christopher
Reeve, GKRb Awf‡bZv whwb Superman-Gi f~wgKvq Awfbq K‡iwQ‡jb Pjw”PÎwU‡Z, wZwb 1996
mv‡j †W‡gvµ¨vwUK b¨vkbvj Kb‡fbk‡b †`qv GK e³…Zvq e‡jwQ‡jb Ñ ÒAvgv‡`i ¯^cœ¸‡jvi g‡a¨ A‡bK
†ewk msL¨K ¯^cœ‡KB cÖ_‡g Am¤¢e g‡b nq, Zvici †m¸‡jv‡K g‡b nq improbable, gv‡b Am¤¢ve¨ Ges
Zvici hLb Avgiv B”Qvkw³‡K GKÎ Kwi, ZLb †m¸‡jv kxNªB Aek¨¤¢vex n‡q c‡o|Ó)

k‡ãi A_©
improbable (Bg&cÖeve&j&) = NUvi m¤¢vebv †bB Ggb = Am¤¢ve¨ |
summon (mvgb&) = (kw³ / mvnm cÖf…wZ) GKÎ / R‡ov Kiv |
inevitable (Bb&-Gwf-U¨ve&j&) = hv n‡eB ev NU‡eB = Aek¨¤¢vex |

08. Though she had a long cherished dream to be a mountaineer, it was not until
2003 that she could climb the 967 feet high Keokradong. (hw`I Zvi GKUv `xN© jvwjZ
¯^cœ wQ‡jv GKRb `ÿ ce©Zv‡ivnx nIqvi, wKš‘ 2003 mv‡ji AvM ch©šÍ GUv N‡U wb hLb wZwb 967 dzU
DuPz ‡KIµvWs ce©‡Z Av‡ivnY Ki‡Z †c‡iwQ‡jb|)

k‡ãi A_©
cherished (‡Pwik&W&) = jvwjZ| mountaineer (gvDb&-‡UB&wbqvi&) = `ÿ ce©Zv‡ivnx|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
09. Nishat had walked the streets of Dhaka with a 15 kg backpack for three consecutive
days to make her body ready for the climb before the real expedition. (wbkvZ XvKvi
iv¯Ív¸‡jv‡Z GKwU 15 †KwR IR‡bi e¨vM wc‡V K‡i wb‡q †nu‡UwQ‡jb cici 3 w`b Zvi kixiUv‡K
ce©Zv‡ivn‡Yi Rb¨ cÖ¯‘Z Ki‡Z mwZ¨Kv‡ii Awfhv‡bi c~‡e©|)

k‡ãi A_©
backpack (e¨vK&c¨vK&) = back A_©vr, wc‡Vi Dci enb K‡i wb‡q hvIqvi Rb¨ eo e¨vM |
consecutive (Kb&‡mwKD&wUf&) = cici / avivevwnK| expedition (GK&m-& ‡c-wWkb&) = Awfhvb |

10. Factors like chance (Pvb&m& = fvM¨ / Kcvj), dedication and creating opportunities are
important for anyone’s success, but a sportsperson should also have discipline and
perseverance (cvi&wmwfqvi¨vb&m& = Aa¨emvq) to succeed. [fvM¨, dedication (= †Kv‡bv gnr
D‡Ï‡k¨ K‡Vvi cwikÖg I cÖ‡Póv wb‡qvwRZKiY) Ges my‡hvM m„wó Kivi gZ welq¸‡jv †h †Kv‡bv e¨w³i
mdjZvi Rb¨ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©, wKš‘ GKRb wµqvwe‡`i k„•Ljv I Aa¨emvqI _vKv DwPZ mdj nIqvi Rb¨|]

11. Today we have a mountain peak in the Himalayas, the Nepal-Bangladesh

Friendship Peak, so (‡mvD& = Gfv‡e) named because mountaineers from the two
friendly countries jointly climbed it for the first time. (eZ©gv‡b Avgv‡`i wngvjq ce©Z
GjvKvq GKwU ce©Z P~ov i‡q‡Q, †hUv n‡jv †bcvj-evsjv‡`k ˆgÎx P~ov, Gfv‡e GUvi bvgKiY Kiv
n‡qwQ‡jv KviY eÜzZ¡c~Y© GB `yB †`‡ki ce©Zv‡ivnxiv †hŠ_fv‡e cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv GUv‡Z Av‡ivnY

k‡ãi A_©
name (‡bB&g&) = bvgKiY Kiv| jointly (R‡qb&U&-wj) = †hŠ_fv‡e|

12. Nishat’s team was led by M.A. Mohit, who has been on top of Everest and quite a
few other peaks higher than 8000 meters. (wbkv‡Zi `jwU‡K †bZ…Z¡ w`‡qwQ‡jb M.A.
Mohit, whwb Gfv‡i‡÷i P~ovq Ges 8000 wgUv‡ii †P‡q DuPz Ab¨ †ek wKQz P~ovq D‡V‡Qb|)

k‡ãi A_©
lead (jxW&) = †bZ¡Z¡ †`qv [ past tense: led (‡jW&); past part: led ]
quite a few (‡KvAvB&U& G wdD&) = †ek wKQy msL¨K|
Ex: I have been to Kuakata quite a few times. (Avwg †ek K‡qKevi KzqvKvUv visit K‡iwQ|)

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
13. In Bangladesh, mountaineering is a new sport activity, and we are yet to develop
a culture that will encourage a woman’s mountaineering activities. (evsjv‡`‡k
ce©Zv‡ivnY GKwU bZzb †Ljv, Ges Avgv‡`i‡K GKwU ms¯‹…wZi Dbœqb NUv‡Z n‡e †hUv GKRb bvixi
ce©Zv‡ivn‡Yi Kg©Kvи‡jv‡K DrmvwnZ Ki‡e|)

k‡ãi A_©
are yet to do something (Avi& B‡qU& Vz Wz mvg&w_s) = †Kv‡bv wKQz Ki‡Z n‡e †hUv GLb ch©šÍ Kiv nqwb|
Ex: We are yet to ensure equal rights for all. (Avgv‡`i mK‡ji Rb¨ mgvb AwaKvi wbwðZ Ki‡Z n‡e,
A_©vr mK‡ji Rb¨ mgvb AwaKvi Avgiv GLbI wbwðZ Ki‡Z cvwiwb|)

14. This is an expensive sport, and Nishat and other mountaineers could not have
succeeded if several organizations did not help then. (GUv GKUv e¨qeûj †Ljv, Ges
wbkvZ I Ab¨vb¨ ce©Zv‡ivnxiv mdj n‡Z cvi‡Zv bv hw` wKQz cÖwZôvb Zv‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ bv Ki‡Zv|)

15. Nishat was an ambassador (A¨vg&e¨v‡mWi& = `~Z) of “Because I am a Girl” campaign

of Plan International’s Bangladesh chapter in her expedition to Mount Everest in
2012. (wbkvZ wQ‡jb 2012 mv‡j gvD›U Gfv‡i‡÷ Zvi Awfhv‡b cø¨vb B›Uvib¨vkbv‡ji ÒKviY Avwg
GKwU †g‡qÓ GB cÖPviYvi evsjv‡`k MÖæ‡ci GKRb `~Z|)

k‡ãi A_©
campaign (K¨vg&‡cB&b&) = cÖPviYv| chapter (P¨vc&Uvi&) = ¯’vbxq MÖæc hv GKwU e„nËi cÖwZôv‡bi Ask|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
Lesson # 5: The Unbeaten girls
01. While toys for boys include cars, guns or footballs, girls have to be satisfied with
dolls (often Barbie dolls) and doll-houses or miniature cooking utensils. [hw`I
†Q‡j‡`i Rb¨ †Ljbv¸‡jvi g‡a¨ AšÍf©~³ _v‡K Mvwo, e›`yK wKsev dzUej, †g‡q‡`i‡K mš‘ó _vK‡Z nq
cyZzj (cÖvqB evwe© cyZzj) Ges cyZz‡ji Ni wKsev ÿz`ªvK…wZi evmb-nvwo-cvwZj wb‡q|]

k‡ãi A_©
Barbie doll (evi&we Wj&) = GKRb mbvZb AvKl©Yxq gwnjv‡K Zz‡j a‡i Ggb cyZzj |
miniature (wgwb‡qPvi&) = ÿz`ªvKvi| utensil (BD&‡Ub&wmj&) = evmb-nvwo-cvwZj |

02. The underlying (Avb&Wvi&jvB&wqs = g~‡j i‡q‡Q Ggb = AšÍwb©wnZ) assumption is that boys are
active and full of vigour (wfMvi& = kw³), but girls are naive (bvB&Cf& = mnR-mij) and
lack the intelligence or energy to match their male counterparts. (AšÍwb©wnZ aviYvUv
n‡jv GB †h †Q‡jiv n‡jv Kg©V Ges kw³‡Z c~Y©, wKš‘ †g‡qiv n‡jv mnR-mij Ges Zv‡`i NvUwZ Av‡Q
eyw×gËv wKsev kw³i Zv‡`i cyiæl cÖwZcÿ‡`i ms‡M cÖwZØw›ØZv Kivi Rb¨|)

k‡ãi A_©
assumption (A¨vmvg&c&kb&) = aviYv |
math with (g¨vP& DB&_&) xyz = xyz-Gi ms‡M cÖwZØw›ØZv Kiv |
counterpart (KvD›Uvi&cvi&U&) = cÖwZcÿ |

03. This false assumption has been shattered (k¨vUvi& = P~Y©weP~Y© Kiv) plenty (‡cøb&wU = eû) of
times in the recent decades as girls began to show their power and women began
competing with men in almost all areas of life. (GB åvšÍ aviYv‡K eûevi P~Y©weP~Y© Kiv n‡q‡Q
mv¤úªwZK `kK¸‡jv‡Z hLb †g‡qiv Zv‡`i ÿgZv †`Lv‡Z Avi¤¢ K‡iwQ‡jv Ges gwnjviv cyiæl‡`i ms‡M
cÖwZ‡hvwMZv Kiv Avi¤¢ K‡iwQ‡jv Rxe‡bi cÖvq mKj †ÿθ‡jv‡Z|)

04. It has been conclusively proved wrong most recently by the girls of Kalsindur, a
village in a remote area in Dhobaura upazila in Mymensingh district. (Lye
mv¤úªwZKKv‡j GUv P~ovšÍfv‡e fzj cÖgvwYZ n‡q‡Q gqgbwmsn †Rjvi †avevDov Dc‡Rjvi GKwU `~ieZ©x
GjvKvq Aew¯’Z KjwmÜzi MÖv‡gi †g‡q‡`i Øviv|)

k‡ãi A_©
conclusively (Kb&-K¬~-wmf&-wj) = P~ovšÍfv‡e| remote (wi‡gvD&U&) = `~ieZ©x|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
05. Even a few years ago, there was no electricity in the village. But some girls have
illuminated the village- both literally (wjUvi¨vwj = AvÿwiKfv‡e) and metaphorically –
with their belief in themselves and their skill in the game of football. (GgbwK Aí
K‡qK eQi Av‡MI MÖvgwU‡Z we`y¨r wQj bv| wKš‘ K‡qKwU †g‡q MÖvgwU‡K Av‡jvwKZ K‡i‡Q- AvÿwiK Ges
iƒcK Dfqfv‡eB Ñ Zv‡`i wb‡R‡`i g‡a¨ wek^vm Ges dzUej †Ljvq Zv‡`i `ÿZvi Øviv|)

k‡ãi A_©
illuminate (BwjD&wg‡bB&U&) = Av‡jvwKZ Kiv| metaphorically (‡gUv‡dvwiK¨vwj) = iƒcKfv‡e|

06. And in recognition (‡iKM&wbkb& = ¯^xK…wZ) of their success, the village was provided
(‡cÖvfvB&W& = mieivn Kiv) electricity by the government. (Ges Zv‡`i mvd‡j¨i ¯^xK…wZ ¯^iƒc,
miKvi MÖvgwU‡Z we`y¨r mieivn Kiv K‡iwQ‡jv|)
07. Kalsindur girls also cinched (wK¬b&P& = †Kv‡bvwKQz wR‡Z wb‡Z mdj nIqv) the Girls’
Football Championship in Inter-College (UMA) Games and Sports Competition
in 2019-20. (KjwmÜzi MÖv‡gi †g‡qiv 2019-20 mv‡ji AvšÍ:K‡jR µxov cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq †g‡q‡`i dzUej
P¨vw¤úqbwk‡cI wk‡ivcv wR‡Z wb‡Z mdj n‡qwQ‡jv|)
08. The Bangladesh girls’ football team won the AFC Under 14 Regional Football
Championship 2015 in Nepal and the team was dominated (Wwg‡bB&U& = cÖvavb¨ we¯Ívi
Kiv) by Kalsindur footballers. (evsjv‡`‡ki †g‡q‡`i dzUej `jwU †bcv‡j AFC Ab~aŸ© 14
AvÂwjK dzUej P¨vw¤úqbwkc 2015-Gi wk‡ivcv wR‡Z wb‡qwQ‡jv Ges `jwU‡Z KjwmÜzi MÖv‡gi dzUej
†L‡jvqvoiv cÖvavb¨ we¯Ívi K‡iwQ‡jv|)
09. Do you know the team that won the championship in AFC Under 14 Regional
Football Tournament 2016 in Tajikistan also had eight Kalsindur girls including
the captain and the highest scorer? (Avcwb wK Rv‡bb, †h `jwU ZvwRwK¯Ív‡b AFC Ab~aŸ© 14
AvÂwjK dzUej Uzb©v‡g›U 2016-Gi wk‡ivcv wR‡Z wb‡qwQ‡jv †mB `jwU‡ZI KjwmÜzi MÖv‡gi 8 Rb †g‡q
wQ‡jv hvi g‡a¨ wQ‡jv `j‡bZv Ges m‡e©v”P †Mvj`vZv?)
10. Who could even think that these girls would seize (mxh& = wQwb‡q †bqv) the 1st SAFF
under-18 Women Championship in Bhutan in 2018, remaining unbeaten (Avb&ex‡Ub&
= AcivwRZ)? [†K GgbwK GUvI fve‡Z †c‡iwQ‡jv †h GB †g‡qiv 2018 mv‡j fzUv‡b 1g mvd Ab~aŸ© 18
gwnjv P¨vw¤úqbwk‡ci wk‡ivcv wQwb‡q †b‡e AcivwRZ †_‡K?)]
11. The whole nation was so overwhelmed at their success that the Prime Minister,
Sheikh Hasina, gave them a warm reception at Ganabhaban where Tahura (the
highest scorer in the tournament) along with her comrades requested her to
nationalize their secondary school and the desire was fulfilled immediately. [†MvUv
RvwZ Zv‡`i mvd‡j¨ GZUvB Awff~Z n‡qwQ‡jv †h, cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv Zv‡`i‡K GKwU Dò msea©bv
w`‡qwQ‡jb MYfe‡b †hLv‡b Tahura (Uyb©v‡g‡›Ui m‡e©v”P †Mvj`vZv) Zvi mnKg©x‡`i mv‡_ wb‡q Zv‡K
Aby‡iva K‡iwQ‡jv Zv‡`i gva¨wgK ¯‹zjwU‡K RvZxqKiY Kivi Rb¨ Ges B”QvwU‡K mv‡_ mv‡_B c~iY Kiv

HSC Board (Unit # Five)

k‡ãi A_©
overwhelm (ID&fvi&&IGj&g&) = Awff~Z Kiv | reception (wi‡mc&kb&) = msea©bv |
nationalize (b¨vkbvjvB&h&) = RvZxqKiY Kiv | fulfil (dzj&wdj&) = c~iY Kiv |

12. The success of Kalsindur girls reads like an epic (GwcK& = gnvKve¨).
(KjwmÜzi MÖv‡gi †g‡q‡`i mvd‡j¨i MíUv‡K GKUv gnvKv‡e¨i gZ g‡b nq|)

k‡ãi A_©
read (ixW&) = covi mgq GK we‡kl ai‡bi aviYv †`Iqv|
Ex: The poem reads like a translation. (KweZvUv co‡j GUv‡K GKUv Abyev‡`i gZ jv‡M|)

13. What made them win against all adversities (A¨vW&fvi&wmwU = cÖwZK~jZv) then?
(Zvn‡j †Kvb& wRwbmUv Zv‡`i‡K mKj cÖwZK~jZvi weiæ‡× Rqx K‡iwQ‡jv?)

14. Guardians were not convinced as they were used to seeing girls helping mothers
with household chores. [AwffveK‡`i‡K cy‡ivcywifv‡e ‡evSv‡bv hvw”Q‡jv bv ‡h‡nZz Zviv
†g‡q‡`i‡K N‡ii ˆ`bw›`b KvRK‡g© Zviv (‡g‡qiv) gv‡q‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡e Gfv‡eB †`L‡Z Af¨¯Í wQ‡jb|]

k‡ãi A_©
convince (Kb&wfb&m&) = (†Kv‡bv wel‡q) ‡evSv‡bv |
used to doing (BD&h&W& Vz WzBs) xyz = xyz Ki‡Z Af¨¯Í nIqv |
chores (‡Pvi&m&) = N‡ii ˆ`bw›`b UzwKUvwK KvRKg© |

15. A farmer, an auto-rickshaw driver, a tea-shop owner or housemaid mother

couldn’t be that ambitious either. (GKRb K…lK, GKRb A‡Uvwi·v PvjK, GKRb Pv‡qi
†`vKv‡bi gvwjK wKsev GKRb M„ncwiPvwiKv gv AZUv D”PvKv•ÿx n‡Z cvi‡ZvI bv|)

16. Being great motivators (gwU‡fB&Ui& = Aby‡cÖiYv`vbKvix), the two teachers supported the
girls in their effort to overcome the odds (AW&m& = cÖwZK~jZv). [gnvb Aby‡cÖiYv`vbKvix
nIqvq, wkÿK `yÕRb cÖwZK~jZv‡K Rq Ki‡Z †g‡q‡`i‡K Zv‡`i cÖ‡Póvq mg_©b hywM‡qwQ‡jb|]

17. Soon the girls could prove themselves, shaking off their inhibition.
(kxNªB †g‡qiv wb‡R‡`i‡K cÖgvY Ki‡Z †c‡iwQ‡jv Zv‡`i me ms‡KvP †S‡o †d‡j w`‡q|)

k‡ãi A_©
shake off (‡kB&d& Ad&) = †S‡o ‡djv| inhibition (Bb&wnwekb&) = ms‡KvP|

HSC Board (Unit # Five)
18. Bangladesh football Federation also gave special attention to them and finally
another football magician, Golam Robbani Choton, the coach of the Bangladesh
Women’s National Football Team, mentored (‡gb&‡Uvi& = cÖwkÿY †`qv) these girls and
helped them become complete professional footballers. [evsjv‡`k dzUej †dWv‡ikb
Zv‡`i cÖwZ we‡kl g‡bv‡hvMI w`‡qwQ‡jv Ges Ae‡k‡l Ab¨ GKRb dzUej Rv`yKi, †Mvjvg ieŸvwb †QvUb,
whwb evsjv‡`k RvZxq gwnjv dzUej `‡ji †KvP, (wZwb) GB †g‡q‡`i‡K cÖwkÿY w`‡qwQ‡jb Ges
Zv‡`i‡K cy‡ivcywi †ckv`vi dzUej †L‡jvqvo n‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡iwQ‡jb|]

19. It’s a small token (‡Uv‡Kb& = wPý) of recognition but it’s great!,” says Mala Rani
Sarkar, the Team Manager of Kalsindur Women’s Football Team. [ÔGUv (Zv‡`i) ¯^xK…wZi
GKUv †QvU wPý wKš‘ GUv PgrKvi!Õ, e‡jb gvjv ivYx miKvi, whwb KjwmÜzi gwnjv dzUej `‡ji g¨v‡bRvi|]

20. She also adds that Kalsindur would present more female footballers in future, as
of 2021 they are grooming (MÖƒg& = †Kv‡bv we‡kl Kv‡Ri Rb¨ cÖwkÿY †`qv) another 65 girls
to play for the nation. [wZwb Av‡iv e‡jb †h Kjwm›`yi fwel¨‡Z Av‡iv bvix dzUej †L‡jvqvo Dcnvi
†`‡e, 2021 mvj †_‡K Zviv Av‡iv 65 Rb †g‡q‡K cÖwkÿY w`‡”Q †`‡ki Rb¨ ‡Lj‡Z|]

k‡ãi A_©
as of (A¨vh& Ad&) = †Kv‡bv mgq ev ZvwiL‡K †evSv‡Z, ‡h mgq ev ZvwiL n‡Z †Kv‡bv KvR ïiæ
nq, †hgb: as of 2021 (= 2021 mvj †_‡K)|


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